OK, stickers and hats are pretty typical items for swag here at the SHOT Show. But the ever-thoughtful folks at Knight’s Armament are going the extra mile and providing select SHOT Show attendees with PPDs. What, pray tell, is a PPD, you ask? . . .
Well, the KAC Personal Protection Device (“PPD”), is just the thing you need “when your life is on the line” here in Vegas. I can just hear someone shouting, “Cover me, I’m going in!” The tactical colors are a nice touch, but sadly the “Magnum” versions are still in R&D. 🙁
As a Sig fan – this doesn’t check off any boxes. Sorry Sig. I’ll take mine in Da/Sa, a lower bore axis and a more sculpted grip.
The R51 is more interesting.
ALS did something similar a few years ago. Except they were large caliber muzzle protectors.
I’ll be honest, KAC just lost some of my respect.
I know it’s a gag, I know it’s Vegas, it just seems in bad tastes to me.
I think these politicians would have been the ones during world war 2 wanting to put Americans of Japanese decent in internment camps. The ones that follow along this line of thinking want to persecute firearm owners now. It’s for the children…. What rights?
Pointing a lethal weapon at someone in order to use a nonlethal weapon is just plain stupid
(1) Slunk, not slinked. That’s up there with “fishes” or “sheeps” -It’s grammatical b–sh–
(2) What’s with all the hate? Maybe it’s not perfect, but hell, I’d like to require that attachment for stormtroopers on no-knock raids. Maybe it could remind them that non-lethal options exist. Better to be sprayed than shot.
Fishes is not grammatical BS, it’s used to refer to multiple kinds of fish, perfectly acceptable English.
Where to allow gun shops? How about…in Chicago.
Always aim for the head first. 🙂
I know you meant this to be funny, but that is actually horrible advice in case anyone reading this doesn’t realize it.
“Seven rounds is all you need” is also horrible advice, but that didn’t stop you, now did it?
Have to ask, what caliber he was using?
The Truth About SHOT Show
#1 mfg reps trying to make a sale
#2 Buyers trying to get a deal and a kick-back
#3 Smoozers trying to get trash and trinkets
#4 Dead Tree Writers trying to look like they are still “meaningful”
#5 Flys
#6 Internet Journalists
Well THIS oughta give DiFi and Chuckie a case of the vapors as the new “Citizen/terrorist Weapon of Choice.”
We here in the Chicago area have had plenty of this from this reporter.
For unfathomable reasons, the Trib uses her almost exclusively to do “gun” feature stories. Few if any contain a serious balance; it pretty much doesn’t happen in the Chicagoland region.
The Chicago Tribune, of course, is the newspaper that called for the repeal of the Bill of Rights a while ago. They may have only explicitly targeted the 2nd Amendment that morning but they’ve made it clear the whole thing’s a bother all along.
Just as famously, they editorialized that the President of the United States committed a criminal act by de-classifying certain documents related to a national security issue, but that the New York Times had every right under the Constitution to do exactly the same thing… because Authorized Journalists have greater powers (and superior discretion) than the President.
At least nowadays the Trib is able to get a good proportion of the facts straight in a gun rights-related article. As recently as a decade ago, the percentage of fact versus fiction ran closer to a quarter of the time.
And the reporter bylined above was right there in the middle of it.
Anyone that buys a frickin’ pen for 1k deserves to be stabbed with it. I couldn’t think of a worse thing to do with the $. Throwing it in the trash would probably be more useful. I can’t believe these “luxury” companies have the audacity to even charge that much.
No, I would not.
But for Scarlett Johansson? Well, I can always buy guns again…
Lol, “What”?… $4,300.00, for a 9mm, Hand Gun?… [Maybe, paying that, for the “Gold Ones”, they Confiscated, when they “Raided”, Saddamm Hussein’s, “Hide-Out”?….]. “Only”, for a Collection, Never to Defend myself?… And, “Certainly “Not”, this Brand?…. Secondly, Not wanting to carry, Something less Afficiant. than the Ultimate Side Arm, Weapon, designed by the U.S. Army, prior to W.W.II, for it’s Infantry Man’s, Sidearm!…All my pIstols, “4”, in .45’s, didn’t cost nearly that much???… [the Spingfield,XD, and the newer, version, XDm,
Which are a Sheer “Joy”, to shoot, chambering 230 grain, Shells, shoot more Accurate, than my 9mm, “Glock 19”, [SHOOTING 115 GRAIN, AND 124 GRAIN], and with “Almost”, THE SAME RECOIL!!!… My over & under, “Bond Arms, Snake – Slayer IV, “Derringer”,with a Driving Holster, which fits,over your belt, covered by an “Untucked Shirt”!… that chambers either .41O, 3 inch Magnum, shells, or, .45 long Colts!…[preferring, both Barrels,having, 3 inch Magnum, .41O, “OOO” Buck Shot!…[5 pellots in each, leaving the chamber with the same Velocity, as 5, .357 Magnum shells!…at LAST, MY, very, small, easily concealiable, [10 shot, douible – stacked in the handles grip], a “Taurus”, Millenium, PT-145…. I’m Safe, and the Extra
money to “Boot”!
I thought on-line porn killed analog porn
Nobody gives a shit, Dick.
Even in gun-control happy Connecticut, you can buy a firearm and walk out of the store with it within 15 minutes (after going through the NICS). Why this isn’t good enough for Maryland is beyond me.
Should of popped him in the head. Now we have to pay his medical bill and jail time. Shoot to kill saves tax payers money.
I recently got my hands on a Sig 516 with the Carbon Fiber hand guard and the standard Arc Defense collapsible stock. I also happen to own a regular Sig 516 (which will be up for sale on Gunbroker very shortly). I’ll weigh the two and give you guys the number. Couple of things to keep in mind on this – the new carbon fiber model dispensed with the bayonet lug to fit the carbon fiber hand guard (probably not a big deal for most people, but worth mentioning if you like bayonet mounts). Also, the new models use a 2 stage match grade trigger versus the standard 1 stage military grade trigger used in the standard 516. Price difference over the standard model is just south of $500. I’d expect to see the M400 listed above at a street price in the neighborhood of $1,700 once supply catches up to demand. Seems a bit costly for a DI gun to me, but your MMV
She will be mine. Oh yes. She will be mine.
The 10mm community has grown over the last few years. I see it growing further. If CZ, which by the way there is a full size version on You Tube in 10mm, can produce with decocker and manual safety versions, the 10mm gurus would empty their wallets.