The gun gurus at USA Today attempted to explain, for some reason, not only the features of the Ruger AR-15 used by the demented coward responsible for the Texas church massacre, but the “possible modifications” one can make to an AR as well. Including, naturally, the ever-popular chainsaw bayonet.
Wait. What? Yup. This actually happened. See USA Today’s video below, followed by a small sampling of the internet’s hilarious, meme-laden response…
To be fair, chainsaw bayonets do actually exist. I mean, they’re an $800 gag gift movie prop but, much to everyone’s surprise, somebody did really design one and does [attempt to] sell them.
Anyway, on to the memes!…
Edit to add Jeremy’s animated version:
TTAG writer Jon Wayne Taylor implements the ferocious Schnauzerschutzen PMS (possible modification system):
stopped, no. at most, an inconvenience i suppose.
its weird if you really think about it.
A guy goes to buy a gun, he reads that felons are banned, remembers he is one, is informed of the penalties if he is caught with a gun, takes the advice and walks out. he doesnt seek one out illegally. He is, firearm related, unarmed. Since he is willing to obey the law in this case, but obviously not the one that made him a felon, has the law really prevented anything? he wanted the gun merely for recreational and hunting and defense purposes.
Another guy goes in lies on his form, slips through the cracks gets his gun. Never commits a crime with it. The law obviously prevented nothing here.
Another guy goes in, lies on the form, is rejected upon BGC, leaves and buys one illegally. never commits a crime WITH the gun, other than owning it. Again, the law prevented nothing here either.
Then we have the ones that make the news. The ones that legally or illegally obtain their weapons and kill innocent people. Again, the law prevented nothing from happening.
So i guess when you break it down, it doesn’t really do anything EXCEPT to people who are RATIONAL in the first place. I guess thats what we get for being nice guys.
Ok… the Adepta Sororitas want their stuff back.
Besides, everyone knows the sword version is way cooler.
Gotta love 40K and Captain Marcus.
Ban all of it. No one needs that for hunting. Sporting use only! (Holds up mini 14 with under barrel crossbow and extendable fishing pole attachment)
I’m gonna hold out for the $4,000 “Wilson Combat Upgraded” Makarov.
Personally I just about fell out of my chain when I read ‘San Antonio, Texas’ as an AR modification. XD
It’s criminal how these news orgs take advantage of their oblivious and ignorant readers like this.
Snake oil media is what it is.
Any of you’s ever play the game Lollipop Chainsaw? So much fun.
I think the Antifa model needs a Glock accessory rail version for campus carry.
I’d be OK with a tactical nuke😆😎😜
It depends…
Would a “proper” NCIS check have resulted in him being arrested by the local authorities while still standing in the Academy for lying on his 4473? Would those lies have led to him being in prison for five years?
I mean, if we’re going to talk about how effective laws can be, we should probably talk about actually enforcing them.
Sure, after 5 years in federal prison he probably could have found his way to acquiring a gun he wasn’t legally allowed to own and carried out his killing spree, but that would have given those churchgoers a few more years on the planet, as well given his federal cellmates a chance to explore his child abuse background. With any luck, his 4473 lie would become a life (death?) sentence.
If a ppq/vp9/m&p/glock had an orgy this is what you would get. Sars innovation seems to be copying every mainstream handgun made. Not saying that’s a bad thing, but I typically go for the real thing. I would like to see someone do a 5000 round review on this gun
I liked the Laughing Stock version.
If that’s a full-size F-16 then that is one MASSIVE AR-15.
Gotta wonder if this is viral marketing though. If so they have succeeded.
I think USA Today may have played a little too much Gears of War
Would A “Proper” NICS Check Have Stopped The Sutherland Spring Spree Killer?
If Not, What Would Have?
A bullet.
Nothing can truly be done to stop these people. We can only deploy enough sheep dogs to limit their chances at success. Recognizing this is the price we pay to live in a free society.
Addressing accuracy, I’d get away from Hornady, and move into something else, like Nosler…I made the switch and immediately noticed a difference in accuracy AND consistency…
And the do all end all, custom handloads tailored to the rifle, that’s where I’m at now, with very few exceptions, I custom load for all my rifles…
“What Happens When You Test Fire Electrode Shotgun Slugs?”
I’d say, based on the lack of comments so far, that nobody *cares*…
It sounds to me like she’s saying that blacks know their place and will blindly follow laws, and thus whites are the problem.
How insultingly condescending to blacks.
I am with Keith Harter. I am trying to figure out what brake to use on a new 6.5 Creedmoor. I would like to see a comparison between the Terminator T-3 brake vs. Alamo 4 Star / ZRODelta Cowl Induction Brake vs. Precision Armament M4-72 Brake.
Don’t mind spending money for quality. Just doesn’t seem like anyone has compared these three side-by-side.
Will Truth About Guns do a follow-up?
You know it’s a brain trust when Maxine Waters and John Lewis are included in the picture. The three of them (Waters, Lewis and Giffords) can’t count to zero–collectively.
Guess I’m the only one that attached an A10 Wart Hog to the top rail and a Glock brand Glock to the underside rail. The side rails hold a coffee maker and a Minute Man 2 missile…
Count me in as a huge Spyderco fan, and I’ll gladly help them for free by commenting on their ad.
My grandfather bought me a stainless, combo edge police model for Christmas over a decade ago. He always asked me what I wanted such a large knife for (blade is about 5 inches) and I always told him it was for opening boxes. He bought me a curved blade Salt serrated edge model a couple years before he died and it’s been my every day carry since then. I’ve given small Sydercos as gifts to good friends and I’ll always be a huge fan. They’re solid and worth every penny.
“The NRA Needs to Tell the Truth About Guns”
We see your lips moving Faith, but all we hear is you saying, “submit to our tyranny”.
Ahole says “What?”
Excellent knives, excellent designer collaborations the best selection of blade steel by far.
Still no one has said if clicking again makes more entries.
The first part of the lesson involved shooting a couple of cantaloupes with 9mm JHP.
I then had my boys sit down and try to put the targets back together. Of course they gave up pretty quick. I did this to illustrate that shooting a living thing is permanent, serious, and never to be taken lightly. Then we started with .22s and basic marksmanship. Both turned out to be proficient shots. One son CCW regularly, has built 2 ARs (so far). and reloads his own ammunition. The other one just abandoned the SF Bay Area out on the left coast, returned to the USA, and is in the process of getting his carry permit. Oops… both started before age 8.
Once, when it was in my backpack. I’d put it there since I’d come onto a section of trail exposed to wind carrying salt and sand.