President Joe Biden and Attorney General Merrick Garland on Wednesday announced the administration’s latest push to crack down on crime through a number of gun control policies.
According to Biden, limitations can be placed on the Second Amendment. He made the argument that Americans will never have the same types of weapons as the federal government. And even attempted to channel Eric Swalwell . . .
“The Second Amendment, from the day it was passed, limited the type of people who could own a gun, what type of weapon you could own. You couldn’t buy a cannon,” the president said. “Those who say the blood of patriots, you know, and all the stuff about how we’re gonna have to move against the government. Well, the tree of liberty is not water or the blood of patriots. What happens is that there never have been – If you think you need to have weapons to take on the government, you need F-15s and maybe some nuclear weapons.”
“The point is there has always been a limit, to rationally limit, the type of weapon that can be owned and who can own it,” Biden said.
BIDEN: "Those who say the blood of Patriots, you know, and all the stuff about how we’re gonna have to move against the government.”
"If you think you need to have weapons to take on the government, you need F-15s and maybe some nuclear weapons."
— Breaking911 (@Breaking911) June 23, 2021
The administration’s “comprehensive strategy” will:
- Stem the flow of firearms used to commit violence, including by holding rogue firearms dealers accountable for violating federal laws;
- Support local law enforcement with federal tools and resources to help address summer violent crime;
- Invest in evidence-based community violence interventions;
Expanding summer programming, employment opportunities, and other services and - Supports for teenagers and young adults; and
Help formerly incarcerated individuals successfully reenter their communities.
Targeting federal firearms licensees
The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) will crackdown on “rogue” federal firearms licensees (FFLs) that “knowingly” violate federal gun laws, like failing to conduct a background check on a potential buyer.
As The Reload pointed out, the ATF targeting FFL’s is unlikely to make much of a difference:
The administration’s focus on gun makers and dealers is unlikely to have an immediate impact on crime since the ATF data have long shown the average gun recovered at a crime scene was sold many years beforehand and likely changed hands several times. The agency’s most recent report on time-to-crime data found there was an average of 8.29 years between sales and crime. Additionally, a 2016 University of Chicago survey of inmates convicted of gun crimes found the vast majority did not legally purchase their firearms from licensed dealers or at gun shows but instead relied on getting guns from people they knew, illegal street dealers, or by stealing them.
Re-funding the police
The Biden administration also plans to utilize $350 billion from the American Rescue Plan (ARP), Biden’s $1.9 trillion coronavirus relief package, to address the spike in crime that the Administration says usually takes place during the summer months. The funding is to be used to re-fund the police “even above pre-pandemic levels” and to invest in the latest technology.
“In addition, the Treasury Department is clarifying that any community may use ARP state and local aid for the above strategies and any other public safety programs, up to the level of revenue loss the jurisdiction experienced during the pandemic. And any community may use ARP funds to rehire police officers and other public servants to restore law enforcement and courts to their pre-pandemic levels,” the White House said.
This is a tacit acknowledgment that the “defund the police” policies adopted by so many Democrat-controlled cities has been disastrous, resulted in significant increases in violent crime. That probably won’t please those furthest to the left in Biden’s own party.
Community violence intervention programs
The Justice Department’s Byrne Justice Assistance Grant program has $276 million earmarked for this fiscal year. Local governments can apply for the program, which provides funding for law enforcement purposes, ranging from corrections to drug treatment and enforcement to community violence intervention (CVI) programs.
CVI programs will take place in 15 jurisdictions that have agreed to utilize ARP funding: Atlanta; Austin; Baltimore; Baton Rouge; Chicago; Detroit; King County, WA; Los Angeles; Memphis; Minneapolis; Newark; Philadelphia; Rapid City, SD; St. Louis; and Washington, DC.
ARP funding will also be used for summer programs for at-risk youth so they can receive job training and placement, as well as medical and mental health support, house, and food.
Criminal ‘reentry’
Biden’s administration is focusing on reintegrating criminals into everyday society as a means of fighting crime. The Office of Personnel Management (OPM) will drop proposed rules barring the federal government and its contractors from asking whether or not a person is a convicted criminal.
The Department of Justice is also creating a position for “a formerly incarcerated individual to work at DOJ as a Second Chance Act visiting fellow.” The goal of the fellowship is for the criminal to help the agency develop policies that would “build upon and improve DOJ’s investments in reentry and reintegration.”
According to the White House, a tax credit between $2,400 and $16,400 will be provided to employers for each convicted criminal that is hired.
Placing the blame on gun manufacturers
Biden reiterated his call to Congress to revoke the Protection of Lawful Commerce in Arms Act (PLCAA), which prevents gun dealers and manufacturers from being held liable for crimes committed with their products.
Biden has openly and repeatedly lied about the PLCAA, claiming that it prevents all liability by gun manufacturers. The falsehoods have been so blatant that even CNN was forced to call him on it, calling Biden’s claim false. “Gun manufacturers are not entirely exempt from being sued, nor are they only industry with some liability protections. Under the 2005 Protection of Lawful Commerce in Arms Act (PLCAA), gun manufacturers cannot be held liable for the use of their products in a crime.”
If Biden was serious about preventing criminals from getting their hands on firearms, he could start by ensuring that his son, Hunter, is prosecuted for lying on his 4473. But we know that will never happen.
Couldn’t buy a cannon? Moron.
And/or liar.
Last time I checked, anyone could buy a cannon and have it shipped right to their doorstep. No background check required.
Still can. Least ways in California you can. There were plenty of privateers back in the day, all the way through the Civil War (after which they were essentially obsolete). There were also lots and lots of private militias on both sides of the conflict, organized and equipped with firearms, cannons, horses, uniforms, etc etc by wealthy donors. Many of those donors went on to become the commanders of those militias.
Biden suggests we need nukes. Very well then.
No, no, you’ve got it all wrong. There has to be “a limit, to rationally limit” what YOU can have. There is no rational limit for government.
the senile racist knows NOTHING about when the “citizens” took back their city from the criminals in New Orleans, nine years after the War of northern aggression. IT was about a cannon.
Well yea, they need the gestapo.
“For the safety of the people”. – Hitler, probably.
These days its people like dacian and miner49er calling for gestapo like units.
Fake news.
Never called for any secret police units, this must be another one of your delusions.
Really, you should speak to a professional about your delusions of persecution.
Or apply for a job with Newsmax, OAN or Fox News, you’d fit right in.
Pretty sure the “white supremacist insurgency” delusion rhetoric and the absolute embarrassment of over a year of COVID lab leak denial now that it has become what is clearly origin indicated as the most likely in the eyes of experts and the public came from CNN, MSNBC, et. all. Absolute joke media compared to even the humblest independent reporter.
Even though I have been proven wrong on nearly everyone of my posts.
Even though I am the number one perpetrator of disinformation and straight out LIES on this site.
And even though I am a race hustler the likes that would make Al Sharpton smile wide.
I will continue my behavior because I am a Leftist, a Fascist, and a Marxist…and as such…lying, deception, and propaganda are my tools to make your lives miserable.
Maybe you did, maybe you did not, but your Hero certainly did….
On July 2nd, 2008—Obama delivered a speech in Boulder, Colorado in which he promised the creation and establishment of a “Civilian National Security Force.” He further promised it would be “just as powerful, just as strong, just as well funded as the US Military.” And now (since he failed miserably) Obama is pushing Braindead (through his proxies of course) to get that done… Hmmmmm, it all has a vaguely familiar ring, disarm the people, stifle speech and create secret police, oh yeah, THAT’S what EVERY petty little chickenshit wanna-be dictator has done since the beginning of man…
Are they going to be called the obama SS like before?
the senile racist knows NOTHING about when the “citizens” took back their city from the criminals in New Orleans, nine years after the War of northern aggression. IT was about a cannon.
Yes…you could buy a cannon…or grenades…pretty much whatever was out there to buy…if you could afford it…
he might want to read up on his history…or maybe he lived through it…with Corn Pop by his side…LOL
Or warships.
Biden “you need to have weapons to take on the government, you need F-15s and maybe some nuclear weapons.”
Interesting, then why was/is there troops in D.C. for the last 6 months and counting?
Did any of the protesters on Jan 6th have F-15 or nukes?
If they did not, then per (what is currently called) the president, they could not be insurrectionists and all charges should be immediately dropped.
Additionally all Guardsmen should be immediately returned to their respective state.
only slaves need permission to “go home”.
Well, you heard from the tyrannical government that the Second Amendment and Bill of Rights was designed to hold in check. Time to file impeachment against their president and anyone else that supports this b s .
there are thousands of other reasons to leave the Divided Socialist STATE of Amerika. You not being enslaved to sissies & perverts should be high on that list. wise up & grow a a pair. Socialism usually ends in mass murder. Amerika will be no different
While watching an interview with Senator Charles Grassley on Fox before Biden and Garlands presser. He asked an interesting question. Why is it when a police officer shoots someone the fault lies with the officer…Yet when a civilian shoots someone the fault lies with the firearm. The answer to this question is the at the very root of the Gun Control Movement. The ability to Control the narrative. As far as Biden’s Controller’s proposals for reducing crime. We all know it’s just another Do Something to show the “koolade drinkers” they’re doing something. Knowing full well nothing will be accomplished.
except We the Sheeople will still be funding the stupidity, not knowing, WE are the problem. should have left this evil empire long ago. restore the republic that Lincoln destroyed. Amerika still has a yankee (and lawyer) problem
We the Sheeople
What’s this “WE” shit? Unless you keep a mouse in your pocket the only “WE” here is you… Projecting YOUR failures and insecurities (A Progressive leftist favorite tactic) does NOT solve anything, it merely points out YOUR failures and insecurities… When the time comes you will know and understand why the “real” men held their fire til the time was right… Just look at what they are doing to the Jan 6th crowd for a simple “mostly peaceful” demonstration… Keep your finger off the trigger til your absolutely sure of your target AND your shot…
“What’s this “WE” shit? Unless you keep a mouse in your pocket the only “WE” here is you… Projecting YOUR failures and insecurities…”
If not at the behest of “We the people”, how did the nation get to this point? “We the people” are society; the voters. The majority are comfortable with letting government take over more and more of daily life. If “We the people” were of the same calibre as the founders, there would be no need for TTAG and the like.
If it is true that “real men” are waiting for “when the time is right”, just when will the time be right? What is the line in the sand? Where is that “bright red light”? The old, “I’ll know it when I see it” doesn’t get the job done. The Republic ain’ gonna git restored at gunpoint. Everyone seems to forget that the founders were not just a bunch of rag tag farmers. There was a standing army, small, but existing, and uniformed. The militias were public, organized, trained and many with combat experience. Civil War 1.0 wasn’t conducted by hidden, unknown, disorganized armed mobs.
“We” ain’ gonna conduct Civil War 3.0 via the cartridge box, and we better find a compelling message that lets us win at the ballot box. No, a constitutional convention isn’t a viable option either. A bevy of new amendments to the existing constitution will simply fall into the same corrupted system that made mockery of the original. Based on voting results, the nation is split nearly 50-50. We either find a way to collect a super-majority of voters, or hold ourselves accountable for failing as a nation.
“We the people” ain’t “We the SHEEPLE” as so eloquently stated by Thomas… I don’t require a history lecture from you or anyone else (I went to school when they actually still taught US History)… As far as the rest, I know where my line in the sand is and when it’s crossed I will carry out my game plan… I’ve done all he right “stuff” I served my country, paid my taxes and voted in EVERY National Election and most local ones since 1972 only to see this country handed over without so much as a whimper by a bunch of rigged vote counting machines and a handful of corrupt “bundlers”… They took it without firing a shot, unfortunately we will not be so lucky… You are wrong, 3.0 will be required we just have to force them to fire the first shot and if you are not willing to shed blood or die then get out of the way…
Someone needs to ask Joe why the ATF has allowed so many merchants of death to operate this long with impunity, why the illegal guns aren’t going to Omaha, Nashville, Dallas instead of Chicago (what is different about those cities), and which American city he would nuke first.
That is one truly fucked up individual… If he actually uderstood what his Kommie handlers put in front of him to read to the American people he would be embarrassed for letting them use him like they are… This is everything Obama ever wanted but was too chicken shit to take the heat over so now he’ll let Braindead Biden take the fall… Maybe tomorrow will be one of those rare days when Creepy Uncle Joe remembers that HE’S POTUS….. Naaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhh, he’s gone, THEY are fully in charge…
Many privateers carried cannons on their ships, ie privately owned.
All privateers work under the authorization of the government, there’s no private ship captain ever allowed to conduct war on behalf of a country without specific authorization by the government.
Privateers required a permission slip from the government:
“A letter of marque and reprisal (French: lettre de marque; lettre de course) was a government license in the Age of Sail that authorized a private person, known as a privateer or corsair, to attack and capture vessels of a nation at war with the issuer. Once captured, the privateers could bring the case of that prize before their own admiralty court for condemnation and transfer of ownership to the privateer. A letter of marque and reprisal would include permission to cross an international border to conduct a reprisal (take some action against an attack or injury) and was authorized by an issuing jurisdiction to conduct reprisal operations outside its borders.”
Privateers sought letters of marque or permission from a host government during times of conflict to justify their actions to attack, raid or pilfer the opposing force. Ownership of their muskets, rifles, cannons, ships, or other “weapons of war” was still very much privatized.
Nice try though.
“Privateers sought letters of marque or permission from a host government during times of conflict to justify their actions”
No letter of marque, no permission to act as a privateer for the host country, regardless of whether they had cannons or not.
No letter of marque, they would be an outlaw, or as they called them then, pirates, and subject to hanging when caught.
privatized.Ownership of their muskets, rifles, cannons, ships, or other “weapons of war” was still very much privatized.
ONLY as long as the “permitter” got their cut of the loot err “spoils of war”
I just noticed I am the only jerk-off here that continually and constantly…. cuts, cuts, cuts and pastes from Wiki.
Privateers had those letters because of an agreement with the country that had the flag they used, the took offensive action against merchant ships flying flags from designated countries.
I am sure that many merchant ships under many different flags had cannon and arms for defense against hostile takeover. There were pirates that flew flags of convenience and would then attack.
Merchants had to protect themselves – it then depended on the crew, if they wanted to fight or turn pirate themselves.
He doesn’t want to go after the career criminals committing these atrocities because these career criminals are an important part of his base.
thugs in gov’t. write laws to benefit the thug on the street. The slaves (working folk) pay for the party that they are not allowed to attend. How much more abuse can you stand? Keep waiting, IT is coming.
To boil it all down, the president just spoke historical, traditional, legal truth; “So let it be written; so let it be done.”
What is this “truth”? The Second Amendment does not permit the citizenry to possess “weapons of war” (however defined, hour by hour). The Second Amendment does not permit the citizenry to have sufficient deadly force that serves as a check on tyranny.
“The Second Amendment does not permit the citizenry to possess ‘weapons of war’”
actually the 2nd addresses the militia, which was specifically equipped with the weapons of war.
“Second Amendment does not permit the citizenry to have sufficient deadly force that serves as a check on tyranny.”
well it certainly authorizes the militia to have deadly force. and that militia is all able-bodied free men between the ages of 16 and 60. the definition has been expanded a bit since then.
You may have put too much effort into this one.
not as much as will be needed.
Every Terrible Instrument of the Solider
“Who are the militia?” asked Tench Coxe, friend of Madison and prominent Federalist, in the Pennsylvania Gazette of Feb. 20, 1788. “Are they not ourselves. . . . Congress have no power to disarm the militia. Their swords, and every other terrible instrument of the soldier, are the birth-right of an American. . . . The unlimited power of the sword is not in the hands of either the federal or state governments, but, where I trust in God it will ever remain, in the hands of the people.”
Read it again: “every other terrible instrument of the soldier.”
If the armed forces — or the armed, black-clad police SWAT teams, who are more likely to break down our doors these days — have any legitimate power to wield all their terrible weapons, where did they get it? In America, the government has no powers except those delegated to it by the people, and the people can delegate no power they do not have. Thus, if federal forces have any legitimate power to wield “every terrible instrument of the soldier,” it must follow that we the voters had and retain that same power — the power to arm ourselves as the effective MODERN militia, which is “necessary to the security of a FREE state.”
Is this a response to the comment, or general education/instruction on the founders stance toward an armed citizenry?
If the first, you over-thought the comment: a review of how Biden’s “truth” would be received by leftists/authoritarians.
“Who are the militia? … Are they not ourselves”
sure. but most modern rightists proudly proclaim their isolate independence from everything and everyone – they don’t see themselves as a member of a militia any more than they see themselves as part of any society at all, and for exactly the same reasons. the people that wrote the 2nd would not call them militia or citizens, but rather mountain men or wild men or savages.
in 1865, Lincoln freed no one, rather, he enslaved ALL to the Den of Corruption. Even Bob Marley couldn’t tell the “inferior” that they are enslaved in poverty. Enjoy your racial jungle (Biden’s words), your concrete wasteland
“You need to have F-15s and maybe some nuclear weapons.”
Did Swalwell write that line? Sounds just like the threat he made to possible insurrectionists/rebels that the government would use nuclear arms against them on US soil.
They are both idiots.
“the threat he made to possible insurrectionists/rebels that the government would use nuclear arms against them on US soil”
they would.
they will.
plan accordingly.
Well, it’s out there now — the President has told us we’re going to need some nukes, so I guess it’s time to start shopping around.
You don’t fight the government at their strength. You fight their people at their weakest. First rules of asymmetric warfare.
Every day their forces of oppression don’t know not only if they will complete their shift without being killed or injured, but also when commuting, shopping, when resting, or any other time and place.
a second amed. is useless to a coward. Amerika need some backbones and courage. Real men are in short supply…. sissies (adult children) abound
“Rep. Eric Swalwell
And it would be a short war my friend. The government has nukes. Too many of them. But they’re legit. I’m sure if we talked we could find common ground to protect our families and communities.
3:22 PM · Nov 16, 2018”
I must add, I would be his Fang Fang any day!
Fang Fang a “bundler” for Eric Swalowswell and other Democrat candidates (Fang Bang?) was also a Chinese spy and honeypot that had an intimate relationship with Swalowswell. Fang Fang developed close ties to his office, brought in big donors, and even placed an intern in his office.
“I’m sure if we talked we could find common ground to protect our families and communities.”
What does that mean? It’s rather simple: “We will have a ‘conversation.’ That means that you will sit quietly and listen humbly, while I will berate you violently, telling you just how absolutely, abjectly, and dismally WRONG you are, and how your disagreement with me makes you a bad person worthy of disgust, re-education, and possible extermination. Because I have power over you, you have no choice but to abide by what I say; Otherwise, I will destroy you with nuclear fire. How about that for ‘common ground’?”
That is inexcusable, reprehensible, and downright monstrous. It was so in 2018, and it is so in 2021. I hope that you are not trying to diminish the abhorrent impact of such a position, but I’m probably wrong.
“you don’t threaten me, I won’t put a hole in you?”
Geez what a black eyed drugged out lunatic presidon’t….Brittney Spears could do better!
Trying to get control of her life back after 13 years of court-ordered conservatorship. Probably a similar struggle to proving that one isn’t any danger after being hit with a “red flag” gun confiscation order.
you left out senile & lifelong racist
#DEMENTIAJOE looks like he’s on ketamine.
Don’t knock it; Ketamine is a wonderful anesthetic, safer by far than fentanyl, not quite as good as Midazolam; It’s the perfect drug for keeping a place-holder ‘elder statesman’ under control. He can still follow simple instructions, is unlikely to soil himself, and as long as there’s somebody nearby to shepherd him when necessary, he’s not likely to injure himself.
Biden says in his speech that Firearms have always been regulated and if you need to take on the government you need F-15’s or nukes. I’m not aware of Afghanistan having any F-15’s or nukes, but somehow they’ve managed to drag this thing out for 20 years.
“somehow they’ve managed to drag this thing out for 20 years”
you don’t understand. they didn’t drag it out. we did.
not to mention how long they held off the USSR and any other invading force that dared to try the Khyber pass.
The last person to actually conquer Afghanistan was Alexander The Great, who is still the big bogeyman in their oral storytelling.
Joe Biden NEVER supported “defunding” Police. As a matter-of-FACT, he campaigned AGAINST it.
P.S. Whomever came up with the term “defunding” of Police depts. is a FOOL.
( “Defunding” ranks right up there with “global warming”.)
The idea was to reapportion and reassign the duties of Police…such as how best to efficiently, and humanely deal with a person who has mental issues.
When a crazy guy with a knife is threatening me or my family, I want a cop with a gun to respond, not a fucking social worker.
be quicker if you responded.
True, I always carry, but not everyone does.
If you are relying on a cop to respond in time to save you, the cop is merely minutes away when seconds are all you have. The cop will get there in time to draw the chalk outline and call for the Medical Examiner to pronounce you/your family dead and haul them away. In an emergency, you are on your own….your own first responder.
Years ago an old man with demention, in Fredrickburg Texas was sitting on front porch with a shogun in his lap telling LEO not to take another step.
Law enforcements didn’t call SWAT, don’t think they even had a SWAT team at that point
They called his adult son to talk to him and shortly afterward, his son moved his dad into his home.
We used to have a crack phones with party line. All you had to do is lift the ear piece and put your hand over the speaker part and you could listen into your neighbor’s conversation, which is why I know about the little drama that took place.
I miss the simple life of a small Texas town in the sixties.
We took care of our elderly relatives back then.
And as I remember there were no gun grabbers at time.
“…an old man with dimention…”
are you disparaging gov. pritzker?
“…such as how best to efficiently, and humanely deal with a person who has mental issues.”
Especially those with mental illness waving guns at people, bludgeoning people with a rifle or pistol, holding hostages at gunpoint, attacking random people with a knife, hammer, tire iron, a rock. Those persons are particularly susceptible to being “talked down”.
The idea was to reapportion and reassign the duties of Police
Guess you missed the part where NYC “defunded” their cops… The approved budget includes nearly $484 million in cuts and will reallocate $354 million to other agencies… Baltimore eliminated roughly $22 million from its police budget; Portland, Oregon, cut nearly $16 million; Philadelphia reduced police funding by $33 million; Hartford, Conn. cut $1 million from its $40 million budget; Norman, Oklahoma slashed $865,000; and Salt Lake City reduced its police budget by $5.3
The whole “defunding issue” is to spend the federal assistance money on federal controlled LE rather that local controlled LE. The worst thing that can happen is to fund Federal LE departments, that just takes power from the states.
“If you think you need to have weapons to take on the government, you need F-15s and maybe some nuclear weapons.”
Uh…..haven’t seen Taliban with F-15s or nuclear weapons, and they have kicked some real US butt for 20 years, as did Viet Cong without those weapons. You get Americans super pissed off on their own home soil and Taliban/VC actions will look like paint ball tournament FUDDS.
“Tyranny is defined as that which is legal for the government but illegal for the citizenry.” Old White Guy, Tommy Jefferson.
Politicians with laws never stop bad guys with guns.
They only control the good guys, which is their true agenda.
“The Second Amendment, from the day it was passed, limited the type of people who could own a gun, what type of weapon you could own.”
There is absolutely NO requirement in the Second Amendment for guns to have a so-called “need” or “sporting purpose,” or who may own arms. To even raise that as an issue is beyond ridiculous. The only “need” or “sporting purpose” the Founding Fathers might have considered incorporating in the Second Amendment would have been the shooting of tyrants. And, that Boys and Girls, is the WHY behind gun grabbers’ anti-2A actions. To protect their tyrannical asses, for what they have done and intend to do to America, from Patriots finally saying “ENOUGH, NO MORE” with ARs and high capacity magazines.
No Senile Joey, one doesn’t need 100 rounds to hunt deer. You’re correct, deer don’t wear bullet proof vests. But, then the Founding Fathers didn’t write the Second Amendment because the deer were coming to tyrannically destroy America.
The Second Amendment. Guess I didn’t get the updated PC Woke version of the Second Amendment. Possibly my copy is an old original V1.0 version. Mine doesn’t contain any stipulations or restrictions regarding…hold on and read to the end…their have been many infringements:
–Suitable for sporting purposes;
–Cannot possess where bureaucrats, elitists are protected by same;
–Cannot have same weapons as tax payer funded black/camo wearing government employee;
–In common use;
–No full automatic operation;
–No scary black color;
–Maximum purchases per month;
–Cannot fabricate at home;
–Cannot modify;
–Cannot posses certain parts;
–Maximum number of cartridges;
–Minimum barrel length;
–Minimum overall length;
–No bump stock;
–Must be serialized;
–No stock permitted;
–No pistol grips;
–No barrel shrouds;
–No smooth bore barrel:
–No rifled barrel;
–No forward vertical grip;
–No threaded barrel;
–No bayonet lug;
–No suppressor;
–No collapsible stock;
–No thumb hole in stock;
–Maximum caliber;
–No touchy arm brace to shoulder;
–Minimum number of USA made parts;
–Applicable to collective use only;
–Only applicable within one’s home;
–Cannot cross state line;
–Cannot enter city limit;
–Must buy $200 tax stamp;
–Must not protect one’s hearing;
–Must not be suitable for defending American soil;
–Must not be suitable for dispatching tyrants;
–Must not be designed to efficiently kill;
–Must wait to take home;
–Must complete Form 4473;
–Faceless, nameless bureaucrat must bless purchase;
–Valid only in Liberal-free zones;
–Minimum age to keep and bear;
–Stops where Liberal touchy feelys begin;
–If a Liberal does not like it, you can’t have it;
–If a politician fears it because of his actions, you cannot have it;
–Cannot make snowflake uncomfortable;
–Cannot chew cookie into gun shape;
–Toys may not resemble;
–Must not be visible;
–Must not be concealed;
–Must not be readily deployable;
–Must be encumbered by a lock;
–Must keep in bureaucrat blessed container;
–Cannot be loaded;
–Cannot be in same container as applicable ammunition;
–Not valid without bureaucrat issued permission slip;
–Must be listed on government blessed list;
–Must imprint data on projectile and/or cartridge case;
–Susceptible to government modification;
–Susceptible to bureaucrat “know it when see it” interpretation.
–Old men/women in black dresses may interpret any old way;
–Cannot have on tax payer funded property;
My copy only says “…..shall not be infringed.”
Hmmmmm……my copy seems to meet a free man’s purposes. Thanks, Sleepy, Creepy, Senile, “Fire-two-blasts-in-the-air” Joey. Appreciate your thoughts and concern, but I’ll stick with my original version.
* mic drop *
Excellent soliloquy.
Thnx for that.
BTW- Gonna steal it w/ cut n paste to use in my emails.
(I will, of course, include your avatar name.)
Well said.
“Those who say the blood of patriots, you know, and all the stuff about how we’re gonna have to move against the government. Well, the tree of liberty is not water or the blood of patriots. What happens is that there never have been – If you think you need to have weapons to take on the government, you need F-15s and maybe some nuclear weapons.”
“The point is there has always been a limit, to rationally limit, the type of weapon that can be owned and who can own it,” Biden said.
The administration’s “comprehensive strategy” will:
Stem the flow of firearms used to commit violence, including by holding rogue firearms dealers accountable for violating federal laws;
Support local law enforcement with federal tools and resources to help address summer violent crime;
Invest in evidence-based community violence interventions;
Expanding summer programming, employment opportunities, and other services and
Supports for teenagers and young adults; and
Help formerly incarcerated individuals successfully reenter their communities.
Targeting federal firearms licensees
The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) will crackdown on “rogue” federal firearms licensees (FFLs) that “knowingly” violate federal gun laws, like failing to conduct a background check on a potential buyer.
As The Reload pointed out, the ATF targeting FFL’s is unlikely to make much of a difference:
The administration’s focus on gun makers and dealers is unlikely to have an immediate impact on crime since the ATF data have long shown the average gun recovered at a crime scene was sold many years beforehand and likely changed hands several times. The agency’s most recent report on time-to-crime data found there was an average of 8.29 years between sales and crime. Additionally, a 2016 University of Chicago survey of inmates convicted of gun crimes found the vast majority did not legally purchase their firearms from licensed dealers or at gun shows but instead relied on getting guns from people they knew, illegal street dealers, or by stealing them.
Re-funding the police
The Biden administration also plans to utilize $350 billion from the American Rescue Plan (ARP), Biden’s $1.9 trillion coronavirus relief package, to address the spike in crime that the Administration says usually takes place during the summer months. The funding is to be used to re-fund the police “even above pre-pandemic levels” and to invest in the latest technology.
“In addition, the Treasury Department is clarifying that any community may use ARP state and local aid for the above strategies and any other public safety programs, up to the level of revenue loss the jurisdiction experienced during the pandemic. And any community may use ARP funds to rehire police officers and other public servants to restore law enforcement and courts to their pre-pandemic levels,” the White House said.
This is a tacit acknowledgment that the “defund the police” policies adopted by so many Democrat-controlled cities has been disastrous, resulted in significant increases in violent crime. That probably won’t please those furthest to the left in Biden’s own party.
Community violence intervention programs
The Justice Department’s Byrne Justice Assistance Grant program has $276 million earmarked for this fiscal year. Local governments can apply for the program, which provides funding for law enforcement purposes, ranging from corrections to drug treatment and enforcement to community violence intervention (CVI) programs.
CVI programs will take place in 15 jurisdictions that have agreed to utilize ARP funding: Atlanta; Austin; Baltimore; Baton Rouge; Chicago; Detroit; King County, WA; Los Angeles; Memphis; Minneapolis; Newark; Philadelphia; Rapid City, SD; St. Louis; and Washington, DC.
ARP funding will also be used for summer programs for at-risk youth so they can receive job training and placement, as well as medical and mental health support, house, and food.
Criminal ‘reentry’
Biden’s administration is focusing on reintegrating criminals into everyday society as a means of fighting crime. The Office of Personnel Management (OPM) will drop proposed rules barring the federal government and its contractors from asking whether or not a person is a convicted criminal.
The Department of Justice is also creating a position for “a formerly incarcerated individual to work at DOJ as a Second Chance Act visiting fellow.” The goal of the fellowship is for the criminal to help the agency develop policies that would “build upon and improve DOJ’s investments in reentry and reintegration.”
According to the White House, a tax credit between $2,400 and $16,400 will be provided to employers for each convicted criminal that is hired.
Placing the blame on gun manufacturers
Biden reiterated his call to Congress to revoke the Protection of Lawful Commerce in Arms Act (PLCAA), which prevents gun dealers and manufacturers from being held liable for crimes committed with their products.
Biden has openly and repeatedly lied about the PLCAA, claiming that it prevents all liability by gun manufacturers. The falsehoods have been so blatant that even CNN was forced to call him on it, calling Biden’s claim false. “Gun manufacturers are not entirely exempt from being sued, nor are they only industry with some liability protections. Under the 2005 Protection of Lawful Commerce in Arms Act (PLCAA), gun manufacturers cannot be held liable for the use of their products in a crime.”
Does that sound like a threat to anyone else??
“Does that sound like a threat to anyone else?”
a threat to citizens. a dream come true to bottom feeders who will set their sights on destroying the entire industry and buying it for a few dollars with guaranteed government contracts and guaranteed immunity from all lawsuits.
“(OPM) will drop proposed rules barring the federal government and its contractors from asking whether or not a person is a convicted criminal”
(laugh. and you thought government service was bad now ….)
the first step in creating a national kgb that will be loyal to the central committee.
What. A. Fucking. Joke.
it is but the effects against us will be quite serious. plan accordingly.
“Re-Fund the Police”
second step towards a national kgb.
“Those who say the blood of patriots, you know, and all the stuff about how we’re gonna have to move against the government. Well, the tree of liberty is not water or the blood of patriots.”
can we get a real president please.
He’s absolutely right: The tree of liberty is not water or the blood of patriots. It’s a TREE. And mumblemumble-something, limits for you but not for me, throw a trillion dollars we don’t really have at some random shit…and…done. See, real president.
Question. Is there a federal law that specifically says you cannot enrich your own uranium?
Asking for a friend.
no. the question is, can you afford it. if you can afford it, they already know all about you.
fun fact: israel could never afford it.
The laughable part of all this (in a gallows humor sort of way) is that, to date, the biggest trafficker in illegal guns has most likely been the ATF.
But seriously, the real danger in this is in the details. There are already laws in the books for going after rogue FFL’s. We really don’t need any new ones. Where I see this going is to “red flag” FFL’s in the same way they are trying to red flag gun owners. Basically, they’ll write the laws so that any FFL they don’t like — and that’s pretty much all of them — can be shut down without following any kind of due process. We’ll have to see how this all unfolds, but that’s my guess on where it’s headed.
This is it, folks. Looks to me like the gun grabbers are about to make the final big push. They win this one and it’s all over. Maybe a few nukes in the garage is not such a bad idea.
If Biden and his party were serious about reducing violent crime, he would order his US attorneys to prosecute every case where a felon was caught with a gun.
Of course, we all realize Xiden and Libturds don’t give a flying crap about preventing “gun violence”. Gun violence is one of the biggest plays in their playbook….right next to Racism.
A politician with a law never stops a bad guy with a gun.
He only controls the good guys which is his true agenda.
The bodies in a local WalMart or grocery store or school or church……the bad guy with a gun…..or the gang member with a gun…. the mentally deficient guy with a gun……or the terribly distraught family member of a gun shooting victim…… or a gun violence survivor……or the Feelz-Gooder Social Do-Gooder….. or the the “hair-on-fire, we’re-all-gonna-die” contingent……or the skin color only voter…..are the politician’s easily manipulated Useful Idiot Tools to achieve his power and control agenda.
The new agenda for humanity requires that no one will have the capacity to fight back. It has been said: “Our Task of creating a Socialist America can only succeed when those who would resist us have been totally disarmed.” No other explanation is possible.
History has repeatedly demonstrated that disarming good people in the name of making bad people harmless only eventually facilitates politicians shooting their own countrymen. History…learn from it or be doomed to relive it….or die from it.
And there, boys and girls, is the Xiden/KamelHo/Pigloosi/Slummer/FineStain Gun Violence Prevention Plan in a nut shell. It’s all about protecting Libtard/Socialist anti-America tyrannical politicians’ asses, for what they have and intend to do to America, from American Patriots with AR-15s saying “ENOUGH, NO MORE!!!!
if a large majority of American citizens decided that they did not want law-enforcement in this country…Then the entire law enforcement federal, state and local Entities would be absolutely crushed in about a week or two…law-enforcement can only be present when are majority of the people want it to work… and the military wouldn’t be far behind on getting crushed as well…You don’t need nuclear weapons and nor f15s…Especially When you totally crush their morale and spirit…America is getting a taste of asymmetrical warfare in Afghanistan and they don’t stand up too well to it…Imagine asymmetrical warfare on an unimaginable scale…
“America is getting a taste of asymmetrical warfare in Afghanistan and they don’t stand up too well to it.”
Vast difference between fighting to win, and fighting to not lose (i.e. “send a message”). Motivation/intention is everything.
It is one thing to fight wars that are not dealing with existential threats, quite another to fight a war to annihilate a hated enemy (“deplorables”) on your own soil. Our Civil War 2.0 should be instructive as to what Americans are willing to do to other Americans.
“Mr. President, was a rogue firearms dealer responsible for selling a gun to your son, Hunter?”
There are a few illegal sellers, but they make the news, like Traders in Oakland in the 90’s. This will be a long wasted effort that takes manpower away from fighting criminals. Biden gets to pick a “them” to demonize for his problems. In the past, it was blame the Irish, blame the Jews, blame the blacks, blame Canada! Now it’s blame the rogue dealers, which will make the antigunners happy and have no measurable effect on crime.
How many of the tens of thousands of guns they supposedly seize get traced back to a dealer that was required to perform a background check, but didn’t? It’s an simple, hard facts statistic to come up with. The question is how many 0’s are after the decimal point. .1%? .001%? .0001%? Are they going to count the dealers they told to complete illegal sales as part of Fast and Furious? Nobody is going to be caught, no crime is going to be stopped, and millions will be wasted. In a few years, we can ask how many rogues they caught and how many illegal sales they made, and it will be next to nothing. How much crime would be stopped if the funds were poured into antigang task forces instead?
Fuck him. Let’s have the fight
How’s that withdrawal from Afghanistan coming along?
Remind me again: how many F-15s and nuclear weapons do the Taliban have?
Wasn’t the whole point of being in Afghanistan to find Bin Laden?
Didn’t we kill him 10 years ago in Pakistan?
Hasn’t history proven that a country can conquer Afghanistan but never hold it?
Wasn’t Afghanistan one of the main reasons of the collapse of the USSR?
‘Those who do not learn history are doomed to repeat it.’
It was also to destroy any remnants of Al Qaeda or other organization responsible for 9/11. Unfortunately, the Taliban have been pretty mum about their plans to whether or not continue hosting these organizations. Because if they take over Afghanistan and start hosting Al Qaeda or other international Islamic terrorist organization jamborees, the U.S. will once again have to invade or the very least drop bombs again years from now.
People seem to forget the British invaded Afghanistan (or what it was at the time) three different times until they were satisfied with the ruler.
Afghanistan, like Viet Nam and Korea were fought and filled up the news to keep them from reporting on what was really going on in the backrooms of Washington D.C.
Let me get this straight….
1) Democrat cities defund the police
2) Me living in another state has my federal taxes given to these F’d up states to pay for their police to return
Tranferring taxes from Republican states to pay for Democrat states police.
Sounds totally legit.
As typical, cuck Republicans sitting on their hands.
SMOD I eagerly await thee.
However, I’ll be satisfied with CW2.
I listened to Sleepy Joe Biden’s speech yesterday, and it was as full of lies as any Trump speech. Take this whopper, for example:
“The Second Amendment, from the day it was passed, limited the type of people who could own a gun, what type of weapon you could own. You couldn’t buy a cannon,” the president said.
No, that’s absolutely false. People could legally buy and own cannons back in the 18th and 19th centuries (actually, you still can, as long as they’re black powder muzzle-loaders). People could buy and own warships and arm them with DOZENS of cannons (useful for those “letters of marque and reprisal”).
And then Sleepy Joe said something about having learned which types of gun control worked, and he gave as an example of something that “worked” the “assault weapons” ban. No, that was proven to be totally ineffective, useless, and meaningless. Not surprisingly, because it banned guns based on their appearance, their looks, but now he wants to repeat the same infringements that not only don’t work, but are also Unconstitutional.
And Sleepy Joe kept repeating his lie about AR-15s having 100-round magazines (they don’t), and his failed attempt at what I can only guess was supposed to be humor (???) by saying they would only be useful if deer wore Kevlar vests, which not only isn’t funny, but also makes no sense at all. If that was supposed to be a joke, he’d better keep his day job, because he’ll never make it as a comedian. Wait, on second thought, don’t keep your day job, Joe.
This guy is such an idiot. Is he trying to start a fight between us regular citizens who have a constitutional right to keep and bear arms? There are more guns in this country than people with the vast majority of citizens owning multiple firearms. So I say stupid Joe that we could indeed take on the federal government. I just hope we won’t have to to preserve our freedoms.
IS BIDEN REALLY THAT STUPID, OR IS HE JUST ANOTHER LYING DEMOCRAT? (I am a Democrat, but I don’t lie like my representatives do.)
Actually, that question has no correct answer. — I think he is both.
Obviously, the way to make New York City safe is to make sure law abiding citizens in New Hampshire (for example) cannot legally possess scary “assault” weapons. Hmm…
This guy is an idiot!!!! common sense when people bought guns and no one went out and bought AR-15s WTH???? He just makes things up as he goes I think. Many Americans are smarter than he is even giving them credit for and no the 2nd amendment didn’t tell anyone what kind of gun they could or couldn’t own!!! He Best re-read the 2nd Amendment stupid Moron!!!!
He just makes things up as he goes
Nahhh, he just TRIES to READ the BS his handlers (Susan Rice and Co.) make up and scroll across the prompter in front of him… Braindead hasn’t had an original thought for well over two decades…
Biden is old school 90s Clinton at his heart- cops yes, guns no. Performative social justice but knows that the cities will burn without policing. Gun control to try and win over the left that he loses by not backing defund the police.
Always listen to what the Libturds are talking about and blaming others of doing.. They will tell you their direction. With Senile, Sniffy Joey talking…er, trying to talk….about The Tree of Liberty being watered with Patriots blood….note he omitted the part about tyrants’ blood… indicates the WHY behind their gun control fetish. For what they have done and what they intend to do to America, they fear Patriots saying “ENOUGH!! NO MORE!!!” with ARs and “high capacity magazines.” And, that, boys and girls, is why We The Little Peeps must never relinquish our ARs and mags.
The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants. It is its natural manure,” Jefferson wrote in a letter to William S. Smith, a diplomatic official in London, on November 13, 1787. … “God forbid we should ever be 20 years without such a rebellion,” Jefferson remarked. We’re way over due. The Tree withers, languishes.
“You are wrong, 3.0 will be required we just have to force them to fire the first shot…”
They/them already fired the shots: Ruby Ridge; Waco; Bundy 2. The founders had their Lexington, Concord, Boston, and declared enough was enough. Ruby Ridge was 1992, Waco was 1993. The nation, and all the “patriots” yawned.
You may have your own, individual, line in the sand, and visions of going Rambo against the tyrants; dying alone in a pile of spent cartridges. However, that will not constitute “the revolution”. Well, maybe it will….given the state of the spirit of the nation.
BTW, launching a lone wolf revolution violates “concentration of force” dicta.
I agree with your assessment of government and society today. I simply see no path forward that includes a serious attempt at armed public revolt.
You ASSUME that I’m acting alone…
I simply see no path forward that includes a serious attempt at armed public revolt.
Perhaps your VISION is clouded or maybe you live in a BIG city or a constrictive state that stifles your pursuit of viable options… Diplomacy may be the ultimate answer, but diplomacy is futile as long as the other side believes they are superior in every way, or that their opponent in unwilling to engage in armed conflict (MAD is the only way to bring them to the table) Braindeads “THREATS” of Nukes and F15s just pissed off a lot of people and failed to intimidate anyone, hell my brother was a nuclear tech in the Army and I know a number of people who can pilot anything from a huey to a B52… We ARE more than a bunch of hicks living in the hills, we are educated, most are military trained, many are combat vets and we are all dedicated and capable of carrying out a “war in the streets”
Waco and Ruby Ridge (93 and 96) 25/28 years ago… Different times, the threat was not so imminently clear as it is now, mind sets, priorities, shit happens, things change, no one actually believed they would try to push it all the way to a dictatorship (which is exactly what Braindead is alluding to), no one thought the media would go full on Kommie and support the overthrow of the United States and no one ever imagined thousands of illegal migrants storming our borders or a government that would ever condone such a mass exodus and no one could envision the possibility of a system of electronics capable of changing the results of a National election… What were YOU doing in the mid 90s? Where was Nostradamus when we needed him? Oh yeah, dead…
“What were YOU doing in the mid 90s?”
Freshly retired B-52 pilot, grubbing for money, sucking off the govt teat for a major defense contractor. And….like everyone else, shaking my head at the display of military and paramilitary firepower against a compound of civilians who posed no threat to the US govt.
So you DO understand why that did not trigger a civil war…. and why it may be necessary now…
“So you DO understand why that did not trigger a civil war….”
Yes, it was/is because the founders were made of sterner stuff.
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