Joe Biden angry speech
(AP Photo/Carolyn Kaster)
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In a late Friday afternoon news dump, the Biden administration announced that it would put a 90-day freeze on gun exports. As the “news” outlet of the Gun Control Industry’s biggest financier gleefully reported . . .

The department late Friday announced the pause in approval of new export licenses for the commercial sale of semiautomatic and non-automatic firearms around the world. The freeze doesn’t apply to Israel, Ukraine and about 40 other countries that are part of an export-control agreement. But it does cover some of the biggest markets for American gunmakers, including Brazil, Thailand and Guatemala, where a Bloomberg News investigation documented the impact US government support for weapons sales has had on those countries.

“The review will be conducted with urgency and will enable the Department to more effectively assess and mitigate risk of firearms being diverted to entities or activities that promote regional instability, violate human rights, or fuel criminal activities,” the Department said in announcing the pause.

Uh huh. Does “entities that promote regional instability” include the Mexican army that “loses” a third of its small arms every year? The ATF must be breathing a sigh of relief since its efforts to move small arms south across the border have never needed export licenses, so they remain unaffected by this move.

desert tech factory tour
Dan Z. for TTAG

The Friday night announcement, timed to make as few media waves as possible, is merely the latest tactical move by the White House in its three-year war on gun rights and America’s firearms industry…a group the desiccated husk who occasionally sits behind the Resolute Desk has referred to as “the enemy.”

Relentlessly pushed by its Gun Control Industry backers, the Biden administration, since the day it took office, has instituted a range of moves and administrative changes to limit gun rights and clamp down on aspects of the firearms industry they thought they could get away with. Think: frame and receiver redefinition, a pistol brace ban, pulling funds from schools with hunting safety programs, and the creation of a White House ministry of gun control, to name just a few.

Dan Z. for TTAG

Oh and here’s a happy coincidence. The announcement of this 90-day “pause” in export licensing just happens to be perfectly timed to include pulling the Commerce Department’s support for the NSSF’s SHOT Show scheduled for January 23 to 26.

Hard-line anti-gunners have been seething ever since the Trump administration shifted oversight for gun exports from the anti-gun State Department to more business-friendly Commerce Department back in 2020. They’ve never been happy about the BidenBots’ perceived lack of action on curbing exports. Now, with the President’s approval ratings cratering and the election nearing, the administration is throwing them another bone.

(AP Photo/Bullit Marquez)

Critics of the rule change praised the department’s decision. “For too long, firearms from the United States have contributed to violence and instability abroad,” said Representative Joaquin Castro, who with Senator Elizabeth Warren has sought answers for more than a year from the Biden administration about the increase in approvals of assault weapons export licenses.

“This 90-day pause and review on small arms exports is a welcome announcement by the Commerce Department,” added Castro, a Texas Democrat. “I look forward to engaging with the Department during this review so US policy moves in the right direction.”

The gun industry’s successful strategies to increase global sales of its products — in combination with friendly US policies — have been the subject of a months-long investigation by Bloomberg. The investigation began in July with an examination of gun sales to Thailand, where a US-made semiautomatic pistol was used last year in one of the world’s worst mass killings. A story published Oct. 19 documented the lavish support the Commerce Department gives SHOT Show, including steering more than 3,200 international buyers to the event this year.

The overseas sales of firearms is, of course, strictly regulated and requires government approval. The Commerce Department, it seems, was doing far too good a job of promoting a disfavored American business sector.

Someone on Constitution Avenue apparently didn’t get the memo that effectively facilitating the overseas sales of firearms now constitutes trading with the enemy as far as the White House is concerned.

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  1. The US firearms industry is one of the few manufacturing segments that is still innovative, growing, job creating, taxpaying and not controlled by the Chinese. Yeah, let’s destroy it !

    • “The US firearms industry is one of the few manufacturing segments [industries] that is still innovative, growing, job creating, taxpaying supporting Republicans and not controlled by the Chinese. Yeah, let’s destroy it !”

      FIFY. Now do the traditional energy sector. Get it?

        • Where’s Dude wrong?

          I’m not saying I agree, but “fkn idiot” isn’t an argument or even a counterpoint.

        • I take it back. It’s never about power and money. It’s always about saving lives and doing what’s best for humanity. Always.

      • “The freeze doesn’t apply to Israel, Ukraine and about 40 other countries that are part of an export-control agreement.“

        So what’s the problem? It doesn’t apply to over 40 countries that are willing to do the civilized move of engaging in an export control agreement.

        What do you have against the countries of the world coming together to organize their trading relationships with one another?

        Are you really so far up the ass of the merchants of death that you are offended at any attempt to organize the United States’ exports?

        • Are you having a conversation with yourself again, Miner? Stop listening to the voices and read the words in front of you for a change. I don’t buy the rationale that they’re doing this to prevent a lone shooter from obtaining a gun for a random mass shooting in a foreign country. There’s a reason for all things. If you buy that reason, then you’re a fool.

        • MINOR49er, unlike you Leftists, we are concerned with AMEREICA not the rest of the world. That is why we support the AMERICA FIRST MOVEMENT.

          You sure are workig overtime spreading your Leftist propaganda.

  2. Let me guess, exports to Ukraine are exempt.

    I don’t really care if US companies can sell overseas. If anything I’d prefer no US companies participated in trade with any non-US entity friendly or otherwise but if they don’t buy from us they’ll just buy from somebody else or, as is increasingly the case, they’ll just roll their own.

    • Israel is exempt as well as a bunch of other countries from what I know. One my favorite YouTube guy’s Mrgunsngear(imho one of the best) also doesn’t know much. We’ll see🙄

        • According to an old Air Force friend who lives in Chicago:
          “There were 22 shot and 5 left not breathing so far this weekend here in the capital of the WILD MIDWEST. ”
          And the weekend isn’t over.

    • Only commercial sales – military sales not impacted. So, unlimited qty of 5.56mm may be scrapped up for export to Uks or Israelis. If you didn’t stock up over the last few months then it is YOUR failure. If you think prices are ever going to be lower than Oct 1, 2023 you are delusional.

      • ^^This.^^

        Been saying it since 2020, the prices everyone thinks are coming back aren’t. This is a coordinated effort to squeeze the US gun industry and US gun owners from every direction they can find.

        Anaconda strategy or just a noose, whatever metaphor you like, the point is that they’re going to come after everything from every angle they can.

        • “This is a coordinated effort to squeeze the US gun industry and US gun owners“

          Really? So you think cutting off a large commercial export market is going to somehow raise domestic ammo prices?

          So now US ammo manufacturers will have to find a domestic market for their glut of ammo?

          So you think this will raise the price of ammunition and lower the quantity available to US buyers?

          Hilarious, chicken Little.

          Hey, I thought you guys said the lake city green tip had been banned for sale and would no longer be available:

          “5.56 NATO – Winchester / Lake City 62 Grain M855 Green Tip Case – Free Shipping 00020892228498
          65.5¢ / rd
          Velocity Ammo Sales“


          Moore ‘sky is falling so you’d better buy now’ retail bullshit.

        • Miner if we are not exporting the ammo do you honestly believe it is going to hit the civilian market and if so are you interested in some tropical vacation homes over here in the Adirondacks? Oh and that is double the price of that particular round from a month or so ago so I would say negative effects are already being seen.

        • “Miner if we are not exporting the ammo do you honestly believe it is going to hit the civilian market“

          The manufactures will have excess manufacturing capacity, do you think those multi million dollar machines are going to sit idle? No, they’ll produce ammo for the domestic market, increasing the supply and suppressing the price.

          “that is double the price of that particular round from a month or so ago so I would say negative effects are already being seen“

          You really think that increase is because the administration just announced this move?

          Other than the usual conflicts and that whole Russia versus Ukraine thing, did you miss the current unpleasantness in Palestine?

          And the price issue is just a red herring, the claim was green tip would be banned for sale to private individuals over a year ago and that didn’t happen.

        • Miner this is unironically one time I sincerely hope you are correct as the alternative is yet another chapter in the Middle east Neocon/Democommie invasion drama that may drag elements of China and Russia in via Iran from the previus plan. And if I am wrong cool cheaper ammo for a bit until your people stir shit up again. But I doubt much of the excess will hit the civilian market as we have wars to plan and stockpiles to rebuild.

        • Rest is pending moderation but did miss yes I do believe the doubling of the price is largely due to that announcement in addition to an increase in global demand as the potential for armed conflict just got a bit more likely. Good luck with the lipstick on the pig routine though.

        • “did you miss the current unpleasantness in Palestine?”

          I never really understood how people could be holocaust deniers until this past month.

        • MINOR49er. So what you are trying to sell us is that anti-gun Sleepy Joe is doing putting a stop to export of ammunition to lower prices here? Please tell me you are kidding.

          Sleepy Joe has done not a damn thing to help the American people in this economy let alone to help gun owners.

          You make me laugh.

      • As the 90 days get close to an end, don’t think an extension is out of the question!
        Just like they aren’t going to stop with a 10 round magazine limit.

        • “As the 90 days get close to an end, don’t think an extension is out of the question!”

          Exactly, after 90 days they are banking on the American public forgetting all about it… 🙁

    • Test pattern to see what the reaction will be among the people. If no push back, next step. stopping commercial sales overseas. Wait for push back. If little or no push back, next step. Remember, with the attempts to control RTKBA, magazine size restrictions, pistol braces and age restrictions all being shot down by the Courts. Ammo will be their next focus. It’s all about the steps taken to get their. Liberal Democrats have been playing to long game on gun control for 50 years. There was a time when the Courts, more often than not. Ruled on their side. As of late the legal winds have changed direction. Thanks to the appointments to the Court system by various Presidents, but make no mistake. The democrats will never stop and they will continue to attack in every manner possible. Knowing that one day the legal winds will change again, in their favor. The question is will there be anyone left to push back. Are We the last generation left than can stop them?

        • Yes, 50 years. I remember the politics of the 80s. We were studying all about it in high school during the 70s. Our Government teacher used the examples of the day. Also watched almost everyday of the Watergate hearings. Government and how it affects and effects everyone’s lives is something I’ve been following all my life. Knowing your enemy and their traits is the most important thing to understand, if you plan to defeat them.

        • So ignoring NFA issues and the 60’s? I will agree that some of the messaging was fairly consistent from the Gun control org despite renaming/branding from the 80’s to now but the people (including decedents) and intentions haven’t changed in over a century at least.

        • “I remember the politics of the 80s. We were studying all about it in high school during the 70s.“

          So you were studying the politics of the 80s in school during the 70s?

          Were you attending Trump University and traveling to the future?

          “the people (including decedents) and intentions haven’t changed in over a century“

          It is true, the decedents, being dead, haven’t changed in over a century.

          Getting a lot of mileage out of that Trump university degree…

        • Miner what in retardation are you going for here? While hairsplitting about the timeline of when gun control of the modern era entered certain phases can be argued you seem to be going after straws/strawman arguments to derail the discussion without any actual content.

      • I believe you and Jimbo are both partly correct.

        They can do certain things for a limited time without review and they want to see what happens as well.

        As much as these kind of people love a “ratchet effect” they don’t like it when that applies to them, only to you.

    • ya think its going to get more unconstitutional? Yep! I hope this guy takes this to court, it will end up in SCOTUS eventually and they are going to point to the fourth amendment and say ‘Nope, cant do that.”

  3. There has to be some control over “The Merchants of Death” and Biden is the man to do it as he fears no evil.

    • Don’t tell lil’dtard that the only reason Bribin’ did it was because Hank Johnson told him those continents would tip over/capsize if exports continued.
      It checked out with the Jobrak O’Bribin “exspurrts” (🤪), so the order was given.

    • This will actually lower prices domestically and will increase Arms here in the USA. You failed, again 😉

      • We can only hope! How long will it take for this to impact prices and inventory at my local gun stores?

      • “This will actually lower prices domestically and will increase Arms here in the USA“

        Correct, but the snowflakes on this list are always looking for something to be outraged about, it gives their meaningless life an imaginary purpose.

        It’s not like very many on this list actually understand the law of supply and demand and its affect upon pricing and availability of goods.

        • Oh so all that .40sw that the various fed agencies bought up a decade or so ago will be available for purchase then? No? Yeah laws of supply and demand do not apply as much when a purchaser who does not follow them gets involved.

    • First, dacian the demented dipsh*t, Senile Joe, the serial child-molester and kiddie diddler, hasn’t done ANYTHING except eat pudding and ice cream, since he allegedly “took office”. He was a hapless embecile for 42 years in Congress, and he remains a hapless – but also completely senile – bad-tempered moron. Kinda like you, but I think even Senile Joe the Hair-Sniffing Pervert is smarter than are you (again, a low bar, indeed).

      Please, Mr. “Hippier-than-thou” enlighten us – name ONE THING that Senile Joe has allegedly done (we all know that brainless husk does nothing) that was actually successful. We’ll wait; name ONE THING.

      I find it difficult to believe that anyone can be as completely, bomfozzlingly STOOPID as you are, and still operate a keyboard. I suppose there are retards out there who might take hope at your example, but . . . you remain literally too stupid to insult.

      • “name ONE THING that Senile Joe has allegedly done (we all know that brainless husk does nothing) that was actually successful“


        “The U.S. economy grew even faster than expected in the third quarter, buoyed by a strong consumer in spite of higher interest rates, ongoing inflation pressures, and a variety of other domestic and global headwinds.

        Gross domestic product, a measure of all goods and services produced in the U.S., rose at a seasonally adjusted 4.9% annualized pace in the July-through-September period, up from an unrevised 2.1% pace in the second quarter, the Commerce Department reported Thursday. Economists surveyed by Dow Jones had been looking for a 4.7% acceleration in real GDP, which also is adjusted for inflation”

        “Also, durable goods orders increased 4.7% in September, well ahead of the 0.1% gain in August and the 2% forecast, according to the Commerce Department. Orders for durables, which include appliances, aircraft and electronics posted their biggest gain since July 2020.

        At a time when many economists had thought the U.S. would be in the midst of at least a shallow recession, growth has kept pace due to consumer spending that has exceeded all expectations. The consumer was responsible for about 68% of GDP in Q3.“

        • So it almost recovered to low Trump levels during the outset of the pandemic after the pandemic ended? Oh but wages lagged behind both reported and real inflation.

        • US consumer price inflation rose more than expected in September October 12, 2023

          “No one is saying we’ll have inflation.” -The Puppet lying so he could pass trillions of completely unnecessary spending.

          “Inflation Reduction Act” -The Puppet signing off on MORE completely unnecessary spending, pretending like pumping tons of money into the economy is how you reduce inflation.

          The economy was fine pre-Covid. All they had to do was allow people to go back to work. Instead, Puppet & Company (Democrats) FIRED people for not getting the experimental clot shot, while refusing to allow small businesses to resume their regular work.

        • MINOR49er If the “economy is doing so good” how come the American people are not feeling it? Gas is sky high, electric is through the roof, food is spiraling upward like a rocket in flight.

          All your Leftist spending is tanking whatever is left of the Amereican’s pocketbook.

        • “MINOR49er If the “economy is doing so good” how come the American people are not feeling it? Gas is sky high, electric is through the roof, food is spiraling upward“

          The prices are going up because people are doing business and the demand has increased, it is the basic law of supply and demand.

          Business is good, demand for goods and services go up, supply decreases, prices increase because of scarcity.

          Even FOX Business recognizes how well the economy is doing under Biden:

          “Someone yells, “wow!” off camera at Fox Business as the GDP in the third quarter comes in at a whopping 4.9%.
          The Recount
          Thu, October 26, 2023, 7:20 AM EDT“

        • MINOR49er. I don’t know where you get your propaganda from, but the rest of us Americans don’t believe your nonsense. Yahoo? JBOL! It seems that Yahoo has been accused of slanting their presentations of the “news” based on their Leftist ideology. Nice try, but that dog don’t hunt.

    • dacian, the DUNDERHEAD, Sleepy Joe couldn’t lead a horse to water with directions and a compass. But then Sleepy Joe can’t even find his way off a stage. JBOL!

  4. RE: “For too long, firearms from the United States have contributed to violence and instability abroad,” said Representative Joaquin Castro, who with Senator Elizabeth Warren has sought answers for more than a year from the Biden administration about the increase in approvals of assault weapons export licenses.”

    Goes to show what Gun Control democRats would like to do here in the US and justify it based on criminal acts of violence. The kind of violence you had better be prepared to face headon with any and all means necessary because you can bet the farm no stinking mealy mouth Gun Control democRat is ever going to show up to defend you and yours.

  5. So does that mean it’s retroactive to the billions of dollars in hardware Dopey Joe gave to the Taliban? Without red flag laws or background checks? You mean the possibility that those same weapons were used in the attacks on Israel, whilst he stomps on our Constitutional rights? I feel so safe knowing that the crack team at the WH is on the job. You know, Hunter etal…

    • “So does that mean it’s retroactive to the billions of dollars in hardware Dopey Joe gave to the Taliban?”

      Well you know, it was Donald Trump who negotiated with the terrorists and cut the deal to leave the Afghan army in possession of those weapons.

      So you’re saying you think we should’ve disarmed the Afghan army before we executed Donald Trump’s pull out deal?

      • Trump was the president during the pull out of Afghanistan? Huh well one way to acknowledge the election was stolen I guess.

        • Did you miss this part?

          “it was Donald Trump who negotiated with the terrorists and cut the deal to leave the Afghan army in possession of those weapons“

          So you’re saying you think Joe Biden should have reneged on the deal Donald Trump negotiated with the terrorists?

          Strange, I don’t think you or anybody on this little list would have cheered if President Biden had announced he was canceling the deal President Trump had cut with the Taliban.

          Again, do you think Donald Trump should not have agreed to let the Afghan army keep their weapons that we had supplied?

        • Strange I do not see anything about negotiations with taliban involving weapons transfer or transfer of power re governmental control………..almost like that was a Biden blunder that you are trying to find a fig leaf for. Do you even have a source for Trump meeting with the Taliban that begins to support your fever dreams?

        • So much of the gear isn’t exactly new and the number may be inflated ………………..and nothing supporting your assertations? Miner honest question are you doing ok? You used to be a LOT more on top of your narratives and this is just sloppy Dacian tier.

        • “You used to be a LOT more on top of your narratives and this is just sloppy…”

          You try running cover for the Puppet regime. It’s an impossible task. Miner’s no “Circle Back” Jen. There aren’t enough semi-coherent articles out there to copy and paste.

        • MINOr49er, You Leftists couldn’t run a food truck. Your buds at AP could not ‘fact check” anything. They slant their artdicles to the Left. Almost as bad a Salon.

        • MINOR49er Nice try! Trump sure did negotiate to have American troops withdraw but there was NOTHING in the agreement for America to leave our valuable equipment there. You are so full of sh*t, you are like a Christmas Turkey.

  6. Sounds like the check cleared. China will happily sell anyone all the crap versions of the SKS or AK 47’s they want. Did Biden secure a 10% cut on those sales? Some anonymous Chinese businessman buy some of Hunters artwork?

  7. Well, ok then, I’m sure that will accomplish, uh, hmm, something.

    I’ll take meaningless gestures for $800, Alex.

    • Sadly, Alex has been dead for almost three years. Biden’s brain has been dead for over thirty. The main difference is that Alex is missed, and a sigh of relief will be let out when Ol’ PoopyPants leaves this mortal coyle.

    • probably… and wants more weapons for Ukraine and Israel. We are already involved in the Middle East now with striking Iran backed group targets in Syria that were attacking US troops in Iraq. So maybe more boots on the ground in the middle East again.

  8. This is another STUPID move by the Sleepy Joe and his Hoe Administration. How do they justify such nonsense? Mass shootings over seas?

  9. Our government is the king of “promoting regional instability” as it is. What a bunch of hypocritical bologna

  10. The best propaganda has some truth to it. Yes, the US does fund global conflict. Yes, the US does cause global instability, through both action and inaction. We often fund multiple sides of the same conflict, either directly or indirectly. We’re doing that right now.

    “For too long, firearms from the United States have contributed to violence and instability abroad,” said Representative Joaquin Castro

    Notice how he’s only worried about firearms. Does he think the $100 million the Puppet is sending Hamas is only going to purchase band aids and water? He knows they’re spending that on weapons to murder Jews. Why did the Puppet send the Taliban millions AFTER we left? Did he ask for any of our weapons back? Why did Mark Milley suggest we leave our weapons and equipment in enemy territory to “save money?” Why is there a revolving door at the Pentagon and the defense industry? But look over there! A lone mass ki11er overseas!!! Let’s “solve” that problem!

    where a US-made semiautomatic pistol was used last year in one of the world’s worst mass ki11ings.

    Hey look over there! It’s a mass ki11er! Don’t mind the worst humanitarian crisis of the 21st century that we created in Syria because Obama, McCain et al thought they could replace another(!) overseas regime. See, we’re helping! Mass ki11ers can’t get gunz because we paused some exports to some countries for 90 days. Another international problem solved! Wait, I thought mass ki11ings only happened in America??

    • Nice of them to admit that a mere pistol was used in one of the world’s worst mass killings, rather than one of those ultra-deadly weapon-of-war AR-15s.

    • The Federal Government is responsible for all of the largest mass killings, starting way back. Did we forget the two nuclear bombs we dropped?

      • “The Federal Government is responsible for all of the largest mass killings, starting way back.”


        You mean the 1930s Nazi mass-extermination camps that killed millions of Jews were really run by the US Federal Government?

        • “the 1930s Nazi mass-extermination camps that killed millions of Jews were really run by the US Federal Government“

          No, those camps were run by fanatical Christian nationalist Adolf Hitler, who followed Martin Luther’s direction and did his best to exterminate the Jews, the people who crucified Christ.

          Millions killed, all in the name of the Christian religion.

        • All you had to do was open your eyes and observe what’s been happening for the past three weeks to understand who the Nazis are. Spoiler alert: it ain’t the Christians.

          Miner, you have been literally cheering on the murdering and raping of Jewish children for their crime of being Jewish. Christians aren’t the ones calling for a genocide of Jews. That would be your freedom fighters.

        • Go do some math on the US Government killings. Hell, they allowed 100,000 people to die last year from Fentanyl. They allow 140,000 a year to die from alcohol. 250,000 a year are killed by Doctors and Nurses. 1,000,000 innocent Iraqis. If you start adding all this up over the decades, only Mao could compete

      • Phillip, the US government dropped those bombs on Japan to save American lives. Get a fricking grip, BOY!

  11. My read indicates this is kinda mostly Bloomberg’s idea.

    “Something something BrazilThailandGautemala something something”

    Faux Native American – “Ooo, Mike you are such a stud. And tall, too! Can I borrow one of your bodyguards? Mine are not certified for full auto.”

    Tory simps…

  12. Banning firearm imports to Brazil? What does that say to me? Not even Brazilians want Tauruses.

  13. if somebody were to compile a list of the companies that have the most to lose on this deal
    and post it everywhere
    im sure enough folks who are always looking for a reason to buy another firearm
    -which is most gun folks-
    would line up to buy one from them to help carry them through to the other side
    myself included

  14. I don’t understand the issue. Our dictator in chief is telling us to buy OUR guns and ammo. So buy buy buy America. Take advantage while we can.

  15. Meanwhile – small arms and ammunition is the ONLY part of the defense industrial base where the US has ANYTHING prepared to surge to a wartime footing. Every other area we are as bad (or worse) than in 1916 or 1939. Cash that Klinton demtard “Peace Dividend”.

    • I honestly wonder if this is part of the reason for the ban on export sales. They can stack that capacity up for making M-16s or similar.

      Due to ITAR I wonder if it affects a lot of the smaller makers at all honestly.

  16. The Chinese have started making even copies of CZ pistols. They already make AR15s, M14s, 1911s.
    So, why on earth they should be sad about this piece of news?
    The global market will buy from them what the USA won’t sell

  17. Personally it will be interesting to see if they stop selling reloading components to Australia, primers to be specific. I use Federal for reloading and they are already hard to get.

    There are local companies making firearms, brass, powder and projectiles but the only local company making primers was owned by Winchester and they shut in 2019 just before the big gun buying started in USA.

    They also made a lot of .22 and shotgun ammunition that was exported to USA etc.

    • Thales, after buying ADI decided to stop producing propellant powders that had an overseas equivalent from their other manufacturers and they would import the powders for repackaging.

      Then the federal government tightened the rules and further restricted the import of “explosives”.

      Stuck between a rock and a hard place.

  18. If you read about this elsewhere you find the major targets are places where the US firearms industry is exporting firearms for civilian purchase including Brazil, Guatemala and Thailand.

    Bloomberg notes that “American-style gun culture is starting to blossom across Latin America…”, something that Bloomberg, and apparently the Biden Admin, believe is a very bad thing. Let’s just say that the media and Lefties in general are not big fans of such a thing. Which sorta rolls back to their overarching strategy.

    This is undoubtedly an alpha-test. Note that everything they’re doing comes with “review”, in fact that’s the predicate for the whole action in the first place.

    Some of it is cutting off finance to the gun industry. Some of it is reviewing things so that, going forward, things are much harder for the gun industry in terms of exports. Some of it is probably a political favor to someone like Lula and some of it is a sop to the antis.

    I’m sure some digging would turn up some other interesting co-ink-a-dinks, you know, like the connection between US public health, the 2A and the WHO Pandemic Treaty currently under discussion.

    You know, that treaty where all members are automatically opted in and the WHO gets to puppet your national government if there’s a “public health emergency” or “potential public health emergency”?

    Which is kinda strange given that they keep telling us that “gun violence” is a “public health emergency”, huh? I mean, that’s the kind of oddity that someone might notice if they were paying attention, especially given the fact that in the past the WHO and UN have both criticized the 2A and certain UN members have even gone so far as to suggest that the 2A is one of the biggest threats to global peace. (ROFLMAO!)

    I’d also keep an eye on how E.O. 14067 rolls along and what comes out of it, particularly in reference to reports generated by Treasury, DOJ and the Fed.


  20. …says the hypocrite fake pResident who is taking orders from Barack Obama who is taking orders from George S0r0$ who is taking orders from the Rothschild’s and friends. Why ship all these weapons overseas when you have 15 million illegal military aged males who just crossed the border and are awaiting weapons and orders. Or something like that. The point is that the many layers of betrayal, treason, subterfuge, sedition, lawlessness and evil are mind blowing and staggering. And it is all intentional and by design. The pendulum swing is going to suck for these people. Really bad. But it will all be well-earned.

    • “fake pResident who is taking orders from Barack Obama“


      “The Magical Negro is a trope in American cinema, television, and literature. In the cinema of the United States, the Magical Negro is a supporting stock character who comes to the aid of white protagonists in a film.[1] Magical Negro characters, who often possess special insight or mystical powers, have long been a tradition in American fiction.“

  21. “…pause in approval of new export licenses for the commercial sale of semiautomatic and non-automatic firearms around the world.”
    Um, what is “semiautomatic and non-automatic” supposed to mean?
    “Non-automatic” is such a broad term that it includes everything from bolt-action to lever-action to single-shot muskets.
    Are they saying that machine guns (automatic) can still be exported, but “non-automatic” breech-loading muskets are banned from export? Color me confused.
    I know that Bloomberg News is ignorant about guns, so did they mean to say “fully automatic” rather than “non-automatic”?

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