Kamala Harris
(Bill Uhrich/Reading Eagle via AP)

How do you know that today’s announcement of the creation of the White House Office of Gun Violence Prevention is a fundamentally unserious, political act intended as a sop to pay off (and shut up) Biden’s backers in the Gun Control Industry? Simple. They’re announcing the anti-gun push will be led by…Kamala Harris.

From the AP’s stenography of administration talking points . . .

President Joe Biden has asked Vice President Kamala Harris to lead the first-ever federal office of gun violence prevention, which will seek to find ways around congressional inaction to stem rising violence.

Harris, a former prosecutor and state attorney general, has years of experience on the issue and was the natural fit to lead the effort, White House officials said. Adding the new office to her portfolio means Harris is tasked with some of the highest-profile domestic issues — including voting rights and abortion, as well as the increase in migration to the U.S. But they’re also among the most fraught, difficult to solve and hard for Democrats to make headway on in Congress.

“Throughout her career, the vice president has worked tirelessly to protect people from gun violence,” said Kristine Lucius, a domestic policy aide to Harris. “The vice president feels the urgency of this issue from every family she’s grieved with and from students across the country who are fighting for their right to be saved from gun violence.”

We can only hope that she’ll use every bit of the vast experience and expertise she’s used during her time spearheading the administration’s response to Biden’s border crisis and apply it to furthering the administration’s push for civilian disarmament. With someone of Harris’s manifest stature, political gifts, and qualifications in charge, how can they possibly fail?

Of course, Harris is really just a useless figurehead, put up as the face of an operation in a no-win position…just as she was when they fobbed her off as “border czar.” The new office will in fact be headed by dedicated gun control industry retreads.

The CCRKBA is expressing its disgust . . .

The announcement that President Joe Biden will launch a White House “Office of Gun Violence Prevention” led by gun control proponents brought a scathing reaction from the head of one of the nation’s top grassroots gun rights organizations.

Alan Gottlieb, chairman of the 650,000-member Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms, was quick to respond.

“I am appalled that Joe Biden is putting the gun prohibition lobby on the White House payroll,” Gottlieb said. “I know that many pro-gun rights members of Congress are working on legislation to prohibit funding for this obnoxious scheme.

“I wonder,” he mused, “how much of their time will be spent keeping guns out of Hunter Biden’s hands now that he has been indicted on gun charges?”

Gottlieb will be hosting this weekend’s 38th annual Gun Rights Policy Conference in Phoenix, Arizona. The event begins on Friday, ironically the same day President Biden is expected to announce this new gun control office. Reports in the national media say the effort will involve White House Staff Secretary Stefanie Feldman, who is described as “a longtime Biden aide with expertise on firearms issues.” Also reportedly on board are other gun control proponents including Greg Jackson, executive director of the Community Justice Action Fund, and Rob Wilcox, senior director for federal government affairs at Everytown for Gun Safety, according to a story in the Washington Post.

The Gun Rights Conference is co-sponsored by the Citizens Committee and the Second Amendment Foundation. It is typically attended by hundreds of grassroots gun rights activists from across the country, and also by many of the nation’s leading Second Amendment advocates.

Gottlieb noted the ironic timing of Biden’s upcoming announcement.

“As if we don’t already have a full agenda thanks to his anti-gun-rights policies,” Gottlieb quipped, “Joe Biden is definitely giving us something else to discuss this weekend.”


    • “Harris, a former prosecutor and state attorney general,…”

      As a native Californian, I can say she’s only been a politician. Never anything else. Always neglecting her current duties in favor of campaigning for the next bright and shiny office…

      • “Always neglecting her current duties“

        Looks like she got a little bit of something done, actual ‘law and order’.
        And I can say, no indictments, much less convictions of the Biden/Harris administration, unlike the 45th president’s administration which set several records for the number of administration officials indicted, convicted and sentenced. Bigley!

        “Thursday, June 9, 2011
        Contact: (916) 210-6000, [email protected]
        SAN FRANCISCO — Attorney General Kamala D. Harris announced today the arrest of 30 gang members in the Tracy area.

        The arrests come one day after Attorney General Harris announced the arrests of 101 leaders and members of two transnational gangs operating violent criminal enterprises in the Central Valley cities of Madera, Los Banos, Livingston, Merced, Atwater and Dos Palos.“

        “Friday, October 14, 2011
        Contact: (916) 210-6000, [email protected]
        GILROY — Attorney General Kamala D. Harris today announced the arrests of 103 individuals, the majority of whom are gang members with prior felony convictions, after an 18-month investigation by California Department of Justice agents.

        The California DOJ agents, along with 150 law enforcement personnel from local, state and federal agencies, made the arrests over the last three days for crimes that included the sale of drugs, firearms, and stolen property and vehicles in Alameda, Santa Clara, San Benito, Monterey and Santa Cruz counties.“

        “AUG. 10, 2015 5:23 PM PT
        Show more sharing options
        Dozens of Long Beach gang members were indicted Monday on suspicion of stealing the identities of hundreds of Californians and using them to steal millions of dollars worth of tax returns, the state attorney general’s office announced.

        Atty. Gen. Kamala D. Harris’ office has charged 32 suspected members of the Long Beach Insane Crip gang and its associates with more than 800 felonies, including 283 counts of criminal conspiracy, 226 counts of grand theft and nearly 300 counts of identity theft. Twenty-two of the gang members have been taken into custody, Harris’ office said.”

        “Thursday, May 19, 2016
        Contact: (916) 210-6000, [email protected]
        STOCKTON — Attorney General Kamala D. Harris today announced the successful takedown of two criminal street gangs in the Stockton area, following a joint investigation and operation by the California Department of Justice’s Bureau of Investigation Special Operations Unit (SOU) and the Stockton Police Department’s Gang Violence Suppression unit.

        The joint operation, named Operation Bloodline, resulted in the seizure of 22 illegal firearms, $12,000 in currency, and 41 pounds of marijuana; as well as the arrests of 52 individuals on felony crimes.”

    • No way she will be successful because there isn’t a clause in the constitution that says you can pass a law strictly by giving B-J’s.

      • It’s more of a common-law right, usually cited in properly lol but a reasonable interpretation extends it to common public spaces as well.

        “Quiet enjoyment is the right to inhabit or use certain property without disturbance. This term is most frequently used in property law, where the right to quiet enjoyment protects tenants from intrusions and guarantees certain basic necessities of a home”

  1. Kamala does her best work on her knees and back…

    …that said…

    The DNC knows that Joey won’t last another couple of years before his body runs down faster than his mind. They definitely don’t want Kammy to be President. By continuously highlighting her ineptitude, who are they priming as the Grand Debutante to save the Party for 2024?

      • The demtards will never push a semiblack broad out for a white prog. Their ownership of the negros is already in trouble. If they loose 20% of the black vote it would overwhelm their fraudulent vote program. Why they are importing millions of illegals as Plan B.

        It will be Michelle/Michael Obama.

    • Old Guy in Montana,

      I agree with Darkman: I believe that the Democrat Party will send Gavin Newsome as their Party’s nominee.

      • 2028 for sure he will run, but I don’t think he wants to do it right now. I don’t thin that the stunt calling for a Constitutional Amendment to eliminate the 2d Amendment will buy him many votes.

        • It will buy him Millions of Koolade Drinking Liberal/Progressives. Simply because ‘IT’ Feelz Good and meets their standard of Doing Something. Results are of no matter.

      • “Michelle “Big Mike” Obama“

        I find it hilarious that so many right-wing conservatives obsess over Michelle Obama’s genitalia.

        So many of them seem really hopeful that she’s got a big one hiding beneath her skirt

        Kind of reveals the way their mind works, if you know what I mean…

        Not that there’s anything wrong with that…

    • IMO, she is NOT inept! She is a stellar performer doing an impressive job of implementing a long term plan.

      Also IMO, people help her when they say she is incompetent, etc.

      She ain’t.

      • The same could be said of AOC. She’s good at what she does. She’s a performer. She’s better than Kamala.

        • Anyone who thinks AOC lacks intelligence, has perhaps made a false assessment of the situation.
          She has dual masters degrees from Boston university, economics and international relations.

  2. This is great news!
    Tend of thousands of unregistered, unaccounted for, unrestricted firearms will be flooding in and they’ll come with government cash.

    • Yeah that’s what I was going to say… are they going to bus or fly unregistered full auto weapon like AKs and PKMs to Florida and New York? Then amnesty them all or just let them hang out under the radar?

      I am down with that, I can provide room and board to quite a few. I look forward to grabbing an RPG7.

  3. This is good news for Harris, the job comes with a new pair of tax payer funded knee pads, and tax payer funded anti-grope bra and can of sniffer-repellent spray for those times she needs to be near Joe, and a tax payer funded alert sensor to let her know the next time Joe falls so she can immediately call and ask “Do I get to be president now?”

    • “payer funded anti-grope bra“

      Mark Meadows’ administrative assistant Cassidy Hutchinson could’ve used one of those when she had to deal with trumps attorney, Rudy Giuliani.

      And Rudy will probably be wanting one as well, when he ends up in Club Fed.

  4. I kept hearing about this and hearing about it as if this was something to be concerned about…now we know how little it means to even Bidens puppet masters. Time to move on to something worthy of my time.

    • Are you aware of the new “migrant processing centers based in Latin America”?

      Per MSM (but you got to dig), the WH claims these exist to “help migrants avoid the dangerous trek to the southern border”.

      Now shipping them in direct, at taxpayer expense. It is almost like they have some huge project they need manpower in the millions for, but American citizens just won’t do….

      • Yeah, I know about the “migrant processing centers based in Latin America”. They changed the name, they are now called ‘Safe Mobility Offices’. There are, I think, three of them running now.

      • “some huge project they need manpower in the millions for, but American citizens just won’t do…. “

        It’s called ‘farmworkers, domestics and waste management’.

  5. That woman can’t utter a coherent sentence. She can only embarrass the WH. Then the media will rush in to explain what we all heard.

    • IMO, she is highly effective. She is the A10 of the American “reset”. For example, she has imported how many healthy preindoctrinated wellfed taller than their national average noncitizens of military age? And we soon will have direct shipping at the taxpayer’s expense – search on “migrant processing centers in Latin America” to get started on that one.

      And all while serving us word salad.

  6. Please please please do the same job on Firearms that you have done on the border! Doing so would mean that machine guns are legal again and all the gun laws would roll back to as they were prior to 1920!

  7. Harris is not really in charge of this abortion. Shes just there to rubber stamp the unconstitutional and illegal non-government defacto ‘government law making agency’ anti-gun want to do.

  8. Well, thinking about this a bit, whether it really is her or not who is in charge of the border, what is happening there is exactly what the leftists want, not what we want. With that kind of Opposite Day nonsense going on at the border, we’re going to have to keep our eyes peeled watching this new office.

  9. So they set up an office to go around congress (ie and the constitution basically). And they say this part out loud? And they get away with it. Garsh

    • No one pays attention because the media doesn’t act like it’s bad. The media had people thinking Trump was a Russian agent, and Covid leaking from a lab in China was some crazy conspiracy theory. How have the sheep not figured out that the crazy conspiracy theories are the ones peddled by the MSM? “Hunter’s laptop data is a Russian disinformation campaign.”

    • Who’s going to stop them?

      Seriously, so, so, so many questions the Right asks all have basically the same answer, which is itself a question. “How many divisions does the Pope have?”.

      If there’s no realistic enforcement mechanism then there’s no point in following the rule/law/guideline/whatever.

      Obama proved this with high court’s NLRB ruling that he completely and utterly ignored. The court found that the NLRB failed to have a quorum and so everything they did was null and unenforceable during a set time period. Obama just ignored the court and had that shit enforced anyway. And what happened? Nothing.

      You give people incentives in one direction long enough, don’t be surprised if they notice and start acting like incentives are, well, incentives.

  10. Give the record of ineptitude Harris has displayed for years, we should be concerned with the second or third in command rather than Harris.
    If it is up to Kameltoe’s performance, we will have racks of full auto weapons handed out to anyone who wants them at taxpayers expense.

  11. Under the 2nd amendment shouldn’t the Gov’t be assisting citizens in exercising their rights? When do I get my Gov’t issued AR-15? Make mine a Noveske. I will be checking the mailbox daily. Too soon?

  12. Alternative hypothesis:

    Kamala’s being set up to do something that makes her unpopular with specific demographics due to the shifts within those key demos since 2020.

    This kneecaps her politically and makes her much easier to replace because she’s extremely unpopular generally but actually pretty damn popular with those demos which have recently taken up an interest in firearms and happen to hold outsized sway on the Left side of the Democratic Party.

    Whittle away her support bit by bit within the Left side of the party and she becomes much easier to sideline if/when they replace Joe, which means less resistance to inserting someone like the Justin Trudeau of the West Coast.

      • I believe that optics matter more than anything else in this realm because I know it to be true.

        Whether or not voting actually matters is actually pretty immaterial as long as enough people believe the right things.

        Look at any long-term blue city and you’ll see what I mean.

  13. Who left the window open? A pigeon came in and he’s knocking over the pieces on the game board, crapping all over the place and strutting around like he’s proud of himself.

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