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Many Americans wondered if Joe Biden was still doing anything as president or if he was simply enjoying lame duck status, when suddenly this popped up on Fox News. President Biden is preparing to sign a new executive order aimed at reducing gun violence, the media outlet reports. The order is expected to focus on emerging firearms threats, including machine gun conversion devices and 3D-printed firearms. The White House plans to establish a new task force to assess these threats and improve active shooter drills in schools.

Biden is like the student who skips the entire semester of school and then shows up the final week before the exam and asks the teacher if he can make up the work so he can possibly pass the class. His adminstration, with now presidential candidate Kamala Harris named as the border czar, did absolutely nothing about shutting down our nation’s porous southern border until after 3 1/2 years into his presidency and now, just a month away from the presidential election, he wants him and Kamala to look tough on crime since polling shows the Democrats are getting punished on that topic.

The announcement comes just days after the mass shooting in Birmingham, Alabama, which left four dead and 17 injured, and amid concerns about the evolving nature of firearm technology. A senior administration official told Fox News that while machine gun conversion devices are already illegal under federal law, they continue to be used in crimes across the country. These devices convert semi-automatic pistols into fully automatic firearms.

In addition, the rise of 3D-printed firearms—firearms built from computer code downloaded from the internet—poses another challenge for law enforcement. These weapons often lack serial numbers, making them difficult to trace, and can be made from non-metal materials, making them undetectable by magnetometers at airports and other secure locations.

The executive order will establish an emerging firearms threats task force, which will include leadership from various federal departments and agencies. The task force will be responsible for issuing a report within 90 days that assesses the threats posed by both conversion devices and 3D-printed firearms. The report will also review federal agencies’ abilities to detect, intercept and seize these weapons and their components.

Additionally, the order will direct several key officials, including the Secretary of Education and the Attorney General, to develop and publish updated active shooter drills for schools, in an effort to better prepare students for emergency situations.

The NRA responded swiftly to the news. Randy Kozuch, Executive Director of the NRA Institute for Legislative Action (NRA-ILA), criticized the executive order, stating that it is “just one more attempt by the Biden-Harris Administration to deflect attention from their soft-on-crime policies.” He added, “The orders are notably heavy on election-year rhetoric and light on substance. It’s no secret that Americans don’t feel safe under the Biden-Harris Administration, as evidenced by the record number of firearms being purchased for the defense of self and family.”

Nowhere in the declaration of an executive order however, does the Biden-Harris administration voice interest in combatting inner city crime and gang violence, which is the source of the most devastating violence week in and week out and leaves many more people killed and wounded such as what happened in Birmingham. With or without Glock switches, that violent attack was going to take place.


  1. With the upward bound of anything not detectable by a magnetometer being a 22lr single shot (last I remember) why do they even bother putting that in…….oh right nevermind forgot I am dealing with disingenuous power freaks.

  2. Perhaps we need an executive order that prohibits all of President Obama’s bastard sons from possessing firearms of any type. That would reduce the gun homicide rate by nearly two-thirds.

  3. The idiotic fad of “Shooter in the school” drills are mostly worthless and can needlessly scare the heck of kids (and prog teachers). Reason being the popo fools dream up scenarios and conduct the “training”. This point by Obiden/Harrpy Harris only proves the stopped clock theorem.

    Otherwise ……………..

    • I grew up during the cold
      war and remember the H-bomb drills we used to do – head down on the desk, covered by both arms, kiss your ass goodbye.
      This is all classic sleight -of-hand that magicians use onstage… watch my busy hand, listen to the banter, forget about the target object, it was pocketed when I said ” Nothing up my sleeve …”

  4. A better EO would to just ban violence. Then there would be no more violence since the EO is some deity edict. That would fix everything. Make an EO against laziness, against poverty, against stupidity while they are at it. It will all make the same result.

  5. Since the overturning of Chevron Deference. EO’s are the single most dangerous power allowed to be used by any President especially considering the Constitution holds no specific provision to allow for them. It is another made up power.

  6. It would be interesting to see the true demographic breakdown on the use of switches in actual crimes. My guess is that would be considered to racey to talk about.
    Then the stats on the prosecution and incarceration of those criminals. IF any. Again probably too racey to bring up.

  7. i am getting old, and have a little problem with memory —— but wasn’t the vp put charge of gun violence 6 months to a year ago?

      • SAFE,

        No, not just racist, you forgot “misogynist”, too! She checks ALL the ‘intersectional’ boxes – Leftist/fascist, no work experience other than feeding at the public trough, a “person of color” (heh!!), and a blithering mental deficient. A qoudfecta of incompetence!!


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