With 29 states now making permitless carry available for those citizens who wish to practice their Second Amendment rights by carrying open or concealed—Louisiana and South Carolina the most recent two to sign such legislation into law—and courts every week striking down draconian gun laws as unconstitutional, and honestly, as the country slowly emerges from the societal disruption the pandemic caused on a global scale, crime rates, do appear to be slowly dropping on many fronts across the country. There are still challenges for sure and no one can sleep too easy, but from a straight statistics point, the numbers are at least trending in a better direction.

So, I guess it shouldn’t be surprising, despite his opposition to anything that supports gun rights in this country, that President Joe Biden decides to lay claim that it’s his policies and leadership (if you can call it that) that are to credit. Despite more guns on the street as he likes to argue, our communities are actually getting safer. So, what does his admin do, they take a victory lap on that news, and with it, all of the credit. Following is a statement issued by the White House the other day:

Across America, families want the same thing: the freedom to feel safe in their community. To know their kids are secure. My Administration is making it a reality. This week, the FBI released data showing that crime declined across nearly every category in 2023. Last year, we also had one of the lowest rates of all violent crime in more than 50 years and the murder rate saw the sharpest decrease in history. That’s good news for the American people.

In 2020, before I took office, the prior administration oversaw the largest increase in murders ever recorded. My Administration got to work on day one to fix that. Thanks to the American Rescue Plan, which every Republican in Congress voted against, we made the largest-ever federal investment in fighting and preventing crime at any time in our history. That enabled cities and states to invest $15 billion in public safety. This record investment in crime reduction – in community violence intervention, mental health and additional officers – is delivering results. It is keeping law enforcement on the beat and keeping communities safe from violence. My Administration is also taking on the crisis of gun violence head on, with more executive actions on gun violence than any President in history and signing the most significant law to address gun violence in almost 30 years.

Keeping communities safe is my priority. While we’ve made major progress, we still have more work to do. That’s why I’ll keep fighting to make more investments in preventing crime, to fund additional accountable police officers to ensure trust between law enforcement and the communities they serve, and to ban assault weapons to keep guns out of dangerous hands – and I will continue to urge Republicans in Congress to join me.

I guess that’s the beauty of politics. No matter what side of an issue you are on, what your political affiliations and leanings may be, and when considering all of the factors that go into establishing statistical trends in this country on policies as far reaching as the economy, international diplomacy, crime, guns, gays and abortion, if anything shows as a positive, you can always spin the argument to take credit for it.


  1. Always take credit for good news.
    Always blame bad news on your opponent.
    Sure, it’s all sophomoric schoolyard shenanigans that only imbeciles buy into but the majority are imbeciles and the rest are chasing confirmation bias so it’ll always work out for ya.

  2. How many low IQ people actually buy this? The sharp increase in violent crime in 2020 was the sole responsibility of Democrats begging for it. Of course it went down from there. It’s the same with tanking the economy in 2020. It could only go up from there. They disrespect their own voters so much they tried to gaslight them with ‘Bidenomics.’ The only reason they’re that bold is because they own the media.

    • You fail to appreciate how much worse things can get.

      In fact, things getting worse than you can probably imagine is what many of these people desire.

      They are, actually, highly likely to get their wish too.

      15+ years of copium and the average right-of-center mind is getting to the level of your run of the mill street-living fentanyl addict.

      But hey, maybe I’m just nuts and don’t get that it’s totally normal to deploy the National Guard to deal with the historically low crime rates.

      • “In fact, things getting worse than you can probably imagine”

        Yes, many godly Christian are saying the upcoming eclipse is a sign of the second coming of Christ, as the eclipse moves over 6 cities named Nineveh. Repent, the end is near!

      • “In fact, things getting worse than you can probably imagine is what many of these people desire.”


    • The sharp increase in violent crime in 2020 was the sole responsibility of Democrats begging for it. Of course it went down from there. It’s the same with tanking the economy in 2020“

      2020? You do know of course, Donald Trump was president in 2020, he’d been president for four years so he owns the situation, violent crime up, economy tanked, good job Donald!

      • We do know Trump was President in 2020. We also know everyone and their mother’s except his supporters were out to destroy anything and everything the he was trying to accomplish. I’ve got a question for you Miner, Are you better off now than you were during President Trump’s administration?

      • He was also the president in 2019. What changed in 2020? Saint George Floyd happened. Who was begging for that mayhem? Trump? You’re playing more games because you think everyone is as slow and gullible as you are. You’re projecting again.

    • Jim Crow Gun Control democRat joe and his administration opened the border for criminals to terrorize America and terrorize is what they have done.

      Frankly there is no fight fire with fire pushback against democRats who have gotten away with concocting blatant slander and libel against DJT that has led to false criminal charges and awards in the millions.

      Where’s the call on a forum supporting the 2A to call out Gun Control zealots who should be required by law to expose the Historical Truth About Gun Control? If a pack of cigs can have a warning label and locks are required with each new firearm so should a Warning Label be Required for an Agenda History Confirms Is Rooted in Racism and Genocide…If the aforementioned upsets the forum’s bigoted closet racist and nazi sympathizers they can go f themselves. The upset blowbags ride for free in the wagon I’m pulling, not the other way around.

      Where’s any calls to justifibly single out and hold the democRat Party monetarily liable for its race based atrocities that for centuries occurred all across America? And it still goes on today where yesterday’s bigoted demoCrap lives on in the minds of dumbfuk bigots who permeate this forum…you know who you are.

      • You’re a prime example of a house divided. Why are you posting on here and denigrating POTG?

        • While I don’t agree with Deb on this one, I will say that the notion that POTG deserve no criticism is laughable.

          The entire Right side of the aisle has major issues and are, in one way or another, generally complicit in a Hell of a lot of the problems this country faces, usually due to dereliction after having fallen under the sway of manipulation.

        • strych9, When I said POTG I was more or less talking about those that peruse this site. I absolutely agree with your statement about those on the right screwing us. Look at the trash bill that just passed in the House that funds anti-gun projects.

        • “The entire Right side of the aisle has major issues…”

          Notice the timing of some announced retirements from Congress, as well as the implications. Notice how “bipartisan” legislation almost always screws the citizens. Notice how so many on the “Right” don’t want a Republican president to win this year.

        • “Notice how “bipartisan” legislation almost always screws the citizens.”

          I’ve been saying “Two wings of the same predatory bird” for how many years?

      • “blatant slander and libel against DJT”

        That’s strange, all the multi million dollar verdicts are against Donald, do you think we should terminate the provisions in the constitution as Trump suggests?

        Speaking of millions for slander, don’t forget $787 million awarded to the voting machine company, from Pox ‘News’.

  3. Instantaneously while watching Biden’s comments to that effect in the SOTU address, I was thinking – wait, crime is going down, while firearms purchases and ownership are at all time highs? And he not only doesn’t mention it, but quickly turns to how he wants to restrict firearms even more. They really want to sweep the real data under the rug, but I think even the marginal gun controllers (the ones who wear their red Moms t-shirts, while their husband is out buying a pistol) can see through that smokescreen now.

    • Hmmm…this ILLannoy resident legally carries a gat in Indiana with no permit or permission slip. Not so in the Land of Lincoln. Which state do yah suppose is safer??? Yeah even Gary which has scads of legal gat owners🙄 Slow Joe is s l o w.

      • All criminals are not leftists, but all leftists are criminals; so Joe is just playing to his base. As in: “yeah, crime is down, but y’all don’t panic, we gonna take all the guns from the squares and straight people, and it will come back huge then.”

        • Joe the festering meatbag doesn’t have a clue as to what he is saying. I’d love to know the truth about the chemical cocktail they stuck in his wrinkled ass before the SOTU. Vote this bastard out or lose our country. President Reagan was correct, our freedoms are but one generation away.

  4. Keeping communities safe, as long as those communities do not have a gunmshop or FFL in it.
    Then they become a little dangerous because his gang is always shuting somebody up .
    By by Golly, I knew we had The Greatest President America Has or Ever Will Have..
    theBiden 2024,28,32.
    Who said you can only be president twice.

    • To add… in the above video at about 11:20 it goes into the crime rates. Crime did for a fact rise under the tyranny of Biden and not decrease. Crime was for a fact lower while Trump was in office. In fact most if not all of everything Biden claims is better because of his ‘policy’ is actually worse than it was when Trump was in office.

  5. “to fund additional accountable police officers to ensure trust”
    They must mean like those accountable at the ATF!

  6. Gas was $2.19 a gallon and then theBiden got elected and it went up to $6,7,8, then theBiden got elected and he got the price dropped way below what the other president theBiden had it.
    He is good for some country’s.

  7. Weren’t these the same folks screaming defund the po po about 3 yrs ago. How is that part of an “American Rescue Plan”?

    • How the 2021 cops were ever ‘part of an “American Rescue Plan”‘ might be an equally serious, if not more serious, question but it’s one that will get you a lot of dirty looks.

      Kinda like asking how it is that education only went to shit for the last 20 years bEcAuZe mUh kIdZ tHeZe DaYz pRoOoVe dIs! yet God and Man at Yale was published in 1951.

  8. Cites claims not in evidence due to statistical and data reporting fuckery that is well documented.

  9. israels ban on gun ownership didnt help those oct 7 victims but it sure did the omar backed hamasholes

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