Giffords David Chipman ATF
Giffords Law Center Senior Policy Advisor David Chipman (AP Photo/Andrew Harnik)
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David Chipman, who is still the Biden admin’s nominee to head the ATF, replies in the video clip above to a question from the BBC as to whether we are doing enough to monitor what is on “these hate-filled websites” (referring to 8Chan). This is his answer:

The frustration is, is in the United States, um, the freedom of speech and to say things is largely, uh, cannot be regulated but, yes, we have to do more to monitor hate speech on the internet, but we also have to do more, um, to curb that same speech being presented by our President and other elected public officials. Um, the FBI, uh, other federal agencies have a tough job responding to these threats when they don’t currently have the authority to remove weaponry just because people are saying hateful things.

It’s shocking that Chipman’s nomination has lasted this long. He’s so radical and has so many issues and so much baggage, I think it’s fair to say that we expected him to be rejected long ago. But, alas, it isn’t a done deal so you need to call your representatives — Congress and Senate, D and R alike — and tell them they need to actively oppose Chipman’s nomination.

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  1. Feel bad for the petty tyrant. It’s the new protected class. Victim du jour. He only wants to help.

  2. God I could go without seeing that pic of him looking like a hooting bonobo chimp ever again or seeing sight of him ever again at all for that matter

    • He is truly the ‘dick with ears’ if there ever was one, and not just hyperbole;)

      • Speaking of dicks, he looks like he’s ready for one in that top photo.

  3. “Hate speech” is speech our ruling elite disagrees with, it’s a pretty elastic definition. I honestly feel like I’ve woken up in some sort of nightmare. If you would have told someone 50 years ago this would be our future they would have told you that you were nuts, yet here we are.

    Apparently, according to Chipman and his ilk, Constitutional rights have to be destroyed in order to protect them.

    • “If you would have told someone 50 years ago this would be our future they would have told you that you were nuts, yet here we are.”

      The way that the so-called ‘Liberals’ have done a one-eighty and turned into actual Fascists would be a fascinating cultural study if it didn’t have real consequences.

      “Apparently, according to Chipman and his ilk, Constitutional rights have to be destroyed in order to protect them.”

      That’s what the whole CRT crap is about. The country (according to their Marxist perspective) is irredeemably lost, and must be destroyed to save it.

      Even John McWhorter (someone who has been ringing the alarm bells on this for quite some time now, Google him.) is becoming convinced we are headed for France, in the late 1870s. You know, the French Revolution, guillotines and all. The only problem for our enemies is, what happened to those running the execution machinery once the madness ran its course… 🙂

      • I suspect you mean the late 1780s.

        French Revolution: Date: 5 May 1789 – 9 November 1799;

        • You’re correct, I was in error. It’s rare, but it happens… 😉

        • You’re very wrong about the harmful and unproven WUFlu vaccine that you want to force others to take at gunpoint. Only a contemptible left leaning nanny state loving democrat coward like you would advocate for something like that. What a clown and loser you are 🤣!

        • Geoff hasn’t said anything about forcing “others” to take a COVID vaccine, at gunpoint or otherwise — just you. I have to admit that I hope he gets the chance. It’d be quite entertaining.

        • He’s not ‘wrong’ with the 1870s, either.

          The FIRST French Revolution, the one we read about, was from 1789-1799ish.
          Then there was another one, in 1830.
          And another one, in 1848.
          And another one, in 1871.
          And several little ones every couple of years that didn’t make the headlines.
          They’ve gone from monarchy, to anarchy, to ‘democracy,’ to a ‘republic,’ to a monarchy, to a republic, to a monarchy, to an empire, to a monarchy, to a republic, to an occupation, and back to a republic a couple of times, unless I’ve lost track.
          This week, it’s a republic with riots over COVID.

    • “If you would have told someone 50 years ago this would be our future …

      lots of people were saying this was coming. 50 years ago, 40, 30, 20, 10.

      “would have told you that you were nuts”

      they did. and here we are.

    • “Apparently, according to Chipman and his ilk, Constitutional rights have to be destroyed in order to protect them.”

      and he’s right. you misunderstand them because they are deliberately unclear and misleading. what he/they mean is, YOUR rights have to be destroyed in order to protect THEIR rights. see, in their view, they have rights, while you’re an animal with no rights, and treating you as if you have rights impinges on theirs.

      • Nothing about the Constitution or the Bill of Rights is unclear or misleading at all. It says exactly what it means and means exactly, precisely what it says. Marxists, tyrants, et al have been performing amazing feats of mental gymnastics and changing the very meaning of words to gain advantage for 200 years. They will continue to erode all our founding documents into nihilistic nothingness until we stop them. By force.

        • “Nothing about the Constitution or the Bill of Rights is unclear or misleading at all. It says exactly what it means and means exactly, precisely what it says.”

          you don’t understand. they think it’s about them, not you. they think that it’s theirs – that it came from them, that it’s about them, that it’s for them – and that you are just a rat in their walls.

  4. “It’s shocking that Chipman’s nomination has lasted this long.”

    No, actually, it’s not shocking at all. The communists intend to win this battle and the war. You need to remember that the chi-coms who are the actual masters of our government think long term, centuries, while most of us can’t see beyond lunch. He will be confirmed. Or if not him, someone equally adverse to the freedoms we used to enjoy.

      • Better question is “who’s their AD Ferdinand?”
        Who is pulling the strings on Impotent old Joe and the Mocha Ho?

        Soros? Bloomberg?

        • watching Joe speak…especially off the cuff…tends to make you wince…you never really know what’s going to come out of that mouth, assuming you can make sense of any of it….

      • You mean, “Where’s our deluded, anarchist-nationalist tubercular college student that manages to shoot absolutely the WRONG person–the soon-to-be emperor who was in favor of giving Austria-Hungary’s various states autonomy and self-rule–and his completely innocent wife, thus touching off a world-wide war for no particular reason and making everything worse?” THAT Gavrilo Princep?

    • “The communists intend to win this battle and the war.”

      This could not have happened as recently as the 1980s, the memory of what Communism is was too fresh.

      The great nations are never felled by another nation, the rot from within…

      • Societies will rot when the government forces the citizenry to take a harmful, unproved vaccine against an imaginary virus that causes a minor case of the sniffles.

        • I hope you get COVID Delta. It does make the original strain look like the flu. It’s effects are described as the worst flu you’ve ever had combined with pneumonia, emphysema, and the sweats and chills of malaria. Also it is much more infectious than the original strain.

          The outbreak downunder started from ONE person who thought even though they were transporting high risk passengers (International flight crew), they were unvaccinated and not wearing PPE.

          COVID is a gift that keeps on giving. I would like it to return to sender.

        • “COVID Delta … does make the original strain look like the flu”

          so this one is actually a problem?

        • @Southern Cross Most recent reports show that the Pfizer vaccines is only 39% effective against the delta variant. Interesting that they omitted to mention when the vaccines first became available that you could still get COVID even if you were fully vaccinated allowing people to think they were immunized.

      • “This could not have happened as recently as the 1980s”

        you mean it could not have operated as openly and blatantly. but it was operating then too, covertly and with great effectiveness. in every generation.

  5. Your desperation is just so *precious*.

    Seriously, just come to terms with your alternative sexuality, will you? There’s no shame in it.

    There is shame in your pedophilia, however. It’s not normal, little boy. One day, you will act on it, and the shame you will bring your family will devastate it.

    Get help, before it’s too late… 😉

  6. Suppose a nominee disparaged ANY OTHER Constitutional right. E.g., suppose he opposed: women’s suffrage; men’s suffrage; transsexual suffrage. What should the Senate make of that?

    Logically, we have no choice whatsoever but to prescind from the merits of any such Constitutional right. E.g., even if we supposed that it were scientifically proven that testosterone poisoning made men incompetent voters, any such policy proposition is off-the-table. For better or for worse, We the People have expressed our will with respect to each provision of the Constitution; it is not within the scope of any member of the Executive branch to question these provisions.

    We would have to conclude that the nominee lacks a commitment to protecting and defending the Constitution. That would make him unfit to assume a high public office where a Senate confirmation is required.

    He would, as a private citizen, be free to speak and publish for a “reform” of the 19A. To do so would not be a crime. Fellow citizens could disparage his arguments and his wisdom.

    (Members of Congress are free to advocate for Constitutional amendments. Judges and Justices to opine on the correct interpretation of the Constitution. But the Executive has no such role.)

    Yet, it’s a completely distinct matter for any holder – actual or prospective – of high office to disparage ANY Constitutional right. No matter how compelling his arguments might be, our system depends on fealty to the Constitution itself.

  7. Mr Chipman.
    Do you see the average American citizen as an enemy or a friend? .
    Mr. Chipman.
    If elected as BATFE director will you uphold the Constitution of The United States of America?
    Mr Chipman.
    You gots a purdy mouff, it looks just like the butthole on my favorite goat.

    • “Mr Chipman.
      Do you see the average American citizen as an enemy or a friend?”

      Leftist Scum like him considers us an enemy…

      • Yes, he has made it quite clear that he has an abiding hatred for Trump and all his minions, plus all the people who voted for him. He would disarm them all.

        • Rendition, enhanced interrogation, and the survivors herded into the showers for delousing.

    • “Do you see the average American citizen as an enemy or a friend?”

      neither. imitating his owners and handlers, he sees them as an animal resource, to be harnessed and put to work serving his owners/handlers, and to be eliminated as a threat if they can’t be controlled and used.

  8. “… you need to call your representatives — Congress and Senate, D and R alike — and tell them they need to actively oppose Chipman’s nomination.”

    And that would accomplish what exactly?

    Just a few years ago, U.S. Senators and Congressman might listen to such requests when they could actually lose an election and there would be no golden parachute (compliments of the newly minted cadre of Far Left Billionaires) waiting for them.

  9. the only amendments theyre particularly fond of are the 14th and the 25th
    and the 25th is only if a republican is in the white house
    and dont forget…
    what do abortion and ham sandwiches have in common:
    >neither of them are in the 14th amendment

  10. When you are convinced that other people are, at most, barely competent to obey your orders as their moral and intellectual superior, it’s understandable that you believe the Bill of Rights need contain only the statement, “You have the right to shut up and do as you are told.”

    • “as their moral and intellectual superior”

      not quite. he doesn’t think he’s superior. imitating his owners/controllers, he thinks he’s human and that you’re not.

  11. Apparently someone forgot to tell chipmonkey that hate speech and Gun Control are peas in a pod just like Gun Control is a pea in the pod with slave shacks, lynchings, the KKK, gas chambers, concentration camps, slave labor, nazis, etc.

    Never mind a small potato like chipmonkey when it is clearly Gun Control that continues to pave the way for the chipmonkey types.

    Gun Control has been given standing by self described defenders of freedom who have failed miserably to define Gun Control by its long sick history of racism and genocide.

    As long as Gun Control is given standing by withholding The Truth About Gun Control those carrying around an agenda that is rooted in racism and genocide do the leading and The Second Amendment does the following.

    • Debbie W. ……….It’s disappointing that more ( or any ) of the talking heads on t v and radio don’t point out this case of racism other wise known as gun control. Self defense is a God given as well as a natural right to all. Since communists do not believe in God ( theirs is the government ) then they will not believe in this right. Keep posting it !

    • “slave shacks, lynchings, the KKK, gas chambers, concentration camps, slave labor, nazis”

      but not boolsheviks? for all your ranting it’s clear that it’s not gun control itself that gets you going.

      • You’re never going to succeed in rehabilitating the Nazis. Get this through your head: This is America, not Europe, and the answer to “which totalitarian flavor would you prefer” is NO. With a bullet.

        • ‘aNyOnE fOr RoPe AnD lAmP pOsTs?’…writes the despicable coward who’s gun safe will serve a real patriot’s gun store the minute TSHTF. You make that simpering pansy Geoff the Pervert look tough by comparison.

        • “which totalitarian flavor would you prefer” is NO. With a bullet”

          she definitely has a preference. you having no preference and going it alone works just fine with her.

  12. “Um, the FBI, uh, other federal agencies have a tough job responding to these threats when they don’t currently have the authority to remove weaponry just because people are saying hateful things.”

    Tough cookies.
    Chew harder.

    On the other hand the FBI or any law enforcement agency has all the authority needed to arrest someone preparing to carry out a violent attack. They take evidence to a judge and get a warrant, happens all the time. Or they catch the bad guys in the act. So, yeah, they can watch public statements just as anyone can. But they cannot do anything about it, and should not ever do so, unless and until they have evidence that is more than mere chatter.

    People mouth off all the time, it’s human nature. It is only when they are acting on threats that law enforcement gets to do something about it.

  13. So now the troll starts calling everyone else a troll. It’s the next inevitable phase.

    Hint for you, “OwtEegeep”: if everyone you meet is an asshole, it’s not them, it’s YOU. If you were capable of carrying on a normal conversation or having normal human relationships, you wouldn’t be in this position.

    • Im going to hop in here to say YOU sound like that piece of c r ap that only thinks of himself and is the epitome of a selfish s o b….

  14. “Um, the FBI, uh, other federal agencies have a tough job responding to these threats when they don’t currently have the authority to remove weaponry just because people are saying hateful things.”

    The key words in the quote are, “DON”T CURRENTLY”.
    He is saying they don’t have it NOW, but I’ll give them the authority if selected.
    He isn’t hiding his views and this clearly illustrates his intentions.

    • Any bets he’s planning a “shock-and-awe” raid that makes Waco look like a traffic stop?

      • is a suitable target available? the only one I can think of would be trump’s headquarters.

        it’s a choice. big publicized raid to “shock and awe” future targets to generate greater psychological advantage? or just silent continuous raids to generate actual progress as long as they can get away with it?

        • Chipman is not the subtle type. He will want a grand demonstration of his “authiteh”.

        • “Necessity is the plea for every infringement of human freedom”

          well cost plays a role too.

        • “Chipman is not the subtle type”

          true, but he won’t be the one in charge, he’ll be just a front for his owners’ decisions. as will anyone else in that position if chipman himself isn’t installed.

  15. Fuck David Chipman and the Communist Biden Horse He Rode In On.

    How’s that for 1st Amendment “hate speech” you unAmerican commie bastard?
    I got your regulator.


  17. It’s just a shame that we don’t have more control over what we feel is hateful speech and that we can’t take disarm people when they say things not officially approved.

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