The desiccated husk of what used to be a mediocre legislator traveled to New York City yesterday. Why? The Big Apple is in the middle of a historic surge in violent crime, but that didn’t really have anything to do with the trip. The real motivation was the fact that old Joe’s poll numbers are awful and getting worse. The economy is shedding jobs by the hundreds of thousands and inflation is rising faster than Neil Young’s opinion of his own relevance.
That’s why whoever is really running things at the White House figured a diversion would be a good idea and well worth the not insignificant risk of propping the old guy up in front of the cameras again.
One of Americans’ biggest concerns these days is the increase in crime that followed a “progressive” re-think of criminal justice after the George Floyd killing. It seems that when you shift your law enforcement spending toward social services instead of cops on the beat, dismantle the bail system and elect prosecutors whose idea of “equity” is refusing to prosecute those who violate large swaths of the criminal code, violent criminals tend to react to those kinds of incentives.
None of that would be a real problem for the President or his party except 1) people are noticing the deterioration of law and order and 2) the midterm elections are coming up fast and the signs in the entrails are looking more ominous by the day for Democrats’ chances of hanging onto their control of Congress.
Not to mention that Americans who never would have considered it before are buying guns for personal protection. And heaven knows, we can’t have that.

So, just one day after the second recent funeral for a New York City cop, President Ron Klain rolled the dice and propped the old guy in the suit up and let him talk about…guns. It went every bit as well as you’d expect.
Biden says that a “glock with 40 rounds” is “a weapon of war”— Greg Price (@greg_price11) February 3, 2022
Joe obviously has no earthy idea what he’s doing there, he’s just reading off of the extra-big-type notes in front of him. He’s referring to the stolen GLOCK handgun with a 40-round drum magazine that was used by the perp who murdered those two NYPD cops.

Sorry, Joe, but a garden variety semi-automatic pistol isn’t a “weapon of war,” even with the addition of a drum mag (which, by the way, no one in the military uses for handguns).
Arbitrarily labeling a GLOCK — or M&P or Ruger or Beretta or Taurus or SIG, for that matter — as a “weapons of war” may elicit whoops and applause from the shrieking red-shirted harpies at Moms Demand Action, but it doesn’t pass constitutional muster under the Heller decision, no matter how many times you repeat it.
Hold on, Joe wasn’t close to finished imparting his wisdom about firearms and enumerated civil rights.
BIDEN: “This doesn’t doesn’t violate anybody’s Second Amendment right…You couldn’t buy a cannon when this amendment was passed. There’s no reason why you shouldn’t be able to buy certain assault weapons.”
— (@townhallcom) February 3, 2022
This particular lie is and oldie and a not-so-goodie for the Scranton Kid. He’s told it before and it was rated as garbage by the “fact-checking” orgs that try their best to cover for anyone with a (D) following their name.
Sorry to burst your bubble, Joe, but as a matter of fact, you could buy a cannon back in the day when the Second Amendment was written. And you know what? You still can. And if you want one that’s armored and mobile, you can buy one of those, too if you have the scratch.
Speaking of oft-repeated Biden lies . . .
BIDEN: Gun manufacturers are “the only industry in America that is exempted from being sued, and I find it to be outrageous.”
— (@townhallcom) February 3, 2022
As we’ve written when the President told this whopper before . . .
No industry in America is exempt from being sued if it produces faulty or dangerous products. Ask Remington if gun makers enjoy some kind of special magic immunity from lawsuits.
In repeating this lie, Biden was referring to Protection of Lawful Commerce in Arms Act. That’s the law that protects gun makers from lawfare suits by anti-gun types when the manufacturers’ lawfully-made and legally-sold products are used in the commission of a crime.
The PLCAA is a (to coin a phrase) common sense protection put in place to protect gun makers, keeping blood-sucking tort lawyers and gun control industry sharks from literally suing them into bankruptcy.
Biden knows this. He’s well aware of what repealing the PLCAA would do to gun makers.
So yeah, putting Biden behind a microphone is always a white-knuckle experience for everyone involved, and yesterday was no exception. But the desperate White House needed to at least appear to do something to counter the growing (not to mention accurate) public perception that Democrats prompted the crime spike with the whole defund-the-police disaster and progressive prosecutors’ non-prosecution policies.

Biden went out of his way to praise Mayor Eric Adams’ plan to fight violent crime while his own gun control agenda targets lawful gun owners. He’s also proposing to funnel billions in taxpayer dollars to big cities to undo the very problems the Democrats who run them created by dismantling their criminal justice systems and “re-thinking” policing.
“I want to help every major city follow New York’s lead,” said Biden, who was flanked by Adams, Gov. Hochul, Attorney General Merrick Garland, members of the state’s congressional delegation and various police officials.
Vowing to be Adams’ “partner” in public safety, Biden said his administration is embarking on a new crackdown on so-called “ghost guns,” homemade weapons that typically aren’t subject to background checks and lack traceable serial numbers.
Yadda, yadda, yadda. Since he managed to stay mostly vertical and took no questions, the White House may have considered yesterday’s display a success. The Brady Campaign was certainly happy. Maybe they even gave the President an extra pudding cup or two on the flight back to D.C.