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Bill Prohibits Tennessee Doctors From Asking Patients About Gun Ownership

Darwin Nercesian - comments 37 comments

A new bill introduced in the Tennessee Legislature will prohibit healthcare providers, if passed, from asking patients whether they own or possess firearms or related items. Not only would HB 0387 defend Tennesseans from being asked an annoying and irrelevant question, but the law would come with some teeth, by way of a $1,000 fine and more if they do choose to pry.

Representative Ed Butler introduced the bill and has previously sponsored measures dealing with education, taxes, and infectious disease. HB 0387 prohibits any inquiry into a patient’s ownership, possession of, or access to firearms, ammunition, or accessories, including the denial of treatment based on knowledge of the aforementioned circumstances. It also forbids entering into the patient’s record any of the information described in the prohibition unless relevant to the patient’s medical care, safety, or the safety of others. Lastly, the bill prohibits the sharing of any such information with an insurer and requires that the healthcare provider disclose all of this to a patient before treatment.

HB 0387 includes any employee, assistant, contractor, establishment, or facility under the term “healthcare provider” but does not extend to a licensed psychiatrist or psychologist. The measure aims to prevent discrimination against patients based on the exercising of their constitutionally protected rights under the Second Amendment. If the bill passes, it will include a requirement that the healthcare provider issue the patient written notice that they are not obligated in any way to respond. 

“My objective was to prevent doctors from discriminating based on whether you own a firearm or not… I’ve had constituents call because they’ve been asked… I don’t know that they necessarily were discriminated against, but the question was asked, which obviously raises concerns for them. That was the genesis for why we drafted this bill,” Butler said.

Any healthcare provider found in violation of HB 0387 will be guilty of unethical conduct and subject to disciplinary action by their licensing authority, who may also seek injunctive or other relief against that provider or an entity for violating the law. Additionally, a fine of $1,000 per violation will also be levied against the provider. 

The effort, currently in committee, is a reasonable one necessary due to political polarization and the punitive nature of those on the left who, when they don’t get their way, will seek more creative ways to discriminate against law-abiding citizens, a practice that has no place in the healthcare system. 

37 thoughts on “Bill Prohibits Tennessee Doctors From Asking Patients About Gun Ownership”

  1. A law that shouldn’t need to exist. But we also shouldn’t have multiple layers of government and private industry working together to datamine and build registries.

    • This is what government is for. And yes it shouldn’t be necessary. But private billion dollar technology companies were trying to do the same thing.

      And back less than 10 years ago. The libertarians liberals and the Leftists, all said those are private businesses. “They can do what they want”

      “It’s not the government doing this”

      I was told by the smartest people in the room.

  2. Hopefully between DOGE and MAHA we can get doctors back to doctoring instead of wasting half the visit asking you superfluous questions about your preferred pronouns and planning robberies by asking you what you own and how secure it may be stored.

    While we’re at it lets scrap all this drug marketing BS. It should be of no use to me to know that Whatsazempryga can treat Whateveritus. That’s for the doctor to determine. And if I have a doctor that will just give me whatever I ask for because I saw it on TV I’d need a new doctor.

    • I’m pretty sure that’s coming. It’s going to be a fight over the TV pharma ads. That’s how networks make their money. It’s pretty much that and car commercials advertising only $399 per month lease (with $5,000 down payment).

      • A number of years ago I had a BLL (Blood Lead Level) test along with my annual physical. The number was relatively high (in the upper 20’s). By law, my doc had to report it to County Health. The County RN called and asked me questions regarding my lead levels. I replied that I was an artesian working in leaded glass and that I repaired electronics as a hobby. the next year, my levels had dropped significantly, the County called and I just ignored their attempts to contact me (callerID). They gave up after 4 attempts. My levels have been below 5 (5 is the threshold limit for reporting) for a few years now with my last test at 2.5.

        Not their business how my levels got higher, only that they have come down as a result of my mitigation efforts.

          • Peter,

            When I shoot in an indoor range, I wear a P100 mask made by 3M. They last close to a year before they are so soiled and grey from smoke and lead dust that I have to toss ’em for a new one.

            I also have become very conscious of where my hands have been at the range. After shooting, cleaning up, picking up my dirty brass (and any other brass laying around that I load for… yeah, I’m a confirmed, unabashed brass rat) and packing my truck, I head to the washroom where I wash my hands, face and arms (if wearing short sleeves) twice with a product called LeadOff. When I get home, I immediately wash my range clothes, separately from our clothes hamper clothes, so that I minimize any possible contamination at home.

            Shooting outdoors my regimen is much more relaxed. No mask and a general hand washing afterwards with the LeadOff (note: I also have a quart of D*Lead soap that I, occasionally, use at home. I prefer the cleaning action and scent of LeadOff)

            Lead is a metabolic poison, there are no minimum daily requirements of Pb in the human body like there are for vitamins and a few metals.

          • assuming you are talking about Hygenall LeadOff –

            Its claim to fame is this: “breaks the electromagnetic bond between skin and heavy metals like lead, hex chrome, strontium and cadmium. This formula also cleans dirt, bacteria and germs.”

            Regular anti-bacterial Irish Spring soap does the same thing.

    • I was asked the question a number of years back, when my Drs.office got absorbed by a new health group. I replied ” I have no known gun allergies.”
      He chuckled, crossed out “no response” on the questionaire and wrote in exactly what my response was – the other choices were “yes” or “no”. l never got asked again.

  3. I do not agree with lying. Simply tell the doc you are not going to answer those types of questions and in so doing maintain your dignity.
    2 weeks ago I had my annual visit at the local V A office and was ask if I felt stressed or had any thoughts of suicide. I answered no to both and no other questions were ask. Wonder if there had been any follow up questions had I responded yes to either?

    • You are supposed to have your psychiatrist jumping up and down on the table with you screaming ” I wanna kill, I wanna kill, I want blood and gore, and veins in my teeth, I wanna kill !”

    • I agree. Don’t lie. The only problem is that they will assume the answer is yes if you don’t answer. That’s why this bill is a great idea. We shouldn’t need it like SAFE said, but these are the times we’re living in. You can’t go anywhere without spotting some type of political activism or privacy intrusion.

      I was shocked when I was asked that nearly seven years ago. The nurse saw the look on my face and said I didn’t have to answer that.

    • I’m a senior. They asked those questions about harming myself or others. They also ask if I’m in fear of or being abused by anybody in my circle.

    • “I do not agree with lying.”

      If it’s none of their damn business, I have *zero* problems with lying to them.

      EDIT – The religion of Islam expressly prohibits lying, unless it’s in the interest of Islam…

  4. What is the penalty for owning a gun?
    The Second Amendment is so strong we’ve got to hide in the closet like a 50’s era fag.

  5. Wahahah I am an investigator…my doctor had the gall to ask that once…He asked “Do you have any guns in your house?”
    I Responded…”Doc I got guns in your office”

    My New Doctor (old guy had pushed the Fauxvid fake shot and apparently he was facing legal actions for malpractice) Sits down looks at my file and says “Whats your primary carry?” and literally we discussed what were the best guns for him to conceal carry in the office…LOL He had a Glock 19 but felt it was too big.

    • “Wahahah I am an investigator…my doctor had the gall to ask that once…He asked “Do you have any guns in your house?”

      There’s a better answer- Say no, because your gun isn’t in your home, it’s currently concealed on your person…

  6. I’ve been asked about gats. Generally they get a “none of your business”. Also mental “health” BS questions. I did get in a discussion with a Ukrainian tech guy doing a heart test(I’m ok!) He immigrated 1993 & was a citizen & told me he has an AR. Prior to the Ukraine war he said Russians where “gangsters”. I suppose BS is mandated by medicare. Look into THAT DOGE!

  7. 130 over 80. “cough.”
    all steel compact hits the floor with dropped trau. eyes go toward ceiling, look over both shoulders, shrug.

  8. A few years ago locally – some illegal immigrants decided that office buildings were the places to rob during the week. After all, they reasoned, ‘people in offices are basically corralled and its likely those people corralled had something of value with them’ these robbers could take.

    So basically; One day they launch this crime spree. Several of them going floor to floor in office buildings and robbing as they go was the plan.

    So they start, take the elevator up to start at the top floor but it was vacant it turns out. They get a couple of victims on the next floor, beat one up pretty badly, but most of that floor is vacant also. So down they go to the next floor where they find a busy floor so they get into an office, start the robbery, and suddenly they have several guns pointed at them from the office staff and a few people in the waiting room – it was the wrong doctors office to try to rob.

  9. I would tell the inquisitive doctor Gun Control in ANY shape, matter or form is an agenda History Confirms is Rooted in Racism and Genocide. And then proceed to find another doctor that won’t piss me off with asinine questions.

  10. Do I recall correctly that a similar law in Florida was shot down on First Amendment grounds? It’s been a few years and things get foggy over time, especially at my age.

  11. Not a problem, If they ask me if I have firearms in the home? I answer truthfully “No Way”. They don’t need to know I actually keep My four-gun safes in the garage!


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