Birmingham, AL Mayor Randall Woodfin. Image via Twitter (Randall Woodfin)

Birmingham, Alabama’s uber-woke Mayor Randall Woodfin offered his latest “common sense” proposal to tackle the rampant black-on-black crime infesting his city. He wants to regulate gun ownership for his city’s residents. While we don’t want to make assumptions, we suspect he misspelled “ban” as “regulate.”

He supports the Second Amendment just like someone else we know: Barack Obama. And Joe Biden.

“I support the Second Amendment, but…” is the classic recipe for proposing grossly unconstitutional gun control proposals by these would-be tyrants. In this case, “Can we at least regulate guns in cities?” is so clearly unconstitutional as to be laughable.

No doubt sixty-plus years ago another group would have been advocating similar proposals to disarm African-Americans, too: the Klan. Because, keeping blacks disarmed and helpless protected Klansmen from their intended victims.

Image by Oleg Volk. Used with permission.

Mayor Woodfin campaigned on eliminating the security detail that protected the previous mayor.

Here’s an excerpt from . . .

On the campaign trail, Woodfin often criticized the high cost of then-Mayor William Bell’s security team.

“Hundreds of thousands of dollars a year go into paying for Mayor Bell’s security detail, which takes uniformed cops off our streets,” Woodfin said in a column he wrote for in March 2017. “These officers could be patrolling our neighborhoods, but instead, they’re protecting the mayor on the taxpayer’s dime. The mayor of Birmingham doesn’t need a full-time security detail, and as mayor, I would eliminate the security detail and have those officers reassigned to our highest-crime neighborhoods.”

Aaaaand like so many politicians’ campaign promises, Woodfin’s actions once elected didn’t match his words. Once in office, he only trimmed his security detail by 25%, keeping a three-man team to protect him day in and day out. All courtesy of Birmingham’s taxpayers, of course.

Meanwhile he wants to “regulate” gun ownership and the right to self-defense and personal protection from the little people who reside within Birmingham city limits.

Maybe the bigger problem in Mayor Woodfin’s city involves the poor public schools?  While Birmingham Schools graduate 82% of students, the vast majority of those graduates can’t read, write, or do basic math at anywhere near appropriate levels. And given that 99% of students in the public schools there are ethnic minorities, that suggests white folks (who make up over a quarter of the city’s population) are sending their kids anywhere but the failed Birmingham Public School system.

With a math proficiency of 21% and a reading proficiency of 24% on average, even those who “graduate” from Birmingham Public Schools aren’t really ready to enter the workforce or adulthood. And those numbers were before COVID remote learning in 2020 and 2021 which saw scores fall dramatically.

If these young people can’t read, write, or do math, their likelihood of success in life is slim. They will continue to gravitate towards gangs and the perceived glamorous lifestyle of money, guns, and drugs. They’ll earn prestige among their peers through their willingness to use violence. And they’ll shoot up Mayor Woodfin’s city.

Ultimately these young people will likely either die young or serve long prison sentences instead of getting married, raising children, building a career and contributing to society.

But instead of tackling difficult issues like failing schools in his city and all the problems that result, its easier for Woodfin to demagogue against gun rights and call for “regulating” firearm ownership out of existence in his city. Something he knows full well will never happen.


    • The left, and when I say the left, I mean leftists around the world and through out history, have never really been against guns. They just don’t like guns that aren’t used to further their agenda.

  1. Yes, let’s infringe upon the ability of citizens to defend themselves in the places where they will most likely need to defend themselves.

    Take another toke, Mr. Mayor.

  2. Because cities run by Dems are already run by gangs and gangsters. Let’s create laws that turn the law-abiding into criminals so that everyone will be equal.

    Woke pipe dreams.

    He is not really the mayor; he is simply the zombie leader.

  3. “With a math proficiency of 21% and a reading proficiency of 24% on average, even those who “graduate” from Birmingham Public Schools aren’t really ready to enter the workforce or adulthood.”

    Seems like the mayor may have the same qualifications as the graduates from his school districts.

  4. For one,,,bans don’t work.
    Look at prohibition of alcohol and drugs.

    Both utter failures.
    Why/how would a ban on guns work any better?

    • It works to bring another charge for the prosecution.
      5mph over the speed limit and a gunm gets you twenty five years in the penitentiary

  5. “e.g. I firmly believe in the right to peacefully assemble. But even that’s regulated by “time, place, and manner””

    ” First Amendment

    Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.”

    The constitutional right makes no mention of the government having control over such. In fact its unconstitutional for the government to make a law ‘prohibiting’ “the right of the people peaceably to assemble”. Having to ask government for permission to do this under ‘regulation’ gives government control over the exercise thus ‘prohibition’ to freely exercise the right of the people peaceably to assemble. Its only regulated because the government regulated it. And now he wants to do the same thing for second amendment rights for the law abiding because criminals are criminals.

    In reality, the constitution its self asserts that government ‘supremacy’ and ‘interest balancing’ was never suppose to be in relation to rights, and that the constitutional rights be interpreted as free from such infringements as that. Any other interpretation by inference of existence of anti-gun laws or regulation is just plain wrong.

    Can there be some regulation? Yes, some is permitted under the constitution in a (according to the founding fathers, and in modern day terms) minor role manner structured to preserve and give deference and lee-way to rights of the people and not prohibit or control the exercise of a constitutional right especially by onerous ‘regulation’ or ‘taxes’ or laws or requirements that one seek ‘permission’ from government to exercise a right.

    In fact in many of the founders word’s they address the concept of having to get government ‘permission’ to exercise a right or government exerting control over rights as prohibited, its why the rights in the Bill of Rights are not to be infringed. After all, one of the main roles of the constitution is to limit government power over the people, having to ask for and receive permission from government to exercise a constitutional right or allowing government to have control over the exercise of a constitutional right gives the government control over the right they were not intended to have and its very clear they were not suppose to have such control. We had just won our freedom, do you think the founders wrote the constitution to give government the same power over the people as the tyrannical British who’s butts we kicked out? No, they wrote our constitution to include a limitation on and removal of government power over the people. The reason for the Bill Of Rights was that government had already started exerting their dominance over the people to control their rights, so it became necessary to spell out specifically certain rights the government could not infringe and one of these was the Second Amendment.

    And now you advocate for the government infringing and controlling rights thus tyranny because the governments own imposed ‘regulation’ on free speech exists? Simply because the government can choose to impose regulation does not mean its actually constitutional or is applicable for every right. We went though this once before in our history, the British tyranny ‘cherry picking’ what we could or could not do based upon what they liked or did not like, the same tyranny they exerted over all their ‘colonies’, and for us it ended in the Revolutionary War and for others it ended with the ‘British Empire’ being kicked out sort of like we need to kick these politicians out of office as they claim “I respect constitutional rights.” while at the same time trying to infringe or remove them.

    Infringement of rights, control of rights exercise by the government, is not permitted under the constitution and government infringement of rights and control of rights exercise is exactly what is going on now and has been going on for many years.

    • We have the Right to believe we have Rights and that’s about as far as constitutional rights go.
      They’ve all been infringed and nobody does nothing but hope in a vote and quote law.

  6. As the problem is “black-on-black” crime, why aren’t we regulating blacks instead of guns?

    1. No more than one black standing on a street corner at a time.
    2. No less than 25 feet between any two blacks walking down that street.
    3. No more than one black riding in a vehicle at the same time.
    4. No blacks on the street after dark.

    Makes as much sense, right?

    • If you apply logical reasoning to the above, it makes PERFECT sense… and bring back the chain gangs of yesteryear. Oh, and YES,
      I am serious.

  7. Alabama is also Shall Issue, and has a pretty good set of State Preemption statutes on the books. And will be permitless carry beginning 1 Jan 2023. I live just across the State line in MS, and go into ‘bama fairly often.

  8. When people cannot fight back then all that will will result is a city filled with more criminals. As the criminal count goes up and the non-criminal residents goes down in number, crime spreads out of the city to other areas. Guns are already regulated but what he’s talking about is slow death for a city. This is currently happening in various other places like cities in southern California, Illinois, Oregon, and New York.

    • True enough. As the non-productive crikminal “taking” class increases as a percentage of the city, the productive “making” class declines in percentage. Once this process has taken hold, as it surely has in B”ham, there is little chance of reversing the process. Those who do not wish to live under such circumstances leave, it will tip the scales further toward anarchy and chaos. The boo Lord of the Flies” is pretty good picture if where things are headed.
      So are Johannesburg South Africa, Caracas Venezuela, the entire region of the Sinaloa cartel (and their rivals) in Mexico, and Mogadishu Somalia.
      Not a pretty picture of an acceptable future for Birmingham as a city nir even the rest of that State.

  9. It has been proven time and again that 10% of a given population commit 90% of the violent crime. Incarcerating or killing that 10% reduces the crime there. But instead of doing what works these woke idiots Have stop the violence block parties where people get shot. Now when that all fails they want to make it where the poor honest people that live there can’t defend themselves , just amazing.

  10. If Cook County is any indication, guns ARE “regulated” in cities, and it clearly doesn’t work. “Regulating” criminals does.

    • applying some 9mm, 10mm, .40 S&W, 00 Buck, .45, 5.56mm, regulation works to regulate criminals too.

    • “regulating” the number of days they spend behind bars or in work camps based on their past history and the severity of their currently charged crimes is the most effecive, and indeed the ONLY effective means of “curing” this malady.

  11. The most dangerous weapons in this Country aren’t guns, they’re the woke politicians, and people who vote for them, who have the power to implement policies and laws that coddle criminal behavior and punish ordinary law abiding people.

    So long as these politicians and citizens hold the levers of power, criminal activity will continue to surge and normal people will be subject to their arbitrary and capricious tyranny.

  12. The cities are the locations where you are most likely to need not just a gun but a semiautomatic with multiple, high capacity magazines.

  13. So he’s gonna build a wall around the city and search everyone who enters? Maybe randomly “toss” homes just in case some contraband gets through?

    Because anything less than that would not work. Still there will be corrupt enforcers willing to look the other way for money, drugs and sex leaving his city just as violent but magnitudes more oppressed. But then that is the way the democrat politicians want it to be, isn’t it? All their policies point to yes.

  14. judging from the mayor’s picture and T-shirt coupled with his concept.. I think the mayor has been using a bit too much of the substance he wants to legalize.

  15. Bottom line, this guy is really saying if you are black you must give up your guns in his city. He sure does sound a lot like racist southern Democrats from back in the Jim Crow days.

  16. That makes about the same sense in regulating who can live in the city. Do you listen to gang rap? Do you wear gang type clothing(that means I get to be the judge of what gang type clothing is)? Do you wear your hair in a certain way? or shave it? Regulate the people, not the guns.

    This is all BS. We live in a free country and should not be kept from protecting ourselves – that means from anyone we deem is a danger to us or or families. If we misuse that right, we lose it and spend some time in jail. Do this to anyone who misuses a firearm and people might wake up.

  17. You cannot regulate guns anywhere in the U.S. because primitive hillbilly states do not vet second hand gun sales. Gun runners take full advantage of this and ship via the “iron pipeline” (as verified by law enforcement) thousands of second hand guns into big cities with tough gun laws rendering those laws totally ineffective.

    Substandard education in poorer sections of big cities is not a mystery or a falsehood at all. The quality of subraban rich white schools far surpases those of inner city schools, many of which have students trying to study in unheated classrooms and on the floor because they do not even have enough desks and computers are unheard of. This is another result of Capitalvanian education being funded by property taxes which are lower in big cities than they are in white rich suburbs. Teachers salaries are much lower in inner city schools which has resulted in the best teachers being hired in rich white suburbs. Canada saw the folly in this funding years ago and does not fund education based solely on property taxes. Their success with education shows how superior their system is for low income people as they succeed at a far greater rate than in Capitalvania.

    Poverty in the inner city has skyrocketed since the late 70’s and wages stagnated when strong Unions were busted after their jobs were shipped overseas by greedy corrupt Republicans using foreign slave labor to make the industrial products that once were the mainstay of U.S. high paying jobs. There have been at least 4 generations of inner-city families that have never known a decent high paying job resulting in alcoholism, dope addition, high divorce, wife abuse and murder and people turning to crime to pay the heating and food bills. Meanwhile the Gangster Criminal Republicans have at every chance destroyed or lowered all social programs designed to help people out of poverty. And ditto for the Gangster Criminal Republicans refusing to fund grants and loans to help the poor go to technical school or college.

    The gangster criminal Republicans have consistently refused to fund any kind of mental health care and of course refused to fund Universal Health Care and as a result over 150,000 people die every year from being unable to afford health care and even preventive health care or even such old fashioned drugs like insulin. People live in the streets and die in the streets like dogs which the Republicans refuse to even discuss or acknowledge. No other civilized nation on earth treates is people like cattle and not human beings. As a matter of fact chickens and cattle get better care than people do in Capitalvania because it is profitable to keep food animals healthy.

    Capitalvania has truly become the shit hole of the industrialized world and has the lowest “happiness index” in the industrialized world, especially compared to the Western European Countries. West Virginia now has a higher infant death rate than some 3rd world African Countries whose health care system now surpassed that of Capitalvania.

    • dacian the demented dips***,

      “Poverty in the inner city has skyrocketed since the late 70’s and wages stagnated”

      On its face, a more-or-less correct factual statement. Hmmm . . . what else happened in the early 70s?????

      Its a real mystery, isn’t it, dacian the demented??? Now take a look at REAL (meaning adjusted for inflation) wage gains among blacks, Hispanics, Native Americans during the administration of which noted “white supremacist” President????

      You remain too f***ing stupid to insult, you ignorant, uneducated, indoctrinated tw**. Please go expire in an excavation, you uneducated troll.

      • to The Lamp that is out of his head

        Hopefully the ATF is monitoring you. They need to confiscate everyone of your weapons and soon. You are a poster boy for Red Flag Laws. Thanks for promoting them.

        • dacian, the DUNDERHEAD, The ATF couldn’t find a fart in a telephone booth with a fart detector. You are a candidate for the lunatic asylum with your nutty statements.
          There should be a RED FLAG posted on the top of your head to warn everyone you are in the area.

    • dacian, the DUNDERHEAD, there you go again. Rather than dealing with the problem of violent people, you want to disarm the American citizens and cast them into the abyss of being unable to defend themselves against your criminal buddies.
      When will you Leftists be willing to deal with the real problem. The mentally ill and the criminals running amuck. And don’t do that blame game on Republicans for casting the mentally ill out of STATE mental facilities. That is what you Leftists did in the name of “civil rights”.
      Poverty has skyrocketed everywhere thanks to your LBJ’s “Great Society” which gives money to people for nothing. You see, that deprives people of their personal initiative to take care o themselves. You Lefties can’t seem to grasp that concept. No surprise really as it is your goal to exert control over people by disarming us and by controlling us with handouts.
      Health care of all kinds is a STATE ISSUE. See the 10th Amendment. No where in the Constitution does it provide for Federal authority or control over people’s healthcare.
      You have three choices: 1) Get elected to Congress or the Senate and change the Constitution; or 2) Lead a revolt against the government and impose your Leftist agenda, or 3) Leave the US and go to a place more conducive to your political outlook. If you choose #3, we would be glad to set up a Go Fund Me Account for your expense of leaving on the premise that you never return to the United States.

      • to Walter the Beverly Hillbilly

        quote———–Poverty has skyrocketed everywhere thanks to your LBJ’s “Great Society” which gives money to people for nothing.———quote

        Projection: You are a stingy, tight wad Hilljack that would rather save a penny today and then go bankrupt tomorrow. Typical of the ignorant far right.

        Only a racist moron would claim that social programs that help people dissuades them from getting an education and later getting that dream job.

        quote———–Health care of all kinds is a STATE ISSUE. See the 10th Amendment. No where in the Constitution does it provide for Federal authority or control over people’s healthcare.———-quote

        You really proved what an uneducated fool you are by making that statement. Many U.S. States have been bankrupt for decades and without federal tax dollars would disintegrate into chaos. It is only the Federal Government that has the money to implement a health care program. Are you really that ignorant? Obviously you are by making such an absurd statement.

      • Dacian’s aim is to eliminate gun violence by eliminating gun owners. Then, in his warped mind, there be universal equity, equality, peace, love, and free drugs.

        As for his options, the antifa special commissar is all for option 2. Especially with the post revolution purges.

      • dacian, the DUNDERHEAD says: “Projection: You are a stingy, tight wad Hilljack that would rather save a penny today and then go bankrupt tomorrow. Typical of the ignorant far right.
        Only a racist moron would claim that social programs that help people dissuades them from getting an education and later getting that dream job.”
        I’m “stingy”? For your information, I contribute 15% of my income to charity each year. I doubt you contribute anything but your tax dollars to the government like most Leftists who expect the government to pick up their end of the log. For your further information and I know I have said this before, I live in an interracial neighborhood. And most of the residents here are CONSERVATIVES.
        dacian the DUNDERHEAD said: You really proved what an uneducated fool you are by making that statement. Many U.S. States have been bankrupt for decades and without federal tax dollars would disintegrate into chaos. It is only the Federal Government that has the money to implement a health care program. Are you really that ignorant? Obviously you are by making such an absurd statement.”
        For your edification and I know I have told you this before, there is no provision in the Constitution for the Feds to provide healthcare. The reason many US states have been bankrupt is because they spend money they don’t have giving that money away to people who they are depriving of their personal initiative and drive to make it on their own with the give-a-ways” Since LBJ established (sic) “the Great Society” poverty has INCREASED. Seems your give-a-way programs just don’t work. STUPID is doing the same thing over and over expecting a different result. Speaking of bankruptcy, the Federal Government is spending money it doesn’t have by just printing more. This is a MAJOR contribution to the inflation spiral we are in. Let me ask you, can your family continue to spend money they don’t have and expect to remain solvent? Neither can the Federal or any government. The Taxpayer is not a piggy bank for your social experiments.

  18. Can we at least regulate guns in cities?

    No. For quite a number of reasons including that the Constitution applies within cities, you’re wholly incompetent to do this and you’re also entirely dishonest.

    Everyone with two firing neurons knows how this will go. You’ll pass your “commonsense restrictions” which will do exactly fuck-all and then you’ll start talking about the “iron pipeline” from the ‘burbs or rural areas and move to expand your reach, just like big city mayors have already been doing for decades.

    Now, kindly fuck off.

  19. When the gun control act of 1968 was passed the entire prison population of the United States was less than 200k people. The gun control Act was passed with a nudge nudge, wink, wink in regards to the prohibited person category because when the word felon was used everyone understood it to mean black. Since emancipation the Democrats have been doing their ever-loving best to disarm everyone with dark colored skin.

    • “When the gun control act of 1968 was passed the entire prison population of the United States was less than 200k people. ”

      Population of the United States when the gun control act of 1968 passed was 205,805,755 (by census, in 1968). You mean less than 300M people.

  20. I have been noticing that commercials containing multiple people seem to always contain black people who at most are about 13% of the population. I have also noticed on my local news that it seems 99% of the crime is committed by black people against other black people. That does not seem to be racism to me.

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