Image by Boch.

An unwelcome intruder crawling through a window qualifies as the worst kind of nightmare for most women, especially those who live alone. One woman in Birmingham, Alabama, however, had the perfect equalizer to deal with big, strong home invaders with evil in their hearts. She used it to great effect early Tuesday morning.

Her shots found their mark and cause the 29-year-old intruder to flee hastily.

The aspiring home invader managed to stumble about a block down the street where he collapsed at a gas station. Police arrived and provided some first aid until paramedics arrived. In the end, the criminal died soon after at a local hospital. has the story . . .

A 29-year-old man was killed when police say he was shot while trying to break into a west Birmingham home.

The burglary call went out at 12:45 a.m. Tuesday at a house on Avenue O.

The homeowner told police the intruder was trying to crawl through the window of her house. She grabbed her gun and fired a couple of shots, striking the burglary suspect once in the chest.

It wasn’t immediately clear whether the homeowner knew the man.

Authorities said the wounded man then ran a block to the Chevron on Bessemer Road where he collapsed at the front door of the store. A store worker called Birmingham 911 at 12:46 p.m.

West Precinct officers arrived at the store and provided aid to the man until paramedics arrived. He was then transported to UAB Hospital where he was pronounced dead at 2:11 a.m.

The would-be home invader was identified as Jamel Nathan Thomas, 29, of Birmingham. He won’t be victimizing anyone any more and becomes one of the 1.6 million defensive gun uses that occur annually in the United states.

We’re glad the homeowner is safe and wish her the best dealing with the aftermath of a deadly attack. She earns our Defensive Gun Use of the Day award.


    • Violent crime will be reduced only when a sufficient number of would-be perpetrators are confronted with righteous lethal force.

  1. Why do these stories always get framed as “man with alternative income stream was killed” when the actual story of any value is “woman stops home invasion.”

    Nobody gives a rats ass about the perp except maybe the family, lawyers and Looters Lives Matter degenerates that will crawl out of the woodwork trying to cash in with lawsuits or Givemoneytome websites.

    • It’s a cutesy method of hinting at his recidivistic past, suggesting that his luck ran out, and his nefarious activities finally caught up with him.

      For the record, I agree that such descriptions wouldn’t be called for in normal discourse, but these are abnormal times.

  2. I hate having read cliff hanging paragraphs to find out if the perp is dead so I can celebrate. C’Mon Man.

  3. She fired a couple of shots , one striking the home invader in the chest.
    The other bullet flew down the block with its ATF tracking device activated and killed a dog, a woman holding a baby and a 14 year old boy.

    • to continue possum

      …. removing the lungs of all of them. But a nearby deer was wearing a Kevlar vest and was not harmed. No one knows where the rest of the 8 bullets for that round went.

      • In the mean while, in response BLM looted and burned stores in the downtown area and declared they were ‘mostly peaceful’ and is seeking donations. The NAACP has called for an immediate investigation and asked for donations for the commemoration statue of Jamel Nathan Thomas. A democrat politician was asked about the incident and said “It didn’t happen that way. That woman grabbed Jamel off the street and forced him to climb through that window so she could shoot him. Its a racially motivated hate crime and a intentional senseless act of gun violence.”

  4. This is going to be the more and more frequent end result in places where local DAs won’t do their jobs. Bad guy keeps getting turned loose and escalates his criminality until he comes up against a citizen who puts a stop to it.

    • ~3,500 criminal attacks upon victims with objects/weapons (excluding knives/sharpened-edged weapon) other than firearms daily in the United States. Yes, among those objects/weapons (excluding knives/sharpened-edged weapon) other than firearm are rocks and bricks.

        • No, not at all. skateboards are also objects/weapons.

          Now roller blades …, those darn roller blades …

        • Oh yeah, improvised weapons are a thing too. These are common or available non-firearm objects that are on-hand not designed to be used as a weapon or have an intentional cutting/slicing/piercing function but can be put to use as a weapon offensively or defensively.

          In our schools alone, nationwide, there are students criminally attacked using a #2 pencil or pen as the ‘weapon’ about 15,000 times annually, and all together there are over 38,000 victims annually of criminals attacks in schools using non-firearm weapons during school hours.

  5. Considering what they would have done like the SF Cop that did this as a serial “fun” a while back I can only end being smudgingly gratified.

  6. The man is Birmingham’s 126th homicide this year. Of those, seven have been ruled justifiable and therefore aren’t deemed criminal.

    • It was dark out “Jamal” thought he was sneaking into church. Wanted do some cleanup and get an early start on his prayers.

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