
Timmer took the prize last weekend and he’ll be toting his favorite shootin’ iron in a comfy new Black Arch holster. If you’d like one too, just enter the best option for the above photo in the comments by midnight Sunday. Go.



  1. I’ve got my own six shooter. Do you have anything else that’s hard, shoots straight and will fit in my hand?

  2. For all you guys who like old western movies, I think this was from Once Upon a Time in the West. One of my favorites with a young Charles Bronson and Peter Fonda.

  3. She thought she had disarmed me, but she didn’t realize that I was still packing a single shot that had put more than one pretty lady on her back.

    • Call now and order the complete set of “Damsels Gone Wild” on daguerreotype!

    • Classy. Subtle. Understated. Little risqué. Points out the gun safety issue. Daring hint of latex free future.

      My vote for winner

  4. Diamonds are not a girls best friend. With this gun I can get diamonds and gold and silver…….

  5. Is that a gun in your pocket or are you just the one thousandth internet dork to make a creepy junior high sex pun about my breasts?

  6. Hey honey, a new study says men with peacemakers aren’t healthy enough for sex…wait “pacemakers” it says “pacemakers” you can have this back

  7. 3 little boys were sitting on the front porch. In the street were parked 2 Cadillacs. 1 silver and 1 gold.

    1st little boy said “I wish I was covered in silver.” The other 2 said, “why?” He said. ” Then I could afford a silver caddy just like that.”

    2nd little boy said “I wish I was covered in gold.” “Why?” said the others. ‘I could afford the gold colored one.”

    3rd little boy said. “Wish I was covered in hair.” “Huh” said the puzled boys.

    “Cause my older sister has a little patch of hair between her legs and she owns both those cars.”

  8. I’m the Range Safety Officer and if I catch you guys twirling your six shooters I will smack the crap outta you !

  9. That does not look like her trigger finger in the trigger guard, Exactly what is she suggesting?

    • If you want to show me a good time, cowboy, you put your finger in the hole like this, and then twirl!

  10. Apparently Cosmopolitan’s “Don’t Date a Gunsplainer….Look at my Cleavage” series started much earlier than we knew

  11. Her; If you don’t start looking me in the eyes, I’ll smack you in the side of the head with this pistol.
    Him; You’ve got a pistol?

  12. OK, I get it now. Trick photography! Put your hand over the right half of the pic and a gun appears on the Left!

  13. “You up for a game of strip target shooting? If you hit six times out of six, I’ll lose the shirt.”

  14. Safety? Don’t be shy and come closer. This is a single action, hammer is down and chamber is empty. I just want you to experience how holstering a gun feels.

  15. Let me be your “huckleberry”.

    Why Kate, you’re not wearing a bustle. How lewd.

  16. “That’s amazing, I *do* hate retention holsters! How in the world did you guess that?”

  17. “Ma’am, the judges have decided you are qualified for today’s 3-Gun Match, even though two of your guns are over-caliber.”

  18. Tired of the gay jokes the Lone Ranger traded Tonto in on a new sidekick. Silver approved too.

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