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Black Friday Sale at Cabela’s

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Today and tomorrow, shoppers at Cabelas.com will receive up to 60% off plus Free Shipping with coupon code 7HOLIDAY. From their huge optics sale (e.g. 50% off Vortex Spitfire) to up to 50% off ammo (including great deals on IMI) to deep discounts on Cabela’s house brand products and more, you’ll find the lowest prices of the year today through the 25th.

0 thoughts on “Black Friday Sale at Cabela’s”

  1. If carrying speed strips, use the 8 round capacity strips and skip a space between every two rounds for quicker, easier round insertion. Works for 5 or 6 round revolvers.

    I have found that moon clips are the fastest revolver reload. You can stack two moon clips, one on top of the other, in a speed loader pouch, thus carrying twice as much ammo and not worrying about bending the clip.

    By far the best speed loader is the not mentioned is the SL Variant. However, it’s made in Germany, almost impossible to find, and when it is, at an outrageous price. 5-Star are slimmer than HKS and, as a result, easier to insert around bigger grips. They are more expensive, but better made, easier to use, and lock up tighter as well.

  2. Managed hunting serves a purpose, could I do it or do I have a desire no. I am not going to discount someone who wants to or does. Americans are free within the laws to spend their money and time doing as they wish. I lump it it with sports (playing and following) do what you want but don’t get up set if I endorse or fail to endorse your team or sport. Too many people are busy bodies throwing opinions around but don’t help them by posting in open social media.

  3. I don’t personally have an interest in hunting a lion, but I don’t have a problem with people who do as long as the conservation is being done properly.
    Now, if the lion was looking at me or mine like we were walking steaks, then I’d have no problems having a new rug.

  4. Just my “tinfoil” two cent but some would speculate that this is the same type of tactic attempted in Las Vegas… The fuel tanks didn’t explode though…


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