You don’t typically see a bulletproof vest in the trunk of someone’s car.

“We’re about security and safety at all times,” said Kerry King Brown.

However, Atlanta’s Kerry King Brown isn’t an ordinary driver. He’s also a private investigator and an experienced bodyguard for celebrities and politicians.

Now, he wants you to feel what it’s like to have “executive protection.”

“Who are mostly on the news getting robbed, getting raped? The average person. What I’m creating is a necessary evil. It’s a necessity,” Brown said.

Brown’s new ride-sharing app. called “Black Wolf,” lets you request a driver who is armed.

The app., which launched just last week, already has 79,000 downloads.

— Amanda Rose in New Atlanta ride sharing app offers armed drivers for protection


    • Same reason very few people ever do anything for themselves: “somebody should do something!”

      We must hear that a dozen times a day. How often do we hear “I should have done something.”

      • I would prefer both passenger and driver be armed. Being able to provide angles of fire > than a single line of fire.

        • I know who Henry Bowman is. I’m reluctant to intentionally place myself in a situation where an ally is someone I don’t know. Accidentally is an issue for another conversation. Occasionally though, I had to do so because of my job. More than once I’ve been to a briefing, looked around at armed strangers and thought, “I wonder if these guys know what they’re doing?” I’m sure many wondered the same about me.

    • To quote the final scene in Trading Places with Dan Ackroid and Bill Murrey…”Can’t we have both?”

      I dont see having “backup” as a bad thing.

    • Most of the time when I’m traveling, I don’t check luggage and rely on Uber to go from airport to the hotel.

      If I was concerned, this might be an option.

  1. I’m all about being armed and equipping those around me to do the same. But putting myself on an app where anyone can essentially summon me and know that I’m armed? I don’t know. What happens if bad actors utilize the app to get near known carriers and cause issues?

    • 1 star reviews and being marked for no pickup? On the serious side between that and crooks looking to score a firearm there are some issues to work on.

  2. If you are flying in from some s hole like NYC that requires you to remain a potential victim and you live in some high crime area I could see it. Most of us in the Atlanta area provide our own security and avoid going inside the Perimeter. I wonder how they plan to avoid shuttling gang types to a thug fest.

  3. This is a “do something” solution that does nothing. It’s for those that just want to “look” a certain way. The more people that simply arm themselves, the less this would ever matter. Otherwise, it’s pointless.

    • I tend to agree.

      “What I’m creating is a necessary evil. It’s a necessity…”

      The only “evil” I see is in the ostentation factor.

  4. You can’t knock the hustle I suppose. I bet the business is very successful, at least short term.

  5. I could see this gaining traction in places where the only people who are allowed to carry are those with the privilege of it. You’d basically have a licensed security guard come and pick you up who’s armed because they’re legally allowed to carry.

    I could see this being successful in a Democrat’s paradise.

    • I could see this being a Chiraq thing. “Let your driver get jacked & get in a gunfight”🙄😀

      • I like it. I have my gun and the driver has his. If there is a problem there are two guns in the fight.

  6. Brilliant! Look for this to expand to MANY Democrat-controlled cities around the country.

  7. No. I want an armored car with a maniac driver who plows over Kia’s screaming “Death to the infidels.”
    Live to ride. Ride to live.

    • “…plows over Kia’s…”

      Your friendly neighborhood auto mechanic does not disagree.

  8. There’s been a service in NJ since 2017 which features armed off-duty state, local & federal LEOs as drivers. All are armed and all vehicles are Tahoes/Suburbans. Surprisingly no more expensive than the other limo companies. We used them for all our airport trips when we lived there and use them now for our trips back from Fl. to see family. Used enough that we get the same NJSP lieutenant every trip. Really works well in a state that refuses to accept my FL CWFL.

  9. This is cringe as hell; and I read it costs $60 per ride.
    Buy yourself a used Glock and take personal responsibility for your own shit.

  10. Henry Bowman, exactly!
    More power to this guy! He’s got a good business model and I support him wholeheartedly

  11. Black Wolf’s owner is in legal trouble for not being properly licensed as a security company in Georgie…he can’t even pass the state required written test. His individual security license was actually issued through another company, and has been revoked.

    The guy is still taking on clients…despite being unlicensed. Being unlicensed also make him un-insurable.

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