
After a long trial and what seemed like an even longer reading of the verdict, Oscar Pistorius was found guilty today of culpable homicide, the equivalent in the South African legal system of manslaughter in the shooting death of his girlfriend, Reeva Steenkamp. The conviction could result in a sentence of up to 15 years in prison. But the South African track star may be counting himself lucky after he “dodged a bullet” in being found not guilty of premeditated murder and simple murder charges after killing Steenkamp when he shot through his bathroom door at what he says he thought was an intruder. He was also found guilty of touching off a negligent discharge in a restaurant in a separate incident. The lesson here: even a modified Biden defensive strategy is both dangerous and could land you in no end of legal hot water.


  1. The courts made every excuse for his behavior. The decay of European justice was obvious in this decision.

        • Yet they haven’t ruled in 20 years and the chief judge was black. There was little in the SA court system that was still european, even 20 years ago.

        • They areof caucasian descent, that does not mean they are Europeans. By that logic, the American justice system is “European justice.” After all, our first 43 presidents were “European.”

    • I would imagine that someone would get a similar sentence in America for shooting an innocent person through a door.

      Pistorius broke a simple shooting rule: know your target and what’s beyond it.

      • Craig, you are right on. Why didn’t he look on the bed next to him and see if his hottie gf was there. Isn’t that your impulse when u wake in the middle of the night?

  2. That’s pretty close to justice if he actually serves 10-15 years. I know that I usually try to ID my target rather than just shooting at noises or through closed doors.

    • I’m betting his sentence is reduced or effectively eliminated because… “Blade Runner.”
      [Sound of vuvuzelas in the background]

  3. Why anyone that has had any kind of training at all would shoot through a closed door is beyond me. Even if a shooter was trying to stop someone what sense does it make to shoot through a closed door? You can’t see your target to get an accurate shot. Proves that Pistorius is an idiot if nothing else. Probably should not own a gun in the future unless he gets a LOT of remedial training and maybe a new brain.

    • “”Proves that Pistorius is an idiot if nothing else. “” bs, his guy knew exactly who was behind that door, ever had a violent fight with your boyriend, you run for the protection of a locked door, she knew it was kick proof because he was unable to kick, but unfortunitly it was not bullet proof! he killed her on purpose! he is a violent pig!

  4. I got no problem with this sentence. I think they quit having juries because of extreme corruption during apartheid. Oscar seems to have several screws loose.

    • “”I got no problem with this sentence.”” You should, sentence should have been 1st Degree, life in prison. This guy knew exactly who was behind that door, ever had a violent fight with your boyfriend, you run for the protection of a locked door, she knew it was “kick proof” because he was unable to kick, but unfortunitly it was not bullet proof! He killed her on purpose! He is a violent pig! If it was my daughter (or family member for that matter) I would find some “bullet way” of vengence, “an eye for an eye”.

  5. From what I’ve heard, this sounds like the right verdict, even though it’s looking to be unpopular with the European crowd. Worse, is that he has a history of irresponsible gun use. I wouldn’t feel sorry about a maximum sentence for the two charges on which he was convicted.

    • “”From what I’ve heard, this sounds like the right verdict,”” Worse, is that he has a history of irresponsible gun use.”” BS again ” irresponsible gun use”. Sentence should have been 1st Degree, life in prison. This guy knew exactly who was behind that door, ever had a violent fight with your boyfriend, you run for the protection of a locked door, she knew it was “kick proof” because he was unable to kick, but unfortunately it was not bullet proof! He killed her on purpose! He is a violent pig! If it was my daughter (or family member for that matter) I would find some “bullet way” of vengeance, “an eye for an eye”.

  6. Gotta love this site, read it here before I saw it on the news, even though I don’t watch the news.

    I must say, I’m rather chuffed with this ruling. Bastard deserved worse, but I’ll take it.

    Fun fact, robbers don’t stop to take a shit in your house when they’re busy robbing you.

    He just wanted to shoot her, end of story.

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