
[h/t CDL]


    • I think this is a “piece of history” just like the the V-8 Interceptor…”Would be a shame to blow it up”

  1. I always say that there’s nothing like a Hi-Point with a good ecomical uprade and a smove trigger.

    I wish the young man weel with his nu grlfreind.

  2. I’m not sure what is funnier between the description or the fact that he thinks that gun isn’t a big ugly lug (like the bacon use lol). Thanks! I needed a good laugh.

  3. I love it when someone messes with the minds of glock fanbois. I know,lets bring up the AR and how wonderful it is even though it’s not the topic of this article.

  4. I bet there is a legitimate chance that it is more reliable than the half a million dollar space rock cabots we saw earlier…

    • True.

      And not only that, but it has a titanian firing pin and is a .40 S&W caliper.
      So there is that, also.

    • Absolutely.

      I took a HiPoint 9 in trade once. I took it to the range to see how it would do. 100% function with my reloads, but it is a tactile nightmare. Everything feels awful. But it ran. . . . flawlessly.

  5. OMG.
    Coffee all over the place. A snot rocket down my shirt. Tears down my cheeks.
    I laughed till my shoulder hurt.

  6. Ok, the writer and commenters have had fun making fun of a minority gun owner. Next, let’s make fun of OFWG gun owners or zero-filter Trump. Alienate people much?!?

    This post is a good example of giving credibility to the Gun Ban crowd that, collectively, we are low-brow race-baiters just like they are.

    • Just saying, but nowhere in the post or comments I have read make any reference to any type of minority… I’m not sure where you got that idea. It’s a humorous post about about a gun most people feel is ugly. That’s it.

      • HiPoint pistols are inexpensive plain Jane handguns, putting blink on one is like putting lipstick on a pig – unnecessary . Had one in 9mm, sold it for what I paid for it. Replaced it with an EAA Pavona in Sapphire Blue, it’s reliable as the HiPoint, just better ergonomics. And yes, it is a pretty handgun but the pistol I shoot most accurately. As far as the seller of the HiPoint, probably just a product of present day education in some parts of the country.

    • Odds are pretty high that this is for sale by some poor, white, wanna be gangsta. I’m willing to put money on it.

    • I make fun of glock and AR owners all the time and I own both,are you one of those people that see racism peeping around every corner? Your friends probably think you’re a smoove MFER.

    • An of course the use of bacon (ie pig) referring to the police, is indicative of a gangster mentality. The reason the seller is being made fun of is he sounds like an uneducated thug, using horrible spelling and grammar, and degrading the police (how would condoning In other words, by making fun of such a lout, the gun community shows they expect a minimal amount of intelligence and more respect than this seller is showing.

    • the writer and commenters have had fun making fun of a minority gun owner

      Interesting. I never associated the ad with a minority gun owner. I figured he was just a moron, like you.

      • I don’t know where the minority part came from either. These days, it doesn’t matter what color your skin is. Even here in my small farm town in cornfield county Ohio, there are plenty of white kids who walk, talk, and act like they’re “gangsta”. No joke, I have a neighbor who has a tricycle (the grown-up kind) with a rigged up car-stereo-in-a-box system thingy in the basket on the back. He rides it around town while blasting gangsta-rap. He even steers it one-handed and leans back and to one side. I chuckle every time I see him riding around. Pimpin’ ain’t easy.

    • Ok, the writer and commenters have had fun making fun of a minority gun owner.

      Only if you consider “poorly educated” a minority. Which, given the state of the country’s schools, is fast becoming, well, not really a joke … or accurate.

    • Amigo… if you read a message with numerous misspellings and idiosyncratic grammar and think ‘that must have been written by a minority’, you might be the one with the issues.

      • It does sound like the articulate rev al fighting with the English language and his teleprompter. Where is that fat bastard anyway,I haven’t heard his mouth in months.

        • Rev Al is laying low now that his tax debt of $3,500,000 has become public. Perhaps Obama told him to keep quiet until he can “fix it”, or he’s serving his sentence at home with an ankle bracelet instead of in jail where he should be.

    • Well JohnO_inTX it appears your English comp is a bit weak.
      No one mentioned minorities until you.

      I read the supplied text in the ad and thought of a junk firearm being hyped as something special.

      So if apply your English comp skills to discern who you are I imagine you as a HS dropout
      with one tooth and is married to a first cousin.

      Am I close?

      • My cues were the word bling, some misspellings, the price of the gun and the tone of the ad. I agree now that instead of picturing this gun for sale by a black guy, it probably was a poor white gangster wannabe.

        Wow, some of you are mean-spirited. Lighten up, Fancis.

        • “Wow, some of you are mean-spirited.”

          Says the poster, being completely unsubstantiated, accusing all other posters of being racist.

          Check your privilege John, when you point your finger like that, there are four other fingers pointing right at you.

        • “My cues were the word bling, some misspellings, the price of the gun and the tone of the ad. I agree now that instead of picturing this gun for sale by a black guy, it probably was a poor white gangster wannabe.

          Wow, some of you are mean-spirited. Lighten up, Fancis.

          Just wow.

          Talk about posts that make POTG look bad…as in utterly stupid. This, if anything, tops your first post in the thread, which is pretty amazing if you think about it.

    • Since there’s no way to tell the seller’s race by the add, only a racist would assume that it’s racist to ridicule it.

      There’s plenty of ignorance and illiteracy to go around, across the entire racial spectrum.

    • As far as I can tell you’re the only one that’s made such an inferrence. Projection, it’s what’s for breakfast.

    • The gun ban crowd has no credibility. They wouldn’t know what it looked like if you handed it to them on a silver platter.
      Furthermore thug life is worthy of ridicule and decent people should mock it every chance they get.

  7. Althow thee funetik inglizh iz hard to reed, the reference to a ‘titanian’ firing pin was technically correct. Mirriam-Webster defines titanian as an adjective denoting that the associated noun is ‘of, relating to, or containing titanium.’ The rest of us have been wrong all along. Puts me in mind of infinite monkeys with typewriters and Shakespeare…

  8. “Uprade?” The add sounds like he went to Hi Point spelling and grammar classes. Could be a “Shoe Box Queen” but not worth space in a safe.

  9. What is the gun of choice of the bacon? Now I know – an upraded .40 S&W caliper Hi-Point that can be used with a tripod.

  10. Just another victim of our horrendous government education complex. Probably a good thing he’s getting rid of it since he no doubt has a crack pipe lighter that looks just like it sitting on the coffee table.

  11. It’s scary in a couple of ways. 1. is that the owner is close to being functionally illiterate. 2. is that, by his evident lack of vocabulary & spelling ability plus evident lack of gun knowledge, he gets categorized and laughed at.

    Might it be better if someone would be this man’s friend and help him write a decent advertisement? We might even add a bit of advice about how to handle the objections of his girl friend. Hindsight has taught me that the worst decisions about my own small collection of guns were the one’s based on my girl friend’s fear of them. (long, long ago – but I never stopped regretting, either).

    • Although I don’t believe in literacy tests for gun ownership not everyone should own a gun. In this particular case I think his girlfriend is on the right track. Just sayin’.

  12. I like weird guns. I mean, if it works right? I’d buy it.

    Besides, I feel his pain. I try to avoid women who have an uncontrollable fear and hatred of firearms. Sometimes they just sneak up on you unawares and you’re too far into a relationship.

  13. Les Baer 1911 Ultimate Master Combat Pistol, Compensated, .45ACP – $3130.
    Wyatt Earp’s Pistol – $225,000.
    Selling your pride and joy for someone you’re going to hate in 6 months….Priceless.

    A couple more:
    Taking what you can afford and making it your own…..Priceless
    Selling your prized posession to please someone who hates your values instead of remedial spelling classes at the local community college….Priceless

  14. I’d give it a pass, personally.

    Not because of the guy’s spelling and grammar – I knew some kids growing up who were great people, but didn’t have the benefit of either an educational system or a parent that cared enough to help them learn it well.

    Not because it’s a Hi-Point per se … I’ve never owned one, but actually I’d kind of like one just to take it apart and see how it all works. (I’m a junkie for mechanical systems.) And if I am going to criticize something, I feel I have a moral obligation of sorts to at least have given it a shot. It’s like voting – if you don’t vote, you don’t have a right to complain about the results of the election, imo.

    No, I wouldn’t go for this gun for the same reason I don’t like buying cars or motorcycles that have been heavily customized. Generally someone heavily customizes something (or, more usually, pays someone else to do it) to fit either the person’s physique, or their aesthetic taste, and most likely I’m not going to match up on either one; so I’d be paying more for something I’d want to undo later on. Plus, unless you know who did the work, you’re always going to be uncertain about the quality.

    So, thanks but no. While there might indeed be a Hi-Point in my future, it’s not going to be this one. It’s just too far from stock for me.

  15. Sorry Boyz-this ain’t trollin’. Occasionally I peruse Armslist. Damn near every freakin’ toy is grossly over priced. Bad grammar abounds too. I also belong to a few FB gun selling groups near Chicago. Similar hilarity ensues…sadly.

  16. If the cops are going to seize a gun for analysis after a DGU, why not use a Hi Point?

    At least losing a cheap gun is better than losing a better one.

  17. The first part, I was willing to believe. People are that dumb. But there’s just too much stupid as it goes along. While there are people that dumb, they aren’t going to be smart enough to post an actual item like that on a legit site.

    Pretty good, though. 10/7 would troll again.

  18. I never understand buying a really cheap gun because other guns are “too expensive” and then paying a couple hundred to customize it with features the higher priced gun would have already had. Why not just start with a better gun.

    • I’m not sure about that. I belong to several FB gun trading groups and some of the serious posts there are about this ridiculous.

    • If you don’t think people that stupid and illiterate exist in quantity, you should hang out at the DMV someday.

      We all tend to spend time with people in our own socio-economic level. When you see an actual cross-section of the population, it’s either scary or depressing.

  19. At least he didn’t use a Wilson Combat part and advertise it as a WC-HP…as seen everywhere on YouTube.

    I work at a LGS. Received a call for a HP to be used as a Christmas gift. Couldn’t talk him out of it. Didn’t want to spend more than $200….

  20. I love “functions just like glock”. We can assume that’s true from a reliability standpoint if you really want, but from an engineering standpoint that is just silly.

  21. So is this a “weapon of war” entry?? Looks like one…..

    Also it’s had electrolytes installed as well.

  22. The ad is a joke. There are too many discrepant references that must be by design. The use of the nickname “safe queen” is not linguistically parallel to the street language and deleberate mispellings.

    Plus the image is well staged. Whomever posted this on armslist just couldn’t help but pose the pistol with a trigger guard cylinder stand. That alone is a little too high-brow for even a hi-point.

  23. I actually kinda like it.
    His description is a bit over the top. On the other hand, I have no problem drawing a mental picture of this guy. About 12.5% of the people I knew in the military talked like that (and no, none of them were black).

  24. Whew, it sure is expensive to fire my M2 and M3 tripod guns. Finally, a solution to practice using my tripod systems with more affordable pistol ammunition.

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