michael bloomberg democrat primary
Michael Bloomberg ((Stuart Ramson/UK'S Department for International Trade via AP Images)

[ED: We first published this almost a year ago. But now that it looks like former New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg will be getting into the Democrat presidential primary race, we’re sure that our friends in the legacy media will want to dig through everything he’s ever written or said on any topic of potential interest.]


Former New York Mayor and reported presidential wanna-be Michael Bloomberg held forth before a sold-out Aspen Institute crowd on Friday. Because he has billions of dollars, he draws crowds and is frequently asked his opinion on a range of topics, whether he has any expertise in the area or not.

After opining on topics such as marijuana legalization, education and poverty in the United States, the topic of “gun violence” was teed up for America’s foremost advocate of civilian disarmament.

As the Aspen Times reports:

Bloomberg claimed that 95 percent of murders fall into a specific category: male, minority and between the ages of 15 and 25. Cities need to get guns out of this group’s hands and keep them alive, he said.

“These kids think they’re going to get killed anyway because all their friends are getting killed,” Bloomberg said. “They just don’t have any long-term focus or anything. It’s a joke to have a gun. It’s a joke to pull a trigger.”

Except Mayor Mike is wrong. In fact, he’s not even close. Since 2000, minorities have committed about 55% of the murders in this country while whites were responsible for about 45%.

It’s a good thing Bloomberg didn’t put a bigoted, fake news item like that into a tweet or he might find himself banned from the platform or denounced as a white supremacist.

Tom King of the New York State Rifle & Pistol Association pointed out the obvious:

“Mayor Bloomberg’s statement that black males should not be allowed to have guns echos similar sentiments made by southern white supremacists in the 19th century,” Tom King, the association’s president, said in a statement. “So called ‘Black Codes’ were enacted by various southern states to discriminate against black Americans and maintain the system of white supremacy that made slavery possible. These included restrictions on firearms possession.

“If a politician said this about anything other than guns, the mainstream media would be all over them,” Mr. King argued. “Michael Bloomberg isn’t just any politician, he is the leading voice for gun control in America. He should be held accountable for this slander.”

But, of course, he won’t. He isn’t a young Heisman Trophy winner or an Iraq War vet, after all. So he won’t be held to the same standard.

Michael Bloomberg is someone with whom the mainstream media agrees. They couldn’t be happier to help him further his gun-grabbing agenda, so calling him out on a statement like that isn’t in their interest.

And while Daddy Bloombucks may, in fact, be a bigot, let’s be fair…he isn’t a racist when it comes to guns. He’s always been an equal opportunity civilian disarmament advocate. Someone who wants to get firearms out of everyone’s hands (as long as they’re not wearing a uniform or working in his security detail). Mayor Mike’s just taking it slow and throwing his cash into the project, hoping to reach that ultimate goal down the road.

Nothing to see here. Move along.


        • I read no “broad liberty” in that statement…. any moron with a brain and a pair of eyes can see the truth….
          Quit sticking your head in the sand….

        • So which is it? Young black males or young white males who happen to be in the minority based on their numbers? It doesn’t matter to Bloomberg because we are all The Great Unwashed.

  1. Here’s what’s even more alarming. 55% of all murders are committed by blacks. They make up 13% of the US population. But, half of that 13% is female. That means 6.5% are male. But, only 3% of the population is blacks men between the ages of 15-25. Wrap your head around that. There’s 350 million people in the US. More than half of all our murders is committed by 3% of our population. That is NOT entirely a product of one’s environment. There must be a genetic predisposition. But scientists can’t even research that, let alone publish their findings without being labeled a racist and drummed out of their institutions.

    • You make that statement: “That is NOT entirely a product of one’s environment.”

      What proof do you have for the accuracy of this Statement?

      • There have been studies on race and IQ. Those scientists are currently under heavy fire right now. There are facts that show that some races have lower average IQ’s. Once you have an average under 90, a predisposition towards crime exists. Each point lower exponentially raises that likelihood. Those on the left vehemently dispute the FACTS because it destroys the post-modernist ideological view that it’s ALL based on social construction. For those interested, read the Bell Curve or watch some of Stefan Molyneaux’s videos on the subject of race and IQ. Some of those videos he interviews the very scientists who have done the FACTUAL research. Then you can decide.

        • Yes, there have been tons of studies on IQ and race. What they have come up with is a consensus, including the studies you have mentioned, is that “there is a difference and we don’t know why”. Genetics doesn’t account for it, and neither does environment. It is a very much still a mystery.
          Keep in mind, white folks aren’t at the top of the list. If you want to go by IQ, Ashkenazi Jews are the master race, followed by Asians.

        • IQ tests are a pretty piss poor way of determining intelligence. For one thing there really isn’t any such thing as intelligence, it should be intelligences because there are a number of different types of intelligence. Most of us have a fairly even spread of the different intelligences but it becomes a little more obvious when you observe savants. There are people who can’t tie their shoes but if they hear a piece of music once they can sit down at a piano and play it flawlessly. Are they stupid? No, they just have a very high degree of musical intelligence and low degree in other types. There’s mechanical intelligence, linguistic intelligence, mathematical intelligence, musical intelligence, social intelligence, etc. Perhaps I suck at math but can easily learn to speak other languages. Am I smart or stupid? Perhaps I can’t play an instrument but I can rebuild a carburetor. No IQ test can quantify that.

          Furthermore, a very large percentage of the people we think of as stupid aren’t stupid at all but mentally lazy. The brain is like a muscle, if you don’t give it a workout every now and they it gets flabby.

        • To echo jwtaylor’s point, even the Bell Curve says genetics alone doesn’t explain the variations in racial IQs. Measuring intelligence as a single number is overly reductive to begin with anyway.

          • I never said it was exclusively genetic, smh. I said it wasn’t exclusively environmental as the fact hating post-modernists would have you believe. I said there MUST be a genetic predisposition. That means genetics would play a role. Not be the sole determining factor.

        • To anyone who brings up the issue of IQ. Please tell me why Libertarians, Liberals, the Left, the socialist progressives, the atheists, the homosexuals, and even the Christians, all support allowing immigrants to flood into this country, without any screening?

          No medical screening? No test for understanding the English language? No testing for education level? No proof of technical trade knowledge or experience? No check for criminal or terrorist connections? No one to sponsor them?

          If the issue is IQ then why are the above supporting letting these unscreened people into the country?
          I look at this as an invasion. I don’t believe any of them support gun civil rights. Or the rest of the Bill Of Rights.

          • Cultural enrichment is their justification. But yes, you’re right. But I’d take it a step farther and say the invasion is a violent desecration of our national sovereignty.

        • Chris T in Kentucky: Your unfairly labeling libertarians. We strongly believe in the concept of helping other people out that are down on their luck as long as they have a strong work ethic. We strongly oppose those of any color or race that sits around on their butts all day and expect others to pay for their lifestyle. We would, if able, cut out the vast majority of government welfare programs.

        • There are supergeniuses in asylums who paint the walls with their feces.

          Intellect alone is inadequate.

          There are more Christians on death row than Atheists, too. Does that mean Christians are predisposed to crime, that criminals are predisposed to religion, or are there a whole bunch of unidentified factors to consider?

        • :TrueBornSonofLiberty says:
          December 11, 2018 at 09:32
          There have been studies on race and IQ. Those scientists are currently under heavy fire right now. There are facts that show that some races have lower average IQ’s.”

          Uh, IQ tests are devised with a white cultural/social bias. That’s well documented.

          What are you going to suggest next, skull measurements?

          You’re spreading dangerous race-baiting opinions that have a long, documented record of promoting and reinforcing racist beliefs and racist practices. That’s irresponsible. That’s shameful.

        • IME intelligence has little to do with this and neither does race or ethnicity other than tangentially.

          It’s all about a predisposition to use violence in certain situations and that is, by and large, a learned response though some people are naturally more at ease with it.

          The simple fact is that the black market attracts those with few marketable skills in regards to the larger economy. Regardless of “trade” the black market has only one recourse when you’re wronged: violence. Those who simply cannot engage in such violence either never really enter the black market or are pushed out quickly.

          Places with a higher percentage of income derived from the black market have higher rates of violence. These places tend to be, but are not always, in cities where low skill people are concentrated. However, this kind of thing exists in more rural areas that are depressed as well.

        • Rocket – Today “Libertarianism” today is about nothing other than “give us our pot”. Pathetic but a good play for the “minority” demographic.

        • humans think they are smart, hahaha, thats a good one. Just for fun tell me one thing any human has done to benifit this planet. Well besides die, we all do that.

        • @neiowa congratulations your comment alone demonstrates you know jack and s*it about libertarianism. Thanks for playing.

        • @jwtaylor I have previously seen the claim that Jews and Asians have the highest IQs, but have never seen the source? Do you have it? I posted this question to you 2 days ago but it was deleted for some reason. interesting.

        • “Just for fun tell me one thing any human has done to benifit this planet.”

          With a little care, they can nail a few possums that dare to be on a rural roadway late at night. 🙂

          Cleaning splattered possum guts off of F-150 pick-um-up trucks is kinda nasty, tho…

          *snicker* 😉

        • “Just for fun tell me one thing any human has done to benifit this planet.”

          How do you measure that?

          Substitute “gorilla” or “elephant” or “salmon” or “dragonfly” or “centipede” or “lobster” or “snail” or whatever for “human” and recalculate.

      • Only the unanimity of every psychologist, neurologist, psychiatrist, sociologist, criminologist, and every other social scientist or researcher of human behavior. Human beings’ thoughts, beliefs, and behaviors are ALWAYS a product of the complex interactions between that person’s biology (including, but not limited to, their genetic constitution) and their environmental influences throughout their lifetime.

        That you’re demanding proof of a bedrock scientific principle reveals that you have no idea what you’re talking about.

        • The scientific consensus is, “there seems to be a significant genetic and hereditary component to intelligence but lets ignore that and exaggerate the Marxist economic determinism theory’s validity because if we publish too much on the genetic component we will end up like Charles Murray, James Watson, and Richard Lynn where no matter how important our contributions to science we are still going to be protested off college campuses by mobs of leftwing ideologues and possibly physically threatened.”

      • Because other groups have been in similar circumstances (poverty, joblessness, crime, rundown housing. In other words probably a Democrat run municipality) have suffered the same conditions and NOT resorted to similar amounts of criminality and violence.

    • It’s worse, because a significant chunk of that small young, male, black population is incarcerated at any given time, so the portion available to commit murder during a given year is smaller still. And since even that niche of a niche is quite varied between portions of the community that would commit murders (unemployed, poor, inner city, ‘ghetto’ folk) and those that rarely do (middle-class or wealthy, educated, gainfully employed) the actual population of people responsible for the statistical majority of murders probably only numbers a couple ten-thousand, in a couple dozen specific cities, across a handful of city blocks.

      When you look at the problem from that lens, and how effectively Big Data can compile dossiers & accurate predictive profiles from snippets of web activity…it becomes obvious just how protected these small dangerous pockets of humanity are from truly proactive law enforcement, and how isolated from civic development.

      Such a small number of people among a sea of many, many times their number. How…vulnerable those murderers would be in a scenario in which their victims could fight back and they had competent, persistent pursuers in law enforcement.

      • “How…vulnerable those murderers would be in a scenario in which their victims could fight back and they had competent, persistent pursuers in law enforcement.”

        This, exactly this. A simple study of the few zip codes in which murders are concentrated would show you those are also the same zip codes where few murderers are found and when they are, their sentences are light and bail is quick. Flood the streets with law enforcement and when you find them, keep them in jail.
        Yes, everyone will say it’s racist because you’ll be locking up a whole lot of young black men for the rest of their lives. And those particular men should be. You’d dramatically improve the lives of black families in America practically overnight.
        Which is why the Democrats will never do it. They have the keep those plantations going. It’s all they know how to do.

        • I suspect that within those few ZIP codes you would find multi-generational poverty and gang activity. My other half taught college a block away from a ghetto area and students from that area were more motivated to improve their situation and worked harder to EARN the grades they got compared to the “privileged” students who though they could get a good grade by just showing up.

        • “Financial burdens has its limits”

          Being poor is very expensive. The local stores charge more because of high retail theft, and credit has outrageous interest payments when borrowers have no collateral and a poor history of paying debts on time.

          Poverty can be a nasty, vicious cycle very hard to break out of…

      • If only we had had a couple hundred thousand more abortions a couple decades back, we wouldn’t even need this discussion.

    • No research on that? There’s been ongoing research on that for hundreds of years. And for hundreds of years good science has proven that genetics is not an accurate predictor for violent behavior.
      It especially makes no sense in America, where much of our black population were descendants of slaves, who were often the result of direct breeding programs. I have a hard time believing that slave holders bred in aggression to their captives.

      • Hundreds of years of research? Oh my, that does sound impressive! The fact is, however, that the human genome mapping was only just completed in 2003. Basically five minutes ago. That’s just mapping. Discerning meaning and purposes among those genes is an entirely other matter, especially as it relates to personality traits.

        The current state of what’s called the “genetic approach” says little about assessment. Any definitive answer on genes’ direct involvement in personality assessment will likely not occur soon, due to the probable involvement and interaction between many genes in the expression of any trait, like aggression, for example.

        What is known so far, for what it’s worth, is that there is substantial evidence that behavior-influencing conditions including schizophrenia and bipolar disorder (what we used to call manic-depression) are affected by heredity, as are tendencies toward substance abuse and anti-social behavior. For example, genes related to levels monoamine oxidase (MAO), which helps regulate personality traits such as sensation seeking and novelty seeking, also is related to dominance, aggression, and impulsivity. Yes, there are counterarguments to this. I know them and concede their existence, but I’m way over on space usage here to go into them. Suffice it to say that the application of molecular biology, coupled with advanced imaging technologies like MRI, fMRI, PET, and CT scan (what we used to call CAT scans), to the study of behavior is a scientific game changer.

        The troublesome part is that a lot of people don’t want to know the truth. People from populations suspected of built-in conditions (whether violence, homosexuality, etc.) are afraid they’ll be screened and targeted. People outside of these groups fear that these groups will use the results as an excuse for their behavior. So it’s quite a challenging environment of competing agenda out there.

        Nevertheless, “young male syndrome” is a real thing. It’s also a very complex thing.

    • You are bad at numbers.

      55% of homicides are committed by 3% of the population. Sounds WAAAAY out of whack. Except that the number of homicides in the US per year is something like 0.0006% of the population. Even if EVERY ONE of those homicides were perpetrated by a black male 15-25, and every homicide was one perpetrator to one victim, only 0.2% of the 3% population would be involved.

      • And you’re bad at reading comprehension. He wasn’t saying 3% literally committed 55% of murders – 55% of murders were committed by a group of people whose demographic makeup matches 3% of the population. So if one were to infer that race, sex, and age are the only factors leading one to commit murder, then that 3% of the population are predisposed to commit murder and are (potentially) the problem…

    • Or, it could be the product of a welfare system that rewards teen and single parent pregnancy, increases payments for having more kids, and discourages having the father in the home. After 2-3 generations, you get populations in a spiral that don’t know how to have esteem for accomplishing something or valuing education. Their role models become the thugs in the streets, and they’re sucked into it, despite the majority making less money from gang activities than they could at a minimum wage job. Unfortunately, they’re not going to listen to someone outside the community, so they someone has to rise up from within.

      • I’m voting for this one. When you tax something you get less of it, when you reward something you get more of it. We have been rewarding dependence and procreation for 4 or 5 decades, now, the crime is just a byproduct of an explosion in the dumbass class.

    • Nah, you’re just a racist. It all comes down to poverty, not skin color. Thanks for making all gun owners and conservatives look racist. Keep up the stereotype.

      • F@ck the facts!!! Right? 🛎🛎🛎 we have the winner of the clown show. Congratulations on outing yourself as a filthy post-modernist.

        • Nobody disputes the facts you supplied. Your explanation of those facts are not facts, they are your unsubstantiated assertion, and that was what was questioned. And the assumption that one race is better or worse than another race is THE definition of racism. And that does make us look bad. So technically everything he said was correct – nothing post modernist about it.

          Even if you were correct. Let’s assume you were correct. Those people are here to stay, so you better have a better solution than finger pointing and calling them genetic miscreants.

      • “It all comes down to poverty”

        Saying that poverty causes crime is an insult to poor people, and does nothing to explain Bernie Madoff, Robert Durst and the multitude of other rich criminals.

      • I don’t know if you’re being serious or a bit sarcastic here.

        If it really does all come down to poverty, why aren’t poor rural white people (or rural any people) committing murder at a rate similar to poor urban black men? The biggest difference between the groups is urban gov’t-welfare ghetto culture.

      • Been to a lot of poor towns and even poor countries. Most were not violent hell holes. None were run by guilty liberal xmocrats.

      • No randall…. YOU’RE the racist…. you blindly let your feels cloud your reason….
        Fkn wake up…. the majority of gun owners aren’t racist, they are SMART….

      • “It all comes down to poverty, not skin color.”

        Yet the murder rate in poor areas of Appalachia is a fraction of the south side of Chicago.

        How about *culture*? When where you live reinforces a belief you won’t survive to age 30? Where picking up a gun is a rational decision, considering others around you who want you dead are also armed? Where the music you listen to further reinforces your beliefs that law enforcement can kill you and your peer group with near impunity? Where a sudden, violent death is simply an everyday part of being alive?

        Who’s to blame?


        • “Culture” as a personal reality is really the place where crime should be analyzed. It’s not black/white/orange/purple but the life situations of individuals where criminal behavior is the resultant choice, but not in terms of those situations being an excuse for such behaviors. In other words, a shitty situation is no excuse to murder nor rob.

        • it’s always the fault of gays and jews. Samuel L. Jackson is gay and defends harvey and other jews. I didn’t understand his message. He sounded like he was blaming gangs for violence to shame them into nonviolence but really it is just abusing people who are not criminal. Criminals won’t listen but impressionable kids will and it will traumatize them. He is almost victims shaming. He is traumatizing the innocent while the guilty are unremorseful.

    • It is NOT genetic disposition – it is the slavery of the welfare state we have become. As long as our government wants to keep pets, feed them them, clothe them, house them, they will gladly take the handouts rather than building their own lives, teach them that white men are keeping them down and they will hate all white men (except, of course, the Massa – the shot callers in government that give them a tiny slice).
      This is not only lower class blacks, but also lower class whites. Johnson did this with his “Great Society”, assuring the black vote for the next 100 years.

    • We don’t know the racial profile of all murderers. But the numbers are definitely suspect.

      It’s actually 55% of murders that were SOLVED. Which murder will get more police attention, effort and therefore clearance rate?
      – A) White suburban housewife killed in her house.
      B) Another run of the mill gang drive-by or ‘drug deal went wrong’ in ghetto.

      Predominantly black Chicago has murder clearance rate of whopping 15.5%. (https://heyjackass.com/home/)
      Who do you think committed the remaining 84.5% for which no suspect was charged? Unless someone believes that whites go hunting into minority neighborhoods for victims (who are 78.2% black and 13.3% hispanic) the answer is clear.

      • “Predominantly black Chicago has murder clearance rate of whopping 15.5%. (https://heyjackass.com/home/)”

        Is that surprising to you? Just imagine this – What if where you lived, if you talked to police about a crime you witnessed, there was a very good chance you would be beaten to a pulp, or even killed for doing so? And all your friends thought the same way, in fact, even encouraged that kind of response?

        “Snitches get stitches.” = A part of the culture of the inner city. The same ‘culture’ that ‘Progressives’ say excuses all kinds of behaviors. “It’s OK, it’s their culture”…

    • The claim that blacks commited 55% of murders in this country is not entirely true. From linked article: “Also, police have to know and provide the backgrounds of not only the victims but the perpetrators, too – meaning that thousands of cases left unsolved and with no description of the person who committed the crimes are discounted. In total, about 61 percent of the 15,696 homicides committed in 2015 are excluded.”
      Minorities commited about 55% of SOLVED murders, which comprise only 40% of all murders.

      Now, let’s consider what kind of murders are not investigated thoroughly and left unsolved,
      falling in those 61%? Is it more likely
      A) suburban white husband killing his white wife, or
      B) ‘just another drive by gang shooting’ or ‘drug deal went bad’ in inner city ghetto?
      Case in point- Chicago’s 2019 homicide clearance rate is 10.6%. https://heyjackass.com/home/

      Bloomberg is a gun grabbing pompous a-hole, but he may be closer to the truth than it seems at first glance.

  2. “Michael Bloomberg is someone with whom the mainstream media agrees.”

    LOL, that’s not quite how I’d describe the relationship. He is “someone with whom the mainstream media finds their employment.” He cuts their checks, they follow his directions.

    • Considering how much of a player Bloomberg is in the media, they had better listen if they know what is good for them. And don’t forget Bloomberg’s Financial Services which provides a subscriber information service for the finance industry. Almost every bank, credit union, and brokerage will have Bloomberg terminals.

  3. Ok, so he was off on the exact percentage. Let’s say he was sloppy or even that he exaggerated to make his point. What is that point, exactly? The majority of criminal homicides are committed by blacks. How is that fact bigoted? How is any fact bigoted? Facts just exist, without allegiance to anything.

    NOW can we get back to fighting crime, TTAG, rather than splitting hairs and signaling virtue? Thanks.

    • Because that’s not just a little “off on the exact percentage.” It’s the difference between the slight majority and almost all.
      He’s saying almost every murder is committed by a young black man, so get rid of their rights.
      The new Democrats, same as the old Democrats.

    • “How is that fact bigoted? How is any fact bigoted?”

      The *vast* percentage of murderers are MALE.

      That’s a *fact*.

      Therefore, no male should be allowed to posses firearms.

      See where ‘facts’ can get you?

        • That is exactly what they are trying to do, to “prohibit shooting people,” ie., people who own and shoot firearms.
          You are right. Why did no one ever think of that. They keep wasting time prohibiting 2nd Amendment Rights where all they really need to do is make aggravated assault and murder crimes.
          Oh, what’s that? They are already crimes? How about enforcing it? Because an armed and dangerous prohibited felon is, well, dangerous and, duh, armed. Law abiding firearms owners may be armed, but as law abiding citizens are seen as less dangerous to prohibit.

      • From your link:
        “Black arrestees (54.8%) and Hispanic arrestees (32.2%) account for the majority of Murder and Non-Negligent Manslaughter arrestees while White arrestees (6.9%) and Asian/Pacific Islander (5.4%) arrestees account for the remaining portions of the Murder and Non-Negligent Manslaughter arrest population.”

        So add in the 0.3 Amer Ind not in the quote, minorities were 92.7% of those arrested. So Mayor Mike’s quote in regards to ethnicity was essentially true for New York in 2017. “Bloomberg claimed that 95 percent of murders fall into a specific category: male, minority and between the ages of 15 and 25.” Bloomberg is not a bigot if his source is New York crime data. Unless being off by 2% is bigotry.

        • Absolutley right. My bad. I was thinking “black” not just adding all minorities together as one solid group. Of course, since whites are the minority in NYC, it skews those numbers pretty dramatically.
          Instead of it being a minority of people committing the majority of crimes, in reality it is the majority of people committing the majority of crimes, if you are considering minorities as a solid block.

        • I will say that Bloomberg is a racist for saying “Cities need to get guns out of this group’s hands and keep them alive, he said”. Yes Micheal Bloomberg is a very racist man. He like many white Liberals assumes all blacks in the cities are dangerous criminals and ALL OF THE BLACKS NEED TO BE DISARMED.

          The fact that 13% of the population, black, commits 55% of the murders means nothing. Other than the Welfare Industrial Complex that Bloomberg supports, is doing its job in destroying the traditional black family. The socialist progressive, the Liberals ,the Left, and even you Libertarians, supports the Welfare State.

          The white Liberal loves the Welfare state. They made public housing projects “gun free zones”. Of course there is murder and mayhem in these areas.

          The law abiding people who live in these areas need guns, so they can their handle their own problems. The white Liberal is as racist as the KKK. Both want ALL BLACKS DISARMED. Both want the government to control the lives of black people.

          The white Liberal does not need to burn a cross on the front lawn of a black persons home to be called a racist. They just support the KKK when they do it. The white Liberals said so in court.
          If you want a Link I will give you one. Just ask.

        • Sorry Taylor. Whites are roughly 30% of the population in NYC. Blacks and Hispanics are roughly 50% of the population. Asians and other make up the remaining 20%. Recent NYPD numbers state that 90% ÷/- of gun violence crimes are committed by that 50% made up of blacks and Hispanics. The 30% of white commit less than 10% of gun violence crimes. Law and Order was a fiction. Rich white guys are not commiting the murders and rapes in NYC.

      • Whatever the data are historically, it remains that they are continuously and inappropriately used as a predicative model. It is a commonly used tactic for political purposes. I.E., you are X, therefore you are likely to exhibit Y behavior.

  4. White males will have great trouble getting the democrat nomination for president. If one somehow did win the nomination, it would likely alienate many party members from other demographic categories. Sorry Bloom.

    • Bernie was a placeholder candidate. Since Mikey doesn’t tick enough diversity boxes, he will have to spread the cash far and wide to get nominated.

  5. Remember: FBI groups Hispanics in with whites to skew the numbers.

    You need to subtract the Hispanic “ethnicity” number from the “white” number to get the truth: whites in American commit crime at same rate as whites in Europe.

    • Thank you, Mr. Kling.

      If no one brought this up, I was going to do it.

      This seldomly-mentioned fact definitely disinforms the general public.

  6. “Except Mayor Mike is wrong. In fact, he’s not even close. Since 2000, minorities have committed about 55% of the murders in this country while whites were responsible for about 45%.”

    The TTAG article sources US News and FactCheck article all use FBI and Bureau of Justice Statisics data that lumps Hispanics in with Whites.

    So you have not proved Mayor Mike wrong, unless TTAG thinks MS13 is white criminal gang. 😛 Perhaps Mayor Mike is looking at more granular data to get his 95% number.

  7. using bloomberg as a go-to for advice is like using chairman mao or pol pot for a father-figure. THIS COMMUNIST AMERICAN HATER IS THE LOWEST OF THE LOW IN ANYTHING CONNECTED WITH GOVERNMENT. HE IS A FIRST –LAST AND ALLWAYS A MARXIST ..

  8. If he runs expect to see this quoted in political commercials for a year before he does.

    I’m not into benevolent dictators thank you very much.

  9. I don’t care if minorities have firearms. What concerns me is you fat pasty cowards having firearms. Get help, Donny Heelspurs lovers!!!

  10. Bloomberg cannot be trusted with money, he clearly uses it to hurt innocent people. It must, therefore, all be taken away from him and managed by a committee.

  11. It doesn’t matter what Mike says – he just wants to be king so he can rule over us little people and he doesn’t care how he gets there.

    • That’s what all the left want , power to make our decisions for us since we didn’t know better than to vote for Trump and women voted the way their husbands told them to and we ( all 63 million of us are dirty, ignorant, deplorable WalMart shoppers that they can smell a mile away! They have to control and, yes eliminate us because we don’t think like they do!

  12. “Former New York Mayor and reported presidential wanna-be Michael Bloomberg held forth before a sold-out Aspen Institute crowd on Friday. ” – Exactly which Friday was that? The wording makes it sound like something recent, but the supporting article is from back in February 2015. Fine to rehash his racist remark, but why not just repost the earlier article on it?

    • While I don’t disagree with you, most media sites use old stories for sidebar click bait and if you’re not on the ball and check the date, you may think it’s a recent story. Happens to me a lot with Hillary stories.

  13. Somebody should tell all the gang bangers they need to comply with the law and give up their guns, then. Lemme know how that turns out.

    • This is actually a bit disturbing. I’d like to be able to trust that what I see here on TTAG is accurate.

      Saying that this happened last Friday when in fact it happened in 2015 — and was covered in at least two articles on TTAG when it really was news — makes me wonder what’s going on behind the scenes here.

      Write about it again if you want, fine. Bloombags hasn’t changed his mind since then, and this is worth bringing up.

      But at least be accurate about what you’re writing about and why.

      • Read the article introduction!
        Dan states we published this before but we’re putting up again now Bloomberg is officially running. I am guessing, as others said, main media will never run this story again.

        • This is its third go-round on TTAG.
          – The first was back in 2015, when it was new news, right after Daddy Bloombuck’s racist spiel.
          – The second was in 2018, when it was inaccurately presented as new.

  14. Do stupid stuff, win stupid prizes. It has absolutely nothing to do with color, creed, gender or race. If the race card is the best you’ve got, you show that you’re on the down side of a losing slide. Once again the communists try to lead us down the rabbit hole with specious arguments intended to polarize us. That dog won’t hunt anymore, and it sure as hell won’t hunt here. -30-

  15. Back when people were studying social dynamics used rats ( not dems). One study kept adding to the group of rats to see what would happen. The higher the pop. the higher incidents of stress/violence and cannibal behavior. Jane Goodall found the same behavior in chimps. Some races can tolerate density better than others. Maybe culture. The population of Africa prefers extended families and tribes. Asian seem to tolerate density the best. ( My observation and speaking in generalities. Always exceptions). Also the nature vs nurture argument. Disclaimer; The only bigotry is towards deamonrats.

  16. So what if the comment if 3 years back. I doubt he’s changed his stripes.

    If Bret Kavanaugh can be pilloried for something he didn’t do in high school, Bloomberg can be held accountable for a 3-year old remark. Fair is fair.

  17. My favorite attorney told me this one a long time ago…”and when they can’t use rats they use lawyers, ’cause there’s stuff even rats won’t do”…-30-

  18. He is not that off base: disarming all black men under 65 would cut the murder rate dramatically. He is willing to admit we have a Black violence problem

    • Disarming all white men would prevent the mass shootings. We know that’s what gets “civilized“ America upset.

      They don’t care about brown people. If they get addicted to opioids lock them up. When whites get addicted to opioids it’s a “health crisis.”

  19. Instead of flooding the cities with drugs, flooding the cities with guns, ammo, and instructional videos would solve most of these crime problems. Sound crazy? I think its crazy to think you can replace the father in a traditional family with a welfare check. But Liberals don’t support the traditional family. And that is crazy.

    • Almost as crazy as thinking a government created black market will not also create violence. End the War on the American People aka the war on some drugs and the violence will end. When was the last time two beer distributors shot it out over turf?The war on drugs is only supported by big government progressives.

  20. Ironically, the people he claims are the ones committing the crimes did not obtain their guns through legal means. So what new law is he proposing that would fix that issue?

  21. How about being a minority, but because I’m a conservative, I’m labeled WHITE, or a WHITE wannabe by leftist morons. Being NOT minority enough is a real thing. Reading books on moral philosophy, speaking English without an accent, and knowing grammar can get you killed in some neighborhoods. So much for the GREAT MELTING POT that liberals despise.

    • The melting pot was always a progressive supported myth. It never worked. All immigration has been bad for Americans and our rights. We should have closed the border in 1790.

  22. One thing is certain, Bloomberg can’t be trusted with power. If I understand the concept of the bell curve correctly, 100 IQ is average, the upper part is above 100 and the lower part is below 100. If that is a true average, does that mean that half of the people I deal with every day are geniuses and the other half are idiots? If so, that would explain a lot of the behavior I have to deal with every day. Or maybe the whole “bell curve” thing is just more made up junk science to satisfy someones political agenda. It’s getting so that if I can’t see something expressed in quantifed, repeatable numbers, or pick something up in my own hands and look it over I don’t trust it. Let’s not even get started on the ongoing controversy over the value and legitimacy of peer review. -30-

  23. Bloomberg “is frequently asked his opinion on a range of topics, whether he has any expertise in the area or not.” The only area he has expertise in is idiocy, and he’s more than happy to display it at the drop of a hat.

  24. Bloomberg was referencing his experience in NYC. He is stereotyping all black and Hispanic Americans by what he sees in Brownsville. That is what is risable.

  25. The very bullshit being argued here is exactly what Elites like Bloomberg want. He knows he can say whatever he wants with little harm from Liberals/Socialists. Knowing what he says will be divisive among the non koolade drinkers. The only thing that matters is he is a direct threat to the Freedoms We All Live By. Only in defeating him with actions. Can it be assured he and others like him. Will be unable to destroy a way of life. Fought and died for by untold thousands of Patriots. So Stop the petty bickering over ridiculous studies and so called facts. It all comes down to Right versus Wrong. Good Versus Evil. Focus on what truly matters. Your Freedom and the fight to Preserve it. Keep Your Powder Dry.

    • Darkman are you familiar with the UNs Agenda 21? If not research it. The democrats are following it even though Trump didn’t sign on to it. Every thing they are purposing is on a list designed to end capitalism, take away our sovereignty and give the UN the power to govern our country. A list to consider: no more animals raised for human consumption, no single family homes, no plowing of the earth, no more asphalt roads, monitored power allotments, no one owns property, destroy all dams& fences, move the population in to “Green Cities “ on 1/6 of the land leaving the rest to nature where no humans are allowed , no fossil fuel, no air travel, no air conditioning in homes or workplaces abolish all borders! There’s much more! The democrats are moving us into the New World Government whether we want it or not. Trump interrupted their plan. That’s why they are desperate to get rid of him. Oh did I mention sharing our wealth with the third world countries because we should help them be what we are now. We will be a third world country and that’s what the UN wants. Research it

  26. We all know who is creating all the murders in this God forsaken COUNTRY.
    So you can stop your shilling and start facing the truth….

  27. Joe. . The 2A is for all and no one of intelligence is blaming the entire Black race for violent crime. However, gang bangers are not only black, several races them.

    Government is a equal opportunity hater of all those it is meant to serve. Race does not matter. Government now exists to expand its scope and power over all. Illegal possession falls in areas where State Governments require a permit to practice a right. We have carved out that some people based on their past actions and current mental health are ineligible to practice that right. These are government rules, and yes justice is not always blind, but she has improved in many areas. Petition the government to rescind these laws, then they cannot be used against people unfairly.

    Every group has those who are full of good intentions that fail to properly communicate their ideas that at times come out wrong and sound racists. And each of those groups will also have true racists. This group of requlars are generally good people.

    Read awhile and get to know these people by their character, keep a open mind and learn who is better at communicating and see where the core beliefs fall. It is not racism.

    Judge a man by his character and his actions, you will learn skin color, religion or other things used to divide us is nothing but a illusion.

  28. Well there is one good piece of news today. Meet the Press reported that polls show the majority of Democrats do not even like Bloomberg either. When Bloomberg’s past is revealed it will probably put him even lower in the polls.

    The bad news is that Bloomberg is no dummy, he had a very good reason for entering the race at the last minute. Bloomberg realizes that the Dems are running some real losers for candidates. Biden’s mental capacity is waning and Bernie the Burn is way too old to live out a Presidency past 4 years and Warren is a little too radical and pie in the sky even for a lot of Dems and Independents. Don’t be surprised if the Dems come to realize that Bloomberg, even with his checkered past is probably indeed the best Dem candidate to win.

    Remember the Watergate famous quote “Follow the Money” and Bloomberg has unlimited funds and he who has the most cash can and will buy the Presidency. Meanwhile I am spending the day burying all my guns and you should too because if Bloomberg gets elected our ass is grassed permanently.

    • So, the Democrats will nominate someone they hate despite having a surplus of anti-gun candidates. Is that the story you are sticking to?

      And President Jeb agrees with you that Bloomberg can buy the nomination. /Sarc.

    • The Democratic party, being entirely astroturfed and currently insolvent, is buyable in a way that the Republican party isn’t.

      I don’t believe it’s ever time to start burying our guns. Think about it: how long are they going to stay there? Generations have passed in the UK since they passed the anti-gun laws our so-called liberals are clamoring for.

      If we truly believe it’s necessary to hide our guns until the current tyranny passes, then it’s long past time we got together and started MAKING it pass right now, before it becomes something our children and grandchildren think is normal.

  29. “He’s always been an equal opportunity civilian disarmament advocate.” — TTAG

    Bloomberg is one of a handful of people who are at the top of the 2nd Amendment threat list, and could become our next president. Let’s keep our eyes on the ball. According to the Aspen Times, Bloomberg said something that by modern standards of discourse, was entirely racist.

  30. Is it possible Blomberg is trying to get second term for President Trump? Bloomberg has to have profited off the economy more so than the 8 years of President Obama.

  31. KEEP digging Dan!

    We need to put out everything this guy EVER said that is not even close to being PC and use it against him like they did and DO Trump!

  32. This comment section is a shit show full of the worst this community has to offer. Y’all just dropped a case of ammo at the feet of the people who seek to ruin you.

    • You can see my previous statements above. I stand by them. I look forward to you and people like you defending this racist white Jewish billionaire. Including his private armed 24/7 security guards.

  33. Considering the dems habitual embrace of low expectation racism and that the 90’s AWB was driven by suburbanite fear of the “black man” wouldn’t shining light on the racist ranting of a geriatric white billionaire help get him that mainstream dem support the progressive “free shit for the globe” bunch can’t?

    • It very well might. Plus, Bloomberg is successful in a way that no Democratic party candidate has ever been; unlikable as he is, he’s a hell of a lot smarter than Felonia Milhous von Pantsuit, and he has financial and political bona fides no one else can match.

      Don’t forget, Trump was unlikable too. Still is, to most of America. He was a joke candidate…until suddenly he wasn’t.

      The only thing I know for sure is that we can’t rule anything out in this election. It’s gonna be wild and mean, and that’s the one thing we can surely count on.

  34. He’s not wrong. Minorities commit the majority of crimes.

    Listening to the news about Florida allowing felons to vote, the media pointed out that close to a quarter of blacks are convicted felons and can now vote. You can’t have a functional society when that many people can’t behave.

    • Bad bresth in the morning, stinky poop, OMG you sleep with that guy, ewwww yuk. Id call the Suicide SelfHelp Assistance hotline muy pronto. 1-800 Raz Zoor.

  35. Legacy Media? What the hell is that? Media with the viewpoint of some old views concerning who belongs to what the status of society? 1950’s, 1940’s, 1930’s, or back to some legacy where whites reigned supreme?

  36. Billionaires are obsessed with gun control because guns are the great equalizer. They are terrified that a gun makes them no bigger or better than any other man or woman.

    And they live in fear that one day the oppressed masses might open their eyes and revolt against the puppet masters currently fleecing them under the guise of unfettered capitalism.

  37. The obsession with minorities’ crimes, lower IQ sounds suspiciously like propping oneself up.

    The anti gunners are after disarmament specifically because folk who aren’t terrorists who tend to be white males are shooting up places that the populace think they should be safe in.

    If you have to make distinctions between people then take care of your own!

    The reason white boys are shooting up schools theaters etc. is different then why black boys are shooting each other. The fix for each is different. We know disarming the whole populace isn’t the answer to gun violence.

    The Bell Curve is real. It’s how things fall. You can apply it to anything. Even Lionel Train owners. 🙂

    Trash is trash. You know what that means.

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