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Cliff Schecter (courtesy

“The truth is that as much as there’s a sickening amount of gun violence on display today, we’re seeing the end of an era when virtually nobody challenged the blood-drenched greed of the National Rifle Association. That has now changed. Even if Newtown didn’t change our federal laws, it was a turning point.” – Cliff Schecter, Say No to ‘The New Normal’ — Five Things You Can Do About Gun Violence [via]


Blue Force Gear Quote of the Day: The Fifth Amendment Ain't What it Used to Be in Connecticut">Previous Post
Blue Force Gear Quote of the Day - Obama: No Gun Sales for Americans on the Government's Secret No-Fly List">Next Post


  1. It was a turning point. It was the point where many of us got tired of being lumped in with mentally ill, murderous psychopaths. It was the point where many finally realized gun free zones are only obliged by those who obey the law. It was a turning point… just not for the reason the author supposes.

  2. Just keep ignoring the knife, bomb and vehicle attacks and also make sure your liberaltard a.. Forgets to mention the liberals attacking supporters of the opposite politically affiliation.

  3. When he says “the new normal of gun violence”, does he mean the lowest homicide rates in living memory? Is that the “new normal” he can’t accept?

  4. Two years later: how’s that working out for you, Cliff?

    What were the numbers at the NRA convention? Something like 80,000 attendees, and 150 protesters?

  5. Actually, the article talking about 5 things you can do about gun violence, gives us POTG 5 things we can do to promote our OWN cause…we just need to reverse those suggestions for our own purpose. Take their own playbook and use their tactics against them!

    • Actually, we only need to reverse one of the “five things you can do” in the article.

      1. Change our culture. Yes, take a noob to the range and teach them to shoot. Then take another.
      2. Stop investing in guns. Reverse: increase our investment in guns.
      3. Make corporations get off the sidelines. Yes, when you see a no-guns-allowed sign, ask the manager why.
      4. Make politicians uncomfortable. Yes, the NRA and the other gun organizations have been doing this for decades.
      5. Use your voice. Yes, talk it up out there, and not just on echo-chamber websites.

      • “3. Make corporations get off the sidelines. Yes, when you see a no-guns-allowed sign, ask the manager why.”

        I made the comment yesterday, and I think it is appropriate here as well:

        Explain to the manager/owner that there are over 300 million firearms in private hands in America that represent well over 50 million law-abiding households. Why, exactly, do they believe it is a good business decision to alienate those potential customers?

  6. “a sickening amount of gun violence on display today…”

    Because you jackholes constantly throw it into the media cycle to push your agenda. Which allows you to refuse address the root cause of the societal problems of the poor, and instead blame inanimate objects and blame owners of said objects with unabashed bigotry.

    • Whoa! You can’t address root causes of poverty. How would progressives generate a massive vote then? They need a large dependency peasant class for the feudal lords and royalty…… er government bureaucrats and rich liberal elite.

      And besides that, addressing root causes would be hard work.

  7. If you keep repeating the lie often enough people will start to believe it.

    On the other hand, why does no one point out that these shooting events get all the media coverage exactly because of their rarity?

  8. I hope he’s right. I’d love to see an era where the NRA is rightfully ignored as the anti-second amendment group it is (NFA, GCA, LEOPA) and people start supporting the Gun Owners of America so we can get all the laws they forced on us repealed.

  9. Newton was a failure as it stands. The bloody shirt came out, and it failed to push forward their “common sense” in most places save a few states.

    I will say, at some level I agree with his statements just not in the way he does.

    1) Change Our Culture
    We need to be able to address suicide, lack of parenting, gang culture and poverty. Certain cultures have more of these than others, we just don’t talk about it because of political correctness.

    2) Stop Investing in Guns
    Maybe he’s speaking of Colt or Freedom Group? S&W and Ruger seem to be good investments right now. Hell, invest in 30 round mags before the election you could double your money easily.

    3) Make Corporations Get Off the Sidelines
    I did not know that Hallmark was pro 2A. Know where my cards are coming from now.

    4) Make Politicians Uncomfortable
    We can play this game too. Ask about why they are selling away our rights as assured by the constitution for a false safety against a problem that is far over stated.

    5) Use Your Voice
    We can do this too. We need to be active in voting people out at all levels of government who would sell us out for a statist agenda.

  10. “virtually nobody challenged the blood-drenched greed of the National Rifle Association.”

    Blood drenched greed? Citation needed buddy. Show me the blood drenched greed. That’s right, you cant, you are just making shit up as you go.

    The NRA opposed stupid gun laws, which is most, because they are rarely used to punish the people who should be punished. They are used ti punish the good people for made up crimes. They get used on 70+ year old men in Massachusetts who shoot pests while believing their lifetime license was still valid because they were too busy with life to follow every stupid MA law change. Or a single mom who accidently carries in NJ. The criminals, they get plea deals and are back on the street while the courts attempt to ruin good people’s lives.

  11. “Blood drenched greed of the NRA”.

    This says it all. The anti-freedom crowd are controlled by such a deep irrational hatred and fear of of an inanimate object, and those that keep and bear them, that any attempt at a rational and objective discussion or compromise about the subject is impossible.

    • It’s worse than that.

      Most “advocates” have no idea what they are saying. They are “useful idiots”, gotten “all wee-wee-ed up” so they’ll parrot what they’veve been fed. Get it said enough times, and “the big lie” becomes visceral, emotional truth.

      This is just a planted meme: “Blood drenched greed.”

      Thing is, you counter that kind of thing, not with reason, but by de-railing the process.

      This has all happened before.

  12. Unchallenged huh? Do these dim bulbs understand THEY created the modern NRA? Maybe they can HELP get membership to 10million…

  13. The truth is that as much as there’s a sickening amount of gun violence on display today, we’re seeing the end of an era when virtually nobody challenged the blood-drenched greed of the National Rifle Association. That has now changed. Even if Newtown didn’t change our federal laws, it was a turning point.

    A turning point in what? Further polarizing the issue? Once again leftists somehow seem to think the NRA is some kind of tiny rich few in a small room. Millions of members people. The only thing that is “turning” is millions of Americans against millions of other Americans. And that’s fine. Since they can’t tolerate our ownership of firearms, the sooner we can divide up this nation the sooner we can be rid of them.

  14. Did you intentionally put his name in parentheses to publicize the Chrome extension that was recently pulled for being racist and anti semitic or are you actually using it?

  15. This is the problem with the NRA – they take money from gun manufacturers. They try to sell themselves as a civil rights organization and boast about their relatively paltry 5 million membership, but they take money from gun manufacturers – and in doing so, they open themselves up to charges of being “the evil gun lobby.”

    It’s dishonest to take money from gun manufacturers and lobby on their behalf, while hiding behind the concept of being a membership-driven organization. They should be one or the other. If the NRA didn’t take a penny from gun manufacturers, it would instantly neutralize the claims from the left about them. If it truly was a membership organization, and truly its revenues came from memberships and donations, and it lobbied on behalf of gun OWNERS, rather than gun BUSINESSES, then it would snip the balls off of the leftist’s complaints.

    I’m a proud member of the NRA. I believe their substantial reputation is a good thing for gun owners. I wish it could get to 30 million members, rather than the pathetically tiny 5 million of today. But I fear its membership will never grow so long as the other side paints it as a “domestic terror group”, the “gun sales lobby” full of “blood drenched greed” for the gun industry’s money.

    I like the idea of the GOA. But it’s tiny (only about 5% of the membership of the NRA) and its reputation is nonexistent. No politician brags about their rating from the GOA. Like it or not, the very compromised NRA is the 800-lb gorilla and the one political force standing between gun owners and disarmist politicians. So we got to support them. But they’d make the job a lot easier if they represented us, rather than the industry.

    • ” but they take money from gun manufacturers – and in doing so, they open themselves up to charges of being “the evil gun lobby.””

      Umm, ya do you honestly think the hoplophobic left would not be tossing out the “evil gun lobby” even if the NRA didn’t take a single dime from firearms manufacturers? They would simpley because
      1. In their minds anyone who opposes them is evil.
      2. Since the overwhelmingly vast number of them make decisions based on irrational basis such as feelings and emotion name calling is their primary form of debate.

  16. The irony is, he’s sorta right about Newtown. It WAS a turning point.

    My girlfriend who had never expressed any interest in firearms prior decided to get a few “Assault Weapons” to see what the big deal is.

    Now she owns more firearms than me, and is a huge proponent of gun rights.

  17. ‘Gun violence’ down 51% over the last 30 years.

    Pretty much invalidates your argument, sunshine.

  18. More proof that every day is opposite day for the progressive anti-rights crowd. These litte trolls OWNED the ‘70s and ‘80s, when being a gun owner was about as politically popular as being a wartime Jew. Today, we’ve taken back the streets, our personal rights, most of the congress, the Supreme Court, and all but four or five of the most retard states; and crime is way down, thanks to having OUR way instead of idiots like Schecter. Is he satisfied/ Hell, no, because…. guns!

  19. “we’re seeing the end of an era when virtually nobody challenged the blood-drenched greed of the National Rifle Association.”

    So the Gun Control Act of 1968 and the 1994 Assault Weapons Ban never happened I guess. Oh, wait they did and had 0 effect. But I guess that would require like 2 minutes of research and the capacity for rational thought which explains why clifford there was unable to do it.

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