An email blast from Bob Kustra, President of Boise State University:
I know many of you have heard about the bill to remove from the State Board of Education and the administrations of public universities and colleges in Idaho the right, currently held, to prohibit weapons on their campuses. It has passed the Idaho Senate and now awaits a hearing in the House. I have very serious concerns about the bill and its implications and have spoken out against it in recent media. I should note that every public college and university president in our state and every member of the State Board of Education, with responsibility for K-20 schools in Idaho, also oppose the bill. I think it’s important for everyone in the Boise State family to know and understand my concerns about this bill . . .
An ‘Open Carry’ Law: This bill permits those with certain permits to carry concealed weapons on campus except in residence halls and in public entertainment facilities with seating capacity of 1000 or more. Naturally, folks are focusing on this being about concealed weapons being allowed on campus. But under Idaho law, anyone with a concealed carry permit can also openly carry a weapon.
So that means this bill would allow students and others to strap weapons openly on their hips or across their shoulders as they stroll across campus or enter their classrooms. Ironically, while they would be prohibited from carrying a concealed weapon into Bronco Stadium or the Morrison Center, we could not prohibit anyone with a permit from openly carrying their weapons into either of those venues or into Taco Bell Arena.
We have no idea how much this will affect booking entertainment and athletic events into Taco Bell Arena or conferences into the Student Union Building, but staff warns that it will surely have a chilling effect on these opportunities and revenues based on weapon-ban requirements by these groups in past booking contracts.
That is not the picture of Boise State University that any of us should need or want. The sponsor keeps saying this will not change campus life, but it surely will. What sort of message does this send about our schools and, indeed, our state? The bill also requires signage “conspicuously posted at each point of public ingress” throughout our campus implementing these changes. Again, what kind of message does this send about Boise, about Idaho and about our priorities?
Utah allows concealed weapons on campuses (most states do not) but even Utah does not permit open carrying of weapons on its public university campuses. In fact, of the handful of states that allow concealed carry on public campuses, none allow open carry of weapons as this bill allows.
A “basic right?” Sen. Curt MacKenzie, sponsor of the bill, claims this is about restoring a basic right, which implies that anyone opposed to this bill would be opposed to and is seeking to infringe upon the rights granted in the Second Amendment. Yet the United States Supreme Court, including its most conservative members, have recognized that firearms prohibitions in “schools and government buildings” and other “sensitive areas” could well be necessary and thus never extended constitutional protection against regulations or prohibitions when schools or government buildings are involved. Justice Scalia wrote in the Heller case that “nothing in our opinion should be taken to cast doubt on the longstanding …laws forbidding the carrying of firearms in sensitive places such as schools and government buildings…” In the McDonald case, Justice Alito added that the laws prohibiting weapons in schools and government building are valid and that the Court “repeat[s] those assurances here.”
It is also interesting that when universities are given a choice, as private schools are, they most always choose to be gun free on their campuses. Two prominent examples are BYU-Idaho and Northwest Nazarene University, the latter the school from which Sen. MacKenzie is an alumnus. This bill will not affect private school policies. Those “basic rights” purported by proponents will not be available there.
Unfunded mandate: It is currently unknown what regulations will be promulgated to guide universities in the implementation of this bill should it become law. But it is a certainty that it will lead to major expenditures in the arming and training of security forces; in the likelihood of needing metal detectors at residence hall entrances and entrances of other venues on campus where this law would prohibit concealed weapons. Early estimates from affected institutions from across the state are running into the millions of dollars with no state funding provided.
The bill likely would require such costly inspection measures because if we did not take these steps, we could be open to lawsuits for not enforcing the law and its restrictions. The immunity clause in the bill does not provide protection to the universities in those cases.
Loss of local control: This bill strips a critically important policy decision from the members of the State Board of Education, and from the locally elected trustees of community colleges from across Idaho. It imposes central control from the State Capitol that assumes one size will fit all in this matter, when certainly we are seeing how that is not the case as each university or college is realizing its particular problems with this bill.
Children unintended participants: Weapons, concealed or otherwise, are not allowed in Idaho’s elementary, middle and high schools. Yet children of these same ages are frequently on Boise State’s campus and cannot be kept separate from where guns would now be permitted.
The bill’s sponsor may be targeting universities in the belief that all students are aged 18 and above. This assumption misses completely our strong role and mission to serve youth of all ages. Since we have young people on our campus nearly constantly throughout the year, it is impossible to list all the occasions. For just one example, this week our Student Union is hosting the Idaho High School Student Council meetings involving 800 high school students from across the state.
It bears noting specifically that we operate a Children’s Center with 182 children annually ages 2 months to 6 years on campus.
In the summer, our campus is alive with young people participating in athletic and academic camps. During this time, they are all over campus including the Student Union and, often, residence halls. A partial list follows: Summer Chamber Music Camp; e-Camp; football, swim, volleyball, soccer, tennis, softball, cross country, lacrosse, gymnastics and wresting camps; DanceFest; Adventure Program, Youth Sports Program, Elementary-Level Academy, Literacy Academy, Morrison Center Performance Camps, Teen GameLab Design Camp, STEM Summer Adventure.
Law enforcement concerns: There are good reasons that the police force that provides our campus security is opposed to this bill. Boise Police Chief Mike Masterson was prohibited from offering testimony in the Senate State Affairs Committee chaired by the bill’s sponsor, but if he had been permitted to testify, he had planned to focus on the vast gulf in training between constantly drilled police officers and the “enhanced” concealed weapons permit holders, who go through one 8-hours class once every five years. He and other law enforcement leaders have pointed out the difficulty in having armed “good guys” and armed “bad guys” as law enforcement comes upon an emergency scene. It will be almost impossible for them to sort it out correctly and tragedy could well be the consequence if they cannot.
His prepared testimony included the following: “I’m here to oppose this legislation and am joined by virtually all police chiefs across the state policing Idaho’s college campuses as well as presenting a letter from Chief Dan Hall, president of the Idaho Chiefs of Police Association, opposing it as well.”
[h/t KS]
I also like that one of his objections is loss of revenue from arena attendance. His irrational fear is not just about safety, it’s about loss of profits!
My kids are 25 and 26 and are both in the Army. Can I still enter?
Certainly! Obamacare recognizes that kids up to 26 need mommy and daddy’s medical insurance as they’re not at that stage in life where they have that responsibility of their own. 😉
A 2014 Idaho example of “I would rather be governed by the first 2,000 names in the Boston telephone directory than by the 2,000 people on the faculty of Harvard University (William F. Buckley, Jr.).”
Is there any creature on the planet more gutless and illogical than a college administrator?
No sci-fi armory is complete without at least one lightsaber … They’re an elegant weapon from a more civilized age! Not as crude or clumsy as a blaster pistol.
Simple: because their attempt to ban all firearms started with handguns, particularly ‘Saturday night specials’, but America rejected that as discriminatory to the poor. Now they are hoping to come at it from another direction.
They are gyrating wildly, trying to stick the thin end of the wedge where they can.
Can someone correctly identify the rifle he’s firing in the picture?
When he scores an actual movie used butane fired Sleep Gun from Logans Run I will be duly impressed.
Funny he should mention BYU-Idaho. They have a no weapons policy as an extension of the LDS churches decision to not allow weapons (except for on duty police) in any of their places of worship. But I’d venture to say that the student body is overwhelmingly pro gun.
“What sort of message does this send about our schools and, indeed, our state?”
Ermmm … it sends the message that we recognize that self-defense is a personal responsibility, and not the responsibility of someone else?
I think that’s a pretty good message.
Any time somebody tries to take power from little tin gods in academe, they squeal like stuck pigs. It’s music to my ears.
Here’s a thought: Parents, don’t send your children to Boise State or any other bottom tier school. All they’ll end up with after four years is a $150,000 diploma to hang on their wall, with no way of paying a mountain of debts.
Here’s a better idea: Let your little snowflakes learn a skilled trade. A master electrician or plumber makes DOUBLE the money of a school teacher in Boise, and they don’t have to put up with Kustra’s bullsh1t.
Butter LONDON is a pretty treat for mom on her special day.
Some evidence indicating that continous green tea drinkers have low chances of heart
disease and developing any type of cancer. 100% of the
profits from the Laura Mercier Bonne Mine Healthy Glow for Face & Cheeks Cr.
Still better than the doubletap.
“But it is a certainty that it will lead to major expenditures in the arming and training of security forces; in the likelihood of needing metal detectors at residence hall entrances and entrances of other venues on campus where this law would prohibit concealed weapons.”
So, current law already prohibits concealed carry in those places, but somehow the university will incur new major expenditures if that continues to be the case. If you don’t need metal detectors now, why would you need them if the bill passes? How could it possibly cost more to enforce a law in fewer places?
The was the best laugh of the show. I walked away from the demo shaking my head in disbelief.
Is there a way to fold down the “blast shield” without sticking your hand in front of both barrels?
Also, does it come with some kind of time stop mechanism so the BG is forced to wait while I unfold that thing and turn on the laser??
I have a picture like that of my niece when she was a couple weeks old with the Cricket Rifle I bought her the day she was born. It has a pink laminate stock and came with a pink case. She just turned 5, might be time to take her to the range with it this year.
Needs a rail for scope and light mounting.
What can go wrong? To paraphrase Willie the Shake; “How can I maim thee? Let me count the ways!”
All that for a measly $800! I’m guessing about $25 production costs and $775 for liability coverage.
I don’t think $150 is too much for a Mosin now adays. Just make sure the bore is in good shape with good clean rifling. Also, no rust or pitting anywhere on metal. If the trigger is horrible, which most stock Mosin triggers are. Much can be done for no money to greatly improve the trigger. All the info you need regarding Mosin upgrades and customizing is available on YouTube.
So…which one of you poor saps has to do the review?
Great letter! Unfortunately he is having a battle of the wits with an unarmed person. Gun control is based on emotion, not logic. Since emotion inflames passions so well it is tough to overcome, even with facts. However, we still need to stay at it.
No. If you’re drinking. Don’t shoot. It is never acceptable. Let’s not go down that road.
But… the children! What about “The Children”™ ?
The judge made an excellent ruling in this case. He didn’t change law, he enforced and clarified existing law.
Magazines with holes in them for round indicators should be fair game for the officers to check as they make the weapon safe. If the markers for rounds 10, 12, etc. show a casing….then it should be perfectly reasonable for the officer then to remove the rounds from the mag and count them. If the at a glance view of the mag after removing it displays a number close to the legally permitted New York amount (7) then the officer shouldn’t count each individual round.
But the bigger question is did Officer Barrancotta get his food from the Mighty Taco afterwards?
They are flameing away RF, it’s really brutal over there. Most will be lucky to come out as good as the “tiger” folks./// This is a good win.
This liberal clown really thinks that cops are better trained and because they are representatives of the government, that makes them more qualified to carry a firearm? Maybe someone needs to send President Kustra newspaper and TV articles of armed police abuse.