
In the video below, the artist known as Boonk Gang pulls out a handgun and a wad of cash at a radio interview. Who he? For that kind of intel there’s really only one reliable source: . . .

Boonk Gang is the online pseudonym of South Florida resident John Robert Hill, who gained much online notoriety for posting footage of himself performing stunts and committing various crimes on Instagram.

On April 10th, the @boonk.ig Instagram feed was launched, with the first video featuring Hill going behind the counter at a Popeye’s Chicken fast food restaurant to steal a box of fried chicken. Within four months, the video gathered upwards of 1.22 million views.

On July 27th, Hill posted a video of himself throwing milkshakes on himself in a Chik-Fil-A restaurant and removing his clothes to celebrate reaching one million followers on Instagram.

I think Boonk is one of those poor unfortunate souls who failed to heed Kurt Vonnegut’s admonition: “We are what we pretend to be, so we must be careful about what we pretend to be.”

I mean, you don’t “pretend” to wave a gun around, especially with your finger on the trigger. That’s completely, irredeemably, irresponsible, even if it is postmodern performance art.

If the YouTube sensation had done that in front of me I’d bonk Boonk on the noggin, STAT. As it is I can only award him TTAG IGOTD award (from the safety and comfort of TTAG’s above ground bunker). Which I’m sure Mr. Hill will protest with suitably fake/real indignation.


  1. Uhm, if he is out on bail over the whole waving a gun around in a fast food place isn’t he ineligible anyways? This is happening in Florida too, I would think he’s just begging for someone to plug him.

  2. Did he genuinely commit crime on video? If so why has there been no arrest/trial/conviction? The biggest cause of violence in this country appears to be the ‘thug life’, the whys and wherefores of this are beyond the scope of this comment but if one of the exponents of this lifestyle offers himself up on a plate, throw him in prison!

    I’m not sure that someone like this should be classed as a ‘gun owner’, more like a criminal with his tool….

  3. This poor man needs Jesus, Find a church man. You are loved.
    That garbage (money, drugs, and Illegal guns) Isn’t worth selling your soul for.
    Help the youth in your neighborhood stay in school and grow up to become responsible fathers that is true happiness.

  4. His mother must be so proud.

    At around 0:29 into the clip (not magazine), he actually points the gun intentionally at… someone. Or something. Hard to say.

    At first I felt sorry for the radio show host being exposed do such stupid-induced danger. But then I realized that the radio show host was stupid enough to let this dirtball onto the premises. What was that rule about stupid people, stupid places, etc.?

  5. “who gained much online notoriety for posting footage of himself performing stunts and committing various crimes on Instagram.”

    If that is the case why is he out on the streets?

  6. Does he count as a gun owner if he can’t legally own guns? He possesses a gun, as in “felon/drug addict in possession of a firearm”. But owner? no…. I see a hundred idiots like this every day, I would never put them in the “gun owner” subsection of owr society.

    • Glad somebody else noticed. Even if that suppressor was pinned and welded I still don’t think it makes it.

  7. Here’s another candidate for “Irresponsible Gun Owner of the Day” that just broke an hour ago –

    “Police: Lumberton officer shot after ‘accidental weapon discharge’

    “Lumberton, N.C. (WPDE) — Police were dispatched to a shooting Friday night at the intersection of Peterson Road and Fayetteville Road in Lumberton near Peterson Toyota, according to officials on scene.

    Captain Terry Parker with Lumberton Police said there was “an accidental weapon discharge resulting in a Lumberton Police Department Officer being shot.””

  8. Not if, but when this moron waves a gun around in a public place and gets dumped by a legal carry concealed citizen, these video’s can be used as a defense for the good citizen showing that the thug has a pattern of crimes, intimidation and violent behavior.

    Kind of like the idiots who film themselves driving excess speeds and recklessly, makes great evidence when they finally crash and hurt someone, can’t beat the odds of stupidity.

  9. If he was white, writer of article would have totally different perspective, and dare I say praise… #smh

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