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Boston Police Department: Which of These Guns Are Real?

Robert Farago - comments No comments

I find it odd that people get their proverbial knickers in a twist when cops shoot perps brandishing a “fake” gun. If a reasonable person would consider the replica/toy a real gun (e.g., it’s not a NERF gun), what’s the issue? Play stupid games win stupid prizes. Anyway, the Boston Police Department wants taxpayers to know it’s easy to mistake a fake gun for a real ‘un. Hence the quiz. I reckon they’re all real enough to not be pointed at a cop. My question: is that a fake Gucci bag?


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Robert Farago

Robert Farago is the former publisher of The Truth About Guns (TTAG). He started the site to explore the ethics, morality, business, politics, culture, technology, practice, strategy, dangers and fun of guns.

0 thoughts on “Boston Police Department: Which of These Guns Are Real?”

  1. Instead of trying to keep g uns from criminals, domestic abusers and the dangerously mentally ill, wouldn’t it be easier and more effective to keep criminals, domestic abusers and the dangerously mentally ill away from the American people?

    Also, can you really call it ‘bi-partisan’ because Peter King signs on?

  2. I don’t know that “all the special elections” have gone Trump’s way. The Georgia election was a GOP seat already. The Alabama U.S. Senate primary didn’t go Trump’s way. In fact, when his boy Luther Strange was defeated, Trump promptly deleted his tweets supporting Strange. Judge Roy Moore won that GOP primary and is headed to Washington once he wins the Dec. 7th special election.

    As for Flake, well, that doesn’t count because there hasn’t even been an election. He simply decided not to run for re-election. I don’t know how you can credit Trump with that. Flake won his Senate seat in 2012 with a mere 49.2% of the vote versus the Democrat’s 46.2%. The Libertarian picked up the remainder.

    Having barely squeaked into office, Flake proceeded to vote most frequently with John McCain and Joe Manchin, according to voting record analysis conducted by OpenCongress. McCain, you may recall, barely won his only 2016 GOP primary with 51.2% of the vote and did only slightly better in the 2016 general election with 53..7%. No wonder McCain was formally rebuked by the Arizona Republican Party.

    Neither of these guys is very popular, but those currents were running deep well before Trump jumped on the scene.

    • Whether he realizes it or not the AL senate race actually went Trump’s way, his misguided endorsement (at the behest of McConnell) not withstanding. Say what you may about Moore, but he won’t be McConnell’s lap dog the way Strange would have been.

  3. Depends on what they’re doing, not on what they’re holding.

    Simple possession? Doesn’t matter if it’s real or not, you don’t just go around shooting people for exercising constitutionally protected civil rights.
    “Refusing to surrender”? How do you know that they understand that you’re a LEO, ordering them in your official capacity to lay down their possessions and submit?

    Wielding in an offensive manner? Yep, shoot ’em. If it turns out to be a replica or small caliber airgun, give them a Darwin Award for raising the average IQ of the human race by removing themselves from it.
    The only problem is LEOs wrongly interpreting or even outright lying about the offensive manner of the “armed” innocent. Witness Tamir Rice and James Crawford III who were shown by video to be doing absolutely nothing threatening immediately before they were murdered, but they were both reported to have pointed rifles at their murderers when they did not.

  4. And then there are the ones that thugs paint the muzzle orange to disguise a real gun as a toy…point a gun at me, real or not, I’m going to take your life…

  5. War is peace.
    Freedom is slavery.
    Gun control is pro second ammendment

    Not everyone agrees that democrat party politicians are vile, lying, corrupt, traitorous filth. But, who can deny, they are entertaining.

    • I don’t call someone who lies, who hates me, who denigrates me, who is working to destroy America entertaining.

      I call them what they are, liars, communists, traitors and more.

  6. Real…Fake….Irreverent…Point one at the wrong person at the wrong time and you’ll likely wind up dead or bleeding profusely from one or more gun shot wounds. Unfortunately in today’s society you must always assume it’s real.

  7. September. For my birthday I gave myself Howa 1500 in 6.5 Creedmoor. Heavy, threaded barrel, over molded Hogue stock, 4-16x scope FFP Nikko Sterling scope with rings, magazine adapter with one 10 round magazine, bipod. All together for $700 delivered. I just couldn’t resist. This gun seem to address all misgivings Chriss Heuss had couple days ago in his review: http://www.thetruthaboutguns.com/2017/11/chris-heuss/howa-1500-gun-review/
    Howa guarantees 1 moa on this model. After breaking in the barrel according to manufacturer’s instructions I shot about 180 rounds so far and had no problem keeping it under 3″ at 345 yards. (Longest distance I can shoot on my friend’s property)

  8. Actually it was a citizen with a gun who put an end to the mass shooters spree. No one in our Government, medicine or law is smart enough to accurately discern who should have one and who shouldn’t. I know what the panty waste liberals want to say. Look at England they have gun control. I would expect we might see some more attacks over in Europe. Which means what? That defense of gun control is totally invalid. Now you want to say only the Army should have guns? Hey Whack jobs what do you think this guy was? Who do you think joins the Army? They aren’t college professors they are down and out and need the income. Likely did well in sports but not in academia. So you then want to make a weak argument that all guns should be destroyed everywhere? And once you say that you are just nuts! It really is an admonition that you are not a responsible adult. It is you attempting to project that sense of self which you feel is normality which is really abnormality onto everyone else. Please we are not sissy butts like you. Ask yourself this. Would you really care if a country that didn’t allow its citizens to have guns, because it didn’t trust them with them, would you really care if they got invaded and taken over, and many of those killed? But who would that be? Those that didn’t believe in the notion of themselves as responsible adults. Those who didn’t assert their rights. In other words weak people.

  9. “Your grandpappy’s Remington 700 is probably more palatable to the anti-gun crowd.” Until that’s the only gun left that you’re allowed to own, then they’ll come after those. I’m old enough to remember when all they wanted to ban were those cheap “Saturday Night Specials.” They assured us they’d never come after our quality handguns, rifles and shotguns. How things have changed in just 40 years.

  10. Like any system, it is only as good as the data available for the check. If various state and federal organizations fail to supply the required data incidents like this are a potential outcome.


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