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Bounty Hunter Patty Mayo Draws Gun On Jelly The Clown

Robert Farago - comments No comments

In the video below, Bounty Hunter Patty Mayo arrests a gi-normous bail jumper named Jelly the Clown (a.k.a., “Christian the Fugitive”). At gunpoint. I’m wondering why. Does Jelly have a rap sheet indicating a propensity for violence? Or is Mr. Mayo GLOCKing Christian for dramatic effect? Call me crazy but . . .


I reckon cops/bounty hunters should treat all citizens in a low key, indeed non-threatening manner until it’s clear they need to force compliance. Which could require an immediate and dramatic escalation. But may not.

I’ve only done a little policing; some of our readers are veteran law enforcement officers. If that’s you, what do you make of the way Mr. Mayo handled this encounter? If it’s not you, feel free to chime in. How would you feel/react if a cop/bounty hunter approached you with a gun drawn from the get-go?

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Robert Farago

Robert Farago is the former publisher of The Truth About Guns (TTAG). He started the site to explore the ethics, morality, business, politics, culture, technology, practice, strategy, dangers and fun of guns.

0 thoughts on “Bounty Hunter Patty Mayo Draws Gun On Jelly The Clown”

  1. see know I remember the arrest in the news awhile back when a fugitive in a car dealership DID pull a gun on the hunters. as a former bail enforcement agent myself, you must assume the worst. just because you collar may not have a record of such behaivour does not mean he was never caught doing something like that but did indeed do things that used violence before. or maybe this is the time ( lucky you) that he decides to start.

  2. Safe to say the drawn gun was for dramatic effect in a humorous scenario.
    If your question was serious and an officer began his introduction with his weapon pointed at me I would probably be rather perturbed and ask if I really look like the guy he’s looking for.

  3. Clowns are a scary lot! You never know what they have stuffed up their sleeve or whereever. You can never be too careful when dealing with clowns.

    Wow! My name and email pre-filled! will wonders never cease.

  4. I avoid Bounty Hunter shows. They simply elevate my blood pressure.

    Maybe someday when I get old I’ll have low blood pressure and need something to goose the old hydraulic pressure. Until then, I’ll pass on clowns pretending to be cops in their “AGENT” vests.

    Thankfully for all involved, I’ve never been on the wrong side of that insane clown posse.


  5. Patty Mayo was a character from a 90’s cartoon. Doug. Doug was in love with Patty Mayo. Roger was always cock blocking Doug.

  6. Bounty hunter or not, scary clown knew he had a pending warrant. He could have avoided the “crap in the britches” stop by the bounty hunter by simply going to the nearest Leo station aND giving up. The fact that a bounty hunter stopped him means he broke his pro m is to appear and the bail bond man’s w a s simply trying to still make a legal, reasonable profit in his (her) business.

    IMHO, jump bail and now it’s a felony stop when you’re found, and that means with guns drawn. YOU ARE HURTING YOUR CHANCES OF ACQUITTAL IF YOU JU MP BAIL!!!!!!!

  7. Human nature generally is self preserving. If the other person has a gun drawn and is pointing it at you you are most likely going to obey their commands and not do something ‘stupid’ no matter if the law says they can’t shoot you. As a retried LEO you are taught to always use more force than is used (suspected to be used) against you, this is the use of force continuum. In this case the clown is a criminal (fail to appear) and it is appropriate to believe that he will use force to prevent his capture/arrest having already shown he will not obey the Court or the law..

    • Or the court could have made a paperwork error and sent the clown the wrong date. Or the clerk didn’t check the right box when he did appear. There was no reason for this private citizen to touch his weapon. PERIOD. There would have been no reason for a government employee to touch his weapon. There was no threat.

  8. wantabeeeee cop in fake copish car—one day that might bite him in the ass

    And i TRULY hate!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Bounty hunters that wear so called ‘agent’ patches!!!! That’s all this world needs is to mistake my brother WHO is one of the feds—for one of these fools and pop him!
    the only sign this guy should have “besides’ the I am a moron or I’m stupid is “bounty hunter’! and that is it by law IMO

  9. I’m going with staged video. Who sits in their car, in a clown outfit, in the middle of an industrial/office parking lot, at night, while someone “sneaks up” behind them and no indication of attempted fleeing? If he knew the gig was up, he would have given himself up.

    And no auto-fill on name/email either.

  10. Patty should be spending a few years in jail. Assault with a deadly weapon and brandishing would be at least two of the charges. He had no business touching his weapon, much less holding it on a person.

    Kentucky got it right by banning bail bondsmen and bounty hunters.

  11. Patty should not be spending any time in jail because you cannot tell if the person you are trying to arrest is armed or not and when Patty got the paperwork on the clown he has powers granted to him by the same constitution that gave us our gun rights. article 4 section 2 and a case called Tailor vs Tantor. Patty has the same powers as a sheriff re arresting an escaped prissioner. in addition to the bailbond agreement which becomes a arrest warrant Patty may also have had the bench warrant issued by the court who has jurisdiction.

    • Let him try that routine in Kentucky, and several other states, and he will be spending time in the state penitentiary.

      Not knowing if someone is armed should not give any government employee or government employee wannabe a reason to touch their weapons, PERIOD.

      My gun rights pre-exist the Constitution. It did not give me any rights, it told the government they could not touch those rights.

      • Who gives a crap about Kentucky? You keep bringing that one small state up over and over. Bounty Hunting is legal in dozens of states. No one cares about Kentucky, this show is filmed in California.

  12. I couldn’t watch pass the “merch” comment.

    “How would you feel/react if a cop/bounty hunter approached you with a gun drawn from the get-go?”

    I would probably put a couple of rounds in him, hook him up for a trip to the hospital and then jail.

  13. The law is really fluid on these kinds of things now. In the distant past, a police officer who did not clearly identify himself as a police officer would be considered the aggressor, and the victim would have the right of self defense. With the rise of progressivism or more correctly, the rise of liberal fascism, who knows any more. Considering anyone can wear tacticool clothing and claim to be a bounty hunter, I suspect the misguided pretend-a-cop would receive several medals from me – both lead and copper.

  14. So Patty Mayonnaise is the latest star to come out as transgender and transition. Good for him. I wonder if Doug still loves him?


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