“Let’s go Brandon” became a common chant mocking Joe Biden early in his term. However, it’s gaining a whole new meaning in the Windy City. Violent crime under Murder City USA’s new and even more woke mayor Brandon Johnson rose 38% in his first 30 days in office.
Right off the bat, ahead of the always precarious Memorial Day holiday, Hizzoner elected to spend precious city money on “violence prevention” programs instead of paying cops overtime to try to keep a lid on the violence. The result: the Memorial Day weekend was the most violent Chicago has seen in over ten years.
Since then he’s doubled down on his progressive plans…and he has exactly results you’d expect to show for it. It’s so bad now that even the mainstream media are reporting it – at the national level.
Wirepoints.org is reporting on the mayhem in excruciating detail . . .
Readers can decide if it’s too early to tie Mayor Brandon Johnson’s words and actions with the increase in crimes taking place under his watch, but the numbers during his first month weren’t good. The negative trend that’s been in place over the last three years has continued unabated since Johnson took office.
The latest police CompStat data shows almost all major crimes grew during the mayor’s first month (May 15, 2023 – June 11, 2023), with the total crime count growing 38% vs. the same month last year.
Aggravated batteries were up 17% and burglaries increased 12%. Criminal sexual assaults were up 5%. Car thefts continued their out-of-control spiral, up 153%. Even shootings were up 12%.
Only homicides fell over the period, declining 5%. That’s three less people murdered in that one month period, but unfortunately, still a rounding error in a city that has led the country in homicides for eleven straight years (see Wirepoints’ survey of America’s 75-largest cities for more).
Johnson set a tone of lawlessness even before he became mayor. He has a long record of defund-the-police and soft-on-crime statements that he continued to build on as Chicago’s mayor elect.
His “silly kids” comment in late April after a teen takeover of Chicago’s downtown in late April only enabled even more youth crime.
“They’re young. Sometimes they make silly decisions,” Johnson said as he doubled down on his previous calls for the public to not “demonize” hundreds of teens who took over Chicago’s streets.
Those “silly kids” making “silly decisions” are making life in America’s largest open air shooting gallery increasingly difficult and dangerous, even for people who like to pretend there isn’t a problem.
What’s life like in Chicago? Take this shots-fired incident that police responded to:
Chicago, Chicago, Chicago. When does it stop? The West Side… pic.twitter.com/jX1ejeAR7s
— Neal Edelstein (@NealEdelstein) June 12, 2023
And here’s how the community greets the police when they respond . . .
#ShitCPDSays: CAN WE GET MORE CARS OVER HERE?!#DelayedDueToEncryption #Chicago #ChicagoScanner https://t.co/5NyI8dAjmR
— Spot News (@SPOTNEWSonIG) June 11, 2023
Is it any wonder that productive people who can afford it are fleeing Chicago and indeed all of Cook County?