Branson Cerakote Joins Hold My Guns in Storing Firearms for Those in Need


Effective immediately, Branson Cerakote, LLC, located at 131 Industrial Park Drive, Suite 3, Hollister, Missouri, 65672 , is offering voluntary firearms storage through Hold My Guns, a liberty-based nonprofit that connects gun owners with Federal Firearms Licensees (FFLs) across the United States to provide storage during times of crisis or personal need. Customers desiring to store firearms at Branson Cerakote, LLC, are asked to email [email protected] or call 719-896-0509 to arrange an appointment.

Founded by gun owners, Hold My Guns is a non-legislative solution to help prevent suicide, theft of firearms, accidental shootings, and instances of stolen firearms used in crimes.

Customers can trust Branson Cerakote, LLC, to store their firearms for a variety of reasons, including to prevent unauthorized access while they are away from home such as during deployment or while on vacation.

“As a business owner who is a veteran and retired law enforcement officer, I value rights protected by the Second Amendment,” said John Siegert, who owns Branson Cerakote, LLC, along with his wife Laura. “Having been in the military and law enforcement, I understand that sometimes people find themselves in overwhelming situations where access to firearms can lead to devastating decisions. The Hold My Guns program provides gun owners with the option of voluntarily storing their firearms in a secure location. We are honored to be a part of a program that supports gun rights while offering a safe alternative for responsible gun owners.”

Branson Cerakote, LLC, is known for exceptional, quality firearms customization through cerakoting and laser engraving. As firearms enthusiasts themselves, the Siegerts recognize that firearms are an investment and they take pride in their work. With nearly 10,000 subscribers on their YouTube Channel, they are well-loved in their firearms community and their artistic work inspires gun owners around the world.

John served in the US Army as an Airborne Infantryman in the 1990s. Laura, a graphic artist with over 20 years of experience, also happens to be a registered nurse. Their background in service contributes to their reputation for providing consistently well-rated customer service.

“While interviewing John as part of the on-boarding process, he shared with me that, during his law-enforcement days, he would encounter situations where someone was in distress and there was a concern the individual had access to firearms,” said Sarah Joy Albrecht, Executive Director of Hold My Guns. “John said that, as a result, he saw good people unnecessarily get caught up in the legal system because they didn’t have a place to temporarily store firearms while they sorted things out.”

“John and Laura recognized that, by providing this option in their own community, gun owners could voluntarily store firearms offsite while they handled their personal matters at home, be it keeping safe a teen in the household who was struggling with depression or helping a couple who was going through a volatile time in their relationship,” said Albrecht. “Storing firearms off-site at a trusted location allows time and space to handle personal matters without the temptation of access to firearms. I applaud the leadership of John, Laura, and the Branson Cerakote team to utilize their resources in a caring way that truly supports and empowers gun owners while protecting their rights.”

For more information on how Hold My Guns saves lives, protects property, and preserves rights, visit


  1. Awesome service. It’s something I never would have even thought of, but awesome. This could come in handy for some of those “red flag” issues, I would imagine. Instead of the cops coming to your house, and taking your guns, you turn them over to a trusted dealer. Details, though . . . the courts would have to go along with it.

    • hmmmm… not really. You just turn over to a relative who hides them away. Red flag laws only apply (for confiscation) if you can have possession of them physically, a court can’t do squat if you already divested your self of the firearms nor can they take and keep firearms that belong to another person outside the home so have a per-emptive “bill of sale” ready for at least $10.00 minimum and your relative can come pick them up as the rightful owner and when you are ok to go again they can give them back to you.

      • “You just turn over to a relative who hides them away.”

        Only in a ‘free’ state.

        In states where transfers are required by law to be registered to some ‘authority’, that isn’t a legal option, unless you push a *lot* of paperwork.

        I’m glad this service is available, it’s sorely needed, and most likely will be needed even more in the future…

        • Seriously, you folks in states like this need to smarten up and realize there are options and stop crying about how you can’t do something like this. You can give another entity ownership without registering it as a transfer for purposes of it not being confiscated under red flag laws. Basically; You put the guns in a gun trust and fill the gun trust with family members or friends, then remove your self from the trust after its established and leave the guns in the trust as abandoned, the trust members then have shared ownership over the firearms and you didn’t need to register a transfer.

        • Oh, and by the way, you are not actually required in any state to complete a firearms transfer if you are simply storing the weapons some place else. If you do not have physical capability to get to or possess the weapon they can’t confiscate it under red flag laws, such laws are based upon possession capability not ownership. That’s why this storage method in the article works, but you can do the same thing by turning the weapons over to a relative who does not live with you if you think they may confiscate under a red flag law. Just have this ready to go, and guns out of the house, before they show up. heck, you could even take them next door to a neighbors house if you had a willing neighbor. Then after they are out of the house when they show up just tell them there are no firearms in the house, you do not have any in your possession, let them look if they must, and then shut up and get an attorney.

      • There are multiple reasons this wont work in a lot of places. In Colorado for example they can seize the guns from anyone “associated” with you if they are seizing your guns. Extremely unconstitutional.

  2. Unless you are holding NFA licensed items, the locals can just pound sand. Is there any law that makes you store your firearms at a known(to the government) location? Is there any law that forces you to hand over your firearms if they are being held in storage, controlled by a 3rd party?

    As long as I do not take possession of those firearms while the red flag ruling is in effect, why should it matter.

    • “Is there any law that makes you store your firearms at a known(to the government) location?”

      I’m sure some slave states have laws that for all practical purposes, are that way.

      Laws like “Lost, stolen, or misplaced firearms must be reported in (X) time frame” already exist in several states…

  3. That could be good and that could be bad.
    The cops are coming to take me away, heres my gunms. But what happens if the court says your prohibited, would the company give you your gunms back when you wanted them? Probably not.
    Itd be a good deal on other things, like vacation, natural disasters, stuff like that.
    The house fire taught me it’s a good thing I didnt have all my eggs in one basket.

    • “The house fire taught me it’s a good thing I didnt have all my eggs in one basket.”

      I bet. Having had one years back, the worst part (besides irreplaceables lost) was the aftermath, and the time it sucked away from me, never to be seen again…

      • I’ve been close to burning vehicles. But I’ve only ever been in one burning building.

        That was enough for me to never want to repeat the experience again.

    • I keep weapons and ammo, along with other needful things, off site. So fire, flood earthquake or illegal police actions can’t leave me bare.

    • What’s with the “gunms” nonsense? This is a gun website, we talk about guns, we shoot guns, we like guns. See? I didn’t die or anything.

      • We make allowances for our native marsupial in several different areas, not only in spelling. At least he ain’t ‘Derpian,’ or ‘Minor69er,’ or some feller that comes here just to pick a fight over nothing with a ‘regular’ who’s rather well-liked.

        I’ve never kept MY gunm in a holstein, but if I DID, I think that I’d wash up real good afterward.

        • Jim from Li, —- No, but reread your post… notice how the correctly spelled word is in blue ? Just for shits and giggles, click on it and see where it sends you. Most of the regulars here don’t think it’s okay to hijack your post, so avoid using key words.

    • “Who is responsible if your firearm is lost, stolen, or damaged?”

      The insurance you better already have.

      I’d contact my carrier about a separate ‘rider’ if necessary…

        • Would the home owners cover it if it wasn’t in your procession or in your home though?
          Politicians and insurance companies are a lot alike.

  4. avatar Sorry sir, we can't give you back your guns.... and we can't give them to anyone you sold them to, either...

    And that’s EXACTLY what these companies will do…. good luck getting your guns back after GIVING them to a COMPANY for free…. BY LAW they can’t give them back without “doin’ the paperwork”….
    This is a scam IMO…. unless you’re a complete loner there should be someone else you can entrust your firearms to…

  5. ‘Free’ state or That Other Kind, I’m thinking that there’s no way around the fact that if you are handing a gun over to an FFL, whether it’s for ‘safe keeping,’ or storage, or a repair, and you leave the premises afterwards (or never even go there, having them come to YOU for the guns you wish to ‘store’), you are doing a transfer. Your guns have to be entered into the FFL’s bound book, by serial number, and when you come to get them, which you’re going to physically have to do, those guns are going to have to be transferred BACK to you–with a 4473, and a NICS check.
    An FFL can’t have a gun on its premises that’s not ‘in the book’ unless it’s an antique; Even a C&R must be documented. Neither can they just give you back your guns without checking first to see if you CAN get them back, via one 4473 and one NICS.
    This sounds like something to be considered as an option only in the direst of situations.
    Am I missing something? That is, besides the improper spelling of ‘gunms’?

    • You are missing something.

      You do not transfer firearms to another entity just because you are storing them. The purpose of transfer is for possession ownership, not storage. Transfer to another entity from you, for purposes of the legalities, does not mean for storage only. You are not doing a transfer to an FFL for storage.

      An FFL is free to offer storage on premise. How they do it legally and within ATF rules is place your firearm in a “consignment” status and log them into the FFL record book (a requirement). Guns in “consignment stats” do not require transfer to the FFL from you to get them into “consignment” so you actually maintain ownership and are simply in effect storing it. Its like if, in a way, you took your car to the shop and had to leave it, you still own the car and its basically being stored at the shop until its fixed and you pick it up.

      Now, when you come to pick up your firearm(s), because the FFL is required to log it in the FFL record book then it has to be transferred from them and back to you via a 4473 and background check to get it pout of the log book and make sure you are not a prohibited person.

      We have FFL’s that do it here all the time, never been a problem. This is not a new idea, its been happening ever since there have been firearms dealer stores.

      But, that only applies to an FFL. For individuals desiring to store with another non-FFL individual these things do not apply in any state or federally. A person is free in all 50 states to temp or prolong store firearms (their personal property) with another person or in another location (not an FFL) without requirement to transfer to the storage person, and the other person can not be a prohibited person. When you come pick it up from the other person there is no requirement from them to transfer it back to you in any state or federally as its not their property.

  6. When I was reading this, I kept thinking “SCAM”. This sounds like total BS, a way to get your firearms.

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