
This won’t be good for the campus carry movement: “A professor is dead and an active shooter is allegedly loose on the Delta State campus near Jobe Hall.” Or will it? Delta State University, as you might expect, is a designated gun-free zone. Which means that the shooter gave that policy about the same weight that Martin O’Malley gives Americans’ Second Amendment rights. Depending on the circumstnaces – about which it’s too early to know much – campus carry likely wouldn’t have done much to prevent the killer from shooting the un-named professor. With him still running free, though, having law-abiding, legally armed students on site just might save someone else. But it seems we’ll never know, will we?


  1. Isnt an “Active shooter” just that… Active. The story at the link reads like a Prof is dead and the CORONER is already involved. Sounds like simple murder, vs an active shooter running around a building or campus popping multiple targets.

    Is anything on a college considered an “active shooter” now?

    • You are probably correct. The news media, police, and other government agencies are playing this up like the guy is still walking through the college shooting people, and the shooter is probably already at home watching it on TV. They are talking about multiple swat teams, helicopters, and news reporters scouring every inch of the college looking for the best camera angle. I am also sure the Progressives are already planning an all-night-vigil, a massive funeral with Jesse Jackson and Obama in attendance, calls for attacks against lawful gun owners, a Bloomberg sponsored media blitz, and the usual. I bet Obama is already clearing his schedule, and he probably has Air Force One engines revving up as I write this. Can we say “Reichstag fire”?

    • I think 8 hours is more realistic of a delay. News hasn’t been delayed by two full days since before the advent of the telegraph.

      • Oh, true. But it still takes two days for the “facts” to stop being “fluid”, and start to become concrete. There’s almost always no sense in trying to analyze these situations in the heat of the “breaking” news. Today’s “journalists” are more interested in getting a scoop than verifying the accuracy of their reports.

      • The media has proven time and time again that they need at LEAST 48 hours to get even the basic facts straight. Until then, they can just report that a thing happened and the details are still unconfirmed.

  2. I find the term “active shooter” rather peculiar. As opposed to??? An “inactive shooter?”

    If you see a person running, do you call them an “active runner?” It seems rather redundant, eh?


    An “active breather.”

    • Perhaps, but such a person is still the shooter, even after they’ve killed themselves, had their firearm jam, run out of ammunition, or fled the scene.

      In any of those cases, while still being the shooter, they’re no longer active. We need terminology to differentiate those statesvif activity.

      Sometimes, a student spree shooter will kill his first victims elsewhere, perhaps his family back at home, before heading to school to continue the spree. In that case, he would be the shooter even before he’s fired a shot on campus, at which point he’d become an active shooter.

      • Well, if we’re going to be pedantic, then “shooter” is not accurate in any case of MURDER. “Active” or not, the perp is a “murderer.” I’m a “shooter” (sometimes active), but I’m not a murderer.

  3. Stupid words;
    – active shooter
    – mass shooting (don’t pretend like this won’t be added to that list)
    – common sense
    – responsible
    – moms (when it pertains to groups)

  4. The gun-free zone protects the criminal. In a criminal event there is no opposing force available to stop further violence. The common sense action is to not provide a clear advantage to a criminal. Gun-free areas guarantee to the criminal they will be able to succeed.

  5. A professor shot and nobody else? This seems like a targeted killing (revenge, jealousy, who knows why) — an assassination — rather than an “active shooter” incident. We’ll know for sure about the time when we know the truth about the Waco biker killings.

    In the meantime, attention, crazy assh0les: If a professor gives you a poor grade, it is not an excuse for you to shoot the professor or a theater-full of strangers. Instead, check yourself into a mental health facility. If you really must kill someone, I suggest that it should be yourself.

    • From what the police are telling the public at this point, this killing appears to be the second corner in a love triangle.

      • That is what I read as well. Apparently he killed his girlfriend first and then went and killed the professor.

        The obvious solution here is to make cheating and extramarital affairs illegal.

  6. The GFSZ Act has left the Fighting Okra huddled under their desks in fear.

    Knowing the school, that’s not too hard to imagine. It’s a teaching college and just about the most liberal in the state. It’s a school where hippies outnumber hunters at least 2 to 1.

    Two weeks ago there was another “active shooter” at another college in the state that didn’t even involve someone with a gun…

    I see these incidents mobilizing students to arm themselves, not hide themselves.

    • Gun free school zone act does not apply to universities or colleges.

      18 U.S. Code § 921 (a)(26) The term “school” means a school which provides elementary or secondary education, as determined under State law.

  7. “With him still running free, though, having law-abiding, legally armed students on site just might save someone else. But it seems we’ll never know, will we?”

    We will if some unauthorised campus carrier takes him down.

    Authorised or not, that’d demonstrate the value of campus carry to anyone willing to see.

    Quod erat demonstrandum.

  8. Gun free zones on college campuses aren’t always what the appear to be. Schools with criminal justice programs often have judges, prosecutors, and LEOs as teachers, all of whom regularly come to campus armed. At the campus where I taught for many years there was also a tacit understanding that faculty might have a need to come to campus armed. Basically, what happened is that the presence of armed faculty members was quietly ignored by the admin who, of course, knew full well who was carrying. My department chair regularly carried a Glock 19 when she was on campus while another colleague, after being threatened by a gang, also came to school armed. All of this was handled very discretely. Nobody who carried called attention to the fact that they were armed and everyone was careful to insure that those facts never rose to the level of a visible challenge to official policy. But, hey, this was Texas.

  9. Yep love triangle(maybe) from Fox. No traction here except “crazy people shouldn’t have guns” and maybe it’s all the fault of the NRA…

  10. Legislation to identify Democrat voters as mentally ill will prevent gun violence by “universal background checks”.

    Three less votes for Hillary.

    Is gun control about DemoRat voter attrition through gun violence and incarceration?

  11. What’s with the bloody shirt waving, almost completely absent of any facts regarding the incident? The link is great and all, but let’s not be like the other folks who can’t let a tragedy go to waste. Some A-hole murdered a professor while at work, and I’d rather focus on that human garbage being caught than whine about how the lack of campus carry isn’t helping the situation.

  12. I realize you have an agenda but you should check your facts before you write.

    Delta State is not a gun free zone. In fact, Mississippi doesn’t allow campuses to ban guns for people with concealed carry permits.

    This site specifically lists Delta State as one of the “Schools in Mississippi Where Concealed Guns on Campus are Permitted by Law.”


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