Screen cap by Boch via X.

President Trump is alive and well after another assassination attempt which just took place late Sunday afternoon at one of his golf courses in Florida. This marks the second attempt to kill the former president in almost exactly two months. In the first incident, Trump was wounded.

In today’s attack, the Secret Service engaged the would-be killer and his scoped AK rifle with gunfire. Shots were exchanged in both directions. Thankfully, this Secret Service team kept the aspiring killer away from the former president.

The suspect left his gun behind and fled, but was picked up not long after.

From CBS News:

Former President Donald Trump is safe after gunshots were fired in his vicinity on Sunday, his campaign said in statement. The FBI and U.S. Secret Service are investigating the incident, which the FBI said “appears to be an attempted assassination of former President Trump.”


“President Trump is safe following gunshots in his vicinity,” Steven Cheung, Trump campaign communications director, said in a brief initial statement. 


Two people familiar with the matter told CBS News that a male with a high-powered rifle was seen near Trump International Golf Club in West Palm Beach, Florida, around 2 p.m. The man was pointing the rifle at the golf course, where the former president was at the time.


The armed suspect was spotted by a member of Trump’s Secret Service team two holes ahead from where the president was golfing, on the edge of the course, multiple law enforcement officials told CBS News. The suspect fled the scene, jumping into a car after he was engaged by Secret Service agents with multiple gunshots. 


A car with the same license plate number was stopped in Martin County, north of the golf course, and one individual was taken into custody, the officials said. An AK-47 style weapon and scope were recovered at the scene by the golf course. No motive has been determined at this time. 

We’ll have more as this story develops.

UPDATE: More from PJ Media:

AP Photo/Seth Wenig

Former President Donald Trump appears to have survived a second assassination attempt. Shots were fired in West Palm Beach, Fla., just outside his golf course, prompting Secret Service agents to take Trump to safety “after agents opened fire on a man who was spotted with what may have been a gun while the former president was on the links, according to law enforcement sources.”

“Officials believe the shots fired at Trump International Golf Club were intended for former President Donald Trump, according to sources familiar on the matter,” CNN reported.

Sean Hannity, who had been invited to golf with Trump on Sunday but didn’t end up participating, has spoken with Trump and explained how events transpired swiftly and how the Secret Service responded with remarkable efficiency.

According to Hannity, Trump and real estate investor Steve Witkoff were about to putt on the fifth hole when they heard gunshots. “They both had exactly the same story, which was that they heard pop pop, pop pop,” Hannity recounted. Witkoff provided additional details, emphasizing the immediate response from the Secret Service. Within seconds, agents had surrounded the former president, shielding him from potential danger. Hannity noted, “You had snipers with tripods. They knew the direction where the shots had been fired, and they had eyes on the location.”

“I have confirmed with both the president and with Mr. Witkoff that the gun has been found,” Hannity said. “They identified it as an AK 47.”



    • Not a transgendered individual, but…

      “The shooter has been identified as Ryan Routh, whose social media suggest was a Trump-hating, Ukraine-war-supporting liberal.”

      From ZeroHedge

    • Apparently a Nikki Haley and Ramaswamy supporter:

      “Routh is the owner of Camp Box Honolulu, a shed building company with few positive reviews. While Routh hadn’t posted on his X account in a year, he frequently criticized politicians including Trump, current President Joe Biden, and celebrities like Bruno Mars.

      Many of his replies are nonsensical, including one directed towards X’s owner Elon Musk, in which he seemed to entertain purchasing a rocket from the billionaire. “I would like to buy a rocket from you. I wish to load it with a warhead for Putin’s Black Sea mansion bunker to end him. Can you give me a price please. It can be old and used as not returning,” Routh wrote.

      Routh was a supporter of Vivek Ramaswamy and Nikki Haley, according to one of his posts in which he encouraged the Republican presidential candidates to continue their races. “You cannot quit. Why. You must stay on the ballot to the end. You must fight. You must continue giving speeches and push all the way to election day no matter the election results. Do not give in. Join Nikki and keep working. Never give up,” he wrote.“

        • Killing rivals. Censoring the people. Suspending constitutional rights.

          But they have noble motives. They’re trying to save democracy.

          miner49er has already jumped in to play it off. He’s such a good fascist front man.

          • Aren’t we a republic? Last I checked democracy was a horrible form of government that tended to implode within a generation (or whenever they voted on how to spend the treasury).

            • ‘Many forms of Government have been tried, and will be tried in this world of sin and woe. No one pretends that democracy is perfect or all-wise. Indeed it has been said that democracy is the worst form of Government except for all those other forms that have been tried from time to time.…’
              Winston S Churchill, 11 November 1947

  1. This also spiritual warfare. TDS is almost like the hatred of the jewish people. There’s some very nefarious entities that do not want Trump to be president of the USA. To me, that means he’s the definitely the right person for the job.

      • Lol cannot imagine why wordpress would go out of it’s way to make that post difficult/delayed. And yes every struggle against dominion has a spiritual aspect. Observing target selection is a backwards way of seeing what defenses and offenses are useful.

    • “There’s some very nefarious entities that do not want Trump to be president“

      It would be a real lame ass conspiracy, two attempts and the gang that couldn’t shoot straight has failed again.

      Or, it could just be some nut jobs who are looking for instant fame…

  2. This is also spiritual warfare. TDS is almost like the hatred of the jewish people. There’s some very nefarious entities that do not want Trump to be president of the USA. This means to me that he’s definitely the right person for the job.

  3. Who the fuck says an AK-47 is a high powered rifle?
    I love President Trump and I am waiting for his next Presidency. Dear Lord keep him safe from liberals assholes.

    • There’s a picture of the perp already. Pro Ukraine militant. Not naming him! Obviously why the pos wants DJT gone. Lies at 11😧

      • If he was truly Pro-Ukrainian, then he would be for Trump. Over half a million people have been killed in Eastern Ukraine simply because people supported a brain dead puppet.

      • I see our resident troll Minor69 already detailed his background. Including defaming Indian politicians by association. But not Kamaltoe🙄

  4. It took all of three days for the media to bury the first attempt and still big tech will refer to that as an “unconfirmed theory”.

    The calls for unity and toning down the “l1tErAlY hItLeR!!!1!!1” rhetoric barely lasted 24 hours.

    Let’s see how long it takes attempt #2 to disappear.

    • On a positive note I picked up my two cans (suppressors) yesterday! It turns out our favorite three-letter agency issued my tax stamps two weeks ago and I did not realize that I was clear to pick them up from my local FFL.

      Now I have to dip the internals in mineral spirits and spray a very light coating of lithium grease on the baffles to ensure super-easy cleaning.

      I strongly encourage everyone to purchase at least one suppressor so that we can make them in “common use” and eventually enable a lawsuit to remove them from the National Firearms Act rigamorole. There are rimfire suppressors for just over $200–and then the whole shebang will cost about $500 including the tax stamp and a modest fee to use the Silencer Shop kiosk at your local gun store.

      For reference the process was sort of easy (emphasis on “sort of”) and sort of fast (again, emphasis on “sort of”). I think it took me about an hour at my local gun store on the Silencer Shop kiosk and then I had to wait for ATF to process my request, which they did in about five weeks. This was my first time ever buying cans which may have taken the ATF longer to approve (since I was/am an unknown, relatively speaking). Some people are getting their approvals in one day with the current mean turn-around time being 26 days. And that is for trusts. If you purchase a can as an individual, the mean turn-around time has plummeted to three days. So, if you go out tomorrow (Monday) to buy a can as an individual, there is a 50% chance that ATF issues your tax stamp by Friday.

  5. If Trump gets shot again the demoncrats may well get that civil war they scream about and the outcome for them won’t be very civil.

  6. Clearly this would-be assassin was/is an idiot:
    1) His first mistake was using an AK-47.
    2) His second mistake was using an AK-47 with a scope.
    3) His third mistake was positioning himself on the edge of the golf course.
    4) His fourth mistake was using his own car with his own license plate to escape.
    5) His fifth and final mistake was failing to ditch that car two miles away.


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