Joe Biden, Jill Biden
AP Photo/Andrew Harnik
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In a stunning yet totally not unexpected turn of events, President Joe Biden announced today that he will suspend his 2024 re-election campaign. This decision follows mounting pressure from Democratic colleagues, top donors and Hollywood stars after a disastrous debate performance last month.

The announcement from Biden, arguably one of the worst presidents in history short of James Buchanan as well one of the most anti-gun, sent shockwaves through the political landscape.

“It has been the greatest honor of my life to serve as your president,” Biden wrote in a public letter posted on X. “While it has been my intention to seek reelection, I believe it is in the best interests of my party and the country for me to stand down and focus solely on fulfilling my duties as president for the remainder of my term.”


The president’s departure from the race comes after weeks of growing concerns about his age and mental fitness. The 81-year-old had been struggling to reassure supporters, especially after several TV interviews and campaign appearances failed to dispel doubts about his capacity to continue in office.

More Than He Could Bear

The tipping point came when an increasing number of Democrat lawmakers began publicly urging Biden to step aside. According to Fox News, even the support from House Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries and Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer couldn’t quell the rising tide of dissent within the party. Biden’s campaign faced a significant blow after his error at the NATO summit, where he mistakenly referred to Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy as “Putin” on live television and then called his chief political opponent, Donald Trump, his vice president.

Shifting the news spotlight, the attempted assassination of former President Trump at a rally in Pennsylvania last week and Trump’s subsequent announcement of Sen. JD Vance as his running mate on Monday temporarily diverted attention from Biden’s struggles.

However, Rep. Adam Schiff, a perpetual critic of virtually everyone but himself, called for Biden to end his campaign in light of the near mythical hype that was surrounding Trump following his survival and now iconic response to the attempt where he raised his fist and through clenched teeth and a blood-streaked face urged his followers to “fight.” Schiff’s calls put the spotlight back on a weakened president, this week also suffering from Covid on top of everything else, and reignited the crisis for Biden, leading to the president’s eventual decision to withdraw.

Donald Trump rose like a Phoenix, both figuratively and politically, following his assassination attempt last week. Whoever the new Democratic presidential candidate is, they have a tall mountain to climb. AP Photo.

Batter Up!

In his letter, Biden endorsed Vice President Kamala Harris as the Democratic nominee.

“Today I want to offer my full support and endorsement for Kamala to be the nominee of our party this year. Democrats — it’s time to come together and beat Trump. Let’s do this.” He praised his decision to choose Harris as his running mate in 2020, calling it “the best decision I’ve made.” Most of America would not agree, showing just how out of touch Biden is with reality, first with himself and also with his party. While pundits are initially suggesting the weight of the president’s endorsement for Harris will move most of the Democrat Party to support her as well, don’t expect the response to be unified.

Harris is seen as an extremely weak candidate, even within her party, to win the presidency with her frequent non-sensical statements known as “word salads” and witch-like cackle. She was among the first Democratic candidates running for the party’s nomination in 2020 to drop out of the race. There are certainly those within the party who will want to take this opportunity to propose a stronger candidate with names such as California Gov. Gavin Newsom, Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer and even former first lady Michelle Obama and the original political she-devil Hillary Clinton. Clinton lost to Trump in 2016 despite her campaign’s funding of the creation of a report that suggested Trump had colluded with Russia to manipulate the election.

Biden’s announcement has drawn mixed reactions. Richard Hudson, the head of the House GOP’s campaign arm, told CNN, Biden’s decision is a “scandal of historic proportions.” He criticized the Democrats for allegedly covering up Biden’s incapacitation and questioned his ability to serve out his term.

Biden’s departure marks the end of a long, storied and controversial career in national politics, stretching back over half a century. First elected to the Senate in 1972, he has been a significant, and to his detractors annoying, figure in American politics, notably drafting the Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act and the Violence Against Women Act as well as serving as vice president under Barack Obama. Biden, throughout much of his political career, has also been staunchly anti-gun in his views and policies and promised if re-elected to ram through via executive orders, more regulation eroding American’s Second Amendment rights.

Enter…Thunderdome: Democratic Party Edition

One senior Democratic official expressed hope to CNN that this moment would unite the party and refocus efforts on defeating Trump.

“We can use this moment to bring the party together and return the contrast to Donald Trump,” he said. Or, as is more likely to happen given Harris’s obvious weaknesses as a candidate and the ambition of other party regulars such as Schiff, it is more likely to turn into a political, equal opportunity Thunderdome.

The 2024 election race now takes a new turn as the Democrats prepare to nominate Vice President Harris…or somebody…setting the stage for a historic and highly charged campaign season unlike any the country has seen in some time. Whatever plays out, Democrats only have roughly three months to name a candidate, raise funds that had been lagging in recent weeks and promote and sell that candidate to more than 50 percent of the American people. It’s not much time.

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    • Big Mike ain’t running. It would have to admit Barry Soetoro was a complete & utter fraud. And their “kid’s”. And Barry n Mike’s “marriage” was illegal at the time. Yeah fun times in Chiraq Gadsen. I’ll keep my powder dry🙄😧

      • Walker,

        I agree that Moochelle isn’t running . . . mostly because she doesn’t want that ish (which she’s made pretty clear).

        As for the other objections . . . in what universe do you envision the permanently and incurably incurious MSM to ask actual questions, and report factual answers??? Their “family” is exactly what it was when Barry Soetoro first ran . . . funny, I don’t remember the MSM asking ANY of those questions, but I DO distinctly remember the MSM calling anyone who DID ask such questions bigots, liars, racists, and conspiracy nuts.

        No, the MSM would circle the wagons around the Wookie even TIGHTER than they did around her inept, lying husband. IF she ran, Trump would be in trouble. Won’t say he’d absolutely lose, but there certainly isn’t a potential Dim candidate out there that would be nearly as strong (which would, in that event, Make Moochelle the ONLY Dim to benefit from Barry’s intentional destruction of party structure and its ‘bench’).

    • Do not underestimate Kamala.

      If she is the nominee, and that’s the easiest path for the Dems, people will vote for her because she’s a “person of color” (as opposed to a colored person), and a woman.

      Just like many many people voted for Obama because of his status as a POC.

      Just so they can say they voted for a black/Asian, woman, and be part of history.

      One of the columnists for this website will vote for her, or whoever the DNC chooses, because of identity politics, despite this person’s supposed support for the 2A.

      • I wouldn’t underestimate the anti-Trump vote, but…..

        I also think the Dem leadership will try to destroy Kamala. Even they know she’s a dumb bitch and will lose to Trump.

        Whitey trying to destroy the first-black-Asian-female candidate at the convention and the legal challenges before will be a wonderful shitshow.

    • Pass the beer and popcorn.

      Rent-a-crowd will be working overtime with all the various protests.

      But a lucrative opportunity for suppliers of recreational pharma and pay-by-the-hour companionship.

  1. Hillary Clinton. The white woman. I really hope so. They can kick the mixed race black woman, Harris to the curb.

    Then the democrats will implode.

    • During NPRs special coverage they (the reporters) giddily said Kamala will have an energizing affect because now the choice is between two white men and a minority woman who may also choose a different minority as a running mate.

      They really can’t think any deeper than skin color.

  2. Does anyone here believe that Bidumb wrote that letter ? I’m pretty sure he’s hiding out in an underground bunker somewhere on a constant drip of Ritalin under the loving care of ” Dr Jill “.
    Cackles probably has her feet up on the desk in the oval office awaiting instructions from the guy that’s had his hand up the Meat Puppets ass the last 3 1/2

  3. Now that he has dropped out will he be allowed to continue to be President or will the democrats 25th Amendment him.

    • I can’t imagine they would kick him out unless a blatant health reason came up, but who knows. We’re kinda in uncharted territory here.

      • Uncharted to us. They made their plans in February – maybe February a year ago.

        My point being that these are commies, and commies always work from a scrotum. Er, I mean “script”.

        Darn old autodefect, anyway. Makes more trouble than it solves.

  4. The plot thickens… remember, it’s not the votes that count, it’s who counts the votes that counts. The
    Tech Failure over the weekend was just a test…

  5. I don’t care who the Democratic candidate is. I want to know who is on the unelected, unconstitutional, unidentified, unaccountable, illegal committee of Democratic Party Operatives, that have been running the country for the last few years. Who’s been in charge of our Nuclear Forces. This is fraud is nothing less than TREASON.

  6. You’re being a wise guy. Get your words straight Jack. Look fat, look, here’s the deal. I’m Professor Biden from Penn. I taught at the University of Pennsylvania for four years. I also taught at a law school. I graduated with three degrees. I am the most effective president in history. I wake up every morning, look at Jill, and say where the hell are we?

    Did you ever five years ago think every second or third ad out of five or six should turn out to be biracial couples? Indian-descent Americans are taking over the country. You cannot go to a 7-Eleven or a Dunkin Donuts unless you have a slight Indian accent. And I’m not joking! Hispanics and African-Americans don’t know how to get online to register. We can’t expect them to be able to do the same things white people can do. C’mon man! That’s not who we are!

    Look, I always said I would get some disease and bow out. I got Covid again. This is a pandemic of the unvaxed. This is the fault of the MAGA Republicans who aren’t getting enough vaxes. You can’t build a wall high enough to keep out a vax. True story! Look, there is no federal solution to Covid. This gets solved at a state level.

    I’m proud of the work we did. We didn’t cancel Operation Talon. We merely stopped it as soon as I assumed the office. We can resume it any time. Now is not the time to track down child trafficking and sex offenders who are here illegally. Everybody knows I like kids better than people. We’re designing maternity flight suits for the military. We ended cancer as we know it. Imagine had the tobacco industry been immune to prostitution! We don’t derive our rights from the government. We possess them because we’re born. Period. And we yield them to a government.

    I’ll do my job and take responsibility. I won’t blame any other. And I’ll never forget that the job isn’t about me – it’s about you. Our experts believe, and the data shows, that most of the price increases we’ve seen were expected and expected to be temporary. I can’t do much right now. Russia’s responsible.

    How many times have you heard – I bet everybody knows somebody somewhere along the line, that in an intimate relationship, what happened was the guy takes a revealing picture of his naked friend, or whatever, in a compromising position and then literally blackmails…that person.. send it out online. Play the radio, make sure the television — the, excuse me — make sure you have the record player on at night … make sure the kids hear words.

    Everybody under 15, come here. Come on honey. You gotta say hi to me. We go back a long way. She was 12, I was 30—but anyway.

    Let me start this over again.

    We’ve always found ways to come together. We could find that unity again – and the message said – end of message. And there is no way we were ever going to unite Ukraine…I mean excuse me Iraq…Afghanistan!

    Clap for that, you stupid bastards. Man, you are a dull bunch. No one fucks with a Biden.

    Biden, out.

  7. Defending democracy by tossing out the votes of the people and handing it over to a few delegates.

    He still has plenty of time to escalate some conflicts or go pedal to the metal running it all into the ground. He’s politically terminal so I wouldn’t be surprised if he goes scorched earth. Especially since he’s angry and bitter and I’m sure Jill is feeling jilted.

  8. Biden being president was like watching a very bad version of the movie ‘Weekend At Bernies’ as his handlers in the background kept moving his corpse around.

  9. I predict joe will have a meltdown when he remembers how his buddies just fucked him over. He’s so pissed, next press conference he’ll probably reach into his Depends, get a handful of hot creamy shit and start flinging at the camera just like the cute monkeys he’s seen at the zoo.


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