Crime scene, Goleta, CA (courtesy

“A 46-year-old man is in custody Tuesday after allegedly stabbing four people to death in Goleta,” reports. “The Santa Barbara County Sheriff’s Office said they began investigating a quadruple homicide about 11 p.m. Monday at a home in the 600 block of Walnut Park Lane. Authorities declined to state who called them or how they knew to go to that specific home, but said that the man who was found inside the house was taken into custody without incident. Neither the man’s name nor the names of the victims have been released pending notification of next of kin, officials said. A dog was also found stabbed to death. Authorities said they believe the man acted alone.” Domestic violence? No doubt the antis would say it would have been worse with a gun.


    • Hey, the U.K. did. Or at least did so for most practical purposes. I understand you have have a knife if you can provide justification for that type of knife.

  1. I guess knife deaths don’t get anyone excited enough to post. If everyone and the dog are dead how much worse could it get ? Sounds pretty bad to me.

    • Exactly. Stabbings can’t be used as a reason to ban scary-looking guns, or to stereotype gun owners. This will fade from the headlines before they even release the name of the killer.

      • The media in many cases is simply the propaganda arm of a particular political dogma or ideology. They can and do influence the thinking of many people just from what they report. Many people are too dumb or lazy to read beyond the headlines or seek the truth. They also only care about “clicks” for ad revenue so the more sensational the story the better for them. The media has created a learned response to guns, not so much for knives. Notice how when there is a tragic plane accident, it is followed by several days of accidents. Well, there is no coincident. Those accidents happen all the time with various degree. Same goes for trucks causing major accidents on the highway. They simply do not report them all the time unless it is to stretch out a story.

        There is no more journalism, it is all headline grabbing. For local news it is police scanner chasing and whatever will bring in viewers for ad revenue. Truth, information, real thought pieces are too boring.

        I always think of the song “dirty laundry” — so much of that is true.

    • With a knife it’s a “quadruple homicide.” With a gun it would be a “mass shooting” and Mike Lupica would write a column about it on the sports page.

      • If a fifth person had been shot, while the other four (and the dog) were still stabbed, the killer would be referred to as a “gunman” in all the news stories. And, of course, this would open the door for all the fanatics to scream about how guns kill people of their own accord.

        • You’re right–all five would be “victims of a gunman’s rampage” and MDA would count it in their “mass shooting” stats, to be dutifully repeated by “news” broadcasts everywhere.

      • Also if there was a gun involved, there would be 27 articles on Yahoo and Bing about the shooting, the NRA, gun control, the motives of the shooter, what kind of underwear he wore, what he ate for dinner last August 17th, and so on….

        Instead, we get one tiny article, not even a feature article, but buried 10 links down the page, that mainly talks about the fact he was crazy. So if a crazy person stabs somebody he’s crazy, but if a crazy person shoots someone its because he has such easy access to guns.

  2. Well he didnt use a gun or a BMW so this will not get much national attention. Though the dog will pull some heartstrings.

    Should have been a DGU.

  3. Carefully, this knife was sold with a blade sheath. Like the evil barrel shrouds, it protects the operator when they go on a stabbing rampage.

  4. I believe the weapon used was an illegal, unregistered “assault knife”. With the following illegal features. 1. Tactical, plastic handle. 2. “Pointy thing” on the end of the blade. 3. One or more sharp edges. 4. Fully automatic.

  5. The side article at the LA times landing page references the Isla Vista “shooting spree” and reference the knives and BMW as “other weapons”… Kind of wondering why the editors tied the two stories together… Either they somehow want to tie the perception of guns to this story or someone had a an epiphany and figure out that guns and knives aren’t really the root cause.

  6. Why is it a “quadruple homicide” when a knife is used and a “madman NRA member horrific shooting rampage murder spree” when a gun is used?

  7. I first saw the story this morning on MSN. It was reported as a shooting of 4 and a dog.. Now I see they have changed it. Took the shooting part out and have very few details. It’s also much harder to find than the “screaming headlines” I first saw.
    That’s probably just a coincidence though.

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