Wauwatosa mayfair mall shooting
Police investigate a shooting at the Mayfair Mall, Friday, Nov. 20, 2020, in Wauwatosa, Wis. Multiple people were shot Friday afternoon at the mall. (AP Photo/Nam Y. Huh)

Law enforcement in Wisconsin announced that they’ve arrested a 15-year-old suspect related to the Wauwatosa area Mayfair Mall shooting that took place on Friday.

Madison.com reports:

A 15-year-old boy was arrested in connection a shooting at a suburban Milwaukee mall that injured eight people authorities said Sunday.

Wauwatosa Police Chief Barry Weber said the shooting happened during a dispute Friday afternoon between two groups. He said four “innocent bystanders” suffered what were believed to be non-life-threatening injuries. Investigators said the suspect ran out of the mall alongside other people.

“We do know there was some sort of altercation, and that’s when the bullets started flying,” Weber said during a press conference Sunday.

Police didn’t release a name which isn’t surprising considering the suspect is a minor, but did say they recovered a gun during the arrest. They did not discuss charges yet.

For a bit of a contrast here’s how the “journalists” over at Your Content – and a few other websites – reported the arrest:

A deranged 15-year-old boy has been charged in connection to the shooting at Mayfair Mall that left eight people injured, Your Content News has learned.

Details are few at this time and authorities haven’t released specifics of how the teen was arrested. Throwing in “deranged” to describe the suspect has been done by more than one news site.

Milwaukee has a high crime rate. During my blessedly short time living in Wisconsin I had to make the trip to Milwaukee on a few occasions and let’s just say it’s an area you’d better keep your car doors locked (and be alert…and have your EDC available).

When the news alert of the shooting itself came across my feed on Friday I wasn’t surprised one bit at the location. As for the boy who has been arrested, let’s wait and see what comes of it.





  1. We know the I.D. wont be divulged, so I’ll take a wild guess. Juvenile gang Banger, with a rap sheet, possibly from a single parent non white household! Too bad you dont believe in the PO lice!!!

    • “‘Deranged’ – aka Gangbanger”

      No, ‘Deranged’ is a Leftist whistle-word for ‘Right-Wing White Supremacist’…

    • Isn’t it amazing that this kid has been arrested and is unidentified, but nonetheless we know that he suffers from a mental defect or disease?

      Oh wait, anyone who shoot anyone else must necessarily be “deranged.” Umm hmm. By extension, that must mean that all gun owners, killers in the wings, must be deranged as well.

      • Well that’s one branch of the pseudo- psychological leftist analysis against guns, the other being whether you’re deranged or sane The gun made you do it, the mere presence of the gun made you do it, the gun spoke to you and made you do it, The gun represented an irresistible temptation which compelled you to do it, whatever. The first branch is actually the weaker argument, as regards comprehensive gun control or confiscation, because it implies if you’re not deranged then all would be well. The second branch is a strong argument for prohibition, but it’s based on an entire absurdity, that inanimate objects make people do things, so spoons made Rosie O’Donnell fat, axes made Lizzie Borden give her family 40 whacks, etc. Obviously, both branches of this poisonous tree are twisted, gnarled, and pointless and should be pruned away and ignored forever, like most other leftist nonsense.

        • According to gun control experts, including expert journalists and entertainment script writers, guns have a miasma of evil that infects the user and compels them to commit violent acts. It is always the gun’s fault. The person was under the thrall of gun’s evil influence.

    • Taking the media at their word, we have a mentally incompetent minor carrying a handgun into a “gun free zone.” Nothing fails like gun control.

      • Yeah I sat and watched 20 or so deer parade in front of me last weekend and decided not to shoot a one. My ass was sore from how many times my rifle kicked me and told me to start killing them. If the freezer was empty the rifle would have won. It still felt good having it on me in case something came out that wanted to hurt me.

  2. Lets guess, he’s a member of the preferred pigmentation clan of gang bangers… hence no pictures because he’s a minor, but 17 year old Kyle Rittenhouse has his picture all over the internet and called a racist white supremacist. The media is so dishonest.

    • Exactly. A 15 year old, violent, white skinned, Hispanic murderer in a mall gets better press than a white kid defending himself from multiple armed attackers during a Leftist riot. This throws the entire “white privilege” racist story out the window!

    • Rittenhouse kind of was on film out in public, doing the deed. Kinda hard to cover his stuff up since it hit the web long before he was arrested.

      However, his mug shot should’ve been kept private as a minor.

  3. Glad no one was killed, this time.

    Remember Schlitz? Their slogan: “The beer that made Milwaukee famous”.

    Sound like a revision of that slogan might be in order: “The bier that made Milwaukee famous”.
    Dark humor, I know.

  4. I demand to see his 6th grade graduation photo. Proof positive he is a good boy just turning his life around.

  5. *he was turning his life around

    *he had plans to go to college

    *he attended church and helped old ladies across the street

    *he volunteered at a local food bank

    *he was defending himself from white supremacists

    *he found the gun while playing outside somewhere

    okay that’s it; I’ve run out of bullshit excuses for a feral POS thug who needs to be put down like a rabid dog.

  6. Once again, we see the result of the propaganda front of the media and the police combined: a hispanic youth becomes a “20 to 30 year old white male.”

    At some point, we all need to just laugh at the media.

    • “At some point, we all need to just laugh at the media.”

      The kind of laugh that hurts, unfortunately.

      After the Trayvon Martin incident, we were introduced to a new ethnic identity – The “White Hispanic”.

      By that logic, Obama was not the first president who was Black , he was a “White African-American”…

      • Excellent re 0bama (Kamala H. ditto). I lay the source of the “white Hispanic” BS for George Zimmerman at the New York Times, and then I noticed of course because it was the Times’ attempting to remove the privileged status of minority Hispanic from Zimmermann so as to deny him any sympathy and allow all minority privilege to flow to Treyvon. I also observed that had Treyvon had been Yiddische lad Zvi Goldberg, the NYT would have described George Zimmerman as a Hispanic German, you know, just to hint at the Nazi sort of thing. The media sucks.

  7. If President Obama had a bastard son with a Latin Lady, he might be identified as a Hispanic.

    If the suspect were White or a light skinned, Hispanic, maybe with an African American grandfather like George Zimmerman, he would have his photo plastered all over the news.

  8. It appears that the Media defaults to an identical hard-wired response in almost every shooting incident…from the initial description of “a White male, 20 – 30 years old” to a “15-year old Hispanic male” is quite a leap….even for a hostile, racist media. I guess it’s harder to keep the rabble roused if they publish their stories with verified facts.

    • They default to that because they got the trope from FBI “profilers” – who have about as much ‘science’ or validity behind them as witch doctors and ghost hunters.

      At some point, this country needs to sack the FBI – the entire agency – to improve the credibility of law enforcement.

      • Yep!

        The FBI profilers enabled the DC Snipers to keep racking up kills. I confess that I was expecting the shooter to be white because they could actually got their intended targets.

        • Speaking of media corruption, do you remember when the two black DC snipers were finally caught, after endless media speculation that they would be angry white guys who wore camo and had red necks, how the media went entirely radio silent? They couldn’t proceed with their preferred BS narrative at all, and they simply didn’t know what to do or say. It was pathetic and very revelatory.

        • Montgomery County Police Chief Charles Moose used the FBI profile but not profilers. When FBI analyst Linda Franklin got shot the Bureau went to work and within days identified Mohammed as a suspect.

  9. If Odumbo had a son…or any chillen. Ya can’t have a baby if you’re a dood Michael. This story will be buried in a memory hole. Deranged media indeed😕

    • Do you really think Michelle Obama is biologically male?

      It’s easy to see why Donald Trump’s campaign to the uneducated has been so successful.

      Glad that’s all over now.

  10. This kind of thing is off the chain nation wide and will only get worse if Biden is sworn in. A friend was in Atlanta this past weekend for his daughter’s cheerleading competition. He said there were two mall shootings at separate malls. The mother of another competitor was shopping when one occurred. She, and other customers, were pushed from the store by employees who then locked it down for their own safety. Casey said the homeless and gang bangers were everywhere. Many businesses close at sundown, regardless of the time, because of crime. This is the Democrat’s vision for America. Jesus wept.

    • Gadsden Flag,

      This sort of thing is probably going to get worse no matter who ultimately assumes the role of President of the United States.

      The simple fact of the matter is that destruction of the nuclear family and absentee mothers/fathers continue to accelerate in our nation — which will lead to ever more disregard for human life.

  11. It takes a couple of days for the police to find and capture a punk who shot up a mall.

    If he had gone to the mall without a mask as part of a church group buying presents for orphans he would have been arrested immediately.

  12. Since there was an arrest and no need for a BOLO why all the concern about what skin color the perp was born with?

    • Because the BOLO was for a 20-30 year old Caucasian man, and we now know that was nonsense, especially in light of the fact that the shooting erupted in the middle of a teen brawl?

      BTW, does anybody remember if Kyle Rittenhouse was “deranged”?

      • Absolutely NOT! Kyle was a White Racist who was intent on spreading
        DEATH and mayhem! He went to Kenosha in order to KILL, KILL, KILL Antifa and BLM members!!! Hang him from the nearest tree!

  13. Q: What’s the difference between a deranged 15-yo mass shooter and a 15-yo?

    A: Only one uses a gun.

  14. who cares what race he is all that matters is that this kid of the modern school system we have and dang computer games and the lake of respect for human life and he needs to be dealt with like a grown person

  15. Anyone want to wager that the firearm used was NOT one of those evil black rifles? If it were, it would have been included in the headlines.

    • Well besides that, there wasn’t any dead. More people than not survive handgun shots. Not so with high velocity rifle rounds.

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