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“Global Digital Solutions, Inc. (OTC-QB: GDSI), a company that is positioning itself as a leader in providing cyber arms manufacturing, complementary security and technology solutions and knowledge-based, cyber-related, culturally attuned social consulting in unsettled areas, today filed a Form 8-K with the Securities and Exchange Commission (“SEC”) providing information regarding three proposed transactions, including an unsolicited letter of intent to acquire Remington Outdoor Company, Inc., also known as Freedom Group, Inc. (“Freedom”),” reports, without offering any guidance as to what “culturally attuned social consulting in unsettled areas” means. Bottom line . . .

GDSI has made an unsolicited offer to purchase freedom for $1.082 billion in cash. Freedom has estimated that its net sales for 2013 will be in the range of $1.250 billion to $1.275 billion and that its adjusted EBITDA will be in the range of $235 million to $240 million. The Form 8-K may be accessed at or on GDSI’s website at

So how’s that again? What does GDI want with Remington and the rest of the Freedom Group’s firearms-related manufacturers: Bushmaster Firearms, DPMS/Panther Arms, Marlin, H&R, The Parker Gun, Mountain Khakis, Advanced Armament Corp., Dakota Arms, Para USA and Barnes Bullets? Try this:

This model, which takes advantage of market trends, technological advances and industry consolidations to fuel profitable growth, presents a value proposition that is perfectly suited to the military armament industry, an industry that is heavily fragmented and evolving rapidly toward a RFID/WiFi-enabled technology platform.  In this dynamic environment, we see enormous opportunity to consolidate this market with a program of targeted acquisitions, including the proposed Freedom transaction.  Technological convergence is the future in the cyber/smart arms arena and we’re eager to leverage our proven history of success by helping Freedom and others navigate the transition from analog to digital.

Not buying it? Good thing you’re not writing the check.

The sale makes good on Cerberus Capital Group’s pledge to deep-six the Freedom Group in December 2012, after calling the Sandy Hook massacre “a watershed event that has raised the national debate on gun control to an unprecedented level.” Not-so-coincidentally after a California teachers’ union pension fund threatened to pull-out of Cerberus if they didn’t bail out of Freedom (which includes the company that manufactured the firearm Lanza used in his attack).

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    • Smurt guns:
      “The debate is over”.
      “97% of experts agree”.
      “There’s no time to waste”.
      “It’s common sense”.
      “History will judge us”
      “For the children”.

  1. Oh shit…. Even if it’s ridiculous, I can’t help but think that Bloomberg is somehow behind this. Their press release certainly smacks of “smart gun” bullshit.

    • Well I guess that would really answer which Bloomberg loves more; $1.082 Billion, or gun control… because if it ever came out he was behind the ownership of any manufacturer, the S&W/Clinton affair would pale in comparison.

    • At the very least, RFID-enabled firearms means an instant national registry. What that technology, long used in manufacturing/distribution/supply chain functions, does is basically tag and release to the wild the product its attached to. Imagine your new AR sending off radio transponder pings alerting all receivers to its existence and location. So much for “concealed” firearms.

      What’s next after that? GPS enabled firearms? Firearms with OnStar-like remote disable switches? Sorry, some kind of glitch with NICS or down at the courthouse or the doctor’s office, but your guns just got shut off like an three months overdue light bill. At what precise moment and under what circumstances might one first become aware that their electronic guns have been shut off? I’m sure sometime convenient and non-life threatening.

    • Hi Jake, You got it.
      Cloud Internet, is not in the clouds. Our helpful friend, Mr Snowdon knows where it is and what they are doing with it. No US company is allowed encryption without giving the ‘key’ to the NSA.
      Image the SWAT / ATF / DHS switching off all the defensive firearms owned by law abiding citizens.
      Even worse a country threatening the US and switch off all our weapon system before attacking.
      What happens when you’re out hunting, outside of WIFI range, your gun is ‘locked’ by this system and you need to defend your family against an attacking wild animal?
      This system will be more expensive than your monthly cable TV account.
      Read the profile of the ex-politicians on this company’s board. Kind regards, Greg

    • TL:DR =

      • Encrypted, password-protected, digital, trigger-locking capability;

      • Secure, real-time online tracking; and

      • Encrypted, cloud-enabled databases.
      all from the people who developed The first-ever FDA-approved, human-Implantable RFID tags that continue to be used by several foreign militaries;

      So they want to track people and their guns and charge a monthly fee.

      From their website:

      Personalized Gun Control –

      Global Digital Solutions Announces GDSI Gatekeeper, A Revolutionary Suite of Technology-Enhanced Services That Offer Digital, Web-Based, Small Arms Safety and Security Solutions for Commercial and Military-Related Markets

      Gatekeeper’s encrypted digital locking device, secure online tracking feature and cloud-enabled databases will address growing needs of customers in a multibillion-dollar, global marketplace

      PALM BEACH, Fla., January 23, 2014 /PRNewswire/ — Global Digital Solutions, Inc. (GDSI), a company that is positioning itself as a leader in providing cyber arms manufacturing, complementary security and technology solutions and knowledge-based, cyber-related, culturally attuned social consulting in unsettled areas, today announced GDSI Gatekeeper, a revolutionary suite of technology-enhanced services that offer personalized, digital small arms safety and security solutions in commercial and military-related markets.

      GDSI Gatekeeper, which combines advanced Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) technology with web-based wireless capabilities, will provide commercial and military customers with three essential safety and security benefits:

      • Encrypted, password-protected, digital, trigger-locking capability;

      • Secure, real-time online tracking; and

      • Encrypted, cloud-enabled databases.

      “We’re extremely excited about the potential for GDSI Gatekeeper,” said GDSI’s President and CEO Richard J. Sullivan. “This revolutionary suite of services represents a real breakthrough by leveraging the power of web-based, digital technology to enhance safety and security in the small arms arena, both in the commercial and military sectors. We think of it as personalized gun control and we believe the accessible worldwide market represents a multibillion dollar opportunity for GDSI.”

      According to recent reports from the United States Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms (ATF), an annual average of nearly 3.5 million firearms were manufactured in the United States over the past eight years. GDSI Gatekeeper’s encrypted digital locking device could be easily retrofitted into existing firearms or it could be included in the manufacturing process itself.

      The ATF also reports that there are roughly 130,000 federally licensed firearms dealers in the United States, including some 51,000 retail gun dealers, 7,300 pawn shops, and 61,000 collectors. In addition, approximately one-third of U.S. households currently own at least one firearm. All told, the manufacturing of firearms and ammunition represents an $11 billion industry in the United States.

      The company expects to derive revenue from licensing its proprietary Gatekeeper technology and from monthly database service fees. Authorized dealers would also be able to collect residual fees by enrolling subscribers into the GDSI Gatekeeper safety and security program.

      In the commercial marketplace, the company emphasized that use of the encrypted locking device and other GDSI Gatekeeper safety and security features would be completely voluntary on the part of individual small arms owners and authorized dealers.

      “Here in the United States, the right of the people to keep and bear arms is constitutionally protected and inviolable,” Sullivan added. “The Gatekeeper program will provide additional safety and security for law-abiding gun owners in the United States and elsewhere. We believe Gatekeeper’s secure locking and tracking features could encourage millions of people who might have shied away from keeping firearms in their homes because of safety concerns to reconsider. And collectors would be able use make use of Gatekeeper’s tracking and database features to exercise greater control over their prized firearms collections.”

      While the details of the propriety technologies involved in GDSI Gatekeeper remain confidential – pending appropriate applications for worldwide patent protection – the company plans to showcase the capabilities of GDSI Gatekeeper’s advanced technological solutions in a series of regional demonstrations over the next six-to-twelve months.

      The company is confident that its Gatekeeper suite of advanced technology solutions will be successful because the team behind its development has a proven track record of impressive results while leading Applied Digital Solutions and Digital Angel Corporation, including:

      • The first-ever FDA-approved, human-Implantable RFID tags that continue to be used by several foreign militaries;

      • The first proof-of-concept implanted GPS-wireless tracking device which was successfully implanted in a sheep in 2002;

      • The first-of-their-kind GPS-wireless tracking devices still sold to and used by probation and corrections offices around the country.

      • In addition, Applied Digital Solutions was the subject of two Harvard Business School case studies that are still being used in the curriculum. The first followed the company’s efforts to build a marketing plan for its Digital Angel GPS/wireless personal security device. The second study followed the successful merger of Digital Angel Corporation and Outerlink Corporation.

      About Global Digital Solutions, Inc.

      Global Digital Solutions is positioning itself as a leader in providing cyber arms manufacturing, complementary security and technology solutions and knowledge-based, cyber-related, culturally attuned social consulting in unsettled areas. For more information please visit

  2. So they want to make smart guns for the military and civilian market? Would it be fair to say call me when the Lawgiver Mark II is ready but not before?

    I do of course dredd the failures that will come between now and that point.

  3. “an industry that is heavily fragmented and evolving rapidly toward a RFID/WiFi-enabled technology platform. ”

    “Technological convergence is the future in the cyber/smart arms arena ”

    “by helping Freedom and others navigate the transition from analog to digital. ”

    Ok, I am an OFWG. But I am warning all the millennials out there. All the iPhone, plugged in, Tweeting, Instagraming, Kim K crowd….RUN AS FAR AWAY FROM THIS BS AS YOU CAN ! RUN LIKE YOUR LIFE DEPENDED ON IT ! THIS IS THE VOICE OF DOOM. SATAN IS TALKING TO YOU !

    No sh*t sherlock. This is the exact wrong kind of folks that need to be in the gun/2A world. I pray to dear Jesus that the offer falls through. If playboy George K has one freaking drop of decent American blood in him, if he has any sense of the destiny of this nation, I beg of him to reject this.

    • Take a look at their website. OH NO MR. BILL….The Florida Lt. Gov Jennifer Carroll is going to be the new COO and Pres. Former Sen. Scott Brown of Mass is on their board….Like someone said elsewhere, I am getting the sick feeling that there is Soros or Bloomberg money behind this one. To these big left wing players, a billion dollars is chump change.

      • Yep and their current chairman and CEO pioneered imbeddable chip technoloogy for use in humans. A company formerly known as “Digital Angel”.

    • I’ll admit it, I’m thirty. I have no Facebook account, I don’t have a smart phone of any kind, and I’m working on a degree in software engineering.

      I also have a background working on an airframe that’s almost entirely fly-by-wire, and refuse to buy a car newer than 2004 because most use similar technology (I want my gas pedal connected directly to my throttle. I don’t want it to be a switch that asks the computer for permission to go faster).

      It’s rare that mechanical and digital systems interact effectively. At least, not without one still being capable of working without the other.

    • I am wondering if the entire operation is a farce. They throw a bunch of words together that sound good and yet seem to have no real practical meaning. Let’s see if they covered enough buzz words:
      personalized — check
      global — check
      digital — check
      suite — check
      technology — check
      digital (again) — check
      web-based — check
      secure — check
      encrypted — check
      password — check
      cyber — check
      online — check
      real-time — check
      Global Positioning System (GPS) — check
      radio frequency identification (RFID) — check
      Wi-Fi — check
      breakthrough — check
      leveraging — check
      cloud — check
      database — check
      advanced — check

      And somehow, whatever it is they are going to do, requires all of those words to describe what they are going to do … and involves firearms. Got it. I know where I will NOT be investing my money.

      • Outside of legislation(which would be unenforceable if passed), who would buy something like this. I say let them buy freedom group, and drain away all of the fat cat liberals money behind it until they are in the poor house. If this accurately describes their business model, they will be a flop just like solyndra.

    • That’s what I thought.

      Soldier = adviser = social consulting
      Unsettled areas = 3rd world or Chicago
      Culturally attuned = make money while the spigot is open

    • Exactly what I was thinking.
      And if they acquire freedom group, they can make all the cool guns they want, off book.

  4. Jesus H. Christ, that was a bucketload of buzzword bullshit babble with some baloney on top.

    • All the above companies have gone downhill, and I steer clear of them anyway. There are plenty of better options. I hope the gun grabbing idiots that try to implement “smart” guns end up broke and living in a cardboard box.

    • Or maybe that’s the whole plan in the first place. They should damn well know by now that nobody who’s actually in their right mind would ever stick to owning and using a smart gun on the daily. When they see that nobody is buying them, or the serialized ammo, they’ll simply shrug as those companies go under and jobs are lost. They’ll screw over all of us, including the small businesses involved and all of their employees, before they’ll ever admit they’re wrong.

      • That factory, production machinery, and skilled employees will still exist.

        Notice how “cyber” has come to mean “undiluted BS”

        • @neiowa – This is true, and there will always be companies willing to take their place eventually.

          @PistoleroJesse – I just hope Colt and LWRC don’t make their marriage official after seeing the QC problems the former has been experiencing, and especially from the way they basically pissed and moaned and bought their way out of fairly competing in the Army’s last carbine competition.

      • They don’t really believe in capitalism either, so they don’t see how foolish they are being here in sinking this much money into it. They imagine they can float on cronyism with their pals from the government. And they are wrong, as Colt found out.

        This is actually a good thing because it will eventually free up firearm making resources cheaply for those that create what is actually valued. Companies like BCM, Rock River, STI, and Daniel Defense will be able to buy up the manufacturing resources and branch into new areas.

  5. I’d be willing to bet that gdsi will devalue these companies so much that a good gun company or venture capitalist can buy them for cheap and use all those patents and the like for good. Besides, no one likes freedom group in the first place.

  6. You sure this isn’t a hoax? That press release reads like it could have been written by the Onion. Or by the conspiracy theorists we usually scoff at.

  7. From its web site regarding its small arms business: “An earthquake of failed capital has shaken America’s mainstream gun manufacturers leaving few resources to bring their product lines into the 21st century. Consolidation is expected to continue in both manufacturing and distribution and GDSI is determined to take a key leadership role in resolving long-standing debt, upgrading plant and equipment and streamlining the flow of armaments from manufacturer to point of use.”



    They won the West and have been an important part of American life for over 150 years. GDSI is committed to ensuring these enduring brands continue and continue to be the best America can build.

    I can’t post the image, but it includes Freedom Group. Colt, Savage, HK, Ruger, S&W and SigSauer.

    • Or, why not purchase those manufacturers and run them into the ground? The likes of Bloomy and Soros would hardly notice losing $1 Billion and they could end a major portion of the U.S. firearms industry.

      Think about it. With just $1 Billion, Bloomy or Soros could purchase the Freedom group and promptly set about literally scrapping everything.

      And now we know why Kel-Tec does not want outside investors.

  8. It is pretty much what has been talked about. Here is a link on their website to the following press release from January…I only copied the Title and the first couple paragraphs.

    Global Digital Solutions Announces GDSI Gatekeeper, A Revolutionary Suite of Technology-Enhanced Services That Offer Digital, Web-Based, Small Arms Safety and Security Solutions for Commercial and Military-Related Markets

    Gatekeeper’s encrypted digital locking device, secure online tracking feature and cloud-enabled databases will address growing needs of customers in a multibillion-dollar, global marketplace

    PALM BEACH, Fla., January 23, 2014 /PRNewswire/ — Global Digital Solutions, Inc. (GDSI), a company that is positioning itself as a leader in providing cyber arms manufacturing, complementary security and technology solutions and knowledge-based, cyber-related, culturally attuned social consulting in unsettled areas, today announced GDSI Gatekeeper, a revolutionary suite of technology-enhanced services that offer personalized, digital small arms safety and security solutions in commercial and military-related markets.

    GDSI Gatekeeper, which combines advanced Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) technology with web-based wireless capabilities, will provide commercial and military customers with three essential safety and security benefits:

    • Encrypted, password-protected, digital, trigger-locking capability;

    • Secure, real-time online tracking; and

    • Encrypted, cloud-enabled databases.

    This is my note not part of the release:
    Personalized gun control!!!!!

    • From

      Personalized Gun Control
      The company is confident that its Gatekeeper suite of advanced technology solutions will be successful because the team behind its development has a proven track record of impressive results while leading Applied Digital Solutions and Digital Angel Corporation, including:
      • The first-ever FDA-approved, human-Implantable RFID tags that continue to be used by several foreign militaries;
      • The first proof-of-concept implanted GPS-wireless tracking device which was successfully implanted in a sheep in 2002;
      • The first-of-their-kind GPS-wireless tracking devices still sold to and used by probation and corrections offices around the country.

      Doesn’t that inspire confidence?

    • “commercial” = DHS and militarized “law enforcement” spending tax (or phantom) $

      Does NOT = private citizen spending personal $

      • Good luck even matching them dollar-for-dollar, especially when billionaires like Nanny Loonberg are at their beck-and-call with his nigh bottomless pockets. I doubt many of us could buy any more than a handful of shares at any one time.

  9. How does a company with a 73.19M Market Cap line up 750M in cash, as per their filed 8K? Their income and balance sheets are a little dated on Yahoo, but Global Digital Solutions only had 1M in cash back in Sept. 2013. Their stock price is under a dollar and the 52 week range is 0.09 – 1.39? Does not seem credible.

    • Bingo! This reeks of gun control, inc. Buy the U.S. manufacturers and shut them down one by one. Alternatively, switch them to only .gov sales…Democrats (and some Republicans) will keep the contracts flowing in return for no more civilian market sales…

      Time to buy some equipment and start making lowers. Barrels will be more difficult, but doable.

  10. “Technological convergence is the future…”

    So how soon can I get a plasma rifle in the 40 Watt range?

  11. Do not buy guns from any company manufacturing “smart” guns under its corporate umbrella. Starve them to death.

    • Totally makes sense. They would go around and for states to make only smart guns legal and then they would have the only guns in town and mark them up so nobody could but them. And since she is former DNC and democratic politician, works perfectly

  12. Given how many former CT gun companies are in that banner picture I am not sure if I should cry or laugh out loud like a hysterical mad man or both.

  13. “culturally attuned social consulting” = black ops that speaks the local dialect and knows which way to order the local tea.

  14. As an experienced finance attorney with a great deal of experience in such sophisticated matters, allow me to translate:

    “We think we can make a quick buck.”

    If you thought Remington sucked before, just wait. You ain’t seen nothin’ yet.

    • Their banker is “Midtown Partners” – who appears to have done some small deals in biotech.

      Ralph, the whole thing from what I’ve run down so far appears largely bogus. There’s a whole lot of things that simply don’t add up.

      I don’t see how, even with absurd leverage, they can pull off a strip-n-flip.

  15. Maybe they should work on getting freedom group able to manufacture functioning dumb guns before they try smart ones.

  16. A quote:
    “Skynet was originally activated by the military to control the national arsenal on August 12, 1997, at which time it began to learn at a geometric rate. On August 29, it gained self awareness”
    Change 1997 to 2017 and here we go….

  17. we could always just make them in our garage, i got plans for a cool bolt gun and a nifty auto. but then i would have to burn through a bunch of spare parts and barrels before getting to building my own. but then practice make perfect.

    the forge is at the right temp gotta go.

  18. Lulz. Sounds like a bunch of non-gunners are trying to buy a bunch of gun companies and build smart guns, because they saw one in the last 007 movie and that seemed totally legit and the wave of the future.

    There’s too many buzzwords for any actual intellect to be behind that press release.

  19. I don’t see existing firearms being affected by any of this. And last I checked “Freedom Group” wasn’t the only manufacturer of firearms. So go ahead and do whatever you want, plenty of other companies are ready to fill in the gaps.

  20. If Freedom Group starts playing in any way into gun controller’s hands, we need to let them know LOUDLY that we will not buy their guns. Do what was done to Smith & Wesson, almost cripple the company if we have to. New firearms companies can be created if necessary and there are other firearms manufacturers in existence.

    Also $10 says that if these folks purchasing Freedom Group think that the “future” of guns is smart guns, RFID chips, serialized ammunition, etc…then they know absolutely NOTHING about the gun culture 😀

  21. So, this is a thing: “The Freedom Group Proposal. The Company submitted a non-binding proposal, dated January 27, 2014, for the acquisition of the Remington Outdoor Company, Inc., also known as Freedom Group, Inc. (“Freedom”). The Company received no response to such proposal and, by its terms, it expired on February 17, 2014″

      • This is apparently a new run at the company
        excerpt from 8K (corporate sec) filing dated March 11 2014

        In the news release, Global Digital Solutions Files Form 8-K, Announces Unsolicited Letter of Intent to Acquire Remington Outdoor Company, with Estimated Annual Sales of $1.25 Billion and a Purchase Price of Approximately $1.082 Billion, issued 11-Mar-2014 by Global Digital Solutions, Inc. over PR Newswire, we are advised by the company that the first paragraph, second sentence, should read “GDSI has made an unsolicited offer to purchase Freedom for $1.082 billion in cash and shares of GDSI’s common stock,” rather than “GDSI has made an unsolicited offer to purchase freedom for $1.082 billion in cash,” as issued inadvertently. The complete, corrected release follows:

        Global Digital Solutions Files Form 8-K, Announces Unsolicited Letter of Intent to Acquire Remington Outdoor Company, with Estimated Annual Sales of $1.25 Billion and a Purchase Price of Approximately $1.082 Billion

        Form 8-K filing also provides information on proposals to acquire two additional U.S.-based companies – a technology firm with annual revenue of approximately $25 million and a distribution company with annual revenue of approximately $30 million – and a status update of GDSI’s transactions with Airtronic USA, Inc.

        PALM BEACH, Fla., March 11, 2014 /PRNewswire/ — Global Digital Solutions, Inc. (OTC-QB: GDSI), a company that is positioning itself as a leader in providing cyber arms manufacturing, complementary security and technology solutions and knowledge-based, cyber-related, culturally attuned social consulting in unsettled areas, today filed a Form 8-K with the Securities and Exchange Commission (“SEC”) providing information regarding three proposed transactions, including an unsolicited letter of intent to acquire Remington Outdoor Company, Inc., also known as Freedom Group, Inc. (“Freedom”). GDSI has made an unsolicited offer to purchase Freedom for $1.082 billion in cash and shares of GDSI’s common stock. Freedom has estimated that its net sales for 2013 will be in the range of $1.250 billion to $1.275 billion and that its adjusted EBITDA will be in the range of $235 million to $240 million. The Form 8-K may be accessed at or on GDSI’s website at

        Richard J. Sullivan, GDSI’s Chairman and CEO, offered several reasons for optimism regarding the proposed acquisitions discussed in the Form 8-K filing and the company’s overall strategy for profitable growth going forward:
        ……………………….. CONTINUES at link above

  22. The offer is less than 5x current earnings…Ruger trades at 11X, S&W at 9x. Not sure why Cerberus would sell out for so little.

  23. All about control boys & girls. I would BOYCOTT anything they sold. Plenty of other gun companies to buy from.

  24. Well, whatever they intend to do, they are serious to the tune of 1+Billion.
    It don’t sound good to me.

  25. I won’t pretend to fully understand how investment firms go about their business. However… Are Global Digital Solutions and Freedom Group / sub corps publicly traded stocks? If I had stock in GDS and had even the smallest suspicion they would purchase gun makers to convert them to smart guns, I would dump that stock like its a girl with cr@bs on prom night.

    Smart guns are a no go, won’t sell to John Public and I doubt government types will want them either.

    If I owned FG / sub corp stock, I’d sell them now too. The surge in gun buying is done with no indication on when the next tragic event the politicians can exploit and move a gun grabbing agenda forward. I’d say its time for a correction. Those that make ammo may not be as vulnerable until spring 2015. The republicans will have the US House and Senate by then so no gun control shyt will be up until at least 2017.

    • WOW a liabileral (spelling intended) Republican
      Prettyboy lawyer/ TV mouthpiece.
      what a piece o’ work……….
      Gun Control

      Following the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting in December 2012, Brown became the first GOP Senator to support a federal ban on assault weapons.[110]
      Organizational associations and honors

      Brown is a 30-year member of the Massachusetts National Guard, in which he currently holds the rank of colonel in the Judge Advocate General’s Corps. ……..

  26. also seriously, a company w/ a market cap of barely $65MIL is buying a conglomeration of companies ‘worth’ over $1BIL, means leveraged loans and shady creditors; any anti-gun billionaire with multiple trusts and shell companies could’ve bought ’em.

    ach. let the fuckers go the way of DoDo. Sick and tired of them all.

    AAC is nothing, without its founder. Barnes, while would’ve been nice to have stayed independent, sold their souls; I’ll stick to Sierra and Hornady, thank you very much. And really, who’s gonna miss Para…other than Todd… .o|

    as for the rest under the umbrella? c’est la vie.

    Remington may as well become the GM of the gunworld, and just be under the auspices of Fed. Govt bailout central.

    fucking corporatist losers. all of them. let the bad market players fail.

    bankruptcy is what they all deserve, if they thought nothing of selling their asses to useless-to-humanity-papershuffling pansies of Wall St./Greenwich, CT/City of London.

    • “Remington may as well become the GM of the gunworld, and just be under the auspices of Fed. Govt bailout central”.

      GUBERMENT WON’T CARE! Wouldn’t bailout. Gubers would be happy if Gun Companies folded up.

  27. cyber-arms + unsettled areas.
    “Place projectile weapon on the ground.”

  28. Eh, if the future has nothing but ‘smart’ guns then I’ll just jailbreak mine into working whenever I want them to. But still there are so many conventional non-digital firearms in the USA that the cat’s already out of the bag and introducing these firearms won’t have any impact on crime at all.

  29. This is just a PR stunt. Who’s going to give a 65 million dollar company a 1 billion+ loan to buy Freedom Group? Assuming Cerberus even bothers to accept the offer.

    Math doesn’t add up.

  30. creepy beyond all imagination. If yu look at the number of billionaires who are rabidly anti- gun, this could be their work. Soros, Bloomberg, Musk , Gates , and numerous other multi-billionaires are very openly anti gun. they may have pooled their spare change to fund this.

    sounds like someone wants real time geo-tracking of all new firearms.

    • YEP! Buy it! Push modified invasive crap in to the marketplace.
      Be the perceived “BEACON of Reason” to those Gubers in the ment!
      Hopefully Cerberus Capital Group has maybe changed their view ( about selling ) in the passing months. if they do sell they better get ALL their cash out up Front.

  31. Remington needs to get out of the state any way. Why not give up the ghost and just move on.
    The CEO and board members can move one start a new company and let the smart gun people have at it. They WILL go bankrupt because no one in their right mind will buy this nonsense. Remember, even though these idiots may THINK they will impose gun control, there STILL is a free market out there.
    Look at Kalifornication; every one is now buying revolvers with speed loaders and watching videos on how to shoot 30 rounds in a minute with a revolver. The laws in certain states will work their way through a resistant gun public and there will be confrontation. Remember prohibition ?

  32. Here’s the optimistic scenario:
    These clowns fail miserably in producing reliable smart guns. Meanwhile, small gun makers will blossom. Trying to take over the gun industry from within is like a whack a mole, totally futile.
    The antis will then sell Freedom Group for pennies on the dollar to some other private equity firm, which reverts back to selling reliable guns as we know them. It will demonstrate once and for all that smart guns are not technically viable, nor in demand. And the anti gun loons sink a whole billion of their hard earned cash into this failed enterprise, more than nanny Bloomberg ever spent on his pet projects.

  33. I’ll just keep buying Rugers and milsurps, as usual.

    The Tapco connection concerns me, tho.

  34. hey was just reading from the website….

    under “Value Statement”
    ‘We produce environmentally sound products and only act within the law.

    We will not compromise our moral or ethical principles.”

    Gee I wonder if CASH buyout WILL SWAY THEM to Compromise their morals and ethical principles?
    or what those moral and ethical principle might be
    if different than, what (we) would perceive them to be.

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