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House Speaker John Boehner (R-OH) released the following statement today after the House Oversight & Government Reform Committee Chairman Darrell Issa (R-CA) announced the committee will vote on a Contempt of Congress citation for U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder for his failure to fully comply with the investigation into Operation “Fast and Furious” [wherein the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearm and Explosives enabled gun sales to Mexican cartel members, contributing to the death of U.S. Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry [above], Customs and Immigrations Enforcement Agent Jaime Zapata and an unknown number of Mexican civilians] . . .

The Justice Department is out of excuses. Congress has given Attorney General Holder more than enough time to fully cooperate with its investigation into ‘Fast and Furious,’ and to help uncover the circumstances regarding the death of Border Agent Brian Terry. Agent Terry’s family, the whistleblowers who brought this issue to light, and the American people deserve answers. Either the Justice Department turns over the information requested, or Congress will have no choice but to move forward with holding the Attorney General in contempt for obstructing an ongoing investigation.

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  1. Snowball. Hell.

    I’ve got my fingers crossed though. But I suspect that Daddy O has Eric’s back.

  2. I have to say- it would be a brilliant campaign move for Obama to sell Holder out, assuming he couldn’t be implicated. I’d (almost) vote for him.

  3. Congress is slow on the uptake. Logical people have considered eric holder contemptible for years.

  4. “The Justice Department is out of excuses.”

    The JOD is out of control and is behaving like a renegade cartel.

    • We already know. Alibi No. 1: it’s a vast right-wing conspiracy. Alibi No. 2: blame Bush.

      Same old same old.

        • Alibi #4: Blame the need to modernize and reform the US Constitution and Bill of Rights.

          Alibi #5: Blame Congress for tying the hands of the Executive Branch and making coordination difficult causing the fiasco.

          Alibi #6: Blame The Truth About Guns for causing a collapse in the people’s confidence in the Sovereign Central US Government.

          Alibi#7: Blame the unhealthy sugar heavy diet of the ATF Agents causing them not to do their job’s right. Then call for new regulations to govern the diet of the American people.

        • Dyspeptic, you got me on that one. Holder played the race card during his testimony last week.

  5. So what does this mean, exactly? What happens if/when they vote and find him in contempt? Will he actually face jail time or is it just a “sternly worded letter”?

  6. Long overdue action.
    It’s still a long way from a committee vote to a guilty judgement.

  7. The gears of a democratic republic turn ever so slowly sometimes, but at least we can see some members of congress are still working on the problem.

  8. I was watching this on C-SPAN. It didn’t look good for Holder, and F&F wasn’t the only judicial indiscretion Holder was being held responsible for. I only caught the questioning for a few minutes and it didn’t look good.

  9. Simply put if he is found in contempt which I think he will then it is like anyone else who refuses to name a source or hand over information.
    I bet the shredders at the DOJ are working overtime right now. My only hope is they get the information they need before it is all gone.
    I don’t care who is in office, the behavior was criminal period.

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