
“Kim Kardashian West was held at gunpoint in her Paris hotel room Sunday night,” reports. ‘Kim Kardashian West was held up at gunpoint inside her Paris hotel room this evening, by two armed masked men dressed as police officers. She is badly shaken but physically unharmed,’ her spokesperson said. Kardashian West is currently overseas for Paris Fashion Week along with her mother, Kris Jenner, and sisters, Kourtney Kardashian and Kendall Jenner.”

You may recall that Ms. Kardashian favors gun control; famously Tweeting her desire for civilian disarmament back in August 2015. More recently, the reality star endorsed presidential candidate Hillary Clinton citing the nominee’s stance on abortion and gun control. This despite the fact that the Divine Ms. K’s not averse to a little on-camera range time and Instagram gun boasting.

I mention all this because Mrs. West was unarmed in Paris at the time of the attack. Both KK’s and the hotel’s [presumably armed] bodyguards were either fooled by les faux flics or out for an aperitif. We shall see whether being defenseless in the face of armed bad guys creates what TTAG commentator fiun dagner (below) called a “come to Sam Colt” moment.

Probably yes, the hotel burglary will make the raven-haired, famous-for-being-famous famous person more likely to keep and bear arms, personally. But I doubt the attacks will change her mind politically. Gun control is a fundamentally elitist position. What could be more important to the Kardashian brand than elitism? Maintaining this “if I were you I’d want to be me too — but you’re not and never will be” anti-gun rights gestalt is as natural to KK as breathing.

Anyway, no matter how Kim Kardashian assimilates the armed robbery, it will no doubt increase her public profile — if such a thing is even possible. We can only hope that the cameras that glom onto her like ramora eels caught all the action. You know, to expose the futility of civilian disarmament Ms. Kardashian favors but doesn’t practice.


  1. I know it is a bit of schadenfreude, but this little strumpet suffered on the the mildest of indignity in comparison with the rest of the people that are suffering from those agitators in the Black Lives Matter riots.

    Tough s#!t, baby!

  2. so wait the woman who doesn’t want you or i to have a gun for personal defense but is surrounded by armed guards 24 7 and was in one of the most firearms restrictive nations in the world managed to get robbed at gunpoint. Wonder if she’ll have a come to Sam Colt moment or if She will just use it as a call for more restrictive gun control in the United States

    • Can I have a few moments to ponder whether being robbed-at-gun-point will make her more or less ‘elitist’ in her elitist gun control views? (I am assuming the robbers weren’t really “police”) Time’s up! My vote is “have to keep guns away from the proletariat peasants.” While “Logic” was derived from old french, it’s use is no longer considered chic.

    • Most bodyguards are not permited to pack arms unchecked worldwide as 007 seems to do. Nor is drawing down on a French speaking “maybe cop” a great idea. Cops in many nations are masked regularly. So, overall not the best set of options. The hotel must have thought them real enough to let them upstairs?

      • Personal security can apply for a provo carry license during a short stay in France. But it’s may-issue.

        • This being France (and a hotel to boot….), “May Issue” relates to which services Mrs. West is willing to offer high ranking officials of the state….

      • 007 is not a “bodyguard”. He is a secret agent of her Majesty, and is “licensed to kill”. He is also a fictional character. There are a lot of unrealistic things in movies.

  3. The gun probably wasn’t even real. Of course, in such a situation you don’t think of such things and just give the robbers what they want.

    • since your gun says “replica” on the slide, and mine says “Desert Eagle point-five-oh”

    • I agree about the gun but for different reasons. I am going with those who think this was a hoax or scam, assuming that an actual “robbery” took place.

      Of this was a real robbery the guns would have been real. The French underworld is as well armed as ours is. Kardashian is known to have bodyguards and it would be rather stupid to show up with a game gun.

  4. But this can’t be true! They banned guns over there, so they never have any crime or violence whatsoever! Telling lies TTAG, for shame!

    • I’m taking TTAG from my ‘favored correspondents’ list (and placing them on my ‘most favored’ list). (By the way, my former senator is running for “Liar-In-Chief,” * so I can assure you she will be, if she wins.)
      ^ NOT the official title of her aspiration, just the effective one if she wins.

  5. I don’t care if she’s anti-gun, I won’t care if she becomes pro-gun. She’s not important enough either way.

    • If I were an attention w****, I would stage a fake cop armed robbery if my twitter followers started to drop off. I would use this particular story because it worked so well for Mr. Lochte. Just saying what I would do, not implying anything in this case.

      Then again, I’d be armed.

  6. Glad to hear there was no injuries to Mrs. West or her party. The control opinions become a mute issue overseas. Hope the crooks are found soon.

    • If a moot issue overseas, why would the anti-Constitution crowd loft their ineffective policies over ours? (or are you saying the robbers WERE Police, because only Police can have weapons?). I personally only care about her as much as she cares about ‘we proles.’

  7. CNN is reporting she was ‘tied up’ at gunpoint in Paris apartment and robbed of ‘$11MILLION’ in jewellery by two armed men dressed as cops !!! Another publicity stunt? Surprised she didn’t snapchat the whole thing. LOL

    • Given that valuation, and both her and the hotel’s guards were either duped or not there? This actually sounds more like an insurance scam.

  8. Gentlemen
    Aside from the Kartrashian bashing the article misses a larger point. This happened in. France, they have no 2nd amendment , no right to bear arms. The article should have slanted as this is the future of our own country should “she” get elected. Similar to Californistan Ms K’s home state

    • Cosplay gone bad, wait for video (maybe she’s gunning for ‘rape victim’ social status). Jaded, but everything about her is fake so why not this?

    • What actually happened in the hotel that they aren’t telling us? Is there going to be a new video released?

  9. We shall see whether being defenseless in the face of armed bad guys creates what TTAG commentator fiun dagner (below) called a “come to Sam Colt” moment.

    Yea… that’s not going to happen. She is going to double down for more victimhood. Not for herself of course – she can hire armed guards for that – but for all the little people.

  10. If they have body guards, call them out as pro-gun. Us poor folks save the few bucks (OK sometimes a bunch more to to buy one or more weapons for self-defense and probably training. These folks buy the bodies with the gun. Put a big headline out there. [Breaking News (name) comes out as Pro-gun).

    • obamao … pro-gun
      schumer … pro-gun
      pelosi … pro-gun
      boxer … pro-gun
      HCI … pro-gun
      BLM … pro-gun
      CHI … pro-gun
      NYC … pro-gun
      Wash DC … pro-gun
      LA … pro-gun
      DNC … pro-gun
      HRC … pro-gun
      et alia
      That’s easier than I thought, Thanks! (but I don’t expect any justice from those areas, or people)

  11. France can keep her. Whether or not this is insurance fraud or not is another story for another day for someone who cares. It would be interesting to see if her money could get her undone from it though.

  12. Kenny Anderson (hoops) was held up for $125K in Ju-Ray that was on his person (whilst driving his Bentley) in the early 90’s.

  13. I smell a huge insurance scam. There is no reality to these people they are the core of the rotten apple America is becoming.

  14. Given that the Charlie Hebdo chief editor’s application for CC permit went unanswered despite him being on top of Al Qaeda Death List, receiving death threats daily and having been already attacked in the past (while being member of police sport shooting club and owning several firearms), I very much doubt that her bodyguard could have been armed in France.

    Even if she traveled to the most gun friendly country in Europe – the Czech Republic – she would need to either (a) hire someone with a local CC license, (b) get someone from the embassy with diplomatic papers and a gun or (c) be given plainclothed police officer for protection. Even here here a US bodyguard could not pack heat without Czech license… legally.

    • The Kardashians have money and they aren’t as stupid as they play on TV. She can hire locals.

      • If Colombian drug Lords can be armed in a restaurant thwarting a coordinated terrorist attack in one of the four locations under attack in Paris, the KKK (Kim, Kloe, Kourtney) could smuggle guns stuffed up their ample asses.

        However, if someone is pointing a gun at my head, I’m letting them have my jewelry and waiting to get a claim check from my insurance company while my concealed carry weapon stays firmly concealed, if if my jewels were not insured I would not put up a fight for them if I was convinced all they wanted was the diamonds.

  15. Um, are we even sure this isn’t an attention-seeking celeb taking her cues from recent olympic escapades?

  16. Could honestly can less. She’s a worthless pos, just like that idiot she married. The whole lot of them, Kardashian Jenner and west just need to disappear. And stay there.

    • You just don’t get it? Based on the screen name alone, the tone deafness is full. You give gun owners a bad name. So feel free to move on.

  17. I would leave a comment about the Kar-trashians, but the wording I would use would be censored and any use of non-lethal language would be insincere. I also noticed that there was no mention of a sexual assault during the alleged robbery ! I guess they were aware of whom/what with she associates!

  18. This fucking tart’s nonsense has been shown on the national news for the past 12 hours.

    The news, where you hear about the things affecting the world around you.

    Fuck, it’s like the day people flooded my WhatsApp to let me know that Bruce discovered the joys of vaginas.

    Unless you’re going to report her falling into a wood chipper, at gunpoint, we don’t want to hear about it.


  19. Maybe this was an ‘inside job’ for the insurance, maybe not.
    And I certainly would not make an automatic assumption
    that the robbers were FAKE LEO. It’s just as possible they
    were the real deal. Chitcago, NOLA, NYC etc. don’t have
    monopolies on crooked cops.

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