Kenosha Rittenhouse trial verdict not guilty
Kyle Rittenhouse is comforted by his lawyer as he was acquitted of all charges at the Kenosha County Courthouse in Kenosha, Wis., on Friday, Nov. 19, 2021. (AP Photo)

A jury in Kenosha, Wisconsin has found Kyle Rittenhouse not guilty on all counts he was facing. The verdict reflects the flimsiness of the case against Rittenhouse, the ineptness of the prosecution during the trial, and the courage of the jurors in the face of enormous pressure and clear attempts to intimidate them.

Rittenhouse was standing guard outside a car dealership in Kenosha on August 25 last year during riots that followed the shooting of Jacob Blake. Police did little or nothing to curb the violence and destruction.

When Rittenhouse attempted to stop a crowd from setting a dumpster on fire, he was approached by a volatile, violent Joseph Rosenbaum. That set off the entire chain of events that lead to today’s result.

Rittenhouse was threatened and attacked that night by four convicted felons; a mentally ill pedophile, a car thief and forger, a domestic abuser who had attacked his own grandmother, and a burglar. All of whom were only there that night — if you believe media accounts — to protest a police shooting.

Kenosha rittenhouse shooting self defense
Twitter screen grab

One attacker threatened to kill him and tried to take Rittenhouse’s rifle. One delivered a flying kick as he lay on the ground. Another struck him on the head and neck with a skateboard. The last attacker pointed a gun at him.

Gaige Grosskreutz Rittenhouse Kenosha shooting verdict not guilty

Rittenhouse used the AR-15 rifle he was carrying to shoot three of his attackers, killing two.

Rittenhouse rosenbaum huber grosskreutz Gaige Grosskreutz Rittenhouse Kenosha shooting verdict not guilty
Seen on social media

The trial of the 18-year-old Rittenhouse inevitably became a political football. The bumbling prosecution only succeeded in depicting, almost as well as the defense, that in each of the shootings, Rittenhouse had defended himself from physical threats or additional imminent attacks. Yet the mainstream media slanted and shaded their reports of the testimony, no matter how frustratingly exculpatory it was.

Rittenhouse was portrayed by the MSM and the commentariat as a racist and a white supremacist, despite everyone involved in the incident that night being a white male (other than the recently identified “jump kick man”).

The jury had to weigh not only the evidence, but also the knowledge that if they found Rittenhouse not guilty on some or all of the charges, it could result in more rioting and possibly even personal retaliation for doing their duty as citizens.

Wisconsin Governor Tony Evers has put 500 National Guardsman on standby in anticipation of the verdict. If he’d bothered to do that during the three days of rioting last year, it’s likely that none of this would have ever happened.

A jury cleared teen Kyle Rittenhouse of all five counts against him in the shooting of three men in Kenosha, Wisconsin in 2020. (AP Graphic)

Now that Rittenhouse has been acquitted, the question becomes whether the outcome will result in attempts to foment still more violence by those with a vested interest in seeing the teen convicted despite the overwhelming evidence. And while he no longer has any criminal liability, Rittenhouse will almost surely face civil lawsuits from Gaige Grosskreutz and the survivors of Joseph Rosenbaum and Anthony Huber.

Grosskreutz has already filed a suit against the city of Kenosha, the county, and various law enforcement officers. The fact that he was carrying a firearm illegally that night and his testimony during the trial aren’t likely to help him in that effort.



  1. Correct verdict, and obvious to anyone who watched the trial and saw the evidence.

    (Rittenhouse’s defense counsel, on the whole, were utterly terrible. He’s very lucky the State had absolutely no case.)

    • I disagree- they successfully elicited important and favorable admissions from adverse witnesses. Whoever prepped KR to testify did a great job. He gave up no ground but didn’t come off like a dickhead. I don’t think anyone expected him to do better.
      Ultimately it was the facts, not the lawyers, that carried the day. That’s how it should be.

      • “they successfully elicited important and favorable admissions from adverse witnesses”

        more likely the video of the attack did that. probably grosskreutz saw it and decided he couldn’t stick with the prosecutor’s version.

    • I agree. He had terrible lawyers. And that is what was really scary for me. The DA was totally evil.

      • The defense almost blew the whoe trial by asking for mistrial WITHOUT prejuidice. That was inexpicable.

        The prosecution were fools for not jumping on thta offer.

      • “The DA was totally evil.”

        Admitting into evidence 2 days before the jury deliberated was inexcusable.

        Remember, this was video shot by the FBI. Let this be a lesson as to what the FBI has turned into…

        • Kyle was found not guilty after a fair trial. That is great for him! But please remember it doesn’t change the *fact* that you’re a stone cold loser who can’t even purchase female companionship. Examine your life and make the changes you so desperately require. 🖕🤡.

        • The LOSER is the little boy who harped endlessly as to how he was going to be convicted.

          And he was WRONG! 😉 😉 😉

          …as he always is, don’t forget…

        • Well, “Real Man” (two lies in two words – I am almost impressed!):

          No, Kyle was found not guilty in a trial that was HORRIBLY tainted by flat-out ILLEGAL conduct by the prosecution, which the judge allowed because he KNEW they were trying to get a mistrial – so they could refile and try to make something out of the shambles of their flimsy-@$$ case. The judge called their bluff, but the jury did the right thing.

          And Geoff is right – you talked out your @$$, and got proven as the fool you are.

    • Chip Bennett,

      Honest question: can you provide more details to illustrate in what way/s Kyle’s lawyers were terrible?

      (I do not have any information or opinion on how good or bad his lawyers were.)

      • They did not vehemently object when the prosecutor grossly mischaracterized the law by stating that one “loses the right to self defense when they bring a gun into the situation”.
        This turns the law completely on its head. They should have immediately objected and had the judge read the statute. Kyle would have been home days ago if that was the case, which is evident by the statutes the jury asked to be read to them. It’s clear the prosecutor confused them as to the nature of the law, and he did so on purpose.
        They also apparently did not do their due diligence during discovery, and trusted the prosecutor. Don’t trust the opposing counsel.

        • That’s only one of their numerious c***-ups, jw. But, as commenters above have mentioned, Kyle was one of the most superbly prepared witnesses I’ve ever seen. Normally, putting the defendant on the stand is an invitation to disaster. Kyle was cool, calm, collected and persuasive. He came off VERY well. And that witness preparation was done by the defense lawyers. No, I was not impressed with their overall performance, but . . . credit where credit is due.

        • @LampOfDiogenes, agree. I was shocked when they put him on stand, but he was well prepped, one could tell from his answers. I was in our data center when someone came in to tell us. Later I watched the before and the reading. I swear the defense looked like, and thought and were prepared to lose based on their clusters of body language.

        • One caveat: Opening statements, and closing statements, are ‘sales pitches;’ They are not strictly bound by the letter of law nor by proven facts, but can contain opinion, hyperbole, and points not actually proven as factual but stated merely as conjecture, replete with ‘what ifs’ and ‘maybes’.
          The IDEA is that the jury can only weigh the facts presented to them in open court; The opening and closing statements are not ‘fact,’ they are not ‘evidence,’ and are more akin to ‘color-commentaries’ or ‘we think that it’s this way’ on what each side proposes to convince the jury, and of what they have ostensibly convinced the jury after the actual case has been presented. That’s why the prosecution contends that their case is ironclad, the guilt of the defendant certain, whereas the defense says the complete opposite.
          Clearly, the jury in this case didn’t buy the prosecution’s theory of negating self-defense by being actually capable of self-defense, but the prosecution had the right to present it. to bolster their interpretation of law. The jury instructions are intended to take care of closing-argument stupidity on the part of the prosecutor.
          No, none of it makes any sense. It’s the LAW.

    • Oh but the State very much DID have a solid case.. in favour of Kyle. They wee stupid enough to present it, and present it well. Groooskruess was the best… didjya see Bnger’s head in his palms as ol Gaige clrarly testified that Kyle ONLY fired when HE (Gaige) had pointed nis illegally carried Glock at Kyle’s head, from three feet away> He held fire UNTIL gaige had that handgun pointed directly at his head, at near point blank range. Now THAT is a gutsy shot… but then, t that point it was fire or die for Kyle. He made the right choice. So gaige probably was the thick icing on the cake for Kyle’s defense….

      I heard a few rumours, seeminly well sourced, about some of the jury making comments about what they”d been hearing on the news and such coming up to this trial, then hearing the actual tesimonl and evidence, and realising the story in the press is NOT the one that actually happened.

      Much like the yuong man falsely accused of “insulting” that fae cigar store indian “cheif” and the media took up the false side and ran with it. Later it did come out the joung chap was just stanind hthere trying to ignore the insulting cigar store indian. TUrns out the kid got a decent chunk of cash for his being insulted and falsely accused in the press.

  2. AWESOME. There IS still justice in parts of this nation.

    NOW – sue the MSM bastards. Someone give Kyle a new AR and TTAG have a trophy/award for him? Perhaps a gold plated AR on a nice walnut stand/plaque.

    When do the fires begin?

  3. Notice has been served to the SS/antifa. You will note that rioting stopped after Kyle shot the pedo foot troops of the fascist left. Now the black clad storm troopers of the fascist left know that they are legit targets.

    • Funny how little attention that correlation gets but it was also making the defund the police crowd look crazy(er) and the election season was nearing the end so may not have had as much “grassroots” financial support after Kenosha. But that’s just my tinfoil take. Happy for the kid wish him all the luck in future defamation lawsuits but avoid doing stupid things in stupid places at stupid times with stupid people.

    • Based on the immediate reaction of most of TPTB I’d say we’re the ones on notice.

      Riots “for justice” and asinine new DOJ actions are now “go” it seems.

      The reaction doesn’t seem to be reflection. It seems to be that this failure means they’re gonna go harder at the next person that catches their attention.

      In fact, I’d say a whole slew of federal charges announced against Kyle next week shouldn’t surprise us given in Tweets coming from elected Democrats at the National level (and state level).

      How much do you trust Merrick Garland?

      • Wouldn’t surprise me at all I would only partially jest in asking whether it would be for killing federal assets or a hate crime.

      • “In fact, I’d say a whole slew of federal charges announced against Kyle next week shouldn’t surprise us given in Tweets coming from elected Democrats at the National level (and state level).

        “How much do you trust Merrick Garland?”

        The same Merrick Garland that weaponized the FBI against parents, and then lied about it under oath when asked?

        Declaring war on the American people like that is not a smart course to take, but it increasingly looks like this is what they want…

      • Bring it on.

        The crazier TPTB get, the more likely it is that the tide turns against them. And the faster and harder they fail and fall, the better for everyone. There’s going to be a lot of damage even in the best case, but the evil powers-that-be pushing too hard and going too fascist, too fast probably *is* the best case.

        The biggest risk here is that normalcy bias takes over and normal Americans don’t get fighting mad.

        • “…but the evil powers-that-be pushing too hard and going too fascist, too fast probably *is* the best case.”

          I’d tend to agree. I said the other day that I have some serious doubts that the country makes it “as is” to 2023.

          I don’t view that as going Mad Max or something and, quite frankly, I think it’s a good thing.

          I’ve been of the opinion since I was in high school, coming up on 20 years ago now, that there was A LOT of willful blindness in this country and I knew it would continue right up until the moment that people felt enough pain to stop ignoring the problems. Similar to a drug addict or alcoholic hitting rock bottom.

          Now, when someone like that hits rock bottom one of two outcomes occurs. They start working to get better or they die.

          Personally, I think most people don’t want the country to die and so they’ll work to get better. But it will be “rough” and it might even get rather violent. But it has to happen and, IMHO, at this point it’s inevitable that it will happen.

          TPTB are crazy right now because they’re losing, badly. And they know it. Numerous systems that they spend decades building and maintaining are collapsing all at the same time.

          Bill Ackerman’s comments are a perfect example. He kinda buried the lede but the real jugular stab was this:

          “I have always been frustrated to read an inaccurate press report about a subject I know well, yet somehow I continue to believe other articles in the same newspaper about subjects I know less well. Media and political bias are dividing our country and destroying lives.”

          That’s based as fuck. Welcome to redpill world. Just don’t OD on the red pill, otherwise it becomes the blue pill in another box.

        • “I have always been frustrated to read an inaccurate press report about a subject I know well, yet somehow I continue to believe other articles in the same newspaper about subjects I know less well.”

          That’s Michael Crichton’s Gell-Mann amnesia effect. It’s a powerful thing.

          I too was once a victim of it, but getting into guns and then seeing how the media covered them started to break me out of it. (The Obama years finished the job; I’d like to say they lost my trust right away, but it took until Dumbo’s second term.)

          Anyway, yeah…I don’t know much about Bill Ackman, but I hope he influences a lot of people.

      • I don’t believe so but…always a possibility. Feds can’t charge him for Civil Rights violations, can’t charge him for a Hate Crime, ..what would they charge him with?

        • Possible Federal charges could read something like this:

          Wednesday, March 13, 2019
          Two Individuals Charged With Firearm Violation, Conspiracy In Connection With Straw Purchase Of Gun

          Firearm Was Used In The Death Of University Of Utah Student

          SALT LAKE CITY – A federal indictment unsealed Wednesday afternoon charges two individuals with violations of federal law involving the alleged straw purchase of a Beretta PX4 Storm .40-caliber handgun. The handgun was purchased from a federal firearms dealer in Salt Lake City on Sept. 8, 2018.

          The firearm remained in the possession of one of the defendants until Oct. 17, 2018, when he loaned it to an acquaintance, identified in the indictment as M.S.R. Five days later, Melvin Rowland used the Beretta to kill University of Utah student Lauren McCluskey.

          The indictment alleges Sarah Emily Lady, age 24, of Mapleton, Utah, and Nathan Daniel Vogel, age 21, of Millcreek, Utah, knowingly made false and fictitious statements intended to deceive a firearms dealer while purchasing the firearm. The indictment alleges Lady falsely answered “yes” to a question asking whether she was the actual buyer of the firearm knowing that Vogel was the intended actual purchaser of the firearm.

          A straw purchase happens when someone lies on an ATF form to purchase a firearm for an individual who is prohibited from owning a gun or an individual who does not want to wait for the completion of a background check. Lying on federal forms to purchase a firearm for someone is illegal.“

          And everyone here should cheer to see the gun laws already on the books being enforced in every situation, right?

        • “..what would they charge him with?”

          Considering that no one actually knows how many federal statutes there are, we only have estimates, I couldn’t possibly tell you what exactly they might go after him for.

          If they want to go down that road then the catch-all answer is “Anything they can come up with or invent”.

          And of course then they can comb through an equally unknown number of federal regulations to find violations there.

          If they want to keep running him through the ringer they can and will for quite some time.

          And that’s the point. It doesn’t have to make sense. In fact, it’s better for .gov if it doesn’t make sense.

        • miner sea lioner barking again. You backed joe xiden, miner. You got what you wished for.

          You should have remembered. Be careful what you wish for.

        • “And everyone here should cheer to see the gun laws already on the books being enforced in every situation, right?”

          You mean like with Hunter Biden? Or is he above the law?

    • Good to see antifa has such fine upstanding members to draw from.

      Historically leftist organizations seem to attract criminal classes. CPSU and CCP are noted.

      • Good to see antifa has such fine upstanding members

        Better than THAT… These were all (except jump kick guy) white people rioting in support of Burn Loot Murder…

    • Yeah I sorta noticed the two events happened at just about the same time, give or take a few minutes. At first I thought it just may habe een a coincidence, but upon further consideration there just may have been a smidge of cause/effect in those two”random” events.

      Proof once again that a well regulated militia bineg necessary for the security of a free state, the right of THE PEOPLE (incluidng Kyle) to keep and bear arms (uss, QR pattern rifles with normal cpacity ammunition feeding devices) shall not be infronged.

      Interesting all three of the aggressive attackers theatening and trying to crry out their thrats agaisnt Kyle were felons, all three prohibitd the use of firarms. I LOVED the reaction of the prosecuting attorney when that dirtbag took the stand and openly admitted he was indeed carrying a Glock conecealed… when the ADA knew he was aprohibited person and had thought he was not armed… DA’s response caught on someone;s camera was VERY rewarding….

      • Interesting all three of the aggressive attackers theatening and trying to crry out their thrats agaisnt Kyle were felons,

        Four, there were four “attackers” two dead one wounded one (the sole black guy AKA: “jump kick guy”) was also shot at but missed… AND yes he too was a convicted felon…

  4. Now Kyle may need to go underground and incognito for an indefinite amount of time. Hopefully the imminent rioting peaceful disagreement to this verdict by those outside the courthouse will be limited and brief. If not, be prepared for a repeat of last year’s riots mostly peaceful protests in an area near you.

    • 1. First-degree reckless homicide, use of a dangerous weapon – Not Guilty

      2. First-degree intentional homicide, use of a dangerous weapon – Not Guilty

      3. Attempted first-degree intentional homicide, use of a dangerous weapon – Not Guilty

      4. First-degree recklessly endangering safety, use of a dangerous weapon – Not Guilty

      5. Possession of a dangerous weapon by a person under 18 – Dropped

      6. Failure to comply with an emergency order from state or local government – Dropped

    • The media will follow him, waiting for something bad to happen. He better not use drugs or get a DUI, get accused of domestic violence, get COVID or cancer, use scandalous websites, etc… They will be happy to report any perceived failing, sickness, financial troubles with glee. “Kenosha killer Kyle has cancer!” They would just love that. Hopefully he can still have some kind of normalish life.

  5. The ONLY Verdict that could have been reasonably come to! Congratulations Kyle, and watch your back. Liberal buffoons are everywhere. Hold your head high… did what had to be done!

  6. Now what does the DOJ do? If they are smart they’ll leave it alone but those people appear to be anything but smart… Proud of that jury, it took balls to set aside their fears and do the right thing… Now Kyle go get em kid make them pay for ALL the lies right up to “The Big Guy”..

    • Yep. Just like in the OJ Simpson case, not guilty but held civilly liable. The same thing in the Robert Blake incident also.
      Rittenhouse would be a lot tougher case but some lawyer may try it. In a civil trial, it’s not beyond reasonable doubt.

      • “In a civil trial, it’s not beyond reasonable doubt”

        yep, only 9/12 jurors are needed to render judgement. rosenburg’s mother will weep on the stand saying “in every generation!”, huber’s girlfriend will weep on the stand, grossgkreuts’s doctors will list all his medial bills and future disability, rioters will allege “rittenhouse said this and that!” ….

        • And ALL of their criminal histories will be on display.. Hard to believe ANY jury would be sympathetic to a child rapist, a guy who beat up his Grandmother AND burned down his family’s home or the clown who could have walked away but chose to point his firearm (which he possessed illegally) a SECOND time at a guy that had already shown a willingness to defend himself to whatever level necessary… They need to stick with actions against the city OR go after BLM and whoever drug those clowns to Kenosha to begin with…

        • Loser pays all attorney fees and court costs. Any civil suit against KR is just as ridiculous as the original charges. And possibly being as KR was a minor at the time any civil judgement lands on the doorsteps of parents.
          If anything KR should file a civil suit against the deceased and wounded perp for attempted murder.

        • “Any civil suit against KR is just as ridiculous as the original charges”

          true, but irrelevant – all that will matter is the verdict of the 9/12 jurors.

          hope .40cal beolow is right.


        Under Wisconsin law:

        “A person may employ deadly force against another, if the person reasonably believes that force is necessary to protect a 3rd-person or one’s self from imminent death or great bodily harm, without incurring civil liability for injury to the other. Clark v. Ziedonis, 513 F. 2d 79 (1975).”

        Its pretty unlikely any civil suit against him would go forward, but lets wait and see.

        Essentially, the not guilty on a counts say that Kyle reasonably believed that force was necessary to protect him self from imminent death or great bodily harm.

      • OJ and Robert Blake were millionaires, with deep pockets.

        Kyle Rittenhouse has no money, so there’s really no payoff for trial attorneys to pursue civil suits.

        • ” Kyle Rittenhouse has no money, so there’s really no payoff for trial attorneys to pursue civil suits. ”

          First time Miner49er actually got something right… I’m shocked, shocked I say.

          Of course, if Kyle starts collecting big bucks from defamation suits (a real possibility) all that changes.

        • “OJ and Robert Blake were millionaires, with deep pockets.

          Kyle Rittenhouse has no money, so there’s really no payoff for trial attorneys to pursue civil suits.”

          Oh, yes, their most certainly is money to pursue those lawsuits –

          Rittenhouse offers the lawyer a percentage of the payout. That tends to be a powerful motivator for a lawyer to get the most he possibly can.

          It can vary, but a standard agreement is 30 percent of the gross for the lawyer… 🙂

    • Freed Kyle! May his life not suck forever. My wife is doing a huge holiday antiquey show today & tomorrow 50 miles away. Armed. You loot-we shoot!!!

        • Jennifer’s Garden in Morris,IL 3 French Hen’s.Today 5-10pm. And Saturday 9-3pm. Look for the beautiful brown woman with a huge booth! I’m not with her as I can’t quite manage highway driving at night.

    • “next up, civil lawsuits.”

      First, Leftist Scum controlled area will burn… 🙁

    • probably lots of ’em…the list is lengthy…starting with the puppet in the White House…but look for MSNBC and the rest of the media to be on the list,as well…..

  7. WOO HOO, Congratulations Kyle, thank you for ridding MY America of two worthless pop’s. Stay armed young man.

  8. It took long enough for the jury to decide on Rittenhouse’s innocence — which is what we all knew after the prosecution rested its case. What were they talking about for four long days — holiday recipes?

  9. Great!! Sue every damn news agency that slandered him! Sue the bastards who attacked him!!
    Disbar that corrupt ADA Binger!!

    • I’m now waiting for the MSM to blame today’s stock market DOW plunge on the verdict. Of course, the plunge began after the House approved Biden’s “Bigger Bureaucracy Blunder” bill- it was down almost 300 points before the verdict was announced. I’m sure they’ll spin it to say it’s the “bad” verdict and not bad government that spooked the market.

  10. Couple hundred BLM supporters 500 National Guard so are there buss loads of “back-up” on the way or do THEY do the smart thing and sit down and shut up?

    • The MSM response to this should be interesting. The Young Turks girl got out ahead of it days ago by admitting that the narrative was utter BS.

        • Hmmmmm yeah there is only about 30 or 40 versions of that theme, we could use a couple more and there is definitely not enough AR lowers with American flag designs on them…

        • frank speak For your edification it’s already on a flag with the words, “Come and take it!”

  11. So the Dems will take a white kid shooting other white kids in self defense as their “THE SYSTEM IS RAYCISS!!!!” rallying cry for the next however long they need to.

    Maybe Kenosha burns to the ground to such a level that they can’t hide it behind outright denial and the nonsensical “mostly peaceful” veneer.

    • “So the Dems will take a white kid shooting other white kids in self defense as their ‘THE SYSTEM IS RAYCISS!!!!’”

      yes. and it was. you just have to realize what race they’re talking about.

      • The three beardy boys who got shot weren’t huwite- they were members of the Chosen Race, and that makes them both superior and #1 in the Oppression Olympics.

    • well it helps when 1) the evidence is on your side, 2) the law is on your side, and 3) the prosecutor is reduced to incompetence.

      • The prosecutor doing a literal facepalm after Gaige admitting he was shot *after* pointing his pistol at Rittenhouse was a 24-carat solid *gold* reaction… 😉

    • An accurate verdict that is sadly amazing. Glad it happened but it should never have gotten that far. I pray that other states that are more free than mine will take steps to safeguard self defense so that they do not have their own Kenosha circus.

    • You don’t, but it greatly helps and Kyle got lucky. Had all of them come at Kyle at once he would not be here today.

      On the streets today you generally get attacked by 3 – 4, sometimes more, at the same time. They approach and try to keep you boxed in, then if they do they attack from all sides. Training helps teach you how to to counter that and hones your skills.

      Kyle was basically acting in a “blunt instrument” type of way taking them on one at a time, yeah, a lot of people can do that. But if they had all ganged up on Kyle at the same time attacking from different directions maybe he could get some but adds are probably not enough to stop all of them unless they ran.

      • “Had all of them come at Kyle at once he would not be here today”

        which is why a well-regulated militia is preferable to acting alone.

        • rant7, For your edification, all of the American Citizens are part of the “well regulated militia.”

        • “all of the American Citizens are part of the ‘well regulated militia.’”

          no. they should be, but they’re not. “well-regulated” means well-drilled, well-practiced, well-organized, well-led. just having a gun is not being part of a militia at all, let alone a well-regulated militia.

          look at the video of rittenhouse, alone and stuck on the ground while he’s assaulted by a stream of leftists. that is what the left wants you to be – alone and isolated while they attack you in force at will. that’s how they’ve trained you to think – that “patriot” means “isolated” and that “teamwork” means “naazi”. you’re playing by their rules. you’ll lose.

        • @rant..

          U are mistaken on militia. There is organized (e.g. national guard) and unorganized in federal law. All able bodied 18 years old or older are part of a militia in the US but organized requires u to enlist

        • the “unorganized militia” is a legal theoretical. “a well-regulated militia” is NOT unorganized.

          the founding fathers, continuing the english tradition and imitating the greek city states they admired, assumed 1) that all able-bodied white males from 16 to 60 were in a militia 2) and that that militia would turn out for maneuver drills. they would have rejected an “unorganized militia” as being a negation of the very concept of a militia.

        • “AND unarmed”

          of course, that’s part of the plan. but the core of the plan is to make you think that your alternatives are 1) submit to them or 2) resist alone. if they can get you thinking that way, they they’ll eventually win even if they never disarm you.

          and many on the right have indeed bought into that view – “I’m free and independent!” they’ll lose. like franklin said, “gentlemen, we must all hang together or we will all hang separately.”

        • rant7 If you bothered to read the Federalist Papers and the Anti-Federalist Papers, you would know that they considered the “militia” to be all men 16 to 60 whether or not they participated in any organized fashion. They considered the populace to be that “well regulated militia” and that they comply with the law. The Founding Fathers were very much in favor of a armed civilian citizen.

        • @rant7

          “the “unorganized militia” is a legal theoretical. “a well-regulated militia” is NOT unorganized.”

          No, its not a “legal theoretical”

          10 U.S. Code § 246 – Militia: composition and classes

          “(a) The militia of the United States consists of all able-bodied males at least 17 years of age and, except as provided in section 313 of title 32, under 45 years of age who are, or who have made a declaration of intention to become, citizens of the United States and of female citizens of the United States who are members of the National Guard.
          (b) The classes of the militia are—
          (1) the organized militia, which consists of the National Guard and the Naval Militia; and
          (2) the unorganized militia, which consists of the members of the militia who are not members of the National Guard or the Naval Militia.

          An “unorganized militia” actually exists, not as a “legal theoretical” but as actually defined in federal law as a real thing.

          “they would have rejected an “unorganized militia” as being a negation of the very concept of a militia.”

          Have you not even researched this subject? Not only did they not reject it but they embraced it, 80% of the American “army” of the revolutionary war was the “unorganized militia”. These called their selves forward to serve, then were later called upon by request. They didn’t drill or march around, what training they got was training they took upon them selves to create and they created a most effective form of “gorilla” and (for the times) “unconventional” warfare that even the little bit of “organized militia” in the form of what was the standing American Army at the time could not have won the war without them and their “unorganized” nature.

        • “which is why a well-regulated militia is preferable to acting alone.”

          One more time –

          At the time it was written, “well-regulated” was understood to mean “In proper working order”.

          Understood that way, the 2A makes perfect sense – You need people who know how to shoot to defend your new country. And the best way for that to happen is to make sure they have unfettered access to guns and ammunition –

          “The right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.”

        • Those words don’t mean what you think they mean rant7. And stop feeding this ant7 rant7 whatever it is this week troll. Again this is all covered by the Founders in numerous publications including the Federalist Papers, it is an individual right. The Founders are terrified of a standing army and for good reason. Unfortunately most here worship both standing armies we currently have.

      • “the “unorganized militia” is a legal theoretical”

        No it’s not. It’s codified in US Federal law.

        10 U.S. Code § 246 – Militia: composition and classes

        (a)The militia of the United States consists of all able-bodied males at least 17 years of age and, except as provided in section 313 of title 32, under 45 years of age who are, or who have made a declaration of intention to become, citizens of the United States and of female citizens of the United States who are members of the National Guard.

        (b)The classes of the militia are—

        (1)the organized militia, which consists of the National Guard and the Naval Militia; and

        (2)the unorganized militia, which consists of the members of the militia who are not members of the National Guard or the Naval Militia.

        Last amended in 2016.

        • “(2)the unorganized militia, which consists of the members of the militia who are not members of the National Guard or the Naval Militia.

          Last amended in 2016.”

          That’s concerning – I can imagine the present administration ‘amending’ again it to suit themselves.

          What stops them?

        • What stops them?

          Their desire to economically destroy the country and get as many communists in high level positions as possible in the limited time available to them… They don’t have time for superfluous BS that is not directed toward THAT end…

        • Technically nothing.

          Usually review or amendment to that section is tied to a NDAA bill.

          Why they would undo it when it’s been basically settled since 1956 is the real question since I doubt most antis know about this law.

          Most of the alterations over time involve a renumbering of the statute subsection or a renumbering of one of the attached statues like 313. They don’t change the actual meaning, they just change the reference to a statute where the number has changed so that the updated number is properly referenced.

  12. The PERSECUTION of KR was the result of the local governments ineptitude. I see this verdict as a condemnation of the local government leadership and a celebration of the judicial system working as it should.

    Congrats Kyle!

    • And they should. Rittenhouse was not a public figure when Biden called him a “white supremacists”, so the bar for slander is quite low. There are really only 2 considerarions:
      1. The statement is defamatory.
      1. The statement is untrue.
      It need not be intentionally malicious. This is a fairly open and shut defamation claim.

      • “It need not be intentionally malicious. This is a fairly open and shut defamation claim.”

        “Open-and-shut” no longer means what it should mean, Jon…

  13. Now for the pièce de résistance to this debacle … the multimillion dollar defamation lawsuits against the New York Times, Washington Post, CNN, MSNBC and any of the other Left-media lying scandal rags. Go get ’em Kyle!

    • … how likely is that? they’ll all pool their resources and howl “first amendment!” meaning of course “we say what we want and ban you when we want!”, but still.

      • And how’d that work out for them with Nick Sandmann?? That young man walked away with enough money to set him up for the rest of his life. And fighting this kind of Leftist insanity on the part of the MSM is the key to defeating it.

        IF the GOP doesn’t manage to step on its own d*** in 2022 and 2024, I hope/expect to see some action from the spineless RINOs. National Concealed Carry Reciprocity. Eliminate “civil forfeiture”. Legalize supressors.

        Winning elections means diddly squat, unless you capitalize on the W.

  14. As it should be, the prosecution over charged this case. If they have gone for reckless endangerment, they had 50/50 chance of conviction. Now they got nothing, as it should be when someone tries to ruin another person’s life. Leftist do not belong in the criminal justice system.

  15. I am pleased with the verdict. Rittenhouse should be free.

    I am also thankful that it’s over. I’m tired of hearing about it. But the next phase is very likely to start. This is only part of what Rittenhouse must deal with.

    Personally that is just another situation of society dragged through the mud of a tension filled nothing. The media latches on something and will not let up. It’s maddening. They do this all the time. It’s part of why they are so worthless.

    • Yes. They’re still trying to push the Russia Collusion BS. CNN had a lengthy article yesterday detailing how the dossier, that CNN pushed for years, was maybe not so reliable after all. Then they end the article by saying many wonder if Trump was compromised after all. It would be hilarious if it wasn’t so sad.

  16. Now what will happen over the weekend??? Mostly peaceful protests???
    I’m going to the range to practice with my AR-15. It’s time to celebrate!


      You know, Mr. Fields is a white supremacist who marched in the torchlight parade with the other members of the master race the night before he drove his car into a group of peaceful marchers, killing one and injuring several more.

      Yes, Kyle was acquitted of all charges but Mr. Fields is rotting in prison as he should be.

      And now we have the full measure of the content of your character, thanks for the heads up.

      • No – not a troll.

        James was chased by armed Antifa, and his only way out was through the mob of Antifa (illegally gathered). He was there to attend a legally permitted protest to prevent the desecration of a civil war memorial.

        The woman did not die of car injuries, rather a heart attack. Do your research before commenting.

        As for “white supremacy”, do you really want to live under black supremacy? Talmud supremacy? I think white people should run America. I don’t think we need to be replaced with massive 3rd world immigration.

        • “James was chased by armed Antifa, and his only way out was through the mob of Antifa”

          So you are in possession of evidence that contradicts the Virginia State police helicopter video?

          “In an eerie aspect of Thursday’s hearing, the primary video that prosecutor Nina-Alice Antony showed in court was footage recorded from a Virginia State Police helicopter whose two crew members, Lt. H. Jay Cullen and Trooper Pilot Berke M.M. Bates, were monitoring the demonstration. About three hours after the airborne officers witnessed Fields’s alleged attack and followed his vehicle as it sped away, the helicopter crashed while Cullen and Bates were flying to another assignment, killing both men. The cause of the crash is under investigation.

          The video shows counterprotesters gathered at Fourth and Water streets in downtown Charlottesville. A black pickup truck approaching the crowd pulled to the side of the road. A maroon van then stopped on the street in front of the crowd, and a Toyota Camry stopped behind the van. Fields’s Dodge approached the Camry from behind at a moderate speed. It then backed up, traveling more than a block, before accelerating forward at a rapid clip, ramming into the back of the Camry. Heyer and numerous other people were standing near the vehicles, and the collision sent bodies flying.”

          Why didn’t you bring that evidence forward at Mr. Field’s trial and provide this vital information to his defense attorneys?

          “I think white people should run America.“

          And there you have it, the quiet part said out loud.

          Really, some of you folks should let your comrade know he’s not supposed to say that in his outside voice, ruins the whole “no racism in America” narrative.

  17. I watched the entire trial from start to finish and found it to be fascinating. I couldn’t see how anyone could have looked at the trial and come away with anything but not guilty. I’m just glad that the jury did their due diligence and gave Kyle a clean slate in life.

  18. …Rittenhouse will almost surely face civil lawsuits from Gaige Grosskreutz and the survivors of Joseph Rosenbaum and Anthony Huber.”

    Under Wisconsin law:

    “A person may employ deadly force against another, if the person reasonably believes that force is necessary to protect a 3rd-person or one’s self from imminent death or great bodily harm, without incurring civil liability for injury to the other. Clark v. Ziedonis, 513 F. 2d 79 (1975).”

    Its pretty unlikely any civil suit against him would go forward, but lets wait and see. Even if a suit did go forward it can’t get around the evidence and the verdict for all counts even if there is no “beyond doubt” in a civil case. There is preponderance of the evidence in a civil case and the preponderance here is in Kyles favor.

    Essentially, the not guilty on a counts say that Kyle reasonably believed that force was necessary to protect him self from imminent death or great bodily harm.

  19. So now that there’s been a legal determination that Kyle acted in self defense against an aggressor, when can we expect charges for Assault and Unlawful Possession against Grosskreutz to be filed?

    • “when can we expect charges for Assault and Unlawful Possession against Grosskreutz to be filed?“

      Soon I hope. And now that the video in open court has identified him as one of the arsonists, those charges should be filed as well.

  20. I’m very happy that it turned out this way.

    I am amazed that there wasn’t 1 lefty a-hole on the jury who would vote guilty no matter what evidence was presented and heard. You know, someone like Dacian.

    I really expected a hung jury because of that.

    • I’m pretty sure if there had been a hung jury, it would’ve been hung the other way.

      You’d need principles to hold out in a case like that, and the left don’t have any. Self-interest and tribalism, they’ve got in spades; the cojones and conviction needed to hold out for what’s objectively right and true against a crowd? No.

  21. 👍👍👍LOVE IT👍👍👍
    🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸KYLE’s FREEEEEE…!!!🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸
    Now watch the Burn Loot & Murder & Antifa go apeshit… ,
    Popping popcorn at the moment…,
    Good for the 2 A also,
    Got it right for once (the court).

  22. I poured myself a bourbon, and I’m gonna throw a ribeye on the grill. Celebrate people! Celebrate! Thank the God-inspired Founders for the Second Amendment! Pray for Kyle Rittenhouse and his family! Is the worm turning against the commie pervert scum in this country? Today, I’d like to think so!

    God Bless America!

    • There’s an old saying that wounded serpents bite deepest.

      The instant gaslighting against… well, everything, suggests this is gonna get rough in the immediate.

      • “The instant gaslighting against… well, everything, suggests this is gonna get rough in the immediate.”

        Tonight, cities will burn.

        Really not a wise move to be out tonight…

      • “everything, suggests this is gonna get rough in the immediate future”

        No, in my estimation there will be very little open protest and violence regarding this verdict.

        Sure, some left wing extremists nut jobs will piss and moan, but the vast majority of folks will move on.

        The Arbery trial in Georgia is different, I anticipate they will be found guilty of murder and sentenced to long terms with the approval of the general population.

        If they are acquitted, I do predict violent protests but I think there’s a little chance of that occurring.

        • Lamprey, a riot of 100 people is the typical evening in Portland, many on this list predicted that “cities will burn”.

          “In Portland, Oregon — more than 1,000 miles away from the courthouse in Kenosha — a protest quickly turned violent as more than 100 people gathered outside the county justice center in downtown Portland and began their onslaught.“

          A paltry 100 rioters is nothing to write home about, especially in the liberal stronghold of Portland.

          But I can tell you, if the 3 musKKKeteers in Georgia skate on their charges, there will be mass rioting because those members of the master race are cold blooded murderers who should rot in prison.

        • miner49er You Leftists really ought to learn that your rioting and looting only results in you losing more face with the general public. 100 people rioting is a powerful number if you are near that riot and looting, especially if it is your property they are looting.

  23. God bless that ballsy jury for doing the right thing, not caving for the easy thing. They’re in this too now.

  24. Please let us know where/how patriots can help this young man regain his life! He’s going to need 24/7 protection for a long while….


  25. In a way it was rare that Kyle was attacked by white men in a racially charged riot. Crime wise around 70 % of racially motivated attacks are blacks attacking whites, around 15% are whites attacking blacks, And in a racially motivated riot around 80% of all attacks are committed by blacks against all races including against other blacks.

    • “…racially charged riot.”

      should have been

      …racially charged black focus riot.

      “…And in a racially motivated riot around 80%”

      should have been

      and in such a racially motivated riot around 80%

      To add:

      Attacks on whites in such a riot are about 18% committed by whites.

  26. Twitter got entertaining really fast today.

    You think that the prosecutor was evil/crazy? Check out what elected Democrats and other Blue Checks are now saying.

    This is just getting started IMHO. Nadler, Olbermann, De Commio and even the ACLU are going apoplectic with gaslighting off the charts.

  27. Self Defense is not a crime
    Being prepared to defend yourself is not a crime
    Congratulations Kyle
    I would be glad to contribute to any fund if you sue Chairman Joe

  28. Fine. Enjoy the victory and celebrate the sound of the first shoe dropping.

    With all the “constitutional carry” wins, has anyone learned if all those states (and localities, depending) prohibit civil trials when criminal trials fail to convict? If someone initiates a civil suit prior to verdict in a criminal trial, is that suit dismissed? If someone wins a civil suit prior to conviction at criminal trial, is that suit vacated?

    Let’s not restrict the inquiry to CC states, what about the rest?

    Have we here (Rittenhouse) a case of winning the battle, and losing the war. Or, will Rittenhouse be an example of a Pyrrhic victory?

    • Your bigger question is if they’re done with Kyle yet.

      Do you trust Merrick Garland not to send the DOJ on a witch hunt against this kid? After what he did (and lied about in front of Congress) in terms of people going to school board meetings?

      Shit, Nadler is calling for it already.

      “This heartbreaking verdict is a miscarriage of justice and sets a dangerous precedent which justifies federal review by DOJ. Justice cannot tolerate armed persons crossing state lines looking for trouble while people engage in First Amendment-protected protest.

      -Jerry Nadler

      • When Jerry learns he did not cross state lines while armed…

        He’ll just come up with another excuse to persecute Kyle…

        • When Jerry learns he did not cross state lines while armed

          Jerry (and everyone else propagating that lie) knows that’s not the facts of the case..

  29. Just so people know, Kamala Harris was acting President Of The United States today for a short time.

    President Joe Biden briefly transferred power to Vice President Kamala Harris today while he underwent a routine colonoscopy at Walter Reed National Military Medical Center.

    That made Harris a three time winner as the first woman, person of color, and person of South Asian descent to be vice president, to serve as acting president.

    (this really happened folks)

    I’m just wondering if during the colonoscopy they discovered Bidens brain.

    • In my estimation, the fact that Joe Biden transferred power to Kamala Harris because he knew he would be under anesthesia for the colonoscopy, as a very good thing showing responsible leadership.

      Contrast that with Donald Trump, who did not transfer power during his colonoscopy and in fact, concealed the information from the people he worked for, all because his character was too weak to relinquish power for even a few hours.

      • So, he should transfer power to her permanently, due to his OBVIOUS mental disabilities, senility, and incompetence??

        If Heels-Up Harris wasn’t even WORSE than Gropey Joe the Serial Pedophile, I’d agree with that proposal. As it is, I prefer him to bumble along, further tank his already below-sea-level poll numbers, and help promote a landslide victory for the sane folks in 2022 and 2024. Which he is certainly in the process of doing.

  30. I doubt Kyle will ever pick up another AR, I might be wrong.
    The guy looked puke sick when the prosecution displayed it

    • “I doubt Kyle will ever pick up another AR, I might be wrong.”

      If he ever wants to sell it, he could buy a new house with the proceeds…

    • The guy looked puke sick

      He’ll get over it… Fairly common response of a “normal” person to that “first” kill, everyone I know that was confronted with having to take a life “up close and personal” went through a moment of self doubt but unfortunately our therapy was to go out and do it again the next day, eventually you justify it to yourself or you just become desensitized… with the exception of those freaks that kill intentionally for the thrill of it…

  31. Rittenhouse needs to immediately file lawsuits against the surviving assaulter, the estates of the two he stopped completely, and all the “news” organizations that defamed him.

    Sue hard, sue long, sue big.

    • No. Such a lawsuit would not succeed.

      Yeah, you could say in some ways emotional/psychological damage. In a civil lawsuit its different, the jury can kinda vote their conscience there and even though he was found not guilty there is no civil jury that’s going to consider the deaths and wounding then look at him and go “awww poor baby, you suffered so lets give ya something for it”. Even if they did award him something hes not going to get anything from it, these people don’t have anything he can get or take.

      Kyle needs to put his life back together and learn how to deal with this. Even though he was found not guilty, he is not going to have a happy life for a while.

      • Trying to sue the news organizations is a lost cause. He was during the trial, and will be for a while after the trial, a public figure and they can give their impressions, feelings, opinions, make all sorts of statements right or wrong all day long and as a long as they stay in their ball park of first amendment “opinion” or “reporting” there is really nothing that can be done. So trying to do it is a waste for time and money right now. A few months from now if they keep it up, maybe look at a few of them but right now is not the time.

        All these people, aclu, brady, media, are really feeling brave right now because he is a public figure so that can say these things under the shield of first amendment “opinion” just as we said what we did here in the comments section about them.

        yeah, I know, they said a lot of things that were not true and were wrong but that does not mean its libel.

        • Where did YOU get your legal training? Seems to me you would get tired of being wrong… Kyle was not a “public figure” by choice and the 1st Amendment does NOT allow anyone to KNOWINGLY (in the presence of ACTUAL FACTS) and maliciously disparage the actions, intent OR character of another person… You sound like Mark Eiglarsh who I wouldn’t hire to defend my dog…

        • say just about anything of a public figure.

          Yes JUST about anything but the media is also charged with reporting and acting responsibly and “in good faith” for the public good… Knowingly (that’s with foreknowledge of the actual facts) disseminating false information with the purpose of inciting civil unrest (easily provable) is not only morally wrong but can subject the broadcaster to loss of license and CIVIL liability… Openly stating that Kyle Rittenhouse is a “White Supremacist” who traveled to Kenosha from Illinois armed with an assault weapon with the sole intent to kill BLACK people is malicious, irresponsible and inciteful and has only one purpose, to foment anger and hatred amongst a group of people that have displayed a proclivity toward Anarchy and who are willing AND capable to act out violently by burning, destroying and killing… These people (the MSM and politicians alike) can and will be held responsible civilly and hopefully, in the most egregious cases, criminally (you can’t yell fire in an open theatre and you CAN be held liable for injuries sustained if you do).. If you can’t understand that I can’t help you…

        • Maxx,

          Cool, dude . . . now do all the press statements BEFORE the trial. Was Kyle a “public figure”, or did the MSM go out of their way to MAKE him a “public figure” – by defaming him, when they were in possession of evidence that PROVED them wrong (and on which the jury ultimately based its decision to acquit). Pretty cute that the argument that Kyle can’t sue because he’s a “public figure” so closely follows the prosecution’s (losing) argument that he couldn’t claim self-defense because he “created” the situation that caused people to attack him.

          Long-term prediction? After the GOP stomps the dogs*** out of the Dims in 2022 and 2024, watch for a move to tighten libel and slander laws, probably in conjunction with moves against “big” social media (Fakebook, Instacrap, YouBoob, Gobble, I’m lookin’ at YOU!).

        • “[Laughs in Nick Sandman]”

          …and Richard Jewell.

          Being 18 and set for life with wealth is the best revenge he could have against those bastards…

        • @Geoff Not to mention making CNN basically eat shit
          Nothing was ever said, but everyone know Nick got the best of them

      • And besides, he is basically immune from civil liability because he was found not guilty. That’s a two edge sword. When I shot those three guys it was ruled self defense, so also like in Wisconsin, in my state because I became immune from civil liability ealing with that self defense I also could not sue them unless I gave up my immunity because it would mean they could not countersue if I lost.

  32. Has Grosskreutz been charged (as a Felon) with possession of a firearm at the riot? With attempted murder (POS pointed it at Rittenhouse)?

    • No, forget that.
      He was a paid instigator, you’ll find them at most any peace march, from the 60’s to present day.

  33. The MSM was RIGHT, there was a “racist element”… Turns out “Jump Kick Guy” is a 39 year old Black guy with a lengthy criminal history (my shocked face)… Wonder if he’ll be charged with assaulting a minor? Nahhh, he’s just another one of the many heroes on the street that night…

  34. Juries doing a very good job this week. Not guilty in this case, as it should be, and a manslaughter conviction for Markeis McGlockton, also right imo.

    • manslaughter conviction for Markeis McGlockton,

      Michael Drejka will do 20 years for killing McGlockton after McGlockton knocked him to the ground… Jury did not go for the stand your ground defense in that one…

  35. All I need to know is which company is now coming out with the “Rittenhouse edition” AR15. get my name on the list. #F#*k Joe Biden.

    • “I guess it just goes to show that some lawyers are actually good.”

      There are good ones out there, like the one that handled my case when a driver was looking at her smartphone instead of the road (and *me*) in front of her…

  36. I’m waiting for the Rittenhouse interview:

    “What are you going to do now Kyle?”

    “Disneyworld!” – many progtard heads expode.

  37. Everyone celebrate !

    Celebrate a verdict that is precisely what the gun-grabbers wanted. Gives them another incident to support their line.

    We keep using traditional approaches to opposition, while the opposition just leads us around by the nose. For the anti-gun mafia, any verdict rendered would serve their purposes. Non-progressives, on the other hand, generally prefer a view of the world where a win by one contestant means a serious loss for the other. People with this mindset don’t think about how to use their loss against the presumed winner.

    • OllieWTopper, It is really very simple. It is called the right of self defense. Have you heard of it?

      Rittenhouse should never have been charged to begin with.

    • Ollie- you answered your own question…

      “Rittenhouse used the AR-15 rifle he was carrying to shoot three of his attackers…”

      Kyle legally defended himself from three attackers who were intent upon causing him grievous bodily harm and/or death.

      How is it possible that he would be found guilty? Did you not follow ANY of the trial?

      Be smarter

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