200 Clay Street SE, Blacksburg, VA (courtesy Google Maps)

Earlier today, a reader received a phone call from the Mayors Against Illegal Guns. A MAIG man invited him to their “No More Names” bus tour hoe-down throw down. As we reported last Friday, Mayor Bloomberg’s band of anti-ballistic brothers decided to keep the exact time and location of their rallies secret—lest The People of the Gun show up to ruin their media circus. I called the number. I spoke to a young man who implored me to tell as many people as possible about this Friday’s rally in Blacksburg, Virginia at 200 Clay Street SE from 9:30am onwards. Done! The phone guy promoted MAIG’s main attraction: “there’ll be victims of gun violence speaking.” Meanwhile, bigskydoc just posted a link revealing that Hizzoner’s magic bus will be at City Plaza, 107 North Main Street, Concord, NH tomorrow, also from 9am onwards.



  1. “there’ll be victims of gun violence speaking.”

    what about cake & ice cream? pin the tail on the donkey?

  2. “there’ll be victims of gun violence speaking.”

    Will John Edward will be there to interpret? I always wanted to speak to Jesse James.

    • Despite what the media would have you believe, not everybody who comes near a gun dies instantly. There are quite a few survivors.

  3. Blacksburg, VA??? are we sure this isn’t a diversion? Seems like an odd place for an anti gun rally, they’re liable to get run from town.

  4. Instead of “common sense gun control” how about some common sense BIRTH CONTROL instead?

  5. Seems like we should be able to find some ways to help their event along. Maybe a few demonstrators of our own, perhaps people who had their lives saved by defensive gun uses? Perhaps a press release with our side of the story to local papers? What organization can get that put together quickly?

  6. We need to keep reporting these things as dates come out. No idea if they are headed to Cali.

    • no just to states where they think they can make senators anti freedom which they are NOT…… Thankfully.

      • Yeah VA seems like an odd place. Kinda like going to Texas, or Idaho, or Wyoming. All seem to be lost causes from their perspective. In CA they would be welcome with open arms by many, except us, and we would make sure to be there en mass.

        • blacksburg virginia is home to virginia tech, home of the 2007 massacre. I bet Aurora, Newtown, or Littleton, or Santa Monica, are next.

    • But have they promised gun violence victims will appear in NH, too? Seems like a key feature of the stops. Do people like to gawk at their wounds? Would people come if there were no GVV’s enabling the experience of morbid fascination? MAIG – “Where Low Life Grave Dancers Go For Votes!”

        • I have no idea. I do know, however, that the doors these people should be driving up to, the people they should be shaming, are the people who knew their child, student, or neighbor was seriously mentally ill, yet the people dropped the ball, or said “that’s not my problem.” Gangland is different, and it’s about ending the drug war, isn’t it? It’s also about punishing harshly wanton violence which is used to rob, coerce, or bully, the kind of violence which was actually the legal meaning of “hubris” in ancient Greece. Or so it seems to me.

    • Can’t help but remember last weekend, where I got the opportunity to visit the “Moving Wall” in Wilmington VT. This is the memorial that is moving around the states, a smaller duplicate of the Vietnam wall in Washington.
      A completely moving experience to walk along that wall reading names of young men who died or are still MIA in Vietnam. The wall is about 100 yards long. I went to high school and college with many of those heros.
      These are the people that made it possible for all of us to continue living as we once did. The MAIG clowns will never understand that

  7. Suggestion : If we can get to one of these gun grabber MAIG rallies we need to take an example from the civil rights movement of the 1960’s. Let the MAIGers come off as closed minded bullies. Let them be the loud mouthed jerks. In short let them show that they are indeed bigots. To stand peacefully united in our beliefs, especially if we are a diverse group, would rock their gun grabbing socks. ………and might play well in the media. What can I say, it worked before ……..:-)
    Stay safe, be strong.

    • It worked before because the national media was in partnership with the civil rights protesters.

      The national “news” today is nothing more than a 24/7 telethon for the Democrat Party in general and gungrabbing in particular.

      • Actually , Ralph I have made it clear. I am both a democrat and a liberal. So what. I am also die hard about 2A. If we are going to put these fires out we will need people from all walks of life. A true cross section of this great nation. My wife and I travel the country often from the Northeast to the southwest …….always avoiding NY and ILL. We find sympathetic ears about 2A from many democratic liberals. Do not try to make this just about the media . And Inurge you rember but the media was initially not on the sides of the protesters in the 60’s ; friends and family were hosed and bitten. Bombs went off in churches. There was no collusion. After awhile what was happening cae through and our country came forward. We now have another civil rights issue. The success of our cause is dependent on making good immediate decisions , that will pay off for a long time…..,and OMG I am a Black originlly from Brooklyn . Trying to preach 2 a from NM to New England. Every day!

  8. It’s not likely they will be run out of town. Blacksburg is a pretty progressive town for the middle of SW VA (the surrounding area, not so much.) It also helps that the mayor is listed as a member of MAIG.

  9. Substituting Augusta into the above link


    gives info on today’s rally in Maine.

    So far, substituting Boston, Montpelier, Albany, Providence, Harrisburg, Philadelphia, Dover, or Trenton doesn’t bring up anything. Still, as this thing progresses, it might be possible to get an early prediction on other states if we keep trying.

    – bsd

    • Egggsactly. UVA, the only place in the middle part of VA they could possible hope to get any sizable support. They’ll hit Charlottesville next or NOVA.

  10. Blacksburg. Virginia Tech. Home of wanton shoot-ups and a CIA mind control facility.

    Oh. Forgot. No such thing as mind control programs. DREAM ON.

  11. You can’t out-run the interwebz, Bloomie!

    I say this thing gets cancelled before it hits 5 Cities.

  12. I just sent the link to the relatively conservative publisher of the Manchester Union Leader. Let’s see of they do a story on this in tomorrow’s paper.

  13. I’m curious where in NC they are heading to, especially since the Legislature just reduced restrictions on guns.

  14. I’m about 2 hours from Blacksburg, and we’re an open carry state. Perhaps I should reside on the sidewalk with by peace-loving, Swiss-neutrally made K31 sling over my back?!

  15. Do I really have to drive to Concord tomorrow? This stupidity has been gettin exactly zero media coverage, right? I really have work I need to do. Should I go or is it a non-event?

  16. It is interesting to see how they are going about trying to ensure a unified crowd. To be notified in advance of a bus stop, you have to register with their website by providing your name, zip code, and phone number. They will give you advanced notification of a bus stop in your area if your zip code matches one of their targeted zips.

    It is so cynical. They know that, given a fair chance, pro2a will vastly outnumber the confiscators and the only hope they have of keeping things on message is to get the word out secretively to their supporters at the last minute and hope the media ignores the inevitably low turnout.

    I am sure that working together we can uncover the majority of the stops with at least a couple of days notice.


  17. While Virginia is an open-carry state with shall-issue CCW permits, both of Virginia’s (Democratic) US Senators supported the recent gun-grabber bills that failed to garner enough votes to pass the Senate.

    Virginia’s 9th congressional districts, where Blacksburg is, just switched from (D) to (R) in the 2010 midterm election. The Democratic incumbent that was defeated was elected in 1982.

    Virginia is just about the definition of a “purple” state if ever there was one. Whenever there’s a bad president in office VA trends away from the president’s party. In the past decade the state nearly turned blue, now it’s turning a little more red.

    As a Virginia Tech alum I’m a bit familiar with the area of the bus stop. All you planning on attending best stay across the street from the cleared field where they’ll likely hold the event as it was until recently the local middle school. Although by satellite view they’ve torn down the building (I guess I haven’t been back to town in quite a while…need to schedule a visit again soon), not sure how that affects the site’s status as a gun-free zone until the land is re-purposed. Also remember that the VT shooting occurred on campus which is a gun-free zone.

    Interesting on the Google Map, the address point is halfway between the former Middle School and the New River Mental Health Assoc. building.

  18. It would appear that Virginians are winding up to give Bloomer’s Bus a fitting greeting. OCDO – Virginia, is abuzz with ideas and the beginnings of some organizing. We’ll see what develops.

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