After Pat Toomey touted his gun ownership and NRA ‘A’ rating, followed by Joe Manchin stating that “if you want to remember those 20 babies and six brave adults in Newtown, you’ll consider voting for this bill” the Manchin-Toomey background check amendment went down to defeat in the Senate this afternoon. The amendment, which needed 60 votes for passage, only drew 54 affirmatives.
That was despite someone wheeling New Jersey’s Frank Lautenberg in just long enough for him to say ‘aye’ when his name was called. Of course, his vote was offset by Harry Reid’s — yes, Harry Reid’s — no-vote.
Now, despite the fierce moral urgency that demanded the establishment of a national commission on mass violence and all the benefits that confab would have brought the nation, it seems we’ll just have to find another way.
54-46. Cruz swooping in!
ALERT via CSPAN2: Senate defeats background checks amendment 54-46!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Is this right? Is it finally over?? Until next time??
Good deal, but we’ve got a long way to go, still. Good job, guys, but we’ve got to keep fighting the good fight.
Awesome! One small victory at a time gents!
Good news, finally. Soberly elated. Perhaps cooler heads HAVE prevailed.
Thanks for bringing this up. I may be as guilty as anyone for being trapped in my own worldview: I had no idea anyone was shocked that this could happen.
My first reaction to Newtown was “S**T. Here we go again: gun bans.”
The Boston Marathon bombing gave me practically no reaction.
The fact that anyone could be shocked and surprised that this stuff can happen certainly explains how so many people see no need for a firearm. I have a hard time accepting that such a personality type still exists…and votes.
Reid was the last vote, when he knew it wouldn’t pass, he voted no to protect his a$$ at home.
I wish I could have seen Obama’s reaction when he realized this bill was defeated!!
Not to be a punch bowl turd, but this is far from dead and possibly (probably) not the worst bill we have in our future. Keep your heads down. They’re just reconnoitering.
No, not over. But…
The Schumer language should be much easier to defeat.
Can we get a list of those who voted Yay? I’m predicting McCain was of course a Yay, but I just want to make sure before I make some more hateful posts about the man 🙂
The 4 Republicans who voted Yay: Collins ME, Kirk IL, McCain AZ and Toomey PA.
I am pleased now brace yourselves for the next round!
Biden was not pleased that he came all the way up to the senate to act as President for nothing 🙂
Be interesting to see what happens going forward. I can’t imagine this won’t come up again.
Now what’s next?
If the Grassley-Cruz substitute amendment passes does anyone have any more info on the interstate transfer and sales portion?
The thing I don’t get is how Gottlieb could have forgotten gun owners’ reaction to the Smith & Wesson/Clinton deal and jumped up and down on a similar landmine. The backlash against the SAF itself was entirely predictable; it would be even worse if they had a physical product for people to boycott/return.
I would submit that those of us that have seen and worked around bombs going off like that would be among the last to rush to the site of the bombing. That is because we have learned through hard experience that often a second bomb is planted to kill those rushing to the rescue.
If you’re already in the kill zone then you should help the wounded, otherwise you should be very wary of rushing in to help because that’s a good way to multiply the number of wounded.
It’s a sick thought, but it’s borne out by experience. I applaud those that followed their instincts and rushed to help. They are good people, but that people in uniform did not rush in could be a sign of training.
They finally got the Senate to vote on this after all the guilt trips and “shame on you” speeches from O’s teleprompter….only to have their BS bill shot down (no pun intended). Over half the nation my ass….
It looks like “common sense” did prevail after all. At least they got that right. Now, maybe they’ll move on to working on something productive? Or just do nothing at all? At least then our tax dollars are only wasted on their salaries instead of piling whatever they “accomplish” on top of it.
i dreamt the antis would give up. nah. 40 years from now they will still be trying to overturn Heller. This is more like the end of the beginning.
“My brief tenure as director has taken a toll on me and my family that I could not have anticipated when I accepted the position …” — Brian Long
Hmm. I wonder if several citizens were pretty pissed-off about Mr. Longs actions — which broke Missouri Law and put several citizen’s lives at risk — and shared their feelings with him.
Personally I think it would have been appropriate to literally tar and feather him.
52-48 Cruz-Grassley failed.
Poor Toomey. Betrays his conservative base at home, only to have his amendment fail. Now he will certainly face a primary which, even if he survives, the loss of a substantial portion of conservatives will doom him in the general election. Super!!
He definitely lost my vote and I will do everything I can to ensure others do not vote for him
Thanks for all of the work that everyone at TTAG has done today. You’ve kept all of us up to date on whats happening in the Senate today, and I am grateful for that.
Laws won’t stop the False-Flags and states from enacting their own draconian gun laws, which by the way is already underway in the East-German States of America. And it certainly won’t stop Obama from writing executive orders and giving underground orders to the Schutzstaffel (DHS) which is by the way ALSO happening as well already. Again, prepare and beware. The rules are: there are no more rules.
Pretty cool and very useful.
Anyone seen a list of the 54 that voted “yea” ? There are some upcoming elections that it may be helpful for.
I just thought of an almost iron-clad argument against registration of any kind and probably even all forms of licensing: a “leak” along the lines of wiki-leaks.
We all saw what happened when a New York media company mined public information to publish a list/map of handgun license holders in the greater New York City metropolitan area. Imagine if someone who hated citizens having guns (not hard to imagine) obtained a statewide or federal database? They would publish it in a heartbeat and put hundreds of thousands of lives at risk.
The general public thinks in ideal terms. Ideally, a government would never use a registry to confiscate guns. Indeed it is next to impossible to convince a majority of people — even people who own firearms — that our government would ever come to confiscate their guns. But I think it is quite easy to convince everyone that a leak could occur — with deadly results. (This should be easy because the media company in New York already did it.) That should be our new strategy going forward.
My only question is if that is enough incentive to go to constitutional carry and eliminate concealed carry licensing.
Chuck Grassley is the man.
What did he do?
We should start pushing for national carry as hard as we’ve been pushing against all the BS that we’ve slain today. I think if we pushed just as hard, it could be done!
Such a joy to see POS-POTUS unconstitutional agenda go down the tubes and watching that b1tch DiFi ringing her hands and rending her garments because the AWB is going down too.
Mayor Bloomb1tch, you can’t buy America.
POS-POTUS, you blew your political wad on socialized medicine.
RINOs, we won’t forget.
Dems who stood against Obama and for your constituents, we won’t forget you either.
In Iraq the insurgents loves to detonate a bomb and kill a few people and create casualties. Then the Iraqi Police, Iraqi Army and medical people would show up and rubberneckers would surround the blast sight. Then a second device would go off creating even more casualties. I never understood why civilians would run to the blast site to see what was happening over there. When I heard the initial few details I immediately thought of the complex attacks over there.
I was also not shocked that it happened. I am just glad I was not at the Marathon this year like I was last year. At 4:08 last year I was across from where the bomb blew up hoping to see my family member cross the finish line.
Harry Reid voted ‘Aye’ for the Feinstein ban. Shocking, no. Career ending, it should be.
40 Yeas for fienstines AWB, fails, but still enough to make me shudder!
If the NRA really wants to fix our broken mental health system, it should get to work on disbanding the Senate.
Go slither back into your hole, Dianne, and don’t come out again until you’re voted out in 2014.
He [Sen. Wicker, Miss] has a solidly conservative voting record, so much so that he drew notice last week when he voted to allow debate to begin on controversial gun legislation in the Senate. “I cast this vote at the request of the National Rifle Association, of which I am a member,” he said in a statement at the time that added he has a 100 percent voting record in favor of Second Amendment rights.
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Yes Mr. President, we are serious. Emotions are not relevant to the debate and the fact you just admitted that using the victim’s emotions was your strategy to force unconstitutional legislation on the American citizens is irresponsible and tyrannical. You should be ashamed.
Yes, the loss that the victims and survivors of mass shootings is tragic. But how is that tragedy prevented by diminishing the rights and capacity of the US citizens to defend themselves and their loved ones from further loss of life?
When you decided to demonize law-abiding citizens, you just rejected your Oath of Office and thoroughly embarrassed your entire Office with a staggering level of ignorance of gun facts and principles that your gun control / registration legislation represented.
The last couple months were a complete waste of taxpayer dollars and a clear sign that you need to be out of the office if you truly believed your plan to disarm the American people and leave us defenseless against evil and tyranny was actually a good idea.
I think TTAG should take over the NRA leadership. Just sayin…
You know, I am going to go out on a limb and say this is going to bite us in the ass big time. We won this round, but I think just like the tabacoo stuff this may be a phyric victory. I think the next go round is going to be even more extreme. Remember the PATRIOT ACT was proposed by Clinton in 90s, worst law ever, then 9/11 and boom that shit is passed in 2 seconds. Let’s say the boston bomber is a timothy mcviegh, or there is an adama lanza 2, the grabbers are going to come harder and faster, and we may not have a say at all. We should have given up a brackground check, with a no national database provision, and then all of the libs could have gone home and said done deal… Great to have won this one, but I am doubling my ammo and gun counts, because they may be gone next go round.
Ban this Bloomberg (my middle finger). The people of NYC love this guy. Just keep him in NYC.