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BREAKING: Mark McCloskey Argues with BLM Protestors While Rittenhouse Jury Deliberates [VIDEO]

Kat Ainsworth Stevens - comments No comments

While jurors deliberate inside the courthouse in Kenosha, Wisconsin in the Kyle Rittenhouse case – the outcome of which promises to be important for gun owners everywhere – Mark McCloskey is outside arguing with protestors. Why? Because there’s never a dull moment in what has been a circus of a two-week trial.

Fox News reports:

Mark McCloskey, the St. Louis lawyer who made national headlines last year when he carried a gun on his property near a social justice protest in his neighborhood, argued with a protester outside the Kenosha County Courthouse on Tuesday afternoon. 

“It really hurts me that you would have that much hatred,” the protester told McCloskey. 

“There is absolutely no hatred involved in what I did,” McCloskey responded. “They came in, storming through my gate, broke down my gate, stormed toward my house, and I was afraid for my life.”

If the jurors can’t reach a decision in the case, Judge Bruce Schroeder will be polling them to find out if they want to continue deliberating. Is McCloskey helping by grabbing another fifteen minutes of fame – or would that be infamy? – on the courthouse steps? Seems unlikely.

Here’s part of the exchange between McCloskey and a protestor.

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