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The job of Colorado’s Senate President and all-around man of the people, John Morse, is now officially in jeopardy. The Basic Freedom Defense Fund, an org created to bring a little blowback accountability to Centennial State legislators who voted for civilian disarmament measures, needed a little over 7,000 signatures from Morse’s 11th district constituents to get a recall question on the ballot. According to their press release, they’ve just delivered over 16,000 to the Secretary of State . . .

Colorado Springs, CO, June 4,2013, The Basic Freedom Defense Fund (BFDF –, the Colorado grassroots group heading the recall of State Senate President John Morse (D-Colorado Springs) has submitted 16,046  District 11 voter petition signatures to the Colorado Secretary of States’ office for the recall of John Morse. This exceeds both the 7,178 signatures necessary for the recall and also exceeds the total number of votes (13,451) cast for Morse during his 2010 election.

The results of this historic recall effort were achieved despite the efforts of NYC mayor Michael Bloomberg, Morse’s robo calls to voters, false attacks on signature collectors’ reputations and Morse’s political machine headed by Ed Hall, Chairman of the Denver Democrats and filing agent for Morse’s anti-recall group “A Whole Lot of People for John Morse.” Hall is known for his Democrat Party biography referring to Colorado Springs as a “…right-wing, religious whack-job stronghold.”*

The submitted petition signatures and addresses will be verified by the Secretary of State.It is expected that Democrats will further challenge remaining signatures, possibly including court challenges to draw out the process. If the count still exceeds 7,178 after this, Morse will be given five working days from that time to decide whether or not to resign his office.

If Morse resigns within the five-day period, state Democrats can appoint a replacement from their ranks.  If he does not resign, a date for the special election is set.  In that event, it is possible that the Governor and Democrat Party may try to extend it to November so as to prepare a campaign to try to save Morse.

In a recent Colorado Springs interview Morse stated he will not resign and is “…in now until the bitter end.”  Colorado Democrat Party Chairman Rick Palacio of Pueblo denied rumors that state democrats  may ask Morse to step down so that they may replace him with appointee Michael Merrifield, though Palacio later stated in the same interview that Merrifield as a replacement “is a possibility.”

Such a move risks public backlash as it could be perceived as both ignoring the electorate’s wishes and taking an even harder stance against gun rights since Merrifield has served as a state director for Mayor Bloomberg’s gun-banning group “Mayors Against Illegal Guns” – positions that inspired the Morse recall effort.

“Regardless of the outcome and any posturing by Morse, he is going to be removed from his senate position one way or another due to his anti-constitutional beliefs and demonstrated actions.”  –Anthony Garcia, BFDF spokesman — [email protected].

*Note: Should Ed Hall scrub his anti-Colorado Springs remark from his website biography, BFDF has saved the link and it is available from BFDF (see media contact below).

 More information about BFDF is available at the BFDF website,


The Basic Freedom Defense Fund

10 Town Plaza #405

Durango, CO, 81301

BFDF is a new nonpartisan 501(c)(4) non-profit originally known as Colorado Accountability. BFDF is devoted to educating the public of their Constitutional rights and legally holding state politicians accountable for their actions as legislators and having candidates keep their campaign word and promises if elected to office.


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  1. “…also exceeds the total number of votes (13,451) cast for Morse during his 2010 election.”

    This made me laugh out loud, so much so that it even caught me by surprise. Involuntary reaction ftw.

    • But you have to wonder how many of these petitioners didn’t vote and are now regretting not voting?

    • It’s is becoming a 2nd chance election! I’m tickled it a dem this time. I thing people are starting to see the results of their actions or in-actions when it comes to voting!!!

  2. Good. Make gun control the 3rd rail nobody wants to touch. 2014 is coming. Not only vote against anti gun pols everywhere but make sure their party knows you voted against them because of their stance against our civil rights.

      • The UN Small Arms Treaty will soon be on us. And there are no elections that will be able to undo it, if passed.

        • Doesn’t the treaty have to be ratified by the senate? Make those senators aware of the payback that will come from approving the treaty.

        • While I’ll not take the treaty’s effects lightly, it is only as powerful as those who choose to enforce it.

        • JWM lets all skip this voting crap and go oldschool tar and feathering maybe a few public stonings for good measure. We could even charge for the tar, feathers and stones then do a pay per view. I bet the proceeds could bail us out of debt.

        • I think there is a real and lasting danger. As I understand it, if the current senate doesn’t ratify, it still sits there so that a future senate could. Of course, we may see the administration try to implement provisions of the treaty by executive order to the extent he thinks he can get away with it.

        • Chuck, no. If it’s time for tar and feathers it’s time for the cartridge box. We ain’t quite there,yet.

          Old Ben, that’s why this recall and 2014 are so important. Give the anti’s enough of a drubbing and this stuff goes away, for awhile. Bill Clinton has warned the dems to stay away from gun control. He has painful experience with the issue.

  3. This is amazing. Unless their petition campaign was sabotaged unknowingly by MAIG signing fake names this is a huge blow to the anti-rights people. You can guarantee those 16,000 people will vote in the recall election and even less for Morse in a special election. I wonder how much overlap there is between those 16,000 and the 13,000 who voted for him last election and voted for Obama in 2012?

  4. Simply Amazing. More signatures then votes in the last election. Love it. I think I hear a chain rattling in the back, someone’s about to get flushed!

  5. You should create an organization akin to the BFDF (actually every state should) in New York.

  6. Glad to hear this. I’m trying to flee the nightmare that is New York and at one point I was dead set on Colorado until they passed those laws. If there’s a chance these laws can get undone I may reconsider my secondary choice of state.

    • Do what I did — I sent a letter to the Governor telling him that I specifically removed Colorado from the job-search list when he signed the laws. We want them to know that these laws have effects.

  7. Morse is the guy who literally told his fellow Democrats to ignore constituent phone calls and emails opposing the gun bills. Good riddance to him, though he was term-limited anyway (only 1 year left). But voting him out sends a needed message, term-limited or not.

  8. This could be a silver lining in Colorado’s fall from grace. If the laws they managed to get passed get overturned, and the pols that voted for them get kicked out of office it will be a greater defeat for the controlists than never getting them passed would have been.

  9. From Ed Hall’s bio

    Ed is a native of Colorado, born and raised in Colorado Springs well before it became a right-wing, religious whack-job stronghold.

    If he’d said it like this, he actually wouldn’t be too far off. Instead, though, he implies that everyone who isn’t a radically left-wing liberal atheist is a “whack-job”.

    Back at ya, Ed.

    • California does have such a recall system. The only problem is that, in general, representatives get an overwhelming majority vote and are almost impossible to unseat. AFAIK, the last one was Doris Allen (R) in 1995 who, representing Orange County (pretty conservative for a populated area of CA), was recalled after she sided with Dems (Willie Brown, in particular). Even in this case, she was recalled by the very voters that had elected her – not the “other party”.

      One of the reasons I left CA (most recently lived in the south SF bay area) was that my vote didn’t count – and probably wouldn’t in my lifetime. At least where I am now (unincorporated Douglas County, CO), my vote will help stave off any liberal incursion.

        • Exactly… replacing Democrat Gray Davis with alleged Republican Arnold really doesn’t count.

          (And I was originally only referring to recall of legislators, not the pointless replacement of Davis with Schwarzenegger.)

    • It does, and it was used. Roberti, co-author of the Roberti-Roos “assault weapon” ban in CA, mounted a successful defense of his seat from a voter-petition driven recall.

      As a result of the amount of money Roberti spent defending himself in the recall, he lost the successive regular election. He was then appointed to some fat-cat commission to continue feeding at the public trough.

      The political class then went after the people who started the recall effort.

  10. “BFDF is a new nonpartisan 501(c)(4) non-profit originally known as Colorado Accountability. ”

    Ok boys, fire up the audit guys at the IRS !!! LMFAO

  11. As a veteran of the recent Wisconsin War of Democrat Aggression, I can say that having so many signatures is a good sign. However, the recall just gives you the ability to hold an unscheduled election.

    I hope the recall group has a good candidate picked out and ready. It was to Scott Walker’s huge advantage to face milquetoast Tom Barrett again.

    • I was just thinking that this might have far reaching effects – beyond the issue of gun control/gun rights. In Wisconsin, the Democrats failed to unseat the Republican governor, but if this Democrat is actually replaced by a Republican…shockwaves will be felt in Washington.

  12. I live in Ohio and I donated to this group. I don’t want that crap to spread to other states. I hope they kick his @$$ out of office. It would send a strong message to other politicians that if they screw with our rights, they’re done for.

  13. Good, Anyone who wants to take our rights should at the very least resign. Recall these people. Don’t be afraid to step up people and get involved!

  14. As a rule, I’m an “elections have consequences” kind of guy and hold that the people get the government they deserve. That’s why I couldn’t agree with California’s governorship re-call campaign, even though Gov. Davis was a poor governor ruining a once mighty state.

    However, in Colorado’s case today, these anti-Constitutional laws are beyond the pale. We’re not in simple, or even major, policy disagreement territory here. These are fundamental, human, civil and Constitutional rights. This is bedrock betrayal of oath of office material. It is these extraordinary and exigent circumstances that merit pursuing recall without delay of the normal election cycle.

    • Sure, elections have consequences, but votes in office do too, and in states with recall mechanisms, the possibility of getting booted from office prematurely is one of them.

      Morse is in this situation because of the choices he made, and the legislation he chose to push for. He could have chosen differently, and if it turns out he loses his position over this, then he’ll be a demonstration of what the consequences of voting against the Second Amendment are.

  15. Now If they can collect recall signatures on these gun grabbing brain dead liberals by the names of Diana GeGette and her master mind friend Ronda Fields it be awesome.

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