Arkansas walmart shooting

From CNN:

At least three people were shot Tuesday and one person was in custody after an incident on the campus of the University of North Carolina at Charlotte, according to a city official.

Law enforcement officers were sweeping the affected buildings, the university tweeted.

“Follow officer commands,” the school said.

More as details become available.



A 22-year-old former UNC student has been arrested on charges of murder for today’s shooting at the University of North Carolina.


  1. Campus Carry ends these events before the police get there folks.
    Its the law in 8 states.

  2. For those who do not live there – this is UNC in Charlotte, a suburban largely commuter campus – not UNC Chapel Hill that usually is in the NCAA Basketball tournament. Nonetheless, this sucks. BTW the link to CBSN is incorrect. But the local news says it was the last day of classes, so one would assume some lunatic had his last chance to do damage.

    • Interviews of students on one news feed suggest that campus carry might have helped. The shooter was a UNCC student. Arrest video would suggest he was crazy. Another whacko running loose while the normal people are not allowed to protect themselves.

        • The local college “New College” has students who are upset that the college is taking a closer look at those who self report having mental health issues. Hopefully the administrators are smart enough to realize, cave in and let something like this happen and you will have a lot worse problems than woke students hurt feelings.

        • The phrase occurred to me, because man, there were a whole lot of “off” grad students & post-docs when I was getting my undergrad. Subsequently, many of the oddest people I’ve met were either meth-zombies or jobless PHDs.

    • You don’t even deserve the two minutes of attention used to make this comment. Blindly saying false flag shows your ignorance. Unfortunately this act of cowardice happened. I hope that if you or any of your loved ones ever experience an act like this, or die by similar means, you won’t encounter a mindless watse of space claiming your loss isn’t real. But just another scripted scene to further the advances made against everyone’s freedom. As for truth. You and your kind are part of the problem. Right next to Pelosi, Clinton’s and Bloomberg. The only difference is you will never be remembered. And by yourself have zero effect on anything. Ever. Like I said, waste of space.

  3. If this is being reported on cnn then more people were actually involved in the event than will see it reported.

    • Being a Libertarian is not just about legalizing pot or getting high, it is about giving each resident of the US the right to his/her pursuit of happiness. Government regulations at all stages of government seem to be written to keep the little guy down.

  4. Damn. Right in my own back yard.

    Every time anybody in the General Assembly brings up campus carry, every gun-grabbing troglodyte pitches a bitch fit. Meanwhile, students and faculty are literally disallowed from defending themselves with anything other than harsh language.

    A problem involving bullets requires a solution involving bullets. Period. The faster the bullets meet the problem, the better: and they won’t get there any faster than from an armed student or faculty. To argue otherwise is to ignore reality.

  5. When I taught at 2 “Car Pool U’s” I ankle-carried a Kel-Tec P3AT, and later a Taurus 709 Slim 9mm; each with 2 spare mags. Despite the fact that it was legal for me to carry in both places, I could have been fired if discovered to be packing. Didn’t matter. NO ONE was going to hurt my students if I could help it.

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