3D Printed Glock, c /u/Phantom-A

The Undetectable Firearms Act was introduced as a knee-jerk reaction to the fictional Glock 7 handgun, an all plastic gun used as a movie prop. Decades later the law is once again about to expire, and that has the gun control advocates running around like their hair is on fire. The House passed a bare-bones extension of the current law last week, and with this afternoon’s vote the U.S. Senate approved that 10 year extension as-is. Senator Chuck Schumer had proposed making it a felony to print any gun related part and wanted to make the manufacture of a plastic magazine by any “unlicensed” manufacturer illegal, but those proposals were blocked. . .

From politico:

Sen. Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) attempted to pass an amended version of the House bill to close what he described as a dangerous loophole that allows plastic guns to be easily smuggled through metal detectors.

“Technology has advanced so not only are these guns real but they can be made so that the law that exists and expires tonight can be evaded,” Schumer said. “I haven’t heard one specific argument against our closing the loophole.”

Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa) objected to Schumer’s request — and the Senate instead picked up the clean House extension of the bill and passed it. Grassley said the Senate had not effectively probed the new technology through congressional hearings and described Schumer’s amendment as coming at the “eleventh hour.”

It’s a strange state of affairs that we can call a maintaining of the status quo a “win,” but there you have it. Despite all the media attention that 3D printed guns have garnered in recent weeks, the gun control advocates in Congress once again have decided that one major defeat at the hands of gun rights advocates was enough for this year and ran away with their tails between their legs.

The extension now heads to President Obama’s desk for his signature, and no doubt he’ll parade it around during the weekend’s bloody flag waving festivities as proof of “progress” since it’s the only remotely pro-gun-control legislation to survive on the federal level this year.


  1. “Technology has advanced so not only are these guns real but they can be made so that the law that exists and expires tonight can be evaded,” Schumer said.

    Funny how he talks about it as if Criminals are waiting until tonight to “print these 3d guns” and go on shooting/killing sprees. When will these people learn that making more laws about breaking the law isnt going to do a damn thing, but yet they are “DOING SOMETHING”.

    • I’m not sure what guns or loophole he’s referring to. I guess several people could split a liberator and individually they’d be legal. Well, except for the conspiracy to commit murder thing. So I think we’re safe enough.

  2. Tweet from Emily Miller…POTUS to use autopen to sign the bill. Now that is certainly worth a laugh….

    • But, if I had a semi-autopen would he try to ban it? This is a case of the autopen is mightier than the sword.

    • I thought pen guns, in either single shot or fully automatic, were NFA items. And I doubt if Obama has a tax stamp for it, so the one they’re using must belong to a trust or corporation. Has the Autopen operator had a background check, fingerprint check, CLEO signoff and anal probing, prior to gaining access to said Autopen?

  3. I’m so glad that Congress is protecting us from imaginary weapons that only exist in books and movies.

    • Hopefully, next they’ll lobotomize Lex Luthor so his dangerous criminal intellect can’t endanger the good citizens of Metropolis anymore. If it saves just one life…

    • Even better – it’s invisible! It’s the latest thing. Completely invisible across the entire electromagnetic spectrum. Can’t be seen by x-ray machines at all. And it is odorless and has such a low coefficient of friction that human touch cannot feel it. I hear it was specially made for the Glock 7. Don’t tell anyone.

    • Porcelain, specifically. And Nick, while the UFA was passed largely due to hysteria over the Glock 17, Die Hard 2 with the mythical ‘Glock 7’ actually came out after the UFA was made law.

  4. Good for Grassley. A good man (even if he also has been in DC too long).

    I need to remember to call his office tomorrow and ask if Chuck can find time to go bitchslap that POS Chuckie

  5. Placeborol. All the feel good of actual legislation. None of the side effects. **

    May cause stomach upset, nausea, and vomiting. Consult your Obamacare physician.

  6. “Sen. Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) attempted to pass an amended version of the House bill to close what he described as a dangerous loophole that allows plastic guns to be easily smuggled through metal detectors.”
    The real danger is that they do exist and can be filled with water. Feinstein and Pelosi are in a state of panic.

  7. It that the Nationalized Rebels against America?…
    Sort of like the American Anti Republic Party (AARP)

  8. See what happens to the kid that gets picked last and we all beat up in grade school.
    He grows up to be Chucky Schumer.

    • Some of us victims grew up to be Freedom Fighters. This is another good reason to tool up – let the bullies get Darwinized.

  9. This could have been worse, much worse- maybe the public pushback by GOA and some quiet horsetrading in the cloakroom by NRA made this go thru with the least downside possible.

    Yah, sure, the gun grabbers get to celebrate a “win”. An empty one despite what Schumer hoped to slide thru un-beknownst? Of course, now they can go home and tell their lefty supporters what a good job they did, and secretly hope they dont lose their seat to the citizen patriots repeating the CO action…

    Let them keep thinking that, and in the meantime- get organized for the 2014 vote for the seats on the edge…

  10. It discusses me how progressives use advances in technology to trample the 2A. “Oh, this new yuna has a scary shoulder thing that goes up…BAN IT!”. “We’ve invented a technology that can detect most concealed firearms through use of x-rays…BAN ALL GUNS IT CAN’T DETECT!” Disgusting.

  11. Perhaps they should change it to the “Imaginary Firearms Act”. That way we can cover all the “finger guns” these 5 year olds keep smuggling into our Gun Free Zones all the time.

  12. Does this mean that a replica rifle, (an airsoft model), that hold 350 rounds and is either semi or fully automatic going to be confiscated too? Wouldn’t surprise me one bit!!!!!

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