Home » Blogs » BREAKING: Shooting at Santikos Mayan Movie Theater in San Antonio, TX

BREAKING: Shooting at Santikos Mayan Movie Theater in San Antonio, TX

Foghorn - comments No comments

It looks like there was an incident Sunday night in my home town of San Antonio that has left two people wounded (as of this writing). An off duty Bexar County police officer who was initially reported to be carrying a concealed weapon (turns out he was working scurity for the theatre) followed the suspect into the movie theater bathroom and shot the suspect . . .

From mysanantonio.com:

Two people were wounded late Sunday when gunfire erupted at a local movie theater, sending panicked moviegoers rushing to exits and ducking for cover, police and witnesses said.


One witness who reported hearing about 20 shots said she and five other patrons locked themselves in a bathroom to avoid the mayhem.

Police scanner traffic indicated the shooting incident began at a nearby restaurant, China Garden, and the suspect was an employee there. A person at the scene, an employee from a different location of the restaurant, said the gunman initially may have targeted a coworker before making his way to the theater.

According to KSAT, the LEO involved was off duty and working as a secutity guard at the theatre:

Suspect fired while running fr/ restaurant. 1 injured. Ran in theater bathroom. Off duty deputy followed, shot suspect.

The local Santikos theater chain runs a number of different locations in the city. I’ve recently been to the one on I-10 near 1604, carrying concealed as there were no 30.06 “No Firearms” signs present at the doors. And trust me, I looked.

This theater is on the south side of San Antonio, which has a slightly higher crime rate than the north side and as such they may have different policies. One commenter on the article noted that the theater is a common location for “thugs and gangstas” and was not surprised that the incident took place there.

More as it becomes available.

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