Smith & Wesson Headquarters
Smith & Wesson's soon-to-be-former headquarters in Springfield, Massachusetts (Dan Z. for TTAG)


Congratulations to Massachusetts Governor Charlie Baker and the Bay State’s legislature.  They’ve finally succeeded in driving 750 additional jobs out of their state. Today, Smith & Wesson announced they will move their corporate headquarters to Tennessee. Why? As S&W put it, they’re clearing out “Due to changing business climate for firearms manufacturing in Massachusetts.”

Massachusetts has reveled in making life difficult for gun makers and owners for generations now. The Bay State’s legislators keep adding rules and regulations upon the law-abiding. Of course, criminals ignore these with impunity.

As for carrying a gun in Massachusetts? Like my crime-free home state of Illinois (cough), Massachusetts recognizes no other state’s carry licenses. In fact, Massachusetts isn’t even a “shall issue” state.  For now, at least.

Smith & Wesson factory
One of the jobs Smith & Wesson will be moving from Massachusetts to Tennessee (Dan Z. for TTAG)

Now, Smith & Wesson has finally had enough of their home state’s anti-gun laws, burdensome government regulations, and high taxes. The iconic American brand, which has been based in Massachusetts since the middle of the 19th century, will be moving to Maryville, Tennessee in Blount County a Second Amendment sanctuary county.

S&W announced it today in a press release at PRNEwswire:

Smith & Wesson Brands, Inc. (NASDAQ Global Select: SWBI), one of the nation’s oldest firearms manufacturers, announced today that it is moving its headquarters and significant elements of its operations to Maryville, Tennessee in 2023. Smith & Wesson has been based in Springfield, Massachusetts since the company was incorporated in 1852.

Mark Smith, President and Chief Executive Officer, said “This has been an extremely difficult and emotional decision for us, but after an exhaustive and thorough analysis, for the continued health and strength of our iconic company, we feel that we have been left with no other alternative.”  He specifically cited legislation recently proposed in Massachusetts that, if enacted, would prohibit the company from manufacturing certain firearms in the state. “These bills would prevent Smith & Wesson from manufacturing firearms that are legal in almost every state in America and that are safely used by tens of millions of law-abiding citizens every day exercising their Constitutional 2nd Amendment rights, protecting themselves and their families, and enjoying the shooting sports. While we are hopeful that this arbitrary and damaging legislation will be defeated in this session, these products made up over 60% of our revenue last year, and the unfortunate likelihood that such restrictions would be raised again led to a review of the best path forward for Smith & Wesson.”

Courtesy Smith & Wesson

Smith indicated that the company vetted a number of cities and states and, after careful consideration, made the decision to relocate 750 jobs and its headquarters to Maryville, Tennessee.  The key factors in the decision included the following:

    • Support for the 2nd Amendment
    • Business friendly environment
    • Quality of life for employees
    • Cost of living and affordability
    • Access to higher education institutions
    • Availability of qualified labor for its operations and headquarter functions
    • Favorable location for efficiency of distribution

Tennessee will no doubt roll out the red carpet to such a well-known American brand, along with the 750 jobs it will bring to the Volunteer State.

And the move will leave Massachusetts with fewer good paying jobs, one less famous company based in the state and significant hole in their tax base.


  1. one more case of demonrats cutting their nose off because they are ugly. hell who needs jobs they is welfare .

    • based on posts i’ve read they didn’t welcome their presence…time to go..tradition be damned..

      • 750 good jobs, and what about all the companies that supported smith, for instance: the steel service centers, chemical companies, box companies, etc…. This is what Massachusetts and it’s looney politicians do. God speed to smith and Wesson.

  2. S&W has come a hell of a long way from the “Hillary Hole” days. Good on them, maybe I’ll get an R8 next year or wait till 2023/2024 when the location changes.

  3. ‘Bout time.

    And yet another example of how the Mason-Dixon line is veritably becoming America’s 38th parallel.

    • Another example is the border between East and West Germany. Back then people were shot dead by the East German (a socialist state) border guards. As they tried to escape to the freedom of West Germany.

      Memorials to the fallen are still there. They run the full length of the two former nation’s border line.
      California (a socialist state) is considering a special tax for any one moving out of the state. I guess they can’t figure out a way to shoot people who are leaving.

      • I remember the Berlin Wall poignantly- I passed through Checkpoint Charlie when I took a day tour of East Belin in the mid-70’s. That’s an experience I’ll never forget, and those few hours will remain the only time I’ll ever spend in a socialist republic.

        We will not allow it happen here.

      • Wasn’t your hero Ronald Reagan the former Governor of California? Didn’t he also severely restrict open carry while governor? Then go on to be president and pass the FOPA outlawing all machine guns after 1986? Keep voting for Republicans they will have your rights restored in no time.

        • It’s funny, you take what Reagan did and expand it to all conservatives. But by and far, it is the liberals most out to destroy our rights.

        • to the TheBSonTTAG
          I’m glad I live inside your head rent free.
          I don’t blame dead white people for gun control. It’s a fact they passed these laws. But I hold the living white people accountable for the anti-civil rights gun laws, that are still on the books.

          Like the proud g@y, married with children, governor of Colorado. Who has signed into law, many racist gun control laws in that state. Or the white h0m0s3xu@l law maker Tom Ammiano in California. Who wrote the law making rape and stalking victims, and everyone else, wait an extra 10 days, to get a gun in California.

          Why don’t you try holding them accountable for a change? Reagan is a long dead president.

    • Michael,

      Smith and Wesson may not have to for the simple fact that median home prices in Tennessee are about half that of Massachusetts: employees should have a LOT of extra money and/or a MUCH LOWER MORTGAGE PAYMENT after selling their home in Massachusetts and purchasing an equivalent home in Tennessee. That is more than enough to pay $10k for a moving company to move their stuff.

      Example: suppose a Smith and Wesson employee has a modest home in Massachusetts that sells for $300,000 (well below the median home price) and the employee still owes $260,000 on their mortgage. Even if they only clear $22,000 (they pay a 6% home sale commission) and pay a moving company $10,000 to move them, they still have $12,000 down payment on their new equivalent home in Tennessee which only costs $150,000. Thus their new mortgage is $138,000 rather than the $260,000 that they had in Massachusetts and their payment drops from $1,132 per month in Massachusetts to $601 per month in Tennessee (assuming current interest rates are 3.25%). That is a savings of $531 per month–$6372 per year–in an equivalent home in Tennessee.

      I think what might make a lot of sense is an option where Smith and Wesson would loan their employees the cost of moving expenses and recover that loan after the employee finishes the sale of their home. Worst case, Smith and Wesson could simply have the employee repay that $10,000 loan for moving expenses over the course of 24 months. That payment would be $417 per month. And yet the employee’s monthly net income would still be higher than it was in Massachusetts because their new mortgage payment is something like $500 less.

      • The math works, except, there is very very little inventory in Blount County at the moment. My parents have been trying to downsize for a while and there just isn’t a whole lot going. Same here in Middle Tennessee where I moved 20+ years ago. The prices are rising, not coastal bad yet, but they are getting uncomfortably steep.

        • “The prices are rising, not coastal bad yet, but they are getting uncomfortably steep.”

          When people get excited about the rise in home prices, anticipating a windfall when they sell, I ask where they plan to live afterward. The look on their faces when they understand that if they don’t move to an entirely different state (with lower housing prices), they will be buying into the same rising market that gave them that “windfall”.

    • Somebody in their state votes for people who support these restrictions, perhaps they should just leave them there.

      • Somehow, I seriously doubt that any of the S&W employees vote for the laws. Rice bowl and all that. I could be wrong. There are stupid people up north and their rot is spreading southward. VA is now overpopulated with dumbasses (Democrat/commies)

    • Believe I saw where S&W was giving them the option. Around a thousand jobs will remain in MA. I’mguessing they are moving AR for now since MA trying to pass law to make manufacture of MSR illegal.

  4. A literal miracle they were still based up there this entire time. Welcome to Dixie, S&W! We’re glad to have y’all! Peace out, Massholes!

  5. Hey S&W, welcome to the free side of the “Iron Curtain”.

    I own a Tennessee made/marked WC/Beretta 92G Brigadier Tactical. A Tennessee made S&W would be welcome in my collection. 👍

  6. Have had family and friends working there for years, this New Democrat bullshit climate is destroying our country. I have carried a Smith my whole life, .38 .40 . 45 .9. And 380 auto. I’ll always buy Smith. Massachusetts liberal clowns are destroying the state!!!!

    • I worked with several ex-S&W employees who quit and moved to Fla over two decades ago.
      A good bunch of smart people with a strong work ethic.
      That region of the US has been hemorraging good people for decades.

      • Sounds just like what’s happening in California. My wife and I escaped and honestly, it actually kinda felt like what I imagine going from East Berlin to West Berlin felt like… maybe without worrying about being shot and all, but still.

    • “Have had family and friends working there for years, this New Democrat bullshit climate is destroying our country. ”

      Even Whoopie Goldberg of “The View” agrees.

      • I doubt it Whoopie was just ranting with those other morons on the View that if you get Covid especially if you are unvaccinated you will die. Bunch of babies and clowns over a virus with a 98% survival rate. They better hope we never have an actual plague.

        • It’s the view. Even with Megan McCain, they were still full of crap. And honestly, while I would rather not go through having Covid ever again (and it was actually more scary for me as my wife got it as well and was 9 months pregnant at the time… but both she and the baby are both good, thank the Lord), my family survived it. I guess Whoopi isn’t the Grim reaper… even if she kinda looks like she is.

    • Cool! Yeah I hope you can move some of your workforce. I sure like my S&W AR. Mebbe I’ll buy another!

  7. The new law was designed to get Smith & Wesson to move out of the state. Its not rocket science.

    Corporations, thanks to Donald Trump, and the gangster criminal Republicans pay no taxes so no, Massachusetts loses no tax money there. Yes they lose tax money from the workers who will move out of the state and follow Smith & Wesson to its new location.

    And lastly when Massachusetts needs more money they always just raise taxes on the working people never on Corporations or greed monger C.E.O.’s who pay no taxes.

    And sadly voters memories are short. Three months after Smith vacates the State they will forget Smith ever made guns in Massachusetts and some voters who hate guns will be glad Smith is gone.

    Smith also knows that the down trodden worker troglodyte slave hillbillies in Tennessee will work for dirt cheap wages far lower than what people in Massachusetts will work for. This may be the other big reason Smith decided to move out. Blind greed rules the corporate world and always has.

    • So glad we have a 🤪 socialist here on TTAG that’s willing to explain how this move will effect the Massachusetts economy.
      Lil’d probably thinks the 3.5T budget will cost NOTHING. Cuz SanFranGranNan and sippycup Joe sez so. 🤪

      Oh, and lil’d, TAKE YOUR MEDS!

      • To Campbell.

        Its easy to see you do not know how Capitalvania works.

        And now you know why we Socialists want to make the rich pay their fair share of taxes instead of putting all the tax burden on the working people. More than enough reason to hate every Republican who was ever elected.

        And next time the gangster criminal Corporate Republicans scream they will not support a health system that does not bankrupt the working man tell them to pay their fair share of taxes and we would have plenty of tax money to run such a system as the entire rest of the Socialist world does just that and has been doing it now for over 100 years. History has proved the Republican lies are there for all to see.

        • pssssssssssttttttttttt……………..The government is the biggest corporation of them all and in many cases less accountable than most.

        • All that babble, yet no answer to the question? Again, YOUR MEDS!

          So, again, is the 3.5T not costing taxpayers a single cent?🤪

          Come on now……focus… can do it……..

      • quote————All that babble, yet no answer to the question? Again, YOUR MEDS!———–quote

        The answer was there have a 5th grader explain it to you.

        • So you dooooo believe that the 3.5T won’t cost a cent. Pathetic.
          Where do the “rich people” and “corporations” get their money?

          Hint; These costs are passed on to consumers/taxpayers you retard.

          Have a 5th grader explain economics to you lil’d. You will definitely learn more then you currently know about the subject.

          Oh, and take your meds.

        • to Campbell

          quote————-Hint; These costs are passed on to consumers/taxpayers you retard.————–quote

          No the only retard is you. When you have a Socialist controlled country monopolies are not permitted thereby stimulating competition and lower pricing. You would have been aware of that if you had not flunked economics classes.

        • In a socialist controlled country the government has the monopoly in EVERY business and cannot be fired, thus the government remains fabulously wealthy while the people starve, witness Venezuela, Cuba, China, Russia, on and on, but nobody ever complains and survives sunset, so we should emulate them.

        • Larry stay out of subjects like Socialism that you know zero about. Venezuela’s problems had zero to do with socialism rather they put all their eggs in one basket and that was relying on oil prices to stay high so they could run the entire country off its profits. That is not a failure of socialism in any sense of the word but a failure of Government.

          And you mentioned China. If you said that to the Chinese they would laugh in your face because their country right now is the most prosperous it has ever been in its entire history and that is hardly a failure of socialism.

          Cuba’s socialist funded medical research has been so successful that the Europeans have copied much of their break through medical discoveries and it was one of the reasons Obama tried to establish normalized relations with them. it was not all just out of the kindness of his heart.

    • Be aware that when Smith hires new workers they will be less skilled than the former workers in Massachusetts and the quality of the new Smiths will go down as well. Although some people will argue the junk Smith is making today could hardly get any worse in workmanship.

      • Not necessarily. Barret and Bretta have been in TN for a while. There are a number of machinists and manufacturers that support the auto and aerospace industry. Those skills could easily transfer.

        • Agreed but partially. Greed monger C.E.O.’s only hire just enough machinists to run the plant while the average worker is hired at the lowest possible wage. Retraining as was known in the distant past is almost non-existent. Because of low wages worker turn over is very high causing quality control people a ton of headaches assuming the greed monger C.E.O.’s even hire enough of them or any of them at all. I have seen all this take place on a personal level in industry so I speak from years of experience.

      • Skilled workers across the boarder (in Arkansas) are making TOP quality firearm. Hey lil’d, ever hear of Wilson Combat. 🤔

        But lil’d sez skild wrkerz not in reegin!🤪

        I had a total of THREE Massachusetts produced 92G Brigadier Tacticals I had to return due to quality issues. Posted this on Walther Forums in real time, with pics. One was even shaving metal when cycled.

        Go away retard.

        • QUOTE——————Hey lil’d, ever hear of Wilson Combat.—————-quote

          Hey Campbell if you had a brain you still would not be educated. Wilson Combat is a very small custom shop that turns out very high priced firearms the average workingman cannot afford. Smith & Wesson firearms are mass produced and priced for the working people. Trying to compare the two facilities shows your complete ignorance of the firearms industry and what they produce and who they produce it for.

          Try again or better yet quit while you are ahead. You are making a complete fool of yourself (as usual)

        • My statement shows there are skilled workers in the area, PERIOD. Something you should have been to your mom.🫀

          If there’s a shortage of talent, how did Beretta IMPROVE quality after the move from Massachusetts to Tennessee?
          You’re a retard, always have been, always will be.

        • quote———–If there’s a shortage of talent, how did Beretta IMPROVE quality after the move from Massachusetts to Tennessee?————–quote

          If you were familiar at all with Beretta firearms the quality went down not up and remember they went to using more and more junk plastic parts that require no hand fitting either such as plastic op rods, triggers, safeties, and junk MIM cast locking blocks etc. In short the garbage Model 92’s being made today are not worth the gun powder it would take to blow them away.

          Try again Campbell you know very little about firearms manufacturing today.

        • “If you were familiar at all with Beretta firearms the quality went down not up and remember they went to using more and more junk plastic parts that require no hand fitting either such as plastic op rods, triggers, safeties, and junk MIM cast locking blocks etc. In short the garbage Model 92’s….”

          Please explain, because you know.🙄.
          Exactly how much “hand fitting” was being done on Beretta firearms produced in Massachusetts?

          Are you aware it was ABSOLUTELY ZERO. Everything was produced to final sizes, no parts were left with excess materials, to be hand-fit at final assembly.
          The product 92s made in Mass were a continuation of a military contract design.
          Do you think the 92s built to fulfill the military contracts where all hand fitted firearms?🤪

          I know nothing about modern manufacturing.
          Yet, I’ve only spent over three decades in aerospace manufacturing. Almost two decades of which were dedicated to root cause/corrective action.

          Where were you? Riding a desk for a government check, or poisoning young minds with your socialist BS. 🤔

        • quote————–Are you aware it was ABSOLUTELY ZERO. Everything was produced to final sizes, no parts were left with excess materials, to be hand-fit at final assembly.
          The product 92s made in Mass were a continuation of a military contract design.
          Do you think the 92s built to fulfill the military contracts where all hand fitted firearms———-quote

          And by the way your bullshitting that quality improved is a laugh in regards to the Berettas. They had a hell of a time when they went over to their junk cast locking blocks just to name a few of their downgrades to make their guns faster and cheaper.

          Again complete bullshit. One of the main reasons for Beretta and other manufactures going over to junk MIM cast parts was that they require very little hand fitting. If you are dumb enough to think hammer and sears get no hand fitting you are a liar about your manufacturing background. Even the slopped together 1911 guns of WWII did not always go together. I have in years past had access to genuine G.I. Parts and if you think that you could simply slap one together your living in a dream world.

          I too have worked in manufacturing since the 1960’s and to insinuate that companies were able to mass produced parts that well is pure bullshit to the extreme. Again that is exactly why there was such a rush to use the junk MIM cast parts as they could be cast down to much better tolerances than traditional cast parts or the older high quality forged parts that DAMN WELL DID OFTEN NEED FITTING.

          Go peddle your bullshit to the ignorant, I have been in manufacturing way to long not to really laugh like hell over this last post of yours. You are a real trip.

          And no Beretta’s quality got worse not better. Just one example was their failure when they first went over to the cast locking blocks.

        • And by the way Campbell your High Quality Military contract Berettas blew up when using standard Nato high pressure ammunition. Now tell us how great their quality control was. They were forced to redesign the gun with a half baked improvement just to try and placate the military so they would not lose the contract. Now tell us more about your great knowledge of the firearms industry.

        • What you’re describing is reworking of defective parts you moron.
          The original manufacturing production planning (MPP) DID NOT have hand fitting as ANY step in the process.
          You’ve actually just proven my point. The Massachusetts facility (and vendors) wasn’t capable of making components that were acceptable to the engineering requirements.
          The “handfitting” you’re referring to is reworking/modification if sub standard parts.

          Original Beretta 9X planning had ZERO hand fitting. FACT!

          If parts are being fitted, and the original MPP for the assembly DOESN’T specify hand fitting. This is being done on “rework/repair” specific work orders.

          Its possible that the original MPP had been modified by the Manufacturing Engineering group to include hand fitting of non-compliant materials, but it WAS NOT in the production planning while quality and engineering standards were being monitored and maintained.

          And if a hill-jeffro (or whatever term you progtards are using this week) like Bill Wilson can spend over four decades in business, and make almost 10M a year with under 80 employees, imagine what those much smarter Massachusetts transplants moving S&W nearby can achieve. 🤔

          Everyone knows the locals are stupid, right?

          How many rounds were thru the 92s that failed? And were they high pressure rounds? 🤔 You may want to look into the root cause of those failures idiot.

        • Funny how my Tennessee production WC 92G Brig Tac has run ks of plusP and plusPplus rounds.
          Even Underwood 124gr Speer Gold Dots exceeding 1300fps. Around 470 foot pounds of muzzle energy.
          Nothings been done to it other then a 20# WC recoil spring and WC buffer.
          You know >nothing lil’d.

        • quote————-How many rounds were thru the 92s that failed? And were they high pressure rounds? 🤔 You may want to look into the root cause of those failures idiot.———-quote

          Go spread falsehoods to someone else. Other designs were far more robust when using High Pressure rounds. These rounds were nothing new or were they defective either. The Germans were using them back in WWII and their Lugers did not blow up in their faces. Browning High Powers did not blow up either as they were use by over 50 countries. Yes even the much worshiped High Powers did occasionally suffer cracked slides after very high round counts but they did not harm the people shooting them either like the Beretta’s did.

          The Star Model 28 and Model 30 went with fantastic round counts of up over 180,000 and they were often maligned by U.S. disingenuous gun writers simply because they were made in Spain.

          So once again you spread falsehoods to us about Beretta quality control and design.

          And no Berettas did not just get slapped together either and to deny that they did not have personnel there checking the function of things like the sear, hammer engagement only makes anyone who has worked in industry laugh in your face. Again the use of the junk MIM cast parts did not take place during the military contract so your spreading falsehoods to us that they were made to such close tolerances. The original parts were bar stock and that technology never achieved the tolerances you claim. That is 100 per cent pure falsehood.

    • Socialism is guaranteed to fail, because it destroys pricing. Without pricing, no one can tell how much any product does cost or should cost; when the price of Ferraris and Civics is the same, everyone will choose the Ferrari. When the rent on a studio apartment is the same — zero — as a 5 bedroom home, everyone will choose the 5 bedroom home.

      Thus production and assignment must be decided politically, and that is how you get manufacturers making stuff that nobody wants, and nobody making new products because no one wants to stick their neck out for the political commissars to chop off.

      Everything government does to distort prices makes markets more inefficient, makes the economy more inefficient, makes useful products more expensive, reduces wages.

      Socialism doesn’t just distort prices, it abolishes them. Socialism is guaranteed to end in poverty for all,and then revolution.

        • quote———–Not according to lil’d.
          The “rich” are paying for everything. ————–quote

          Again reading comprehension, reading comprehension. THE RICH ARE PAYING FOR NOTHING CURRENTLY. NOW WHAT PART OF THIS DO YOU NOT UNDERSTAND???????

        • @dacian. You are a liar. The rich pay more income tax than everybody else. Go ahead, google for it. I won’t provide a link because you wouldn’t believe anything from an individualist.

        • quote———–Not according to lil’d.
          The “rich” are paying for everything. ————–quote

          Again reading comprehension, reading comprehension. THE RICH ARE PAYING FOR NOTHING CURRENTLY. NOW WHAT PART OF THIS DO YOU NOT UNDERSTAND??????.

          Reading comprehension moron.

          My statement is noting your comment that the rich will be paying for the 3.5T. You think the spending bill won’t cost a cent. You believe the house drinker Nancy P and sippycup Joe.🤪
          Remember, we were talking about who would be paying the for the 3.5T.

          Take your meds moron.

        • Campbell you Moron when Amazon alone (which is just one of hundreds of corporations) paid zero income tax on 2 billion in profit you then try and lie to us all that the part of the bill for National Health Care would not be paid for by taxing the rich.

          You are so ignorant you are using the entire amount of the budget to claim it would not be paid for by the rich, rather than admit that it also covers the day to day expense of running the government which would have to be passed even by the Republicans and also provides new money for the badly needed repairs of our infrastructure which the Republicans promised to do under Trump and never did.

          If you were not so damn ignorant you would realize that we are the only nation on earth that is industrialized and does not even have a high speed rail system which would stimulate the economy by billions. We also do not even have a safely repaired and run primitive rail system. Really who do you think you are bullshitting when you try and juggle the numbers rather than look at the entire costs of running the country on the proposed budget.

      • To Felix quote————–Socialism is guaranteed to fail, because it destroys pricing.——————quote

        quote————Thus production and assignment must be decided politically, and that is how you get manufacturers making stuff that nobody wants, and nobody making new products because no one wants to stick their neck out for the political commissars to chop off.———quote

        Wrong you are describing Communism which died out decades ago under Stalin, not modern Socialism that is funded by taxing private enterprise which is free to produce what the market wants.

        quote————-Everything government does to distort prices makes markets more inefficient, makes the economy more inefficient, makes useful products more expensive, reduces wages.——-quote

        Again wrong. Socialist countries monitor the business practices of the Capitalvanians that is why they have drug review boards that prevent them from bankrupting people and killing them with drug prices they cannot afford. Or charging outrageous prices for credit card loans or home loans.

        Also Socialist countries outlaw monopolies (like Capitalvania used to do) and competition drives prices down for the workers.

        Socialism guarantees workers a “livable wage” not a part time starvation minimum wage. This is how civilized Socialist countries treat their people.

        • darcy dodo…modern socialism is nothing but sugarcoated socialism poo for suckers like you. You talk out your pompous ass about manufacturing QC and turn around and praise sugarcoated socialist poo…I advise you to spit the modern socialist poo out and take the cast parts…In your case something is better than nothing.

          You’ll never score darcy dodo because you have no horse sense.

      • One of the reported failures of the Soviet Union was a lack of proper cost accounting processes which resulted in resources being grossly misused.

        Have idle aerospace facilities produce tractors. Good tractors but they cost 20x those made in a tractor factory.

        Ridiculous economic indicators such as Rail Kilometers which resulted in empty trains criss-crossing the country. The factory whose plan was to make 2 tonnes of nails made ONE 2 tonne nail. Or the car factory that reported zero defective products because the factory hadn’t been built. Local party bosses had diverted the materials for their own projects and for private dachas.

    • “Smith also knows that the down trodden worker troglodyte slave hillbillies in Tennessee will work for dirt cheap wages far lower than what people in Massachusetts will work for. ”

      Christ, what a racist bigot.

      • Not really what I described was reality. The people in Massachusetts tend to be better educated and have had a more prevalent manufacturing base for generations. Contrast this to Tennessee.

        Bosh if you had any education in the history of U.S. economics you would have known that in the 20’s and up to the 50’s the people from the poorer hillbilly states like Tennessee had a mass migration of workers to states like Ohio where the manufacturing base was rich in high paying jobs. Its no big mystery why the greed monger corporate C.E.O.’s are shifting manufacturing to these very poor states that are largely existing on Federal Welfare money including the money to even maintain their roads. Slave labor is a carrot to enticing to pass up for the criminal Capitalvanians.

        • Why is it that bigoted doofuses such as yourself don’t solve all us poor white trash’s problems by *eliminating* that hated “federal welfare money”, then, ‘cuz it would be fun watching Southern sinkholes such as New York, Boston, LA, and Chicago fold up and die.

        • quote——————LarryinTX September 30, 2021 At 14:01
          Why is it that bigoted doofuses such as yourself don’t solve all us poor white trash’s problems by *eliminating* that hated “federal welfare money”, then, ‘cuz it would be fun watching Southern sinkholes such as New York, Boston, LA, and Chicago fold up and die.—————quote

          To quote you “You are the doofus” because New York. Boston and Chicago are not Southern Cities they are Northern. And although geographically you could make a case for California being in the southern part of the U.S. it is still located in Northern California which has all the socio-economic attributes of most U.S. Northern States. Is this getting to complicated for you????

          As far as poverty and welfare that is a subject way over your head and way too broad and lengthy to go into in regards to the original subject being discussed.

        • @Dacian “ Clarification: I meant Los Angeles is in Northern California”
          Dude, have you ever bothered to look at a map of California? L.A. is in SOUTHERN California.
          Oh—and I have YET to see Capitalvania ANYWHERE in America. Adios, D-Bag!

      • quote————-Christ, what a racist.————quote

        And by the way Bosh any Anthropologist will verify that the term “Hillbilly” does not designate any particular race of people rather the term means a person who lacks any education regardless of his race. Nor does it mean they reside in the “hills” either. So therefore if a person does not reside “in the hills” do not despair you can still be a hillbilly.

        • And negro is just the color black in Spanish right? You are a fool. I’m getting really tired of this idiot on ttag. Readership has to be going down because nobody comes here to read his garbage.

        • Jason, it’s up to TTAG followers to ignore this kind of personality disorder. Individuals such as this have an insatiable need to make everything about themselves- and they’ll say anything to keep the attention focused on them.

          Anyone who is tired of the outrageous absurdity we are regularly subjected to on TTAG by specific “special” folks here must stop engaging them in any way, shape, manner or form. Ignoring them is the only way to keep from feeding their neurotic compulsion to be the center of attention.

          Seriously- ignore them. And we should hold each other accountable if anyone gives in to the psychopathy and interacts with them. It’s up to us, folks- be stronger than the sociopaths.

        • Peter Gunn,

          You make a rational and very compelling argument.

          My only concern is that his drivel will sway people who are unaware and do not know any better. Saying it another way, we “debate” such neurotic people for the benefit of fence-sitters who are watching from the sidelines, not because we are trying to actually persuade the neurotic person.

          What are you thoughts in that regard (“debating” for the benefit of fence-sitters on the sidelines)?

        • Debate is essential to learning- it is the very essence of the Socratic Method. However, when it is highjacked by participants with mental disorders- it becomes tragically flawed.

          To get a clear picture of what a dialog looks like that has been hijacked by a psychologically impaired individual, just scroll from the beginning to the end of this post’s comment section and note how many times you see the face of Alfred E. Neuman.

          What you’re looking at the irrefutable image of psychosis.

        • I don’t know uncommon. I think any rational, left leaning person reading this would be embarrassed to be on the same side as little d. I debate him for the fun of it, and because I’m such an optimist, I think today is the day he won’t argue with reality.

    • I agree with some of Dacian’s post. It could well be – and I suspect it is – that driving a gun manufacturer out of the state was the objective all along.

      750 jobs is a drop in the bucket, especially for the Massachusetts legislators who are going to draw their publicly-funded salaries regardless of whether S&W stays or leaves. It’s also largely a one party state, so any voter backlash is likely to be small to nil.

    • dacian,

      Your statements do not make sense.

      First you claim that corporations do not pay taxes and Republicans instituted that.

      Then you say that Massachusetts will increase personal income taxes on residents rather than corporations to recover their lost tax revenue from the Smith & Wesson employees who leave the state.

      Hint: you cannot blame Republicans for increasing personal income taxes and excusing corporations from paying taxes in Massachusetts WHEN DEMOCRATS FULLY AND COMPLETELY CONTROL MASSACHUSETTS GOVERNMENT–INCLUDING THE CREATION AND ALTERATION OF TAX LAWS.

      • quote————–Hint: you cannot blame Republicans for increasing personal income taxes————–quote

        Your damn well right I can blame Trump and the Republicans because they all but eliminated taxation at the Federal level on huge corporations like Amazon that paid zero taxes on 2 billion in profit last year. Now try and squirm your way out of this one.

        • dacian,

          Your response is the champion of all Red Herrings.

          The topic was about Smith and Wesson moving out of Massachusetts and how that would reduce Massachusetts STATE tax revenue.

          Then you went and spouted off in your original comment about Republicans and tax law when Republicans are NOT in charge of Massachusetts’ STATE tax laws.

          Now in your reply you are shouting about Republicans and FEDERAL taxes which have absolutely nothing to do with Massachusetts creating a hostile business environment and losing STATE tax revenue as a result. Furthermore, you claimed that only Republicans would fail to tax corporations and stick it to the working man instead–and then stated that Massachusetts Democrats would do the very same thing.

          That is called a “red herring” in debate–arguing about something unrelated to the original point of contention.

          At any rate, thank you for demonstrating that you are unable to focus and discuss a topic in a clear and rational manner.

    • Corporate income tax should be exactly 0.00%.
      Let’s see if this “dacian” person can figure out the simple economic reason why…

      • He far too retarded to figure that out. It’s compounded by being a socialist tool of the progtard far left.

        Take your meds lil’d 🤪

      • quote————— Corporate income tax should be exactly 0.00%.
        Let’s see if this “dacian” person can figure out the simple economic reason why…———quote

        I will let you cut your own throat. You tell us why corporations and the extremely rich people especially C.E.O.’s should not pay their fair share of taxes rather than put the burden totally on the working man.

        • Corporations d not pay taxes, the extremely rich pay very little. Instead, they take the money from customers. Sorta like politicians don’t pay taxes, they just take more from citizens.

        • quote—————-LarryinTX September 30, 2021 At 14:05
          Corporations d not pay taxes, the extremely rich pay very little. Instead, they take the money from customers. Sorta like politicians don’t pay taxes, they just take more from citizens.————quote

          Wow Larry get off the bottle or drugs. Do you even realize you just agreed with me?

        • dacian,

          This is my last reply to you.

          There are two key factors at play here.

          By-and-large, businesses (that includes corporations) only pay tax on their profits. Note that profits = revenue minus expenses.

          Clever business owners/operators will always ensure that there are almost as many expenses as revenue to … wait for it … reduce their business tax burden to nearly zero. Furthermore, those clever business owners/operators will ensure that their businesses own and operate almost everything as part of the business to … wait for it … reduce their personal tax burden to nearly zero. Remember, you don’t need to own something as long as you have exclusive control over it. And if don’t own anything, you don’t need any money.

          As an insightful author once said about the mega-rich, “They own nothing and control everything [through their businesses, corporations, and trusts].” That is why businesses, corporations, and mega-rich human beings typically pay next-to-nothing in taxes.

          Note that Democrats have had just as much opportunity as Republicans to change that fundamental aspect of accounting and business taxation which has existed in our nation for the last 150+ years. Rather than blaming Republicans for that arrangement, start investigating why that arrangement exists in the first place and why both Republicans and Democrats are so reluctant to change it.

        • To No Common Sense
          By-and-large, businesses (that includes corporations) only pay tax on their profits. Note that profits = revenue minus expenses.———quote

          Answer this question then: Amazon admitted they made 2 billion profit. Amazon paid no taxes last year. This totally refutes your statement on Corporations only paying taxes on profits. They did profit and they paid no taxes.

  8. OK Just had an unusual thought –

    Alcohol – At least 26 Whiskey Distilleries, over 82 Breweries, Numerous commercial moonshine distileties
    Tobacco – 4th largest producer in the US
    Firearms – Barrett, Bretta, Troy, and now Smith and Wesson.

    Tennessee – doing ATF the right way.

    • To Felix

      Quote—————Socialism is guaranteed to fail, because it destroys pricing.——————quote

      Felix you flunked both history classes and economics classes. You were describing communism which controls economic output you were not describing modern Socialism which is funded by free enterprise. I suggest you study the economies of Europe and the Far East some time.

      quote———–Everything government does to distort prices makes markets more inefficient, makes the economy more inefficient, makes useful products more expensive, reduces wages.———–quote

      Again you need to go back to school. Drug review boards are standard in Socialist Countries and they prevent greed monger gangster criminals in the drug industry from ripping people off and murdering them with drugs that are not affordable.

      Also Socialist countries unlike in Capitalvania U.S. A. have laws outlawing monopolies as well thereby stimulating competition and lower prices.

      quote—————Socialism doesn’t just distort prices, it abolishes them. Socialism is guaranteed to end in poverty for all,and then revolution.————-quote

      More Republican propaganda because in Socialist Europe, Japan, Taiwan, S. Korea etc, etc. with Socialist Health Care no one dies in the street like dogs because they cannot afford preventable health care or life saving operations or life saving drugs. No child is refused higher education because they cannot pay for it. No one is forced to live under bridges because they cannot afford a roof over their head. Its called living in a civilized Socialist Society.

      Capitalvanian u.S.A. is truly the shit hole of the industrialized world (to quote your living God Herr Drumpf , the Donald).

      • dacian,

        “… in Socialist Europe, Japan, Taiwan, S. Korea etc, etc. with Socialist Health Care no one dies in the street …”

        You have mentioned this before and always fail to respond to a GINORMOUS enabling factor: all, and I do mean ALL of those nations have a LOT more money available for their social programs thanks to the FREE national defense that the United States of America has provided to them for over 70 years.

        Our nation spends close to one trillion dollars on national defense every year. We could provide an astronomical amount of “free” healthcare with that much cash.

        • You are both right and wrong on this one and mostly wrong. Yes you are correct in stating that without our squandering trillions on wars of rape, pillage and conquest we could indeed afford National Health care.

          BUT STILL WRONG ABOUT THE FUNDING because if the U.S. taxed big corporations at the same level the Republican President Eisenhower did we could indeed afford National Health Care and still squander trillions on our military. YOU FORGET THAT EUROPEAN AND ASIAN COUNTRIES DO INDEED TAX THEIR CORPORATIONS UNLIKE CAPITALVANIA THAT DOES NOT. THAT IS THE REAL REASON THAT THEY CAN AFFORD NATIONAL HEALTH CARE AND WE CANNOT.

          ON THE OTHER HAND YOU ARE WRONG on the fact that Socialism worldwide was always funded by the U.S. spending on its military because Socialism started in 1883 under Bismarck in Germany and 1900 in Denmark and has had a steady i increase in benefits ever since and had converted many nations to it since that time. Again and again they tax both Corporations and the people to pay for it so quite trying to claim THAT WE ARE PAYING FOR THEIR SOCIALISM BEVAUSE THAT IS COMPLETE BULLSHIT.


        • Those countries also have fewer freeloaders compared to the US. We have the most progressive tax system here where the bottom half pays virtually nothing while the top 5% pays over half of all income tax.

          We could have affordable healthcare here. It’s simple.

          1. We only let in immigrants that will be paying into the system, but won’t be a burden of any kind.

          2. We stop wasting money. Zero new spending until we balance the budget and begin paying off the debt.

          3. EVERYONE pays into the system. That includes bitter old men that spend their afternoons accusing people on the net of being Nazis. EVERYONE pays a copay when they visit the doctor. This will dissuade people from abusing the system.

          4. Tell doctors, pharma companies, and insurance companies that they will make less money. They don’t make as much in other countries as they do here.

          Why can’t we do that?

          1. The dems are abusing the immigration system in order to secure their power. Priorities.

          2. The dems are going crazy with more spending than at any point in the history of this country, including wartime. Priorities.

          3. The dems can’t keep promising their freeloading constituents the moon. Priorities.

          4. The dems would rather keep their lobbying funds from the healthcare industry who outspends the energy industry by an extremely large margin. Priorities.

          We could have it, just like we could stop exporting our jobs while importing low wage workers. It’s all a matter of priorities.

        • dacian,

          Nice try.

          First of all, neither Germany nor Denmark budgeted any significant amount of money on national defense during the years that you mentioned.

          Second of all, there was basically no health care technology (for lack of a better term) to deliver to people in the late 1800s and the turn of the 20th century. So any cost of “healthcare” at that time would have been inconsequential. Furthermore, average lifespan was about half of what it is today and that also radically reduced the number of people that would need healthcare as well as how long they would need healthcare (e.g. how expensive it would be).

          Third, the United States of America does have a significant corporate tax rate. (Many people argue that it was/is so high that many corporations were/are leaving the United States to go to nations with significantly lower corporate tax rates.) Regardless, whether or not a corporation ends up paying any taxes is almost exclusively a function of how clever their executive management, accountants, and tax attorneys are. (And to a lesser extend if they get any “tax breaks” for pet government programs.) As I explained in detail in another comment, a corporation has basically no tax liability if the corporation has basically no profits–which is quite easy to accomplish.

        • To Dud Brain
          quote———–2. The dems are going crazy with more spending than at any point in the history of this country, including wartime. Priorities.————quote

          Oh cut the bullshit. Under Trump his tax rape bill ran up the deficit by 3 trillion dollars and you were not screaming your head off about that especially when the rich laughed their asses off when they got off tax free. Now your screaming about the Dems actually wanting to help people on health care and give eye glass care, dental care and hearing aids to retired people on Social Security. Dud you really are depraved.

          Quote—————We could have it, just like we could stop exporting our jobs while importing low wage workers. It’s all a matter of priorities.———–quote

          Another Trumpite racist lie. Studies done show many immigrants are not uneducated at all. There have been teachers, doctors, health care workers, machinists (who I knew personally by the way Dude, you racist pig) computer programmers and the list goes on and on.

          quote————-Those countries also have fewer freeloaders compared to the US. We have the most progressive tax system here where the bottom half pays virtually nothing while the top 5% pays over half of all income tax.——–quote

          Wow your bullshit is really overflowing today. Again Moron go back to Trumps tax rape bill that let the super rich and the super rich corporations pay zero income tax. Hey genius have you ever heard of a company called Amazon that paid zero taxes last year on 2 billion profit, none of which was shared with the workers. Thank your living god Herr Drumpf for that obscenity.

          And to add to the obscenity these super rich corporations WHO PAID ZERO TAXES steal YOUR TAXES in the form of Corporate Subsidies. That money should be coming back to the workers in the form of Socialist programs that help people in need like aid to education, preventative health care, affordable drugs and affordable life saving operations. Health care and education should not be a luxury only for the Capitalvanians.

          Try again Herr Hauptman your blind greed and racist lies are only too well exposed.

        • To Uncommon Sense

          quote————First of all, neither Germany nor Denmark budgeted any significant amount of money on national defense during the years that you mentioned.———–quote

          Brother you really are on drugs today. Go back and read the dates. They span through WWI and WWII, now tell me that Germany did not spend billions on war armaments but still had Socialist programs for the people. Really have you lost touch with reality or just plain flunked every history class you ever took if indeed you had any history classes at all.

          quote——–Second of all, there was basically no health care technology (for lack of a better term) to deliver to people in the late 1800s and the turn of the 20th century. So any cost of “healthcare” at that time would have been inconsequential.—————quote

          Once again you flunked history and are talking out your ass. Bismarck did not pass the first Social programs because there was no need. Your comment it ignorant, asinine and totally ridiculous.

          Bismarck’s strategy in the 1880s was to win the workers over for the conservative regime by implementing social benefits. He added accident and old-age insurance as well as a form of socialized medicine. Support for the Social Democrats increased with each election.

          quote————- As I explained in detail in another comment, a corporation has basically no tax liability if the corporation has basically no profits–which is quite easy to accomplish.———quote

          Wow your really making a fool of yourself today. Now economic genius tell us then how Amazon admitted to 2 billion in profit and then paid zero taxes last year. They did not claim zero profits. Now what part of this do you not understand?????????

        • small d on the tax plan: “you were not screaming your head off about that”

          You’re wrong about that. I had multiple problems with it. I’ve even brought that up here before. I’ve been screaming about the deficit and debt since I was an adult.

          small d: “Studies done show many immigrants are not uneducated at all.”

          You’re conflating legal immigration with illegal immigration, and I didn’t even mention education. Now that you brought it up, there are also problems with legal immigration. Large corporations get permission to (legally) bring in skilled workers who will work for less than Americans. There have been studies on this suppressing wages, especially in the tech sector.

          small d said: “Wow your bullshit is really overflowing today.”

          Quote me on a single lie. I can back up every single thing I said. Look it up yourself.

          small d said: “your blind greed and racist lies are only too well exposed.”

          How am I greedy? Quote me this time. I go out of my way to help people out. You don’t even know me. How am I a racist? Quote the racist thing I said. If you can’t do that, then you’re the one that’s FOS.

        • “Our nation spends close to one trillion dollars on national defense every year. We could provide an astronomical amount of “free” healthcare with that much cash.”

          Don’t look now, but the dems want to spend 6.5 trillion (!) ABOVE our normal expenditures this year. Yet NONE of it is going to give me free healthcare. So where’s the free healthcare crowd? Are they really that dumb? It’s pure insanity.

        • Southern Cross,

          That is an important consideration. I have spent several weeks in one of those European socialist utopias. At a casual glance, it looks very nice. Dig a little deeper and something becomes apparent: the working class over there cannot afford much of what the working class can afford in the United States. Home ownership is virtually non-existent. Many do not own cars and if they do, they are small cars. Almost no one has campers, boats, vacation homes/properties, nor any other numerous “extras” that so many of us take for granted in the United States.

          The working class pays significantly for all of those “free” benefits. They just don’t realize it.

        • To the Twisted Cross.

          Quote————-And don’t forget the very high personal income tax rates in those European socialist utopias———-quote

          Yeah genius boy its better to save a penny today in taxes and then go bankrupt when you cannot afford to pay for a life saving operation or life saving drugs which results in you dying like a dog in the street. Those tax pennies you saved did you no good when you could not pay your medical bills or died because you could afford no medical care.

          When the rabid racist Herr Drumpf said he would rather give citizenship to the people of Denmark instead of Africans the Danes laughed in his face as they were too well aware of the lack of social programs in Capitalvania.

          By the way I am curious I thought Australia locked up nut cases like you. How have you managed to stay one step ahead of the law?????

        • To No Common Sense

          quote———— Home ownership is virtually non-existent. Many do not own cars and if they do, they are small cars. Almost no one has campers, boats, vacation homes/properties, nor any other numerous “extras” that so many of us take for granted in the United States.————quote

          I do not know what the hell country you were in but I have seen German million dollar homes and yes they have luxury cars also. I have seen multi-million dollar yachts. Yes there are poor people in Europe too especially in the East block but to make the outrageous claims you just made shows either you are a racist or do not know what the hell you are talking about or perhaps both.

        • Little commissar, I know you’re getting angry when you resort to personal attacks.

          To Socialists, those who do not believe must be mentally ill and treated in asylums. I am curious as to why I am supposedly mentally ill. Socialism seems to have the attributes of cults like Scientology.

          I know I’m not normal. I don’t watch free to air television because the quality has truly diminished in the last decade. I have very little interest in spectator sport, especially cricket and football. I don’t have social media accounts because I have better things to do with my time.

          I work, pay taxes, bills, and mortgage. We have good enough public health. Could be better but could be worse.

        • Okay, I said would not comment about dacian any more but I just cannot help myself. Rest assured, though, that this really is my last comment/response involving him/her.

          I referred to the WORKING CLASS in a European socialist utopia–that home ownership was virtually non-existent, many do not own cars, and most cannot afford any of the “extras” which many people in the WORKING CLASS in the United States can afford.

          Then dacian attempts to refute that with comments about million dollar homes, yachts, and luxury cars in Germany–which of course are not related in the slightest to what the WORKING CLASS buys/owns anywhere in the world.

          What a dumb-ass. I will simply point at him/her and laugh from this point forward.

        • “What a dumb-ass.”

          I’ll add bigot to that. In his mind, he’s a genius and we’re the fools. It’s scary that people like that actually exist.

    • it’s the companies making AR’s that are having problems…for now…moving makes sense…

  9. Wow, Taxachussetts must be even worse for firearms manufacturers than New Jersey.
    Even here in New Jersey we still have a gun manufacturer.
    Which one? Henry Repeating Arms, in Bayonne, New Jersey, because New Jersey hasn’t yet banned lever-action rifles by declaring them to be “assault weapons” (the key word being “yet”).

    Not yet — New Jersey hasn’t banned lever-action rifles yet — but I’m sure it’s on Governor Phil Murphy’s agenda for his second term!
    (Murphy is up for reelection in November, and it looks like he’ll win in a landslide).

    • NJ will get what they vote for, GOOD AND HARD.

      Those attempting to exercise ALL their rights in NJ may want to keep a container of lube handy.

    • Or dump “The Chipper’s” remains in a “Hillary Hole”.

      SOP for “useful idiots” who outlive the “useful” part of that title. History proves this as fact.

  10. “In fact, Massachusetts isn’t even a “shall issue” state.”

    While the state is de jure “may issue” (Boston is “no issue”), some towns are definitely de facto “shall issue.” It all depends on whether the chief LEO (who is in charge of issuance) is or is not a dick.

      • Yes its all beginning to make perfect sense now. Move to Tennessee where its impossible for the workers to start a Union for a decent wage and benefits. The excuse about anti-gun laws was like a godsend to the Capitalvanian greed monger C.E.O.’s the perfect excuse to move there.

        • “decent wage and benefits”

          So obviously you’re against flooding the country with millions of illegal immigrants who are being allowed to bypass our immigration laws, right? A report just came out today. Unemployment is actually rising. We also now know that 20% of the recent illegal immigrants “have an illness” -per the DHS secretary. It’s an “illness” because it would be political suicide to admit they have Covid.

          What kind of brain dead administration would screw over the American worker by flooding the market with millions of low wage workers while unemployment is rising? Answer: the same kind of brain dead administration that would encourage tens of thousands of unvaccinated Covid positive illegal immigrants to bypass our immigration system while simultaneously restricting Americans that don’t wish to be vaccinated.

        • Dud Brain your the biggest bullshitter and racist I have run across on this forum. Just yesterday I walked into my local supermarket and guess what they only had just 1 cashier and 11 empty cash registers. When I asked what was going on they said they could find no help. Last week on trucking company was paying new drivers $3,000 just to take a job with them. YOU READ THAT RIGHT THEY ARE PAYING THEM $3,000 JUST TO COME TO WORK FOR THEM.

          We can absorb those few thousand Haitian immigrants faster than a cat can scratch his ass but its rabid racists like you that spread your Storm Trooper lies and hatred of immigrants and refugees. Storm Trooper racists like you are also screaming about the Afghan refugees as well, many of which worked for the U.S. You are the lowest filth of the American people.

          And immigrants are given covid tests and inoculations. The real problem are hill jacks like you who refuse to take the covid shots and they are still in the millions, not the few thousand immigrants who are only too glad to get the shots. You fool no one who has even a smidgen of education. You only fool your racist storm trooper radical base.

          Go spread your lies to the ignorant as decent people who are the majority of the American people will have none of it. They value and respect the poem on the Statue of Liberty while you recoil in racist horror from it.

          I would guess above your bed you have two pictures, one of Hitler and the other of Herr Drumpf your living God.

          We had WWII veterans that fought to end Nazism in Germany, but never in their wildest imaginations would they have thought that Nazi’s like you would rise out of the sewers of hate to infest their own country the U.S.A. in modern times. That is what is really disturbing to say the least that there are too many people like you running loose on the streets threatening civilized Americans who may not be White Anglo Saxon Protestants. The last laugh is that you are a dying breed as right now over 25 percent of all the American people are either immigrants, refuges or sons or daughters of immigrants. And in less than another 20 years Latino’s will be the dominate race in America. That I am sure makes you shit your pants and I love every minute of it.

        • “your the biggest bullshitter and racist”

          It’s you’re not your. Name one false statement I made. Now name one racist statement I’ve ever made. Put up or shut up. By the way, you’re the racist. More on that later.

          small d said: “they said they could find no help”

          Do you think that’s because we don’t have enough people here? The Dept of Labor said unemployment claims INCREASED. Do you understand what that means? It means people would rather collect unemployment (welfare) than work. Do you think the solution to that problem is to flood the market with low wage workers? Who am I kidding? You aren’t thinking about any of this.

          small d said: “Storm Trooper racists like you”
          “You are the lowest filth of the American people.”

          If you’re going to call me names, then let me know why. Quote any racist comments made by me or shut up.

          small d said: “immigrants are given covid tests and inoculations.”

          They’re also allowed to decline the vaccination as well as any tests, and many are doing so. If Biden was serious about Covid, then he wouldn’t have open borders during a pandemic. He’s requiring the military and some federal workers to get the vaccine, but he isn’t requiring the illegal immigrants to get it. Why the unequal treatment? Is the vaccine a priority or not?

          small d said: “Go spread your lies”

          Name one lie. Quote me or shut up.

          small d said: “Nazi’s like you”

          Name one Nazi like thing (?) I said. Quote me or shut up.

          Now we get to the part where I quote the actual racist thing you said.

          small d said: “…you are a dying breed as right now…Latino’s will be the dominate race in America. That I am sure makes you shit your pants and I love every minute of it.”

          Since the Left can’t grasp what real racism is unless it involves particular skin tones, I’m going to switch around the races to help little d out.

          “Black and brown people are a dying breed right now…White people will be the dominate race in America. That I am sure makes you shit your pants and I love every minute of it.”

          What sort of person would think to say something like that? Who celebrates a dying race? What kind of person would want to replace one race with another? Who’s the Nazi again?

        • quote————– Name one false statement I made. Now name one racist statement I’ve ever made. Put up or shut up. By the way, you’re the racist. More on that later.———-quote

          You are so demented you remind me of Hitler. He once said he was basically a nice guy. Your posts are so full of hate for immigrants a blind man could see it. And you have the audacity of saying “show me one thing I said that was racist”. You really are demented. I say to you “show me one thing about immigrants you said that WAS NOT RACIST”

          You are trying to put the blame on immigrants for spreading a disease that was never mentioned what it was from your own quote but implying it was covid clearly shows your seething hate and paranoia about immigrants. You fool no one.

          I would actually have more respect for you if you admitted you are a racist than trying to hide the obvious fact

        • Also your seething hatred for immigrants reared its ugly head when you accused all immigrants as being uneducated and of no use to America. Dud Brain you are a low life piece of filth.

        • He quotes me asking him to quote me then proceeds to just call me names. 😂 Hey little d, the reason you won’t quote the racist thing I said is because I never said anything racist, unlike you (I quoted the racist thing you said). The reason you resort to name calling is because you have nothing else. You’re like a child. You have no argument. All you do is repeat talking points and treat people like walking stereotypes. It doesn’t matter what I say to you because, in your mind, I’m a stereotype of the FAR-RIGHT.

          By the way, three of my good childhood friends spoke a language other than English at home with their family. My favorite neighbor, as an adult, to this day was a Mexican immigrant. You know nothing about me personally. I’m only a stereotype to you. We used to understand how dangerous it is to stereotype groups of people.

  11. Took them long enough for fuck’s sake. They should have done this 10 years ago. Perhaps I will now give them some of my money knowing it is not going to support taxes for MA.

  12. Well done S&W!
    I was in Mass a few years ago on an extended business trip and decided to go to a local range to do some shooting. Imagine my surprise when I was informed that only those with Mass issued carry permits could shoot there. I was tpld that I should go to one of the “free states” like Vermont if I wanted to do some shooting.
    Sam Adams is probably rolling in his grave…

  13. Well done S&W!
    I was in Mass a few years ago on an extended business trip and decided to go to a local range to do some shooting. Imagine my surprise when I was informed that only those with Mass issued carry permits could shoot there. I was told that I should go to one of the “free states” like Vermont if I wanted to do some shooting.
    Sam Adams is probably rolling in his grave…

  14. Well that makes three. Berretta, Troy Industries, and now Smith and Wesson. All now moved to Tennessee. This is called a clue.

    • “Baby won’t you carry me
      Back to Tennessee”

      OK !

      “Country roads, take me home….”

      “I’ll carry your books, I’ll carry a torch, I’ll carry a tune, I’ll carry on, carry over, carry forward, Cary Grant, cash and carry, carry me back to old Virginny,…”

  15. In Britain there are “Council Houses” which are supplied by the local government with modest rents. Otherwise people rent or only buy in affordable areas (often with long commutes).

    Just because some can afford luxury cars and yachts (such as Greta Thunberg’s family) doesn’t mean the majority has them.

  16. “Yeah, yeah…
    But he ain’t wrong.
    Look up the 1967 Mulford Act.”

    Anyone who is a single issue voter, no matter the issue will ever be disappointed. The best approach is to not vote, and urge others to not vote, either.

    If people refuse to vote, in large enough numbers, over time that’ll show ’em.

    The path to political victory is to not participate, until your favorite party pays attention.

  17. Good for S & W!!!. Welcome to the State of Tennessee and welcome to the friendly patriotic South. One can only feel compassion for those who will lose their jobs, but maybe some will consider moving with the company.

  18. @Chris T in KY
    “Why don’t you try holding them accountable for a change? Reagan is a long dead president.”

    That’s not how it works. If your point/frame of reference is not perfect in all respects, then your position is illegitimate. Thus, you are of no consequence, and an example of the hypocrisy of your standards.
    (“Rules for Radicals”, Rule#4)

  19. To people who think there is very limited experience in that area… The new site sits between a large Alcoa (or whatever its name is now) facility with hundreds of experienced machinists and a large Japanese auto parts manufacturer also with a large workforce of experienced industrial workers. Also there are aluminum powder casting facilities with die experienced employees. The area will be just fine. We are not talking about Dog Patch.

      • Not for lil’d.
        He seems to think everyone wears rope belts in that part of the country.
        But areas around Boston are just soooo enlightened, take “methadone mile” for example. 🤪

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