“Two students were shot and killed Friday at a high school in the Phoenix suburb of Glendale but the danger at the campus was over, police said, as worried parents crowded stores nearby to await word on their children. Glendale Officer Tracey Breeden told reporters that both were 15-year-old girls and were shot once at Independence High School. Authorities were not searching for any suspects, and a weapon was found near the bodies, she said.” From the details — gun found at scene, no one sought in the shooting, everyone else is safe — and what isn’t said in the post by abc7.com, this would seem to be a case of murder/suicide. But these situations are always fluid and initial reports iffy at best. More if and when it becomes available.
That sux. I couldn’t imagine taking a gun to school at 15 for any reason except to go hunt after.
Will pray for them.
Two dead? No active shooter? Weapon found on scene? Yup, murder suicide or outright suicide pact. In any case, I’m sure that both of them are now “victims” of “gun violence” just like the Boston Bomber.
The anti’s will no doubt be falling over themselves to determine where the gun came from, or how one of these 15 year old teens got the gun. On your mark…get set….GO…and wave the bloody shirt.
Rejected lesbian shoots object of her desire than offs herself?
Jilted girlfriend shoots boyfriends new flame?
Not saying that’s necessarily what happened but I never understood why we had to read Romeo and Juliet in high school. It’s not a love story, just a weekend lust resulting in a half dozen deaths.
Why glorify this kind of story to a bunch of developing youths with potentially unstable emotions and relationships? Stress it as a tragedy that shouldn’t be repeated not as the greatest romance of the times.
Never thought about it that way before, makes sense, good point.
You just ruined Shakespeare for me.
Screwy lonely voyeur female English teachers.
This one is hot, let’s go with it.
“Rejected lesbian shoots object of her desire than offs herself?”
Unfortunately, that may be the case:
“Although the investigation is not complete, investigators working the case say evidence found at the scene leads them to believe that one female took the life of the other female before taking her own life,” police said later Friday.
According to police, detectives learned the girls were close friends, and appeared to be in a relationship.”
Damn shame.
I have a friend in Glendale with high school aged kids in school. So I called him and he said they go to a different school. He did say that the Hispanic gang problem is horrible down there and there are always shootings like this going on. He also said that if we think the boy gang-bangers and bad, the girl gang-bangers are even worse! He said the girls are just “ruthless” This comes from my buddy who lives on Topeka in Glendale.
I grew up on Topeka Dr in Glendale and went to HS right up the road. I agree with you, the population exploded in PHX, and the gang problem is just getting worse.
Yes the high school is just around the corner. Although I live in Spokane, I go down there and occasionally and winter in the Yuma area. I went with my buddy to pick his daughter up at the high school you mentioned.
That part of Glendale is just on the edge of some really rough areas of Phoenix.
Just sad.
Minitrue must have worked overtime to wordsmith the linked article.
If only there was a law.. or a waiting period.. or a gun-free zone..
It would have made no difference.
What might have made a difference was involved parents and a firm foundation in faith.
Always a tragedy when young kids (or anyone really) can’t see any other end to whatever it is that torments them.
Suicide is not an answer. Except in California, where it is a doctor’s recommendation (a disgusting statute).
Sorry to see this…nothing more on the news. I’m not speculating.
Will america ever learn from it’s gun problem?
More guns less crime my ass.
I’m glad I live in a country with sane laws.
1. Myth: Guns make us safe and protect us from crime
FALSE: A gun in the home is 50X more like to be used in a murder or suicide against you or a loved one than stop a criminal attack
2. Myth: Ever since the UK and Australia banned/restricted firearms crime rose up.
FALSE: Ever since the numerous tragedies that plagued these two commonwealth nations, UK and the commonwealth
of australia heavily restricted firearms requring licensing, registration, criminal and psycological background
checks have watched thier crimes drop in years and these two countries have became the most two safest places in
the world.
3. Myth: Despite strict gun control, Japan, South Korea and the rest of asia have very high rates of suicides and have
mass killings despite strict weapon laws.
FALSE: Japan and South korea have the lowest rates of suicides and murders in the developed world while the united states has the
highest rates of suicides and murders in the developed world due to easy access to firearms.
4. Myth: Ever since Illinois, New york, California and other anti-gun states passed strict gun control, Murder/crimes rates rose.
FALSE: Ever since these states passed laws, They’ve watched thier crime, murder and suicide rates drop over the past years while
“pro-gun” states watched thier crime rates, murder rates and suicide rates skyrocket. The only reason IL,NY, CA have gun crime is
due to criminals smuggling them into states with lax laws and said lax law states refusing to pass stringent laws.
5. Myth: The NRA is a civil and consitiutional rights group.
FALSE: The NRA is considered a terrorist organization by numerous foreign law enforcement agencies and talks with american law
enforcement agnecies have considered overtime to have this organization branded as a threat to national security due to the NRA’s
ties to white supermacy groups, right-wing extremists organization, mexican drug cartels and gun manufacturers.
6. Myth: No matter how hard you restrict guns, Criminals will still get them.
FALSE: Criminals would not have firearms if you did not. Countries with strict gun laws or outright gun bans have seen heavy drops
in crime rates and watched as thier education, economies, healthcare, the quality of life and the freedom of personal liberties increase
and imrpvoe overtime while countries with lax gun laws have seen the opposite.
7. Myth: Countries such as switzerland, czech republic, austria, new zealand and serbia have lax and friendly gun culture laws and are the safest
in the world.
FALSE: These same countries have higher rates of crime, mass shootings, homicides and suicides due to the “friendly gun culture” and switzerland
and the czech republic are considered the most dangerous areas of europe while the UK, France, germany, italy and the scandinavian areas of europe,
asia, canada and ironically africa are considered the safest places in the world.
8. Myth: These is no right to be safe.
FALSE: It is said in the US constituation that americans have the right to “Life, Liberty and the pursuit of happiness.”
9. Myth: There had been reported to be fifty-thousand to one million DGU a year which proves that guns save lives.
FALSE: There had been no cases of a DGU where a citizen had stopped a violent crime or mass shooting with a firearm versus the 40000 incidents of americans dying
from firearms this is a propaganda tatic pulled by the NRA and other gun-extremist groups to sell more firearms.
10.Myth: CCW Holders have stopped crimes and mass shootings.
FALSE: Based on the myth that “only good guys with guns can stop a bad guy with a gun.”, Again there had been no cases of a tragedy being stopped by a “Law abiding
gun owners.”, Those who legally own firearms are more like to commit violent crimes, mass shootins and murders than stop a crime.
11.Myth: The police have no legal obligation to protect you or stop a crime.
FALSE: Ever since numerous successful lawsuits, Police are now required to take training and steps to protect the people that call upon them
to protect the safety and lives of persons and the community.
12.Myth: There is no gun show “loophole”
FALSE: There had been reported cases of criminals obtaining firearms due to the lax laws that can allow dealers to sell a weapon to an
individual without a background check at these places.
13.Myth: More guns equals less crime/
14.Myth: The recent incidents in paris, france & sydney, australia prove that criminals or dangerous individuals will still obtain firearms.
FALSE: It was found by numerous investigations by various law enforcement agencies including foreign ones such as interpol have found out
that the NRA and other “gun-rights” groups had provded weapons and training to the sydney cafe killer and the charlie hebdo attackers and the recent paris
15.Myth: Most of the gun violence in the country is due to the war on drugs and gang violence.
FALSE: Drug/Gang violence only represents only a mere-5-7% of the gun deaths, The rest of the violence is caused
by individuals with ties to right wing extremists and right wing militia groups.
Are we not allowed to flame even trolls?
Get creative about it.
Like how I handle that little troll god…
All I had to see was Brisbane, what a joke.
WHAT? I made it to number 3 before I had to stop reading your stupid list. Here’s a Wikipedia page for you:
Japan has a MUCH higher suicide rate than the USA. I’m sure others here will be happy to pick apart the other lies and fallacies in your list. I just don’t have the time to properly feed the trolls right now.
Hilarious troll at that. The Constitution says “Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness”… Maybe that is in the Declaration of Independence. Just saying.
TLDR, I’ve had a gun and a key to the safe since I was 12. Still alive, never killed anyone.
thank you for the window into your depravity. understanding ones opponent is of value in the fight against tyranny.
“Countries with strict gun laws…watched as thier education”
My sides, they ache with laughter.
Don’t be harsh. I think we are dealing with a 7th grader on her Mom’s computer. At least from all available evidence.
“8. Myth: These is no right to be safe.
FALSE: It is said in the US constituation that americans have the right to “Life, Liberty and the pursuit of happiness.””
US constituation.
Never heard of that document.
This phrase is not in the constituation, nor is it in the constitution.
Really, this is the best you can do?
It’s like shooting fish in a barrel. Heh heh, see what I did there?
It’s not likely this person is actually from Brisbane, but I have been to Brisbane at least once a year the last 3 years. There has been “gun crime” and “gun violence” every time I’ve been there. But by all means, keep your head in the sand.
In the sand is not where she has her head.
Myth: everything you just spent an hour typing.
Myth: everything you just spent 30 seconds copying and pasting from an anti-gun website.
Fixed it for you.
Maybe you were unaware, but it is already illegal for a 15-year-old to possess a handgun – just as it is illegal to carry a handgun into that school. Oddly enough, those laws failed to prevent someone intent upon committing a murder-suicide.
Good. Stay there. I’m glad you’re there, and not here.
Re: Myth vs Fact:
[Citation Needed]
Of course! It’s simple mathematics. The same “simple math” we can observe in:
“If it takes a woman 9 months to give birth, we will assign 9 women to that task and complete the project in 1 month.”
If your statement were true, the crime rate in the USA would be shooting through the roof, since gun sales have been breaking records for years now. At the same time, crime rates have been dropping at an approximately equal magnitude over the same time period.
Number 10 is particularly interesting. Not one record of a CCW or lawful citizen stopping a murder? You either don’t believe that b.s yourself or you are seriously, appallingly ill-informed.
I’m glad I live in a country with sane laws where we don’t punish people or take their things because of what other people do with similar items.
A gun provides options. More options = greater freedom. Should someone be assaulted (such as the old, the sick, the weak, the disabled, a gun substantially leverages their probability of success against what they would otherwise face without one. Your statistic is total made up nonsense, where did you get that nice round number of 50?? Obviously, if I own stairs in my home or a swimming pool, I am at least 50% also more likely to die falling down the stairs or drowning in my pool. But regardless of your nonsense – a gun does provide options should a real criminal break in and there is no doubt it is the best tool for the job.
My god man It took several minutes to quench my laughter of that one. Australia and the UK the safest two places in the world? By years end – March 2015, Sexual offenses went up 37%, Knives and sharp objects – another 2% Assaults – up 13%, Weapons possession – up 10%.
After all, everyone knows the safest place for gun violence is China and North Korea man.
Lies. South Korea is ranked second in the world with suicides. Japan 17th place – United states – 50th.
Homicides in japan and korea are lower than the US – but that is understandable with everyone killing themselves off. Also, you assertion that murders are due to easy access to firearms is unfounded. Murders are caused by people with underlying issues which resulted in a very violent act. Understanding this underlying violent act helps everyone’s safety and freedom (for gun rights), but you guy’s don’t want that because it doesn’t fit your agenda.
Crime in the united states has been dropping year after year pretty much everywhere. I wouldn’t be surprised that it is also dropping in Chiraq, et al., as well. There is no “skyrocketing” murder/suicide rates.
NY is getting it’s guns from other lax gun law states? And if all states had the same law, they would probably be getting them smuggled up through mexico – so what does it matter where they come from?
Haha! You are playing the terrorist card? For real? 5 million NRA members and they are terrorists? Insanity. NRA doesn’t have any ties with white supremacy groups. Anyone can be a member – even you, Brisbane. Funny how you included gun manufacturer’s with “white supremacists” and “Mexican drug cartels.” The NRA is a grass roots organization with millions of members across the US. Pull your head out.
Education, economy, healthcare… blah blah blah. These have nothing to do with guns. You provide no evidence whatsoever that firearms “causes” any of these issues or even that the issues themselves indeed exist. Brisbane is place filled with rapists and no one there can read – see I can make sh!t up too.
Last I checked, your myth was true. Criminals will be able to get guns. I can make a gun in my garage on a lathe and mill and it would be fully automatic. Those are easier to make than semi autos or hand operated actions. Now days you can print a gun on a 3D printer (a technology that will only improve).
Switzerland: 0.6 homicides/100k
Czech Republic: 0.9 homicides/100k
Austria: 0.9 homicides/100k
New Zealand: 0.9 homicides/100k
Serbia: 1.2 homicides/100k
in contrast:
UK: 1.0 homicides/100k
France: 1.0 homicides/100k
Germany: 0.8 homicides/100k
Italy: 0.9 homicides/100k
Norway: 2.2 homicides/100k
Sweden: 0.7 homicides/100k
Finland: 1.6 homicides/100k
Canada: 1.4 homicides/100k
Pretty much speaks for itself. More education here:
Your myth is indeed fact. If I’m afraid of people taking away my guns and don’t feel safe about it – don’t I have a right to be safe??? After all, I have the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness – Right? What I do have is a right to be free (i.e. liberty). Free to own guns, free to shoot guns, free to carry guns. The only way to absolutely achieve safety is to remove everyone’s freedom and keep them locked up where they will be safe.
Haha! lies. The truth about guns shows a DGU every single day. Even hemenway, the gun grabber himself, said there is more like 20000/year. Weighed against 11000 homicides/year – gun ownership is a good thing.
Your 40000 figure is made up by the way – like most of everything else you have said.
More lies. TheTruthAboutGuns shows one everyday. Educate yourself on this issue.
Here is yesterdays: http://www.thetruthaboutguns.com/2016/02/daniel-zimmerman/concealed-carrier-fired-after-saving-womans-life-at-gm-facility/
Lies. http://www.nytimes.com/2005/06/28/politics/justices-rule-police-do-not-have-a-constitutional-duty-to-protect-someone.html?_r=0
Lies. A “dealer” must perform a background check or they are committing a crime. The rules in the gun show don’t change when you exit or enter the gun show.
Prove it. No? I didn’t think so. Thanks for your “opinion from Brisbane Australia.”
I don’t know what to say about this one. Your nuts. You are absolutely coo-coo. Let’s milk a unicorn for a beverage, put on our tin-foil hats, and contemplate other dimensions.
This one is about as good as #14. Given the homicide rate within the cities vs the country side. The rates are several orders of magnitude greater in the cities – especially larger cities (>100,000). Seems like gun’s aren’t the problem. Maybe the underlying disparities that cause these violent acts in individuals are?
This is so hilariously false! The entirety of your entire post hasn’t a shred of truth in it. Please go do some research and try again troll!
Memo to Robert. Please do not print big text -dumps like the above from somebody in Bris bane.
Clumsy attempt troll(from a minor sparsely populated desert continent).
“…10.Myth: CCW Holders have stopped crimes and mass shootings.
FALSE: Based on the myth that “only good guys with guns can stop a bad guy with a gun.”, Again there had been no cases of a tragedy being stopped by a “Law abiding
gun owners.”, Those who legally own firearms are more like to commit violent crimes, mass shootins and murders than stop a crime…”
Clackamas mall shooting, Dec 11th 2012 Clackamas, Oregon.
Look it up
9. Myth: There had been reported to be fifty-thousand to one million DGU a year which proves that guns save lives.
FALSE: There had been no cases of a DGU where a citizen had stopped a violent crime or mass shooting with a firearm versus the 40000 incidents of americans dying
from firearms this is a propaganda tatic pulled by the NRA and other gun-extremist groups to sell more firearms.
There are no cases of DGU. Just NRA propaganda. Never happens…….expect when it does…….
1. Pearl High School – Oct. 1, 1997
2. Parker Middle School – April 24, 1998
3. Appalachian School of Law – Jan. 16, 2002
4. New Life Church in Colorado Springs – Dec. 9, 2007
5. New York Mills AT&T Store – May 27, 2010
6. Sullivan Central High School – August 30, 2010
7. Freewill Baptist Church – March 25, 2012
8. Clackamas Town Center Mall – Dec. 11, 2012
9. Mystic Strip Club – January 11, 2014
10. Austin, Texas Construction Site – April 30, 2014
11. Cache Valley Hospital – May 16, 2014
12. Mercy Fitzgerald Hospital – July 25, 2014
Great job in exposing those NRA lies. Because we all know gun control works so well.
Sorry, I couldn’t hear you over the popcorn I’m making.
This is a clear case of two Mensa members inacting the thought experiment of Schrodinger’s cat.
Not to be confused by Chip’s new pet, ‘Schrodinger’s Gat’…
Ban Mensa members from owning pets! If ONE pet’s life can be saved, we should do something!
I’d rather be a “troll” than live a asinine lie of some idiotic delusion that having a bloody gun will make me safe.
We’ve had no mass shootings here ever.
Gun control works.
22 September 1976.
In Brisbane.
Google is your friend.
youre partly right, i guess. guns arent magic talismans that ward off evil and keep us safe by merely possessing them. they do, however, give one a fighting chance against criminals.
I thought the near-daily stabbings in London would have taught you commonwealth subjects something about human nature by now, but no, death by any other object is perfectly acceptable so long as you can cook the books and spread outright lies in the name of “ending Gun Violence™”
Demonstrably false:
Not only does gun control not work (massacres by non-firearms still result in mass casualties), but in your country, gun control failed to prevent massacres committed with guns.
“Gun control works.”
Absolutely. Best way ever devised to assure the safety of the hard-working criminal class, and keep the people feeling safe and secure, while it is the government alone that is safe and secure from the people, while claiming it is all in the name of “Public safety”.
As if death by knife is better?
We don’t want to be safe – we want to be free.
I agree gun control works – look at North Korea and China. Pinnacles of freedom and safety.
Gun control works? What happened to these two people in your fine city then? From two days ago…
As a shooter who lives about an hour from Brisbane all I can say is obvious troll
Still over a million licenced firearms owners here and that went up by about 20 percent last year. Either usual doom saying from main media but no blood in streets.
Anyway Saturday morning here work then heading to range to show new shooter how to miss clays
Sounds like fun! A shotgun is on my top-two on my list of upcoming firearms purchases, so hopefully soon I’ll be able to emulate you.
I had a little experience with trap shooting, so I bought a used spartan 12 ga double made by ??? My first time out on the trap range with it, I broke 24. I never did as well since, even with it’s replacement — the Browning Superposed I finally got my hands on.
The Spartans that I’m familiar with were made by Baikal in Russia and sold here by Remington. My Winchester Wildcat .22 rifle was made by Toz in Russia.
Solid, reliable guns. Probably why Remington stopped selling them.
jmw — Sorry for the confusion. I meant “spartan” in the sense of “basic, no frills”, not a brand name of shotgun. I did not know there was such a brand name. IIRC, the brand of used shotgun I bought was “Springfield”.
So sad. But i wish they would have hacked each other to death with razors so these libretards can catch a bus to complain about something elseville. Seriously, at least they died quickly and painlessly. You never know. Maybe one of the girls was unwittingly murdered. If she had been carrying some protection, it is possible one family would still be whole. That or leave your weapon at the gate policy. Guns are not the problem. It’s inconsistent, uneven, and illogical policies and attitudes that ruin it for the rest of us. I mean, what if Trayvon would have been encouraged to carry? We need to get the word out!
“…what if Trayvon would have been encouraged to carry?”
Nope. He was only 17 so carrying would have been illegal.
Then George Zimmerman would have been a murder victim, rather than being victimized by a malicious prosecution?
Ok. You’re right. Bad example. But there are still plenty of examples of unarmed men unjustifiably killed (even by police) who could have benefitted from protection.
Chip Bennett
Depends a lot on budget for shotguns
I use a Browning B2 for most competition
Not a hunting carry around gun but good for a 250 rounds plus day on clays.
I have two others for ducks, rabbits etc
Like all shooting things you can suddenly need “more” Currently I need another safe as main one is a bit packed
If two young ladies are so effed up as to bring a firearm to their school and one of them kills the other, before turning the weapon on themselves….that’s about the ultimate in effed up. I’m sure Mr. Kirk in Brisbane would have had some sage advice to save the day, if only he had been there, though.
Some people just need to kindly keep their claptrap shut and stay that way.
If things like this are part of your child’s school experience you should homeschool.
“Alternative lifestyle” relationships can be a REAL “killer”. Here it appears we have two mentally ill individuals whose brains haven’t fully developed no doubt encouraged by the school’s counselors and administrators to “explore” their sexuality and “same-sex” attraction and the end result of that debauchery when one realizes that “lifestyle” and all it’s associated baggage ain’t (sic) for them.
but…but….feminists told me only evil men use guns to hurt people….this doesn’t fit the narrative.
Must have been a slow day for irresponsible gun owners if that’s the best you can come up with.