Zimmerman trial prosecutor Bernie de la Rionda (courtesy nbc.com)

“Fucking punks. These assholes they always get away.” That’s how Assistant DA John Guy began his opening statement in the murder trial of George Zimmerman. Allegedly quoting the defendant, Guy uttered the phrase five times. Apparently, Zimmerman said it “just before he pulled the trigger on Trayvon Martin.” [Click here for live coverage.] The judge has banned the words “racial profiling” from the opening statement. The Prosecutor got around the stricture by stating that Zimmerman was looking “for people who didn’t belong” in his ‘hood. Bernie also told the jury that the bullet that killed Martin was “a contact shot.” Possible with a semi? Or who cares? Plenty of gun stuff to come. Meanwhile, it looks like the State’s case depends on . . .

witnesses not corroborating Zimmerman’s version of events. Bernie’s statement relied a great deal on contradicting Zimmerman’s “story” by repeatedly pointing out that “no one saw that” and “no one heard that.” A lack of evidence is evidence but it’s not always the most convincing evidence, IMHO.

The prosecution’s opening statement continued with Guy promising to attack Zimmerman’s character, portraying the defendant as a cop wanne-be who didn’t follow Neighborhood Watch protocol (as spelled out by materials presented to Zimmerman). “Don’t follow. Don’t confront. Just call and observe.”

The “p” bird eventually reared its ugly head—within the judge’s guidelines—with this: “He profiled him [Martin] as someone who wanted to commit a crime in his neighborhood.”

Guy closes with “You will know in your head, you will know in your heart and you will know in your stomach that George Zimmerman didn’t shoot Trayvon Martin because he had to. He shot him for the worst of all reasons: because he wanted to.”

Good luck with that.


    • It’s always about race. Most of us are just uncomfortable to bring it up when it’s in court.

  1. When the facts are on your side, pound on the facts.
    When the law is on your side, pound on the law.

    When neither the facts nor the law are on your side, pound on the table.

    This is what table-pounding looks like.

  2. This Colby lookalike also pointed out with disgust that the Zman had 2 flashlites! That he carried his KILL-TEC (I swear thats what he said) inside his waistband. That it was loaded with a round in the chamber!

    This is gonna be fun right up until the urban centers in America explode in race riots.

  3. Wakeup call, no matter how “gun friendly” you think your state is, a politically minded DA will throw your gun rights down the tubes in a heartbeat to suck up to the system.

    This case was pure and simple self defense under existing Florida law, but look what it has become.

    This is why gun registries, DNA databases, metadata sweeps and all the rest are the beginning of the end.

  4. Not being able to blatantly play “the race card”, the Prosecutor has to imply/inject prejudice on Zimmerman’s part into the Jury’s minds. Hopefully, they will see this is purely a self-defense case and nothing more, or less.

  5. The contact shot is actually a good thing for the defense. It was a contact shot against the sweatshirt, but an intermediate (“several inches”) shot against Martin’s body. This means the shirt was not flush against his skin, but hanging away – good evidence that Martin was on top.

    • Excellent point. Wonder if the jury is bright enough to grasp that bit of evidence, though?

  6. Seems to me he’s overplaying his hand. Opening up with a string of profanities may turn off the jurors even if Zimmerman had said that, seems a bit unprofessional to me. But if he can’t get witnesses to corroborate his claim he’s just shot himself in the foot.

  7. Does anyone own a PF9? Under ***extremely safe conditions,*** can someone confirm if a contact shot is possible with that particular pistol.

    • Per my comment above, it was not a contact shot against Martin’s body, so there is no physical impediment to cycling. If a sweatshirt alone is enough to stop the gun from shooting – its time to find another gun.

    • I can personally confirm that, as long as the business end is the only part touching something, that my PF9 will fire when pressed against a target. It is not pleasant, it will remove the hair off your knuckles, and mine experienced a stovepipe every time that I tried but, it fired each time.

      • If you’re having a lot of stovepipes or FTEs on the PF-9, consider adding a second extractor spring on top of the existing one. Solved my FTE problem perfectly. Used to be one FTE every 3 to 5 rounds (!), now magazine after magazine the rounds feed, extract, and eject flawlessly.

    • Yes, a contact shot is possible (though the Zman case isn’t a contact shot), since the barrel, slide, and frame all align at the muzzle end of the gun. The frame would thus prevent any rearward displacement of the barrel/slide.

      Now, if the pistol were tilted upward while being pressed into a target so that the slide and barrel were pushed back more than about 4mm then the trigger is disengaged and thus it can’t fire.

  8. Well, if Zimmerman gets off, be ready for the race riots to follow. I don’t know how to feel about that…or where they’ll happen. Does anyone know which African-American communities are closely tied to this case?

  9. The DA’s office knows what’ll happen if Zimmerman is acquitted. There’ll be riots. Violent, bloody riots the likes of which we haven’t seen in this country in 20 years, and all over the nation. He’s thinking “If we don’t railroad this guy into prison, I’m going to be held responsible for all that chaos and I’m going to lose my job”.

    • Then there will be lots of idiots shot in incidents of valid self defense, and the democrats would just hate that they could only get those now dead constituents to vote only once when dead versus 3 to 6 times when alive!

    • I’ll bet my bottom dollar against yours, that these “violent, bloody riots” you speak of will not happen.

      • A few demonstrations around black churches in black communities. That will be the extent of the wildly imagined “riots”.

        • Agreed. We’ll likely see a couple/few “demonstrations,” maybe a tiny bit of civil disobedience, but maybe not even that much. And that’s it. People who are expecting Watts or Rodney King (RF, I’m looking at you) are out of their minds. This case is just not that big of a deal. Even the ones who are trying to make it about race know in their heart it’s not.

        • I agree Matt, as much as some black leaders are trying to make this about race, it just doesnt fit. I doubt we will see anything beyond peaceful demonstrations.

        • Black “leaders” are making this case about money. The “community” is not going to riot.

        • Will the blacks attack the Hispanics? Will the Hispanics attack the blacks if he is found guilty (which would be a miscarriage of justice)?

  10. It seems to me that the slide on a semi-auto pressed up against a soft surface could be pushed out of battery. After clearing my DB9, I checked to see how fr out of batter the slide could be and not function. Just under 1/4 inch.

    • Veracity of this factoid requires confirmation:

      I have heard/read on more than one occasion that the forward protrusion on the guide rod on the HS2000 was a specific design feature to overcome this very problem (out-of-battery on contact shot).

      As the HS is the predecessor to the XD (technically first gen XDs are HS2000s), and subsequently the XDM, the design remains intact in current production.

      • …which, is totally irrelevant to the point you were trying to make about the DB9.

        Jeez… I need to double check context before I clickity-click.

    • The point is that the sweatshirt was hanging away from TM’s body owing to his position on top of GZ, leaning out over him, when the pistol discharged. So, ONLY the loose hanging fabric came in contact with the pistol’s muzzle. That should not knock it out of battery.

  11. “The prosecution’s opening statement continued with Guy promising to attack Zimmerman’s character, portraying the defendant as a cop wanne-be who didn’t follow Neighborhood Watch protocol (as spelled out by materials presented to Zimmerman). “Don’t follow. Don’t confront. Just call and observe.”

    When did Neighborhood Watch protocol become law? Did I slip into a coma and miss something or is this lawyer just full of $hit?

  12. “Dont follow… and observe.”

    Anyone else catch that? Can you really do one without the other?

    • You can observe without following, sometimes. So no. It doesn’t hold up the way you imagine it does.

      • True but at night how much can you see without following? I dont know how well lit his neighborhood is.

  13. I grew up in Orlando about 15 mins away from Sanford. I repoed all over FL. Sanford is a decent area to live, its between Lake Mary, which is upper class, and Altamont Springs, which is middle class. And THEN THERES 13th ST and 17-92…A REAL SHIT HOLE OF CRACK DEALERS, CRACK HEADS, and HOOKERS I repoed in this lovely area for over 18 years. And it sits right dab in the middle of Sanford. One of my repo agents got 3 9mm rounds threw his wrecker into his Kevlar vest, at 6pm in the daylight! This Trey fellow was watched pulling handles, a street code for checking to see if cars are unlocked. They have two different people that saw Trey doing this shortly before the shooting happened. If there had bin a crime actually committed, the Sherriff would have arrested Mark Z. That’s why so many people are pissed off, the asshole media made this out to be a race crime, when in fact the only crime that was committed was assault on Mark Z. They have pulled all the BULLSHIT out of there lefty man purse on this one! I like how Obama said “this could have bin one of my kids” really, BULLSHIT!! Whens the last time his kids were in crack town???? Ohhhh and when were his kids seen trying to break into cars, when they should have bin in school, or home???? This whole case is polliticly motivated BULL SHIT, why do people outside our state need to get involved on a governmental level, im sure the state of FLORIDA can handle this without any FEDERAL HELP OBAMA!!

    • When it’s made into a race issue, it becomes a race war issue. That’s the fact. The globalists want race wars; they want a culture war. Anyone who can’t fathom this is a dupe and a sheep-person.

      Pitting racial and cultural groups against one another is part of their playbook. They pit black against white, rich against poor, privileged against unprivileged. It’s the only way they can win.

      Don’t be a sucker and fall for it.

  14. Y eah, state law gave him a CCW PERMIT, which overrides that BS community watch regs, there trying to say if your part of the citizen watch program you don’t have the basic right of SELF DEFFENSE by KEEPING AND BARING ARMS!! Another attack on our Constitution!!! Makes me very mad to see this form of injustice!!

    • The people that believe a ccw permit gives them police powers probably shouldn’t have the permit or the gun.

    • My FL CCW came with a pamphlet that included the statement that having that permit did not make me “a free-lance police officer”.

    • “Baring” is not even close to being a word. “Bearing” is the word you want.
      Unless you meant “barring”. I’m not going to explain that to you; look it up.
      When you can’t use your native language, you are, in effect, handicapped. You can look up “handicapped”; I recommend it.

      Or do you advocate “keep(ing) and bar(ring) arms?

      • Uh, yes, “baring” is a word. It means, “making bare,” i.e., exposing, or brandishing. But it’s true, that’s not what 2A says.

    • Absolutely correct.

      Changes nothing in regards to the Fed objectives of granting the Black koonmutiny what they want at cost of running rough shod over one mans legal correctness.

      1 man in prison for a crime he did not commit ~ $1.5 million


      thousands of square meters of property destroyed by rampaging black gangs ~ >$1.5 million

      There are millions of white liberals out there shitting their pants & hoping the Z-man takes it for their team.

  15. “You will know in your head, you will know in your heart and you will know in your stomach that George Zimmerman didn’t shoot Trayvon Martin because he had to. He shot him for the worst of all reasons: because he wanted to.”

    Since we have no evidence – lets convict on speculation alone.

    • I believe the Attorney is engaging in “hear-say”, i’m sure that was not made patently obvious to the jury at the time though.

  16. “F”cking punks. These as”holes they always get away.”

    This is what I have always said about district attorneys.

  17. ” . . . because he wanted to.”

    If I had been sucker-punched, my nose broken, and the guy who did it was on top of me, pounding my head on the sidewalk, I just might “want to shoot him” before he kills me.

    • Yeah, but you’ll never hide in the darkness alongside skid row waiting for drunken women to fall out of the nightclubs with their knickers around their ankles ever again.

  18. HANG this “lawyer” and start fitting Zimmerman for a noose. Hispanics are soon to find out they, too, are meat for the grinder of the race and culture war the globalists have been fomenting since, well, nearly forever.

  19. This guy is going to be railroaded,if he is convicted!First off the pictures we see of Trayvon Martin are when he was younger,he had grown into a large set man,he worked out with weights,so he could be a better fighter in the fight club he belonged to,which to me shows a tendency toward violence.Next he was a drug user.It Appears that George Zimmerman is not a large man or wasn’t when the altercation took place,in the state where I reside,Mississippi,the law reads that someone can defend themselves with a firearm even if the other person is not armed,due to the other persons age,physical stature,or the person being attacked being physically disabled,I don’t know how Florida law is written but I bet it is close to the same.I think that it would be a travesty of Justice of George Zimmerman is convicted of killing what I alinjudge to be a lowlife thug,with a propensity toward violence.This is gonna be another Rodney King debacle if G.Z. Is exonerated,another sad day when we let the hoodlums run rampant in the streets looting and destroying property.Be prepared and ready.Keep your powder dry.

  20. Prosecutors don’t gloat cos u have just helped a criminal getaway with murder! Fact is-young boy followed by a fool with a gun,when told not to follow him,and decides to kill him! I hope Zimmerman never has a day of peace! U murderer! As a mum I wld make sure u rot in hell! Sad day for America!

  21. Prosecutors don’t gloat cos u have just helped a criminal getaway with murder! Fact is-young boy followed by a fool with a gun,when told not to follow him,and decides to kill him! I hope Zimmerman never has a day of peace! U murderer! As a mum I wld make sure u rot in hell! Sad day for America! Sorry I meant to say defence team!

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