UK Gun Crime Gun Laws Control

“Despite very severe anti-knife laws, Great Britain has been suffering from a surge in knife crime. Some Britons propose making the laws even harsher. Others are offering more constructive solutions to get to the root causes of the problem.

“Britain’s experience demonstrates the importance of the Second Amendment. Under the logic of the Supreme Court’s District of Columbia v. Heller decision, knives are certainly among the “arms” protected by the Second Amendment. Courts in Connecticut, Wisconsin, and Washington are among those that have recognized as much, with courts in the first two states finding that particular knife controls went too far and were unconstitutional.

“Although England’s 1689 Bill of Rights recognized the right to possess defensive arms, that right is now a dead letter, as are many of the others enumerated in that document. So today, Great Britain has trapped itself in a vicious cycle of rising crime and intensifying repression.” – David B. Kopel and Vincent Harinam in Britain’s Failed Weapons-Control Laws Show Why the Second Amendment Matters [via]


  1. “So today, Great Britain has trapped itself in a vicious cycle of rising crime and intensifying repression.” It’s not just Great Britain. It might not be supported by flawed statistics, but violent crime, at least in urban areas, has increased dramatically in the past 15-20 years. And you wouldn’t be reading TTAG if you don’t believe we are being repressed. There is no question in my mind that rising violent crime and repression go hand-in-hand, feeding off each other.

        • Not where I live.
          Where do you live? Because there is no US jurisdiction where homicide is higher today than it was 25 years ago.

          US intentional homicide rate both gun and non gun is less than half of what it was in 1993. Guns went from an estimated 275-300 million to 400 to 430 million. And the proportion of semi auto firearms within those numbers greatly increased. Also school shootings, by ether number of events or number of casualties is also DOWN.

          It is not surprising you think the numbers are up, when they are down, most Americans, due to the wall to wall media coverage think they are up when they are down.

          BTW, over 90% of US shootings are criminals shooting other criminals. If you are not a criminal your risk of being murdered in the US is actually lower than the developed nation average.

        • Not all violent crime is homicide. To your point though, violent crime on average has decreased steadily since the ’90’s. That doesn’t mean “where he lives” hasn’t gotten worse in terms of non-homicidal violent crime.

        • Perhaps he lives on the South side of Chicago. Not much points to a decreasing crime rate in those neighborhoods… Or maybe just “hoods” would be more descriptive.

        • I will say it again: “It might not be supported by flawed statistics, but violent crime, at least in urban areas, has increased dramatically in the past 15-20 years.” There are reports/statistics and there are personal, firsthand observations. 15-20 years ago you did not hear about these incidents in the sheer numbers like we do today. Some will say “reporting” has improved. Local news stations were not reporting local incidents like these? BS. I speak from first hand experience in my region of the country. Quote all the stats you want, but name a single reference that collectively and “accurately” reports all the violent crime that “should” have resulted in a defensive gun use. Saying the numbers supports a steady decline in violent crime “nationwide” doesn’t matter if you live in Chiraq (I don’t) or some other place where the bad guys didn’t get the memo. Let me put it another way. The vast majority of us that carry a weapon will NEVER have to use it in self defense. But we carry anyway. We carry because shit likes to go sideways when it is most inconvenient for us.The so called reports of “declining” crime rates will not stop me from carrying because I know it just ain’t so.

        • In the last 25 years my city has increased in population by a factor of x10. Technically, crime has increased in my city over the last 25 years…..However, people moved to my city because it was (and still is) a safe place to raise a family away from the crime ridden liberal $hit holes in the SF Bay Area. So a blank check statement like “crime has increased in my city” means nothing without context.

        • If you now hear shooting this, and stabbing that, and various and sundry violence EVERY day in your community versus next to nothing in your community just a few years back…you have an increased rate of violence. I don’t care about population growth. It. Is. Increased. Violence. Now add in the many overt attempts to disarm and restrict the innocent…

        • .The so called reports of “declining” crime rates will not stop me from carrying because I know it just ain’t so.

          You ” know it isn’t so” because you get your views spoon fed and are not using data, reason or rationality.

          Again I call bull5hit. Violent cimre where you live is HALF the rate of 25 year ago. There are no US jurisdictions with higher violent crime rates or murder rates than 25 years ago.

          and I am not asking you to stop carrying, so what is with that red herring?? I am just saying you sound like a flaming liberal with your claim it is up, when it is DOWN.

          If you now hear shooting this, and stabbing that, and various and sundry violence EVERY day in your community versus next to nothing in your community just a few years back…you have an increased rate of violence.

          No, where you live had a much higher rate 25 years ago.

        • @CC…Quote all the stats you want, but name a single reference that collectively and “accurately” reports all the violent crime that “should” have resulted in a defensive gun use.

        • Not when it comes to murder rates. And since reporting mechanisms for murder and violent crime have not changed if they are underestimates now, they were underestimates then and the trend does not change.

          And there is no statistically significant variability in murder rates vs reported rates within the US.

          Where you see statistically significant variability in reported vs actual would be suicide (because we know between 30% to 70% are erroneously misclassified as accident) and sexual assault. When it comes to murder and normal assault, robber with force and violence and other violent crime the numbers are accurate.

  2. It would be interesting to see a graph comparing the UK’s immigration policies with the rate of violent crime.

    Great Britain has trapped itself in a vicious cycle of rising crime and intensifying repression.’ – This kind of cycle usually eventually ends up with heads on pikes in the middle of Trafalgar Square.

    • That was my first thought. Rate of violence is usually not about gun laws or lack thereof, though violence is often used as a reason for gun laws. It’s about other factors. And when you import thousands of people who are antithetical to your culture, have no intention of assimilating, and are taught from birth that violence against people who do not share their religion is not only acceptable but a sacred duty…the results are predictable. Sure, the majority might be fine, law-abiding people, but that does nothing to slow down the violence.

      • Shoot, mooselims happily kill *each other*, if they’re from different sects. That should tell you how well they will “assimilate” with any other religion or atheists/agnostics, etc. Including within the US.

        • It is a history that goes back to the death of the prophet. During the debate about who would succeed as the next leader some of the smaller tribes who were not a part of the negotiations decided to return to their lands. A few weeks later they were massacred as the first apostates.

          And the first caliphate tried to wipe out Mohammed’s family not once, or twice, or three times, but FOUR times giving the family tree a good pruning on each attempt.

          And the lack of reverence for the founder continues to this day. The Saudis leveled the Prophet’s house to make a car park and turned his daughter’s house into a public toilet. Look at recent pictures of the Kabbalah and it resembles Las Vegas and Disneyland under construction.

          The reason why most Muslims don’t know this is because Saudi money buys silence and a lot of money buys a lot of silence.

    • It would be interesting to see a graph comparing the UK’s immigration policies with the rate of violent crime.

      In the US and Australia the variation is directly associated with incarceration rates. Australia homicide rate about 50% since their 1990’s peak. For a long time they associated that with decreased guns through mass confiscation. But the US saw a 60% decrease in homicide rates after ours 1990’s peak when the US increased guns. So it was not gun control.

      What both the US and Australia both did since the 1990’s was vastly increase incarceration. No one like to say it but while there are outliers of people with no criminal history, the vast majority, well over 90% of violent crime is committed by a small cohort of repeat offenders. About 2% of the population committing 90% of the violent crime In fact career criminals are also the vast majority of murder victims as well as the vast majority of perps. During periods where more of those 2%are in prison violence crime rates fall.

  3. cycle of rising crime and intensifying repression

    Which is what governments want. Cordon off 90% of the population as wageslaves who eat each other while the other 10% live high on the hog. It’s the Chi-com dream come true.

  4. Looks like it’s just temporary and is already coming back down. I’m sure this trend will continue until peace and calm is carried on.

  5. The Brits are long used to the Socialist Model of a smallish Ruling Elite and a much larger Subservient ‘Peasantry’, so “rising crime and intensifying repression” is Mother’s Milk to them. The “Great” in Great Britain is dead.
    At least they provide a fine example of what NOT to do.

  6. Getting to the “root” of the problem… What a joke. If these people have no common sense, why are we trusting them to run the rest of the governmentand the country?

  7. I love how pseudo intellectuals and the historically illiterate fail to see the rise in crime and violence is directly related to the diversification of the populace.

    Diversity + Proximity = War as it has always been.

  8. That graph looks suspicious. The sudden inflection point at 1999 suggests that either there was a “Beyond Thunderdome” societal collapse, or there was a change in definitions or methodology.

    • The scale of the chart matters. If you zoomed out until you could see the full 100k mark, it would like like a very small bump. We’re talking about a huge increase when comparing starting point to peak, but it’s still only 2% or less per capita, up from .15% per capita. The sad reality is that it just brings England into peerage with the rest of the world. GB was once an extremely polite society. That’s where the real difference lies, the starting point. Plus, the comments about diversity are not without merit. The most popular name for baby boys in England is now Muhammed, signalling a significant shift in demographics, and likely ideology.

  9. The decline and fall of the British Empire continues apace. The invading horde will increase in size as more of their relatives are brought in, and as their rape gangs sample the local girls and hand off the children to their friends and relatives. A little bit of local conversion added in, and in a few more years Sharia will be the rule in Britastan, since the native population has surrendered both their arms and their will to fight.

  10. I always point out that the right to keep and bear arms isn’t solely about guns. Everyone likes to think it’s just about firearms. Americans can own and carry a sword, knife, bow, gun, taser, baton, etc.

    • Not in every State, Locality…check your residence area’s Laws on edged weapons, bows and electric or chemical defensive devices before you go parading around in Public.

      • That shouldn’t have to be said, but America no longer follows their laws and decides to create contradictory laws to suppress liberty. So of course you have to now check your local laws for everything because you no longer have liberty only freedom until they decide to take that too.

  11. if you don’t defend your culture, religion, and rights you won’t have them any longer. The UK is a classic example as is most of Europe. It doesn’t mean anything to be Dutch, or British or German these days. Religion is all but gone. And their rights are subjected to the whims of bureaucrats in Belgium.

    It was well on the way here too. We were looking at a North American Union which would have melted Canada, The US, and Mexico into one country with the smaller ones in Central America to follow. We stopped much of it by electing Trump but they are just waiting him out.

    The southwest of the US will be blue, spanish speaking, and lawless in a few years. We’ll reminisce on the good old days.

  12. Well that is what happens when you give slaps on the wrists… when there are no consequential deterrents.

    Spolier alert: When nothing bad will happen, people do bad things.

  13. Britian is an Islamic shithole. They will soon outlaw everything including hammers. Crime will continue unabated because it is an Islamic shithole.

  14. Concerning the actions or antics, take your pick, of the British government and this country, history speaks, at some length, about some hostilities aka The American Revolution.

  15. It’s very simple to figure out which cities have experienced an increase in violent crime:

    #1. They are run by Democrat mayors
    #2. They have the most repressive gun restrictions in the nation

    Any questions?

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