Fusion ammo is sponsoring Brock Lesnar‘s July 3 bout against Shane Carwin at UFC 116 at the MGM Grand Las Vegas. When I called the ammo company’s PR maven and asked if I could interview Mr. Lesnar about his hunting prowess, the spinmeister barely suppressed a derisory snort (nothing to do with cocaine). Still, Tim Brandt swears up, down and sideway that Lesnar hunts whitetail deer for fun. You gonna call Lesnar a liar? You gonna suggest that someone else shot that buck? Besides, these shots (more after the jump) have the look of authenticity. Or did I miss something?
Brock grew up in northeastern South Dakota. That area of the country is a very rural area where the tradition of hunting is very commonplace. I have no doubt that Brock grew up and is still an avid hunter.
Hunting is fun. Getting paid to go hunting would be great fun!