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Bully! Teddy Roosevelt’s Smith & Wesson No.3 Revolver Sold at Auction for Over $910,000

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From Rock Island Auction . . .

Former President Theodore Roosevelt’s Smith & Wesson New Model No. 3 Single Action Revolver sold for $910,625 during the first day of Rock Island Auction Company’s (RIAC) December Premier Auction. The second headliner, a 2nd Model Burnside Civil War carbine presented by President Lincoln to Kentucky statesman John Jordan Crittenden for his role in keeping Kentucky and the border states in the Union, sold for $105,750. 

In total, the December Premier Auction realized $18.3 million in revenue, further positioning the company as the No. 1 firearms auction house in the world. The December Premier Auction ran from Friday, Dec. 9 through Sunday, Dec. 11.  

Teddy Roosevelt Smith & Wesson No. 3 Revolver

“Firearms with presidential ties are highly sought after and extremely difficult to find,” said Kevin Hogan, Rock Island Auction Company President. “Being tied to such an important office frequently places these arms at historic moments in American history. We’ve had the responsibility of offering three presidential arms in 2022, which is unheard of, but it never ceases to be something special.” 

Teddy Roosevelt Smith & Wesson No. 3 Revolver

Documentation shows the revolver was shipped to Lt. Colonel Theodore Roosevelt on May 12, 1898, the same day he departed for San Antonio to train the famed Rough Riders.  Roosevelt’s Smith & Wesson New Model No. 3 revolver is chambered in a .38 Long Colt, the U.S. service cartridge at the time, but scarcely seen in this particular model.  

The 16th president of the United States, Abraham Lincoln, presented Kentucky Statesman John J. Crittenden with the historic Burnside carbine that was manufactured from 1861 to the early part of 1862. Lincoln’s most historic civil war era gun was accompanied by a mahogany trunk and Crittenden memoirs.  

The December Premier Auction showcased thousands of incredibly rare and historic firearms. Additional highlights from the December Premier Auction include the sale of:   

Philip R. Goodwin’s painting “Honest Woods,” ($76,375)  

General Sickles Excelsior Brigade Sword | Rock Island Auction ($88,125)  

Engraved Cased Colt Model 1877 Lightning Double Action Revolver ($323,125)  

For more information on Rock Island Auction Company and other highlights from their December Premier Auction, visit www.rockislandauction.com.   

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