Home » Blogs » Buy an 80% Pistol Frame, Kit, or Lower Now…While You Still Can

Buy an 80% Pistol Frame, Kit, or Lower Now…While You Still Can

Dan Zimmerman - comments No comments

Is it really necessary to explain why at this point? Our friends at Brownells have these — lots of these — in stock. You can buy an 80% pistol frame, or AR lower and have it shipped directly to your door, along with the jig kit you’ll need to finish it. No permission slip required.

GLOCK frame for GLOCK 19/23/32 With Jig Kit

Polymer80 frame and jig

The PF940Cv1 is Polymer80’s next generation of polymer 80% frames for Glock® handguns, bringing improved ergonomics, features and looks to the popular Polymer80 frames.

The PF940Cv1 allows Glock® 19, 23 & 32 owners to create a customized handgun, exactly suited for any application. Available in three configurations: standard PF940Cv1 with textured grips. PF940Cv1-ReadyMod with blank grips for custom stippling – the customization possibilities are endless. PF940Cv1-BE is available ONLY at Brownells and comes with aggressively textured grips that will give you a firm hold on your pistol under any conditions.

  • Compatible with Gen3 Glock® Components. Not Compatible with Gen4
  • Improved next generation ergonomics make for a great shooting pistol
  • High strength reinforced polymer construction provides a great basis for a reliable & durable gun
  • Aggressive texture on the PF940Cv1 ensures positive retention
  • Picatinny rail is compatible with all standard lights, lasers & accessories
  • Stainless steel locking block ensures positive operation & a lifetime of use
  • Stainless steel drop-in rear rail module interfaces with the slide and holds up to hard abuse
  • Hardened front and rear rail system pins ensure slide/rail/frame interface is rock solid
  • Includes complete finishing jig
  • Jig kit includes drill bits, but NO end mill

The 80% frame features are carried over from the original Polymer80 frames, making your build incredibly straightforward to complete. New grip profiling and improved overall design, make this not only an easier frame to operate and shoot, but looks great mounted to your favorite slide.

The PF940Cv1 is compatible with Glock® 19/23/32 frame components.   $149.99

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AR-15 80% Lower with Jig Kit

Polymer80 80% lower ar-15

The Polymer80 80% lower receiver kit contains everything you need to start your next build. Lower receiver is constructed from a single block of proprietary polymer composite with a solid core design, stiffened magwell and beefier buffer tube housing. These lower receivers are 80% finished and require final milling of the fire control group, trigger pin, hammer pin, trigger slot, and safety selector.

The included jig system provides an insert for trigger hole drilling, and also includes the necessary drill bits plus end mill bit to finish your lower. Because the receiver is incomplete, an FFL is not required for purchase.  – $68.99

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0 thoughts on “Buy an 80% Pistol Frame, Kit, or Lower Now…While You Still Can”

  1. I’m interested in the Glock 80% kit, but not sure just what all it includes and what else I’ll need to buy to complete the gun. Please tell me what else I’ll need. Thanks.

    • Jerre Peak,

      Additional items that you need to purchase to assemble a functional firearm:

      1) Barrel, slide, guide-rod/recoil-spring.

      2) Hardware kit with trigger and connector, slide and magazine releases, springs, retention pins.

      3) Magazines.

      A barrel and slide will be pricey, on the order of $250 (rough estimate). Guide-rod and recoil spring are inexpensive at $10 or less. The hardware kit may cost anywhere from about $60 to $120 depending on who makes it and who distributes/sells it.

      Thus, your total cost to make your own functional handgun is about $500 give-or-take, which just happens to be about the same price as purchasing a completed handgun. And that price does not include magazines which cost about $16 each for Magpul magazines which are compatible with Generation 3 Glock handguns as far as I know. Factory Glock magazines are even more expensive, about $25 each.

      As you can probably tell, this avenue is not about saving money. Rather, making your own functional handgun from an 80% receiver is about the hobby/satisfaction of making your own functional firearm — which incidentally has no serial number and is unknown to state and federal governments (to the extent that you trust state/local governments are NOT monitoring Internet activity to firearm parts distributors and credit card companies — which I most certainly DO NOT).

  2. … and the ATF raids companies for their customer lists, and we all get knocks on the door at 2 a.m., and the jackboots kick in the door and shoot our dogs.

  3. I doubt 80 kits will have the same value boost as AR’s and mags did during the AWB and if the feebs are actively looking for things to confiscate instead of Anne Franking your 80 build you should be setting ambushes with your neighbors.

    • After buying your lower, send the same amount of money to Donald J. Trump at his Save America PAC. The Save America PAC has only taken in $86,000,000.00 and needs more. Donald J. Trump will use the money as he sees fit. Per Donald J. Trump do not send any money to the RNC. If you see the RNC use his likeness in soliciting for funds tell the Save America PAC and they will die. As Donald J. Trump said last week, the capital police welcomed the Trump supporters with hugs and kisses. That is what really happened. Support the Save America PAC.

  4. I’m tempted to ask 80% to make a AR-lower sized unmachined block of plastic and sell it as a 0% lower, just to test whatever regulation the ATF comes up with.

    • Always have always will, and now we can do it with a mask on.
      Itd be great if we could also run anonymous nics numbers, I’ve turned down some gunm purchases because I thought they might be hot. And I’ve done went through that, the seller gets jail and the cops get the gunm and you dont get your money back.

  5. Hurry up now and use your personal cc to buy directly from polymer 80 so that the AFT can pay you an unannounced visit and snoop around your house with a rubber stamp warrant. No need to pay the vet to euthanize Rover, the AFT will shoot him for free….

    🤡 🌎

  6. I have an 80% pistol all ready to drill with mags and slide kit. If prices do start to rise, I’m selling instead of building.

  7. I’ll just buy the finished product. Which will be zero until I can walk in Walmart and buy bullets.
    Kinda sad when you’ve got more booze then the liquor store.

    • I’ve got more ammo and ammo variety than the closet Cabela’s. Went there last week to check what they had…all was regulated to a small wheeled shelving unit behind the gun counter.

  8. Pretty much looking for ammo now…and a sling for my AR. Several gunshops were sold out of “decent” slings & only had Walmart quality crap. Go figure. As mentioned I’m not buying online to get on a “list”.

        • Agreed. The only folks not on the radar are the mountain man wilderness types, but then they go and sign up for reality tv shows. 🙄

        • True. Everyone is now on the list. Those of us commenting here are certainly on the list. I’m sure there are multiple lists and some people are nearer the top of the list.

          Still, I wouldn’t buy an 80% lower online or with a credit card. I’m not really interested in 80% lowers anyway.

        • If I’m on a list its somthing I said( this phone ain’t mine) and not what can be proven Ive bought.
          Has anyone wondered why grandma couldn’t get a free government landline?
          Cell phones they give away, everybody gets a cell phone.

  9. I am quite ignorant about building AR’s; I do own two completed ones. Just how much work is needed to complete a rifle once you have purchased an 80% lower? Do I need special tools/drills/etc.?

    thanks for enlightening me


    • Bill,

      The short answer is that you typically need a mill or router to remove bulk material from an 80% lower and then you also need a drill to drill holes in an 80% lower receiver. Beyond that, all you would need are simple/basic tools (e.g. pliers, screwdriver) in most cases which almost everyone already has.

      Note: if you are attempting an AR-15 build, then you will also need a special AR-15 “wrench” to complete an AR-15 build. That special “wrench” has specific shapes/features for the specialized nuts and fastening rings on AR-15s. (Think of that wrench as the AR-15 equivalent of an oil-filter “wrench” or home water supply particle filter “wrench”.)

      • If I am not mistaken, people call that special AR-15 “wrench” an AR-15 armorer’s tool. They cost around $20 or thereabouts.

  10. This article and advice illustrates everything that is wrong with the typical gun owner and gun writer.

    Advising people to hurry up and buy guns that may be outlawed in the future, or ammo which, historically, has always come back down in price after the panic subsides.

    But what’s even worse is advising people to react to and comply with every new gun law or threatened gun law. Yet these same gun owners and writers claim to be the vanguard of revolutionary spirit and resistance to government authority.

    What a joke.


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