Quad Rail Bushmaster AR-15 Superlite with PMAG (courtesy gkpreview.blogspot.com)

You see how that works? ktla.comĀ reports thatĀ Fontana CA cops get AR-15s with which to defend the schools and a nice cushy assignment (until, admittedly, it isn’t). And the civilian disarmament folks get an excuse NOT to “allow” law abiding Americans to exercise their Constitutionally protected right to keep and bear arms within 1000 feet of a school. ‘Cause it’s OK for cops to carry handguns (and have access to ARs) around kids but not parents, teachers, administrators. They can’t handle the truth. I mean, the “firepower.” Strangely enough, the Golden State antis are so rabid they don’t recognize a gift when they get one. Thankfully.

(The video is set to auto play, so I moved it below the break)


    • Right? What the hell is this nonsense.

      I mean… High powered? 5.56 is an intermediate cartridge.
      Police carry one of these in their patrol cars now. They’re all over the place.
      “designed for long range” – Excuse me sister, thats a 16in BBL. most likely 1:7 or 1:9 twist. 60-73gr rifle. There is NOTHING on that gun designed for “long range.”
      Special ops use semi automatic rifles now. Hmm… That sound legit.

      Cool story bro…

  1. “High caliber rifles” – Lmao

    From a news article:

    “Police officers in the Fontana Unified School District were armed recently with semiautomatic rifles, drawing sharp criticism and sparking an effort to ban such weapons on school campuses.

    The Colt military-style rifles, which cost about $1,000 each, are kept in safes when officers are on campus and will be used only in “extreme emergency cases” like the massacre in Newtown, Conn., Supt. Cali Olsen-Binks said.”

    “Garcia, whose son attends Fontana High School, said she is working with local state legislators to draft a bill that would keep school police departments from taking these types of weapons onto campuses.

    “We’re turning our schools into a militarized zone,” she said.”


  2. There are only 14 schools in California? That would explain quite a bit. Seems like Californians think proximity to anything they don’t like will give them cancer…oh wait, in California everything does give you cancer according to their labels.

    Having high-profile security may help by way of deterrence, but in reality an intruder just needs to evade or target that high-profile security member for the same results. Putting your eggs in one basket isn’t the best choice, or more accurately spreading all your eggs on the highway and saying “don’t do it”. Some schools have faculty members that would carry if permitted and carry outside school (gasp, they have guns already), and others seem to have an interest, as shown by teacher training programs springing up. If you want to save lives immediate response is required, not just proximity.

    I do find it rather humorous that when law enforcement wants enhanced security they turn to an AR-15, but “no one needs an AR for defense”.

  3. There are only 14 schools in California? That would explain quite a bit, but I jest. Seems like Californians think proximity to anything they don’t like will give them cancer…oh wait, in California everything does give you cancer according to their labels.

    Having high-profile security may help by way of deterrence, but in reality an intruder just needs to evade or target that high-profile security member for the same results. Putting your eggs in one basket isn’t the best choice, or more accurately spreading all your eggs on the highway and saying “don’t do it”. Some schools have faculty members that would carry if permitted and carry outside school (gasp, they have guns already), and others seem to have an interest, as shown by teacher training programs springing up. If you want to save lives immediate response is required, not just proximity.

    I do find it rather humorous that when law enforcement wants enhanced security they turn to an AR-15, but “no one needs an AR for defense”.

  4. Guns are too scary to be in schools. Much better to let those politicians scribble their magic words on a piece of paper, keeping those evil guns away.

  5. And they are afraid of kids getting scared with a security guard with a holstered Glock or Beretta on them. But a cop walking around with ARs is ok? What hypocrites and idiots Kaliforian politicians are.

    • The problem is that many of them aren’t really ok with this, either — they were kept out of the loop for reasons now obvious. The LEOs came up with a reasonable solution, worked with the schools to finalize the plan, and now the anti-gun hysterical types are all “OMGWTFBBQ guns are eeeevil all of our kids are gonna die the first time they see an AR on campus!!1!!1!”

  6. There were so many errors in the news presenters’ that I find it hard to believe these folks can dress themselves every day.

    By the way, this video is doing some strange things like playing the ad and the news audio at the same time.

  7. I have been told repeatedly that the only purpose for an AR is to kill as many people as possible in as short a time as possible, so what gives?

    • AR-15: For when you absolutely have to kill every motherfracker in the room. Accept no substitute.

      Pretty sure I butchered the quote, but I’ve never actually seen the movie.

    • Don’t worry, these “assault weapons” have been “modified” to protect children. They will instantly revert to “assault weapons” once they leave government hands, though. Better lock them up tight so John Q. Public can never have them.

  8. ‘The district bought 14 Colt rifles valued at $1,000 each. The weapons are designed to provide accuracy over long distances.’

    Wait, I thought these weapons are designed for mass killing?

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