“Senate President Pro Tem Darrell Steinberg said he was shocked and sickened by the allegations brought against a member of his caucus Wednesday, saying Sen. Leland Yee has until Friday to resign from office or face certain suspension.” Looks like California’s legislators have as much regard for the principle of “innocent until proven guilty” as they do for Second Amendment rights . . .
But when you’ve shined as bright a spotlight on the corrupt nature of Golden State politics — and damaged the cause of rolling back gun rights — as Yee has, the fierce moral urgency for change, to coin a phrase, tends to rule the day.
Yee’s apparently seen the writing on the wall, though. He’s officially withdrawn from the Secretary of State race. Apparently he determined that listing “alleged gun runner” on his campaign flyers as one of his accomplishments during his time as senator wouldn’t impress as many L.A. and San Francisco voters as he’d hoped.
Fortunately at least one California pol still sets a good example. “‘It is our good fortune that the leader of this house is exemplary, a pillar of integrity,’ (Mark) Leno said. ‘Darrell Steinberg sets a tone and we all respond to that.'” I know I feel better. You?
“Innocent until proven guilty” doesn’t apply here. The criminal justice system has to wait until a guilty plea or verdict, but others can make up their mind and act without waiting for that.
Suspended, not kicked out of office. Given the charges, that seems reasonable.
This is horrible, how will the California Democrats ever find a suitable replacement? Theres a serious lack of corrupt hypocritical serial lying anti RKBA communist pervert candidates for them to choose from. And the poor subjects, err, citizens, suffering from this unfortunate gap in political leadership.
Theres a serious lack of corrupt hypocritical serial lying anti RKBA communist pervert candidates for them to choose from.
We ARE talking about California. Worse comes to worse they can tap Hollywood.
So, when can we expect Mr Steinberg to take a ride courtesy the FBI?
If Californias Democrats are anything like their Chicago counterparts, the paper shredders must be running around the clock by now.
Louisville, KY. Fineman owes me $50K.
He’s gulity and everybody knows it. But don’t be surprised if Lee starts naming names of high ranking officials an order to shorten his prison time.
He’s a Party man through and through. I’ll bet he was squealing like a loose fanbelt in the car going downtown.
How cool would it be if his “Arms Dealer Connection” was Sen. Dianne Feinstein. What a story could be made here!!
Naaaw. Pelosi.
No, I dont think either Pelosi or DiFi is not hurting for money
– both husbands have made quite a bit of money- DiFi’s husband got the no bid contract for the high speed rail construction, and I would be very surprised they have to scrabble around trading influence for as little as $5000 here or $10,000 there.
No, the trail lies in the connections from overseas via SF and Sacramento to who is pulling strings and giving the REALLY big money higher up in the Dem Party, nationally.
I am dying to send you something on email, I have been chasing you all over the board today.
Let me know if you can/are willing to email me.
Eric’s “Justice” Dept. would come to this man’s rescue – if Mr. Witaschek were black. Or “transgender.” This is not a racist statement, just Holder’s standard M.O.
“Framed by the NRA”
“Shocked and sickened”? Where have I heard that before?
“I am shocked, SHOCKED to find that there is GAMBLING going on here!”
“Your winnings, sir”
“Oh, thank you very much.”
Hah! NICE image.
That picture is supposed to be a joke, right? That is NOT Leland Yee. That is some little “Obama voter”
Are you sure the judge’s last name is spelled correctly? Should be “Moron?”
I played a Vampire: The Masquerade chronicle once where this kind of story could have fit in nicely.
i’ll be honest, i’m a youngin who’s ignorant of what the “good ol’ days” were like in the u.s. of a. that having been said, something tells me that this country was probably a lot less orwellian not too long ago.
any old timers care to take a stroll down memory lane and chime in on this uncanny feeling of mine?
Orwell was writing in 1949 of a distant, dystopian future. If he wrote the same book today, it would be a travel guide.
How do you know when a politician is lying ? Their lips are moving. Yeah its an old joke but true is still true.
At least he used ONE copy of Obamacare as a target, rather than 500 copies of the Constitution that it would have taken to equal that thickness of paper.
When a politician starts trying to shoot holes in my natural, civil and Constitutionally protected rights, that’s when I start getting angry.
Simple things amuse simple minds.
Ralph gets all five and the Powerball!!!
It’s not the Ghost Guns. It’s not the Shoulder Thing That Goes Up.
It’s not the guns at all, it’s us.
They hate us, because we get their legislation stopped.
They want our guns melted, but they also want us in jail.
I don’t see the reason for treating such people with kid gloves.
I think “Creepy” is definitely the right way to describe what Facebook has become. It’s a weird mix of exhibitionists and voyeurs that either don’t know or don’t care that their uniquely identifiable personal information is being monitored, stored and ultimately “monetized” through advertising, market research, pre-employment background checks, etc.
SD9VE is an Excellent Pistol for the money and More……
Other news sites are reporting that Yee was running guns to Islamic rebels in the Phillipines. Have no idea if this is true, but if it is, the guy was literally arming terrorists.
A good way to get yourself to carry al the time, is to get a small NAA 22 revolver, mag, or regular L.R.
I have mine in my pocket ALL the time. 24/7.
I only carry my 38 special when I go to town, but my little magnum is with me all the time.
Holy cow … they released him on only $5,000 bail?!?!?!? I have $100 says he will leave the country never to be seen again.
After Newtown, I searched for a gun forum that wasn’t full of poorly educated dullards. I found the Liberal Gun Club and noticed a fellow veteran was a member. I joined up and had quite an experience. But after a few weeks, I decided to go back. Far too many posts starting with things like “As a life long communists”, it was too much. The best part was the LGC people that have been banned from Daily KOS for being pro-2A. It was an interesting time but I’m sure that will be lost on people that use “liberal” as a slur.
Agree with B. Assuming the girl is a minor, and this is probably a valid assumption as the grandparents had custody, the father is attempting to kidnap her. Note that the father lives in NC, Rock Hill, SC is very near the NC border, father was likely about to transport a non-custodial minor across state lines. The grandparents are allowed to use deadly force to prevent such kidnapping and a vehicle is considered an weapon that may be used to administer deadly force.
As far as the firearms goes, SC law states that any person who may legally posses a handgun may do so in a vehicle as long as it is placed in a closed glove box, closed console, or closed container with an integral fastener placed in the luggage compartment of the vehicle. The newspaper article states that the grandfather took “something” out of his console (don’t think it was his registration!) and approached the other vehicle. By SC law, he is allowed to use a weapon to stop a felony. I’m not seeing a violation of SC law here. Speculating, as the kidnapper father apparently ran off and the police were approaching, the grandfather placed the handgun back in his vehicle but may not have secured it properly. If this is what caused the weapons charge, I call BS also. I’m thinking that the cops were so befuddled by the situation that they went into full retard and arrested and charged the only guy present that admitted to taking any action.
Note to Vhyrus: SC law does NOT require a locked container of any kind. Only has to be closed, implying a lid possibly and an integral fastener, no lock required.
I fail to see how the explosion means you can’t have nice thinks. Four idiots managed to find an unexploded rocket, they toyed with it and it, well, exploded. And I’m a Czech and I haven’t heard a single word about this being a reason to limit our gun rights.
And while our gun laws leave something to be desired, we do have shall-issue CCL, school carry is legal and you can obtain a machinegun permit around here (those are not shall-issue but not unavailable, and military surplus machineguns can be bought for as little as $400).
The only recent problem with surplus equipment around here is newly-passed stupid safe storage laws. Because an old Willys Jeep or an ex-wehrmacht motorcycle is now (legally) military material and has to be stored as such. So you’re not allowed to simply park that veteran Jeep in front of a pub, some terrorist could steal it so somebody has to guard it. At least the public opinion is that this is a stupid mistake and a stupid change.
Outdoors carry ALL the time when out mushrooming, hiking, target shooting.
Here kitty, kitty, kitty
Living in North Idaho & having the Spokane paper as one of our dailies, you more or less get used to ignoring both Vestal & brother columnist Dave Oliviera as their stock in trade is all things liberal. Their credibility left the station without them years ago….statists to the core.
“Yes, other things can kill you – cars, household accidents, etc. — but unlike a gun, none of those things is designed to kill. A gun is.”
This is a favorite of the antis. How about a list of other things that ARE designed to kill:
Rat poison
Hunting knives
Can anyone think of any others?
Note that not a single one of these other items that are designed to kill are regulated in any way similar to firearms.
He seems to ignore his brother the Colonel wants a Yank next to him in the trench…where the hell does he think that Yank learned to use that gun in his hand? Civilian gun ownership is the sole source of quality military shooters. Britain got their butts kicked in the Boer war simply because their conscripts lacked, among other things, decent skills with a firearm and so the Boy Scouts was created to fill that gap. WW2 could not be won by today’s crop of unqualified Brits…if he believes guns belong only in the military, may as well dismantle the British military entirely.
Anyone else interested in starting a legal defense fund for “Shrimp Boy”, assuming he is willing and able to legitimately (and publicly) name names of anti gun dems who he was involved with? (Here’s hoping DiFi is among them).
This way Obama’s mistress (Kamala H) won’t be able to cover the whole thing up.
Yea not likely, but would be a great way to smack the Cali democrits around a little and maybe weaken their position if only a small amount.